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Issues to be solved by Spina during visit to Talara Spina comments Spina response

Equiment Code Location in Lab Equipment Name Issue Closed/Open Customer confirmation Comment Cobra

EB005 Pruebas Especiales CO2 and O2 Analyzer Equipment with label EB005 seems to actually be EB106. Spina to confirm. Flue gas analysis probe intended for connection with Testo 350 Closed ok Ok

from the compressor the two blue units are connected to the instrument via a blue
6/4 hose (see quick coupling. The other end of the hose connects to the quick coupling
EB007 Metales Mercury Analyzer Spina to confirm how to connect compressor to instrument. behind the instrument (to the right of the power supply). Closed ok Ok
Note: this kind of connection will be part of specialist job for this reason I kindly
recommend non to touch the equipment.

Equipment does not have technical assistance

expected. Mr GC mentioned manufacturer is
EB013 Elemental Micro Coulometric Analyzer According to Installation Manual a M piece is to be installed. Piece is missing. The installation will be under specialist responsability Closed ok expected to come. Any other equipment under same

Include in the packaging there were two 2-stage pressure regulators for connection to
gas cylinders as indicated in the manual (N2, He).
EB014 Pruebas Especiales Pore size analyzer Equipment came with its own regluation valve. Spina to confirm where to install it. The equipment will be connected, by the specialist during installation, directly to the Closed ok Ok
gas lines located on bench. No need of cylinders.

Spina to confirm wheter this equipment requires a computer or not. It came without one, but Installation The workstation is needed. All parameter management is done via software. Client will
EB015 Sala TOC TOC Analyzer Closed ok Ok
Manual contains specific sotfware installation CD. use dedicated workstation after proper installation by specialist.

According to the installation manual, Equipment requires a hose to connect with one of the above-inserted A line must be prepared by customer to reach the 4 position for the oxidation test Cobra mentioned that since the element is a specific
from the already present oxygen line. Teflon pipe segments of compatible diameter one to connect the equipment to lab network, it
EB016 Oxidación Pressurized oxidation equipment cylinders. Such hose is missing. Concerning connection to power grid, Spina to confirm how to make it (plug can be used to make the connection. Explained the meaning of burst disk as a safety Closed ok should have been provided by manufacturer. Mr GC
missing). system in case of overpressure. denied.

Equipment came with no Identification tag, inside EB053 box. Spina to confirm that such equipment is actually Confirmed
EB019 Instrumental Analytical scale Closed ok Ok
The manufacturer has decided not to supply European plugs which in any case would
Connection to power grid, Spina to confirm how to make it (plug missing). Inside equipment box came another have been unserviceable in Peru. The customer can then connect the 3 cables directly
Cobra mentioned plug should have been supplied by
EB024 Pruebas Físicas 1 Water Bath piece of equipment called "Enfriador de circulación" which is not mentioned in the installation manual. Spina to plugs compatible with those used in the laboratory. Closed ok manufacturer.
to confirm whether the "Enfriador de circulación" belongs to EB024 or not. The chiller was supplied upon specific request of ACQ. In order to have one of the
thermostatic bath that could work at temp. lower than the ambient one.

The manufacturer has decided not to supply European plugs which in any case would
Connection to power grid, Spina to confirm how to make it (plug missing). Inside equipment box came another have been unserviceable in Peru. The customer can then connect the 3 cables directly
Cobra mentioned plug should have been supplied by
EB024 Pruebas Físicas 2 Water Bath (2 units) piece of equipment called "Enfriador de circulación" which is not mentioned in the installation manual. Spina to plugs compatible with those used in the laboratory. Closed ok manufacturer. Mr GC denied.
to confirm whether the "Enfriador de circulación" belongs to EB024 or not. The chiller was supplied upon specific request of ACQ. In order to have one of the
thermostatic bath that could work at temp. lower than the ambient one.

