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Reading- Week 1
Proverbs 1
What this chapter 1 taught me about
how we should live, it tells my heart that
we should follow the way of wisdom, we
should be wise people who honor God,
sometimes we are disobedient and refuse
to obey God but we should always obey
him because it can bring consequences
not obeying him, I learned that if we are
not wise people, people can easily hurt
us, it tells me that God wants us to learn
from his wisdom but we must always be
with God and allow him to enter our
lives so God will give us his help. I learned
that wisdom begins when we respect
God, being a wise person will improve
our lives.
Proverbs 2
About what I read it tells my
heart that we must seek wisdom,
we must respect God so he will
give us his wisdom, I learned that
God always takes care of us and
cares for us, we must follow God's
wisdom and walk the right path,
in our life we must choose the
right path that leads us to the
light and not to darkness, it
teaches me that sometimes in life
we make wrong decisions that
tempt our lives, we must always
follow God.
Proverbs 3
About what I read it teaches me that we
should always follow the commandments
that the Lord has left us, wisdom should
guide our thoughts, if we have wisdom in
our lives our actions will be safe, I learned
that trust and love should direct our lives,
they should always be in our heart, love
and trust should be part of our life and
apply them in the right way. It tells me that
we should always trust God with all our
heart because he will never fail us, because
he is always with us, we should always ask
God to guide us on the path of good and
not trust in our own ideas but trust in him.
He taught me that we should not be bad
people, we should always help people in
Proverbs 4
From what I read I learned that the
father teaches us a great lesson of life,
wisdom is a great gift that our father
has left us because wisdom is better
than everything else, we must be wise
because wisdom will guide us on the
right path. We must be people who
trust in God so we will become strong
and good people. It taught me that we
are not bad people only that
sometimes we turn away from God, we
should always go back to God and be
good people, something important that
I learned is that wisdom leads us to
Proverbs 5

About what I read it tells me that

we should obey God and not do
bad things, because doing bad
things offends God and could
hurt the people around us, it tells
my heart that we should trust
God to build our lives in his way, I
learned that we should not
depend on our emotions and we
should use strength wisely, we
should always have God in our
Proverbs 6 About what I read it taught me that
sometimes in our lives we want to do things
right and correct but doing things right can
sometimes fail, the decisions we make can be
traps we must be careful with what we do
and think, sometimes we do bad things that
bother God and sometimes we ask God to
forgive us and he will listen to us, God is the
only one who can help us to control our
behavior, he taught me that we must be
humble people and ask God to forgive us
and to deliver us from all evil. We should
always take care of our family and work to
help other people. God is the only one who
knows our thoughts. We should all love and
respect each other as the brothers that we
are, what it says to my heart is that we
should always have wisdom in our hearts
and live in a wise way.

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