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Julio 20 de 2022
The unknown

I usually thought about she from that moment when she arrived…

“Hi, my name _is___ Julie, I _am__ 17 years old and I _am__ from Ireland. I have two
little sisters; they _are___ twins and _are___ 6 years old. I had to move here because my
mom _is__ nurse and starts to work on the Principal hospital which _are__ in the center.

My dad _is__ teacher here, but, in our last home, he _is__ scientific and both with my mom
_are___ working on a project investigating some sicknesses.

They had some troubles with it, so we must move on.”

Then, her father interrupt and take her away. No one see her again.

2. Presentación personal

3. Ejercicio de escritura

4. Tome las oraciones resaltadas las cuales están construidas en presente perfecto y escriba
al frente de estas, la traducción correspondiente para cada una

 It has snowed= Ha nevado

 Maria has always loved the snow= A Maria siempre le ha gustado la nieve
 She has played= Ha jugado
 Has never= Nunca ha
 He has not felt= No ha sentido
 Sparky has run= Sparky ha corrido
 Maria has finally reched the top= Maria finalmente ha recuperado la cima
 Sparky has followed Maria= Sparky ha seguido a Maria
 Sparky has decided= Sparky ha decidido

5. Construya 10 preguntas usando presente perfecto en el cual usted actuara como


 Has she finished her homework?

 Have you worked for your father?
 Has it snowed in the last year?
 Have they completed the degree project?
 Have you cooked something special for me?
Diccionario Larousse
 Have you finished reading my book?
 Have you worked in that firm for many years?
 He has spoken to her several times?
 Has my mom forgotten what I told her?
 Have you slept less than two hours?

6. Construya un texto en el cual usted pueda responder la anterior pregunta. El texto debe ser
construido al menos con 15 renglones y debe usar presente perfecto.

Have you ever been in a pretty hard situation?

 Take care with uses of translator.

 Do not copy any story from internet, book or other resource because as you know, it
is considered plagiarism and could be the cause you could lose the course.
 Use of present perfect is mandatory.

7. Escribe una historia corta (15 líneas como mínimo) en la que hables de tu infancia
incluyendo el pasado simple.

Diccionario Larousse

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