The manufacturer has decided not to supply European plugs which in any case would
Cobra mentioned plug should have been supplied by
EB025 Pruebas Físicas 2 RVP Bath Connection to power grid, Spina to confirm how to make it (plug missing). have been unserviceable in Peru. The customer can then connect the 3 cables directly Closed ok manufacturer. Mr GC denied.
to plugs compatible with those used in the laboratory.

2 units were purchased. According to the installation manual, the equipment appears to be complete. The viscometer consists of the thermostatic bath. The accessories are the glassware,
EB026 Pruebas Físicas 2 Viscosity measurer bath However, in the box of the EB053 equipment there were 2 accessories and 1 box labeled "Item 26", which is the holders and the caps for the unused stations. 2 vacuum pumps to use for testing Closed ok Ok
supposed to be part of the EB026 equipment but we do not know how to connect them bitumen and asphalts are also part of the item.

Equipment not found into the box with its code. Spina to identify equipment between all existing accesories for Laboport pump found. Many other accessories were found in different boxes. We Cobra engineering dept. mentioned valve &
EB029 Preparación 1 Vacuum pump with Manifold other equipment.
have to collect them separating from other items in order to have a clear idea of the Closed ok manometer should have been supplied by Spina. Mr
filtration system. 250 ml metal reservoir (3 pcs) is still missing. GC denied. To be verified.

Equipment came initially incomplete. In another delivery Cobra received an additional box labelled as "'IT31", Accessories checked. All accessories were found. The function of the accessories was
EB031 Centrifuge Preparación 1 which we assume contains the missing parts of EB031. Spina to confirm. explained to the staff present. Closed ok Ok

Inside box labelled as EB035 only power supply came. Rest of equipment came into EB056 box. Spina to
EB035 Pruebas Físicas 1 Colorimeter Saybolt Checked OK. All accessories found. Closed ok Ok
confirm whether equipment is actually EB046 and it is complete.

Equipment came with its own regluation valve. Spina to confirm where to install it. Additionally equipment
Installation is under responsability of the sub-supplier specialist.
EB046 Cromatografía 1 Gas Cromatograph (Oxigenated) came with additional accessories that are not mentioned in the Installation Manual. Spina to confirm how to This could be the installation kit. However this concerns the PAC staff. Closed ok Ok
install these accessories.
Installation Manual mentions an accesory that came in another equipment's box. Spina to confirm whether this The accessory described in the comment is the dedicated autosampler.
EB048 Cromatografía 3 Ionic Cromatograph accesory belongs to EB048 or, if not, where does it go. Closed ok Ok

Equipment comes with an "Air" intake nipple. Spina to confirm whether air supply is necessary for the The equipment includes the pump with silica gel with indicator, so the air inlet at the
EB049 Pruebas Físicas 1 Digital Densimeter equipment operation.
rear it hasn't have to be connected to zero air cylinder. How to regenerate the silica Closed ok Ok
gel was explained to the operators present

EB053 Preparación 2 Chlorine Electrode Electrode cable missing. Spina to solve the issue during visit. Correct electrode found in the box for item 68, along with the fiberglass filters. Closed ok Ok

It may have gotten lost inside the box. The foot was however inserted in the station Cobra representative (Mr
EB057 Pruebas Físicas 1 Vacuum distillator Broken leg. Thread to insert leg screw in equipment shell is missing. and, given the weight of the instrument, stability is to be considered maximum. Closed Alfonso Riaza Gonzalez) asks Request to Spina to replace broken leg.
to replace broken leg.
Include in the packaging there were two 2-stage pressure regulators for connection to
Equipment for BET superficial gas cylinders as indicated in the manual (N2, He).
EB066 Pruebas Especiales Equipment came with its own regluation valve. Spina to confirm where to install it. The equipment will be connected, by the specialist during installation, directly to the Closed ok Ok
gas lines located on bench. No need of cylinders.

