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Introduction to World Religion and Belief Systems • Of the approximately 20 million followers,

Module for GAS-11 by Kathlene Jao, J.D (On-Going) about 30,000 of them are believed to life in the
US, predominantly in the western half of the
Taoism in General country.
• Tao is pronounced as DAO Holy Books and Important Texts
• Taoism refers to the school of thought that • Tao te Ching- “Morality Scripture” a collection
focuses on the significance of the Dao, most of stories and poems written by Lao Tze. The
commonly translated as “The Way”.  book explains the way of the Tao, and how to
• It is the combination of the early philosophical properly live.
version of Taoism and its later developments as • Chuan Tzu- written by Chuang Tzu or Zhang zi
a religion (same person) is a collection of primary Taoist
• Taoism, along with Confucianism & Buddhism, doctrines. It includes the Wu-wei which talks
has been very influential in China. • Taoism about how to be in harmony with the Tao.
originated with Lao Tzu (604 BC) Legendary • Lie Zi- written by Lie Yukou who was believed
figure Contemporary of Confucius Lao Tzu to be a hundred schools of thought philosopher.
means “the Old Boy” or “the Grand Old Master”
– not his real name!
• Early references to Lau Tzu: The Zuangzi (late
4th century BC) The Shiji (Historical Records)
by Sima Qian (145-189 BC) (called Ssu-ma
Ch’ien in Smith book)
Lao Tzu
• Laozi was a native of Quren, a village in the
district of Hu in the state of Chu, which
corresponds to the modern Luyi in the eastern The Philosophy of Tao
part of Henan province. 
• Tao is both the ultimate source and principle of
• He was the keeper of the archives in the Chu order in the universe.
• Tao has two components, yin and yang.
• When he grew old he decided to leave China,
• Taoism regards moral values as relative and
however, the gatekeeper of the Great Wall asked
avoids absolute moral judgments.
him to put his thoughts into paper.
• Taoism literature says nothing about the afterlife
• He was alleged to be the author of Daodejing or
and depicts death as one of nature’s
the Classic of Dao
transformations from one state to another.
Symbols of Taoism
• Humans are part of the grand harmony of nature
Taoism had many different symbols, both derived from and to live in accord with the Tao is the only
everyday items surrounding them and also other new way to thrive.
formed symbols that originated based on their ideals.
Major Beliefs
• The Yin-Yang is the infamous symbol of the
End Times Story
Taoists that represents the main ideals of their
philosophy involving balance of weakness (yin) • The Taoists did not actually believe in the end of
and strength (yang). time, they did agree with the fact of death as a
natural part of life (did not have significance on
• Mountains are another important symbol of the
their way of living)
Taoists, depicted in their art forms, that
represents the land of the immortals and retreat • They did not believe in an afterlife, but instead
from the negative. that death was the “ultimate end”.
• Another sacred symbol of the Taoists was the Purpose of Life
tortoise which represented immorality in their
philosophy. • Taoists believed that if human nature was
aligned perfectly with the rest of nature, the
• The Yang, strength, is not only represented by result would be both harmony and order. When
the Yin-Yang symbol but also a dragon. people deviate from the natural order, they are
only bringing destruction upon themselves. The
Number of Followers
only way to encourage natural behavior is by
• While it is difficult to get an exact number of using a model leader. A model emperor once
followers modern day, reliable data bases point said, “He who governs his body, governs the
towards approximately 20 million modern day country”. Basically you exist to become one
followers spread throughout the globe. with nature.
• Confucius was a teacher, and so the Analects
primarily consists of guidance on what to do in
Yin and Yang order to become a good individual and to
Yin is negative, dark, and feminine, Yang positive, harness an orderly society.
bright, and masculine. Their interaction is thought to • Confucianism is often thought of as a system for
maintain the harmony of the universe and to influence the regulation of social groups, but it is also a
everything within it. system for the transformation of the individual
• Confucius values individuals and understands
them as interwoven with many people.

Traits of Yin and Yang

 Negative
 Passive
 Feminine 5 human relationships under Confucianism

 Earthly Parents-Children. Parents should love and care

for their children. Children should respect and
Yang obey their parents. The children’s respect and
devotion for their parents is often called “filial
 Positive
 Active
Ruler-Subjects. A ruler should care for the
 Masculine people he governs. The people he rules (the
subjects) should obey a ruler who takes care of
 Heavenly
Virtues in Taoism
Older brothers-Younger brothers. Older
• Wu-Wei = primary virtue and means “non- brothers should care for younger brothers.
action.” To practice wu-wei is to be so Younger brothers should respect and obey older
perfectly in harmony with nature that its energy brothers.
infuses and empowers the individual.
Husband-Wife. Married people should live in
• Humility and noncompetition harmony. A wife should obey her husband.
• Naturalness and naturalism Friend-Friend. Friends should trust each other
• Nonaggression and passive rule and treat each other well.

Three Treasures of Taoism Virtues of Confucianism

Arthur Waley describes these Three Treasures as, "The 1. Ren. Before Confucius, ren would usually refer
three rules that formed the practical, political side of the to kindness or benevolence, and until now, some
author's teaching scholars translate ren as “goodness” or
“benevolence.” However, Confucius considered
(1) abstention from aggressive war and capital
punishment, this the cardinal virtue, because ren represents
the “perfections of what it means to be human”
(2) absolute simplicity of living, Thus, most translations use ren as “humanity” or
(3) refusal to assert active authority." “humaneness”, also understood as consideration
for others.
2. Hsiao. But what exactly does it mean to be
Three Treasures of Taoism good, to be benevolent, or to be humane?
1. compassion, tenderness, love, mercy, kindness, Confucius said: it is to “love others” or to “care
gentleness for others” (Analects 12:22). This love for others
2. moderation, simplicity, frugality has its starting point in another important virtue
3. humility, modesty for Confucianism: hsiao or filial piety. Since the
love for parents is innate, “might we not say that
filial piety and respect for elders constitute the
Confucianism – Beliefs, Practices, and Values root of benevolence?” (Analects 1:2). Hsiao is
not only about one’s parents and siblings, but
also about respect for elders, and veneration for
one’s ancestors (Molloy 236).
3. Shu. In shu or reciprocity, we see a practical
advice on ren; that which you want to realize for
yourself, you must also help others realize for
themselves (Analects 6:30). A famous
reformulation of this is the golden rule: Do not
do unto others what you do not want to be done
unto you (Analects 15:24).

4. Li. Li or “proprietary” is used to refer only to

observing rituals of sacrifice to ancestors
properly. But Confucius extended its meaning to
the proper behavior called for in every situation
(Adler 33). In short, li is putting ren into practice
( Molloy 234). This is why proper behavior is
useless without benevolence: “A man who is not
benevolent, what has he to do with ritual? “

Activity #1 (To be Submitted on March 23, 2022)

Confucianism believes in ancestor worship and

human-centered virtues for living a peaceful life. The
golden rule of Confucianism is “Do not do unto
others what you would not want others to do unto
In what instances may you apply this without
suppressing your urge to get revenge? (5-10 sentences
NOTE: For modular students, just write this on any
kind of paper and submit by taking a picture and send
it to my messenger account.
For Non-Modular Students, please refer to your
google classroom.

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