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Storytelling Workbook for a Demo

Structured Approach
After having watched the modules on ’Storytelling’ you can now use this
document to help in the construction of a story-based talk track for a demo.
When creating a Demo talk track, this will usually fit in to the part of your TELL
WHY LISTEN and TELL sections.
- TELL WHY LISTEN. Here you could introduce your Likeable Hero and explain
the issue he has encountered
- TELL. Here you should develop the story of your Likeable Hero, taking them on
a journey of conflicts and barriers to success, ending with a transformed journey,
the New Bliss, using Pega
Remember the structured approach, think through each of these ‘stages’ in turn
to help create your story that will resonate with your audience.

1. Context
• Know your audience
2. Content
• Identify the Big Idea
• Likeable hero and backstory
• Cluster the ideas and create messages

3. Construct
• Order the messages
• Add and order supporting points
• Strengthen turning points

4. Connect (Star Moment)

• Emotive Anecdotes
• Shocking Statistics (Challenger-related – ‘rational drowning’)
• Evocative Visuals
• Memorable Dramatizations
• Repeatable Sound Bite

5. Close – Call to Action

1. Context
Who is your audience?
Use this space to jot down two or three personas of the people you will be
presenting to. Think about:
– their tile and role
– Are they friend, foe, gatekeeper or champion?
– Do you know what their pain is?
– Think about your demo from your audience’s point(s) of view. What
do they need to see?
– Where are you in the sales cycle?
– Who is the competition?

2a. Content
Big ideas / Little ideas

What is the BIG IDEA you want to get across to the audience? It should
ultimately show them how Pega will solve their pain.

What LITTLE IDEAS do you want to get across that support the BIG IDEA? These
are not features or functions of the product, they are capabilities that support
your BIG IDEA and will solve the issues for your customer.

Use the space below to jot down your BIG IDEAS and supporting LITTLE IDEAS

2b. Content
Likeable Hero / backstory
Who is going to be your ‘Likeable Hero’? What issue have they had or
encountered that has stopped them having a ‘first-class experience’ of some
company or their products in the past?

What’s their name?

My likeable hero is :

What is the high-level problem they are having or obstacle they are having to
overcome? Sketch out their high-level storyline.

Storyline - Beginning

Storyline - Middle

Storyline – End

3. Construct
Add in all your supporting points to flesh out your story.

Think about those Compare and Contrast moments that they have had or might

How is the use of Pega’s software going to change their life for the better, and
how is it going to make your client’s life better

Use the space below to jot down ideas.

4. Connect
Use your own personal colour to bring the story to life.

What visuals and anecdotes are you going to use to connect with your audience?

Are there any case studies you can use (this brings Ethos as well as Logos)

What is the Something They Always Remember moment?

Use the space below to jot down your ideas

5. Close
What’s the call to action?

What do you want your audience to do at the end of the presentation?

A simple Worked Example
Suppose you were going to prepare a demo for a large animal rescue
organization called Puppy Haven. It has operations in several major cities but is
struggling to operate effectively or efficiently. They want to expand to many
other large cities as well, so are looking to modernize, improve brand, and scale.

Your construction of a talk track might look something like this:

1. Context: Who is your audience?

– Chairman of the overall adoption and fostering operations for Puppy
Haven (needs to improve and expand operations and brand, wants to be
the best in class, modern)
– Coordinator of adoption applications (internal processing)
– Website/document management development manager (IT)

2. Content: Likeable Hero / backstory

– Katelyn is 23 years old, recent college graduate
o Had pets growing up, but couldn’t at university
o Now that she is out on her own, has been thinking about a pet, but
hasn’t acted on it
o Is tech-savvy, has ALL the social channels, uses snapchat, FB,
twitter, etc, but only occasionally checks email, and is used to digital
o Has looked at adoption websites but the amount of paperwork is
putting her off
– Sadie – 8 month old Pug mix who’s been waiting for a ‘forever home’’ –
current foster family desperately needs to get her adopted as they are
moving out of the country soon.
– Other personas
o Jenny, adoption coordinator internal to Puppy Haven rescue who
will review and make determinations on applications to adopt or
o Overwhelmed handling paper, difficult to track status while
coordinating events in the community
o Vetting process can slow things down as done now

2. Content: Storyline - Beginning
– Katelyn is on social media, and sees a pushed advert for the rescue
(through Pega’s paid media)
– Intrigued, follows up via chat now feature
– Starts answering questions via chat, gets encouraged to go to full website
to further look into filling out application to foster or adopt
– Fills out digital application (prefilled with a few things from chat
conversation), really easy and fast, dynamic experience
– From available dogs selects a pug mix named Sadie that she thinks is
really cute and a good match for her
– Submits and is really excited about the possibility of being approved

2. Content: Storyline - Middle

– Internal review process performed by Jenny
– Need to verify address/fencing of Katelyn. This is a hurdle, requires some
follow up in the vetting process. Would be much easier with digital
– Include collaboration with others via Pulse for ad-hoc element

3. Construct: Add Supporting points / Compare

and Contrast
– Instead of making potential fosters and adopters come to Puppy Haven
(with events or paper advertising), you go to THEM (multi-channel, mobile,
social, digital)
– Instead of cumbersome vetting, make it super easy with native mobile as
well as automation for correspondence
– Saving animals in need – stats on animals ‘running out of time’ who could
be helped if it were easier and faster to generate connections between
adopters and fosters and the animals (current versus new bliss)
– Supporting differing needs and regulations in different states is easy with
Pega / SLC as opposed to a nightmare to track today through manual
process and spreadsheets

4. Connect: Personal Color, visuals, anecdotes,
case studies, STAR moments
– Personal story of when you tried to adopt but paperwork got lost, time
got extended, puppy went elsewhere, very frustrating
– Ideas for Visuals
o Picture of lots of dogs in kennels, sad – establishes need (Stats here
as well illustrating huge need)
o Picture of an adoption event (Great, but limited reach)
o Young woman looking through social media (likeable hero)
o Puppy pic - super cute - Katelyn has her heart set on this, but is
nervous it won’t go through
o Someone smiling in back office setting amazed at how much
smoother digital is than paper
o Pic or demo scene of someone using mobile to do something in the
field (checking for fence) – show pic of fence on display, use mobile
phone live to attach to the case in Pega
o Pic of Katelyn holding newly adopted puppy within a social media
post thus spreading the word – “Yay! So happy to have Sadie –
Puppy Haven is the easiest and best experience!”
– STAR moments
o Use of social to bookend the story – leveraging social is huge for
o Use of native mobile to take pictures in the field and add to case –
key moment in reinforcing modern use of tech to get rid of paper
and made this easy and fast!
o Sadie’s adoption day visual – the outcome, not the transaction is the
key – saving more animals!

5. Close: What’s the call to action?

– Let’s focus on one journey in one major adoption area (Los Angeles,
California) and flesh it out to get it up and running in 60-90 days using
Pega’s journey-centric implementation approach:
– Adoption FIRST micro-journey
– Foster could be second journey added later
– Set up follow-up meeting to get the process going!


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