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Aprendiendo con amor para servir

NAME: Axel David Yanza Díaz.
DATE: 12/10/2021
COURSE: 10mo “A”

American Football and Rugby

1. Listen to two sport experts talking about football and rugby and organize your notes in the Venn
Diagram below. Write the things that the two sports have in common in the middle.

Both football
American Football and rugby Rugby
• It is a sport that is played between two
• In soccer, there are eleven • Both sports teams of 15 players each.
players per team. involve • It is played on a rectangular field and the
• In American football, every contact. players take an oval ball to the opposite
player wear chest and shoulder site.
protectors, a mouse guard, a • In rugby, players only use modest pats
helmet and upper leg padding. on the shoulders, head and collarbone,
• The game is divided into four and the only requirement is a mouse
periods of 15 minutes each. guard.
• American football is played • It is played in two halves of 40 minutes
only in the US. each and a ten-minute intermission.
• Rugby is practiced all over the world.

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