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Speaking – Writing
(Learn words by heart in order)

1. like (v): thích.

= be keen on = be pretty fond of = be quite enthusia′stic about = be quite passionate
about = be totally mad about = be crazy about + (Noun / Ving).
- Many young people are passionate about hip-hop.
- I wasn't too keen on going to the party.

2. fervent / fervid (adj): nhiệt tình, hăng hái.

= avid / a vịd / = enthusiastic = ′eager = ′zealous / ze lus /

3. dislike (v): không thích.

= loathe / lô th / = go off (Sb / Sth) = put Sb off (Sb / Sth) = hate
 dislike (n) = loathing = ′displeasure = ′disinclination.
 dislikeable (adj) = loath
- I loathe the smell of fried fish.
- Dan and Mary went out (cảm tình) together for six months and then she just went off
- I was terrible at sport at school and it totally put me off doing any kind of exercise.

4. yearn for (Sb / Sth) (v) / yrơ n /: mong mỏi, khao khát.
= long for Sth = pine for Sth = look forward to Sth.
EX The people yearned for peace.

5. dread (Noun / Ving) (v) / drét d /: sợ, khinh sợ.

= fear = be afraid of = be fearful of / fia ful / = be nervous of + (Sb / Sth).
- I dread being sick.

6. can (modal v): có khả năng làm gì.

= to be able to = to be possible = to be capable of + (Noun / Ving)

7. big (adj): to lớn

= large = major = considerable / con si đớ rơ ble / = substantial
 very big (adj) = huge = enormous = massive = vast = gigantic / gai gán tic / =
tremendous / tri mén dus /

small (adj): nhỏ.
= minor = little = slight = poky / póu ki /
 very small (adj) = tiny = teeny = ′minimal = ′minuscule = ′miniature

8. on the verge of + Sth (n): sắp, suýt, gần.

= nearly = ′narrowly
 verge on the (v): tiến sát, sát gần, gần như
- We are on the verge of playing game. (Chúng tôi sắp chơi đá banh).
- He is on the verge of 40. (Anh ấy sắp 40 tuổi)
- Many of his activities verged on the illegal.

9. important (adj): quan trọng.

= significant = substantial = noteworthy / nót wor di /

10. momentous / mou mén tus / (adj): rất quan trọng.

= essential = vital = crucial = (of great / considerable) importance.

11. paramount / pá ra mount / (adj): quan trong nhất.

= central = primary / prái mơ ri / = major = main = chief = principal / prín ci pal /
12. multitude (n) / móu ti tiu /: vô số.
= crowd = mass = mob = drove
- These elements can be combined in a multitude of different ways.

13. un′settling (adj): đáng lo, đáng ngại, lo lắng

= worrying = disquieting = disturbing
- The country’s economic crisis had an unsettling effect on world market.

14. advantage (n) / ạt van tịt / : thuận lợi

= clear benefits = ′obvious / ób vi us / plus point = further merit = virtue / vir chu /

15. agree (v): đồng ý

= tally with = concur with = be / find yourself in accord with = coincide with =
conform to = approve of
= see eye to eye = give your consent = go along with Sth = be of the same opinion

disagree (v): không đồng ý
= dissent = discord = rift = be divided = split = differ
= not see eye to eye = be mistaken = take issue with Sb / Sth

16. be drawn to sthing (phr) = be interested in sthing: bị lôi cuốn, bị cuốn hút bởi.
- I am strongly drawn to the simple life and am often oppressed by the feeling.

17. rich (adj): giàu.

= wealthy = prosperous = affluent

poor (adj): nghèo.
= impoverished = deprived

1. In fact= actually, in actual fact, in effect, in reality, in truth, indeed, as a matter of fact, in point
of fact, essentially, to all intents and purposes, in operation, successfully for practical purposes.
2. Irony= satire, sarcasm, mockery, biting wit, insincerity, paradox, incongruity, contrariness,
inconsistency, absurdity, contradiction, impossibility, irrationality, foolishness, craziness,
ludicrousness, ridiculousness, senselessness, pointlessness, illogical, craziness, ludicrousness.
3. Lavish= plentiful, abundant, generous, copious, bountiful, prolific, fulsome, extravagant,
profligate, unrestrained, luxuriant, luxurious, copious, abundant, heap, pour, bestow, cover with
. 4. Life= existence, being, living, days, years, death, verve, vivacity, energy, soul.
5. Logical= reason, judgment, sense, common sense, rational, reasonable, commonsensical,
consistent, coherent,valid, plausible, obvious, understandable, most likely, clear, lucid, patent,
plain, unambiguous unmistakable, apparent, visible, seeming, ostensible, deceptive, perceptible,
conspicuous, manifest in full view.
6. Lose= be unable to find, mislay, drop, be defeated, go down, be beaten, fail, suffer defeat,
evade, give somebody the slip, leave behind, get away from, elude, waste, exhaust, be bereaved,
suffer the loss of, squander misuse
7. Low= near to the ground, low down, short, small, little, stumpy, depleted, at a low level,
down, run down, short, in short supply, dwindling, minimal, muted, soothing, quiet, muffled,
miserable, unhappy, gloomy, despondent, depressed, down in the dumps, sorry for yourself, fed
up downcast, low point, depths.
8. Marketing= advertising, promotion, selling, market, sell, marketplace, sale.
9. Modern= contemporary, current, up to date, recent, new, present, fresh, prevailing,
progressive, enlightened, forward-looking, avant-grade, advanced, fashionable, innovative, most
recent, hottest, newest.
10. Mother= look after, care for, protect, nurse, tend.
11. Movie= film, picture, motion picture, show.
12. Nature= landscape, panorama, vista, surroundings, outlook, view, countryside, backdrop,
earth, world, life,
13. atmosphere, milieu, location, ecosystem, natural environment. 14. Need= require, call for,
want, necessitate, could do with, have to, must, should, ought, essential, requirement, poverty,
requisite, hardship, neediness, indigence, penury, destitution, adversity, demand, vital,
indispensable, crucial, fundamental, basic, central, key, chief.
15. Partner=associate, colleague, collaborator, co-worker, spouse, companion, wife, husband,
mate, other half, affiliate, team up, unite, connect, link up.
16. Pet= preferred, much loved, beloved, desired, darling, choice. 17. Play= engage in recreation,
amuse yourself, have fun, fool around, participate, take part in, cooperate, join in, compete,
recreation, games, fun, performance, dramatic piece, show, act. 18. Politics= Government,
Political affairs, Affairs of state, Policy, Political principles, Political opinions, Political views.
19. Put= place, set, lay, position, situate, locate, plant, deposit, leave, plunk.
20. Reserved= set aside, kept back, aloof, unfriendly, detached, diffident, forbidden, prohibited,
restricted, confine, hamper, impede, keep a tight rein on.
21. Rise= go up, increase, climb, mount, get higher, ascend, augment, grow, upsurge,
intensification, be apparent tower,come into view, materialize, spread, development, slope, bank.

18. Inform me = let me know

19. Cancel = drop

20. Contact = get in touch

21. obtain
= get = achieve = accquire = gain = accomplish
= get hold of Sth = lay your hands on Sth

Inform me Let me know

Cancel Drop
Contact Get in touch

Obtain Get

Apologise Say sorry

Postpone Delay

Request Ask for

Compensate Make up

Establish Set up

Discover Find out

Handle Deal with

Investigate Check up on

Tolerate Put up

Increase Go up

Children Kids

Many / Much A lot of

Many / Much Heaps of


1. free time (n): thời gian rãnh.

= spare time = leisure time = time off = downtime.


1. jobless (adj): mất việc.

= unemployed = redundant = out of work = unwaged
 jobless (n) = redundance = out of work = unwaged: người mất việc.

2. colleague (n): bạn đồng nghiệp

= associate = co-worker = fellow-worker = staff = workmate.

3. worker (n): công nhân.

= employee = staff = member of staff = staff member

4. decide (v): giải quyết, quyết định, lựa chọn.

= make a decision = make up one’s mind = resolve = ´determine / đí tớ mờn /


1. rich (adj): giàu

= wealthy = ´prosperous = affluent / áf flu ent /

poor (adj): nghèo.
= impoverished / im pó ver rish / = deprived / địt praiv /


5. then = after that: sau đó.

6. after: sau này, về sau

= afterwards = ´susbsequently = later.

7. while (conj): trong lúc đó, khi đó

= meanwhile = in the meantime = whilst / wai els /
 while (n) = space = stretch = period = time: (khoảng) thời gian.
 while Sth away (v): bỏ ra, dùng (thời gian).
- At the airport, we whiled away the time by reading magezines.

8. thanks to = by means of: nhờ vào.

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