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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V



Quarter 1
Determining the Effect of Textual Aids on the Understanding of a Text

I. Learning Competency with Code

Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers, titles, non-linear illustrations,
etc. on the understanding of a text. (EN10RC-Ia-e-2.15.2) Q1LAS2
II. Background Information for Learners
Textual Aids also called text features, are visual elements on a page that stand out from the
main text. It help readers to better understand the texts they are reading. Help readers enhance
their learning as they read through the material. It can be found in textbooks, magazine articles,
newspapers, reports, web pages, and other forms of nonfiction text
1. Graphs—visual comparison of data and information in a bar/pie/line format. To help us
read facts and figures in a short amount of time.
2. Maps—drawings that shows the basic shape of the land and other geographical, political,
historical features. It help readers understand where an event happens, how far an event
took place.
3. Tables—organize large amount of information in a small space. It helps the reader compare
information in the text
4. Text or titles (Bold, color, Italics)—draw the readers’ attention to important information
—Key words to notice are in bold or in color
—Italics, picture captions, book titles any element that needs to stand out
5. Diagrams—drawings that explains or shows something. It help to understand steps how
objects are made or information from the text
III. Directions/Instructions
Understand and answer the following activities properly. Share your thoughts, opinions openly.
You can ask the help of your parents/guardians in answering the activities.
IV. Exercises/Activities
A. Let’s Practice 1
Directions: Determine the textual aid appropriate in understanding texts in the following
contexts. Write the letter of your answer before the item.
_____ 1. An essay discussing the proper ways of preventing the COVID-19 Disease from spreading.
A. Organizer showing relationship C. Diagram presenting cycle
B. Drawing showing process D. Graph showing variables
_____ 2. A story centered on anti-discrimination of people with contagious diseases, health
workers, and frontliners.
A. Cartoon/comic strip C. Organizer
B. Chart and graph D. Table
_____ 3. A poem depicting the effects of cycling and walking instead of using motorized vehicles in
going to places nearby.
A. Bar Graph C. Photograph/Picture
B. Venn Diagram D. Organizational Chart
_____ 4. An article about the survivors of a typhoon and their ways of coping up after the
A. Caricature C. Charts and Organizers
B. Tables and Graphs D. Photographs and comic strips
_____ 5. An online article about surviving an epidemic.
A. Infographics (Information + Graphics) C. Table
B. Semantic Map D. Graph
B. Let’s Practice 2
Directions: Below is an excerpt from “The Gorgon’s Head.” Read it and do the activity that
The monster was coming on, his breast parting the waves like a swift ship. Suddenly, Perseus sprang
into the air and shot high up in the clouds. Seeing the youth’s shadow upon the sea, the monster attacked it
in fury. Then Perseus swooped like an eagle from the sky and buried his sword up to the hilt in the monster’s
right shoulder. The creature reared upright, then plunged beneath the water, and turned around and around
like some fierce wild boar in the midst of baying hounds.
Nimbly avoiding the snapping jaws, Perseus dealt blow by blow wherever he had the chance to strike.
Red blood poured from the monster’s mouth. The air was so filled with spray that the hero’s winged sandals
grew heavy. He dared not trust himself to them longer. Spying a rock over which the waves were breaking, he
braced himself against it with his left hand, and four times he drove his sword into the monster’s side.
As the creature sank to its death, Perseus heard shouts of joy from the shore. And when he looked,
Andromeda already stood free beside her parents.
Answer the questions inside the graphic organizer.

1. What 3. What
characteristics of characteristics do
Perseus were you have that
revealed in this help you
part of the story? overcome your
challenges too?

2. How was he 44. What “monsters”

able to have you
overcome his encountered in
challenges? your life? How did
you deal with
C. Let’s Practice 3
Directions: Read the excerpt below and do the activities that follow.
I am Juan Picas, born half of myself. I had only one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg, one half of a body. My mother wept
when she saw me, but loved me as I grew up and never regarded me as abnormal. My father, too, must have wept although he
never spoke of this. He also took me as I was and loved me as much as he knew how.
I grew in their care; I thrived in their love. As far as I knew I was entire, I thought myself whole. Like all babies, I learned
first to smile, and then to coo, to babble, and to know my mother and father, too. I learned to crawl, and sit up and, in time, to
I learned to speak but even before that, I learned to laugh. My mother taught me how to laugh, perhaps even before I
learned to cry. She showered me with good cheer, constant delight. She taught me how to sing.
My father taught me how to see. The birds of the sky, the trees, the flowers that grew, the rains that fell and the winds that
roared in the night – these my father spoke of and made me see how perfect they fitted into our world and made it as lovely as
can be.
My father also spoke of people, saying that they are on this earth and living this life as a test. All that matters is a life
spent doing good. A man should apply his days in work and by his hands hone his heart in service to God and his fellowmen. Less
than his intent and in labor done, a man’s days are but in vain. My father said this, and I realized how he directed his days and
wished my life to be.
My father often spoke of God as did my mother. The father in Heaven who made us and whose love will keep us alive.
God orders our days from our birth, through our youth and manhood, through age and through death and after life. He has the
whole world in His hands, rules the beatings of our hearts, knows the number of our hair, and loves us in everything whether
good or ill befalls us. All of life’s road lead to him; and answers to life’s questions lie in Him. The meaning of life is with Him. My
father and mother taught me this and I learned it.
So I grew, a happy child swathed in kindness. My parents sheltered me and kept me away from prying eyes. I did not
know harshness, cruelty, even less, until as a frisky boy I set to explore the world on my own. When ridicule sprang, I was
bewildered, and asked my parents why other children laughed and poked fun at me.
Excerpt from Juan Picas: The Boy Who Looked for God by Monina A. Mercado

A. Answer the following questions.
1. How is the title of the story relate to the text? Does it tell something about the text?
2. Why do you think the author give such title?
3. If you are to give your own title to the excerpt what will it be? Why?

B. Use the table below to find out the meaning of the words found in the selection.
Word Part of Speech Affix Synonym Antonym Definition Sentence
(if applicable)

D. Evaluation
Directions: Read the following selection. Notice the way the ideas are presented. Answer the
questions on the right.

1. What is the text all about?

2. What type of text is it?
3. How did the writer develop
her ideas?
4. What helped you get
interested with the contents of
the text?
5. How can textual aids found in
the text help in understanding

V. Rubric for Scoring
Criteria Distinguished Accomplished Capable Beginner
5 4 3 2
Quality of The student answers was The student answers was The student answers was The student answers was
Writing written in an extraordinary written in an interesting written with limited style written with no style and
style and voice. Very style and voice. Somewhat and voice. Informative but voice. Not informative
informative and well- informative and poorly organized. and very poorly-organized.
organized. organized.
Grammar, No spelling, punctuation Few spelling, punctuation A number of spelling, With many spelling,
Usage & or grammatical errors. or grammatical errors. punctuation or punctuation or
Mechanics grammatical errors. grammatical errors that
interferes with the

VI. Reflection
Direction: Complete the sentences according to how you have understood the lesson.
I have learned that______________________________________________________________________
I will use what I have learned in this lesson in___________________________________________
The skills I learned in this lesson will help me___________________________________________

VII. References for Learners

Department of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Strand, K to 12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies With Corresponding Codes, accessed June, 2020, K-to-12-
MELC-with CG-Codes.pdf.
Grade 10 Learner’s Material Celebrating Diversity through World Literature (2015). Rex
Bookstore, Inc.:Pasig City. accessed August 19, 2021, retrieved from
StuDuco, accessed August 19, 2021, retrieved from https://www.

VIII. Answer Key

A. Let’s Practice 1 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
B. Let’s Practice 2 1. Bravery and heroism
2. By facing his challenges and putting his strength in defeating it.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary.
C. Let’s Practice 3 A. 1. Answers may vary.
Word Part of Affix Synonym Antonym Definition Sentence
Speech (if applicable)
Doodle Verb N/A play stay To draw something without Answer may
around thinking about what you are doing. vary.
Swathed verb N/A wrap unwrap To bind, wrap, or swaddle with or Answer may
as if with a bandage. vary.
Frisky adjective -y playful inactive Playful or lively Answer may
Ridicule noun N/A mock praise The act of making fun of Answer may
something or someone in a cruel vary.
or harsh way.
Bewildered adjective Be- confused clearheaded Deeply or utterly confused or Answer may
perplexed. vary.

Prepared by:
T-I English, Dinapa NHS

Evaluated by:
T-I English, Dinapa NHS


T-III English, Dinapa NHS

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