Spina to confirm whether existing manometer can correctly regulate gas pressure intake. Gas connection hose End of propane line has valve and manometer which is not ideal to be sure to measure
EB060 Pruebas Físicas 2 Open Cup Flash Equipment missing. 30 mbar of inline pressure. Customer to change manometer and valve. Closed ok Ok

Open Cup Flash Cleveland Spina to confirm whether existing manometer can correctly regulate gas pressure intake. Gas connection hose End of propane line has valve and manometer which is not ideal to be sure to measure
EB061 Pruebas Físicas 2 Equipment missing. 30 mbar of inline pressure. Customer to change manometer and valve. Closed ok Ok

Spina to confirm whether existing manometer can correctly regulate gas pressure intake. Gas connection hose End of propane line has valve and manometer which is not ideal to be sure to measure
EB062 Pruebas Físicas 2 Closed Cup Flash Equipment missing. 30 mbar of inline pressure. Customer to change manometer and valve. Closed ok Ok

Pemsky Martens Cup Flash Spina to confirm whether existing manometer can correctly regulate gas pressure intake. Gas connection hose End of propane line has valve and manometer which is not ideal to be sure to measure
EB063 Pruebas Físicas 2 Closed ok Ok
Equipment missing. 30 mbar of inline pressure. Customer to change manometer and valve.

Cobra representative (Mr

EB065 Pruebas Especiales Catalyzer Activity Equipment Equipment came with a broken wheel. Verified. Closed Alfonso Riaza Gonzalez) asks Request to Spina to replace broken wheel.
to replace broken wheel.

Spina to confirm whether additional pump, manifold and module are part of the equipment. They came in the
same box, with a "Ítem 68" tag, but Installation Manual does not mention them. Pump needs triphase power
Equipment to measure "Goma" supply. Spina to confirm how to connect to power grid. Additional box labelled as "IT62" came in another item 68 consists of the instrument, the fan for the air flow, a steam generator,
EB068 Pruebas Físicas 2 in fuel
glassware for the sample test. The operators were explained how to connect the
delivery, including an equipment called "Cryostatic Bath". Nevertheless, Installation Manual for EB062 does not accessories to the main instrument. Closed ok Ok
mention anything similar to this accessory. Spina to confirm whether this additional equipment belongs to
EB062 or not.

Many accesssories came into the equipment box, but manual does not identify them. Spina to indicate Ok check for the cut of the tubes. Need for cooling water and O2. Cutting hoses is the
Accelerated Oxidation whether these belong to the equipment or not. Spina to assit in cutting the hose to connect glass tubes to phase to perform. Other accessories needed to be in compliance to ASTM D2274 are Hose missing. Non agreement about whether the
The hose initially found is now
EB069 Oxidación Equipment equipment. Spina to confirm whether equipment requires or not water and oxygen supply. Concerning present and complete. We will do it when customer finds the 3 m hose included with Closed missing
hose was or was not initially inside the equipment
connection to power grid, Spina to confirm how to make it (plug missing). equipment.

Equipment came inside the box labelled as EB057, although it was not mentioned in the Packing List. Spina to
EB070 Instrumental Aniline Point Equipment confirm that equipment is actually EB070 and it is complete.
to be verified Closed ok Ok

Yes, it must be considered as a fixed installation. It is important to include upstream

EB088 Pruebas Especiales Laser particle Measurer Spina to confirm whether this equipment requires permanent water supply or not. mains water filter. Closed ok Ok

Muffle furnace has clearly suffered a strong impact, perhaps due to a fall. The
detachment of part of the refractory could produce uncertainty in the measurement Customer to decide to perform a
Cobra considers functional test should be performed
EB091 Preparación 2 Furnace Furnace isolation damaged. Spina to indicate whether furnace can operate under this condition of the temperature according to regulations. The advise is to check the muffle with Closed functional check and
by Spina. Mr GC denied.
temperature check.
thermocouple to verify the actual temperature reached by the equipment.

EB094 Pruebas Físicas 1 Digital Refractometer Equipment came incomplete. Spina to identify equipment between all existing accesories for other equipment. Digital refractometer has the accessories included for the normal use. Closed ok Ok

Installation Manual shows earthing buckle inside the equipment. This buckle does not actually exist. Spina to
confirm how to connect the equipment to earthing. Additionally connection hose from equipment to vacuum Verified. System complete except for a small uniidentified piece to be install on safe
EB097 Preparación 1 Jet Fuel Filtration System pump is missing. Spina confirmed hose will be shipped, but does not yet confirm expected date of arrival in flask. Unfortunately, nothing was found in any boxes. Closed ok Piece missing. Additional gounding to be confirmed.

Preparación de Spina to provide transformer according to NCR-0259

EB105 muestra Jaws crusher Equipment needs tri phase power supply. three-phase is needed Closed ok closure document.

Preparación de EB106 is not EB005 which is a flue gas analyzer. Both equipments result to be
EB106 muestra Roller crusher Equipment with label EB106 seems to actually be EB005. Spina to confirm. complete. Both equipments are complete with the required accessories. Closed ok Ok

Yes, confirmed. Dry air or dry nitrogen are required for tests in accordance with the
Equipment comes with an "Air/Nitrogen" intake nipple. Spina to confirm whether air, nitrogen or no supply is ASTM D6304 standard which provides for the heating of the sample to convey the
EB109 Instrumental Carl Fischer Titulator necessary for the equipment operation. humidity in the measuring cell. It is possible to use ambient air by making it suck from Closed ok Ok
the instrument through the 2 containers provided with molecular sieves.

It is not a water bath but a water purifier. The 4 cables were delivered to lab
EB111 Varios Water Bath Power supply cable missing (4 units). personnel. Closed ok Ok

The personnel following the electrical supply part should inform Spina of any
problems connected with the lack of stability of the electrical voltage. If this were the
Installation Manual recommends UPS and Isolation transformer. Spina to confirm whether equipment can case, it would be necessary to equip the item with a UPS to avoid any possible
FRX Dispersive Wavelength
EB138 Metales Equipment operate under current condition. Spina to confirm whether equipment requiers connection to 2 Ohm earthing damage. Today, 20/7/2022, electrical department declares officially that the area Closed ok Ok
net. Spina already confirmed that computer which came with EB006 actually belongs to EB138. where item EB138 is located doesn't suffer of tension instability.
Confirmed. EB006 doesn't need a computer and the one found with written EB006
belongs to EB138.

Required gas: argon 99,995%. Optional: Air, oxygen, nitrogen. Asked Cobra to provide
EB139 Metales ICP Equipment Spina to confirm the gas exhaust requirements. a canopy hood for the exhaust. Closed ok Ok

Comments from Spina about items not included in the above list
EB079 Equipo Soxhlet Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. Explanation to personnel about how to use it. Closed ok Ok

EB097 Sistema de Filtración para Jet fuel Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. Explanation to personnel about how to use it. Closed ok Ok

Titulador Potenciométrico (para Acido Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right
EB099 The right electrode to be connected to the equipment is Dgi115 pH 0-14. Done Closed ok Ok
Base) one.
Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right
EB100 Titulador Potenciométrico (para amina) The right electrode to be connected to the equipment is Dgi115 pH 0-14. Done Closed ok Ok
Titulador Potenciométrico (para Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right
EB101 Instrumental Anhidrido Maleico) one.
The right electrode to be connected to the equipment is Dgi115 pH 0-14. Done Closed ok Ok

Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right Electrode DGi115 has to be replaced by 51107699 DM143-SC, ELETTRODO DOPPIO
EB102 Instrumental Titulador Potenciométrico (para Bromo)
one. PIN PT. Replacing was performed by Spina representative. Closed ok Ok

Titulador Potenciométrico (para Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right Electrode DGi115 has to be replaced by 51109291 ELETTR.COMBINATO DM405-SC
EB103 Instrumental Mercaptano) one. AG/AG2S. Replacing was performed by Spina representative. Closed ok Ok

Equipment checked on Cobra personnel request. The electrode connected to the equipment is not the right Electrode DGi115 has to be replaced by 51109291 ELETTR.COMBINATO DM405-SC
EB104 Instrumental Titulador Potenciométrico (para Sulfuro)
one. AG/AG2S. Replacing was performed by Spina representative. Closed ok Ok
During the intervention, the instruction not to open the crates and boxes contained was apparently ignored. The customer ass
responsibility by deciding to extract the contents of each box in order to place each item on the dedicated station. Unfortunat
and above all, for complex and sophisticated items, the installation of which must be entrusted to specialists from the various
companies, this could lead to problems relating to the maintenance of the guarantee conditions of the instruments.

In case of problems during the installation that can go from the malfunction of the item or, in other cases, from the lack of
accessories, installation kits and, in general, parts necessary for assembly and / or installation. The situation in the various roo
the workshops immediately appeared chaotic. Many boxes have been renamed with an item number while containing accesso
for different items.

The customer also complained that he had not received instructions regarding the gases needed for the equipment that will h
use them.
Another problem is represented by the fact that the customer says he has not received information about the dimensions of t
various items, electrical connections, the need for connections to fluids.
Which, explains the client, led to having to change the destination of some items which, for example, proved to be too large a
high to be placed in the foreseen positions.

For some instruments I have recommended the change of position with respect to what was estimated. Some of these in fact
a mains water inlet or even be able to drain cooling water in a special drain (sometimes even using the sink)

I was happy to be able to help (request from Cobra personnel) in verifying the completeness of some systems with multiple
accessories. In some cases this has led to the lack of some accessories. In most cases, the audit was concluded positively.
Having closed the points that led to my speech, I took the time to give general indications on the use of the instruments, and o
their location. Also I was clear in advising not to try to install the equipment but instead make sure that you adequately meet
pre-installation requirements for any equipment that will be installed by a specialist from the manufacturer. It is essential that
specialist can find everything ready to avoid wasting time or worse the impossibility to install the equipment.
Electrical connection
Approx. n. of plugs needed
Equiment Code Equipment Name Proveedor Location in Lab
for each item
EB001 Agitador de Fiolas Mequim Preparación 1 1
EB002 Agitador de Tubos Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB003 Agitador magnético Mequim Preparación 2 1
EB004 Analizador de Cianuro Spina Pruebas Especiales 5
EB005 CO2 and O2 Analyzer Spina Pruebas Especiales 1
EB006 Analizador de H2S Spina Pruebas Especiales 4
EB007 Analizador de Mercurio por Amalgamación Spina Metales 5

EB008 Analizador de Mercurio por Fluorescencia Spina Metales 5

EB010 Analiz. Elemental con Detectores IR y TC PICSA Pruebas Especiales 6
EB011 FIA Analyzer for HC Spina Cromatografía 3 1
EB013 Analizador Microcoulométrico Spina Elemental 7
EB014 Analizador Tamaño de Poro Spina Pruebas Especiales 4
EB015 Analizador TOC Spina Sala TOC 5
EB016 Aparato para Oxidación Presurizada Spina Oxidación 1
EB017 Aparato para Punto de Rocío Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB018 Aparato para Residuo de Carbón Conradson Spina pruebas fisica 2 /
EB019 Balanza Analítica Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB019 Balanza Analítica Spina Instrumental 1
EB021 Balanza de Gramaje Spina Instrumental 1
EB022 Balanza de Kilaje Spina Instrumental 1
EB023 Baño de Aceite Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB024 Baño de Agua Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB024 Baño de Agua Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB024 Baño de Agua Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 2
EB025 Baño para RVP Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB026 Baño para Viscosimetros Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 2
EB027 Baño Ultrasonido Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB028 Bomba de Aspiración para tubos Spina Pruebas Especiales /
EB029 Vacuum pump with Manifold Spina Preparación 1 1
EB030 Calorímetro Isoperobólico Spina elemental 4
EB031 Centrífuga Spina Preparación 1 2
EB034 Colorímetro ASTM Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB035 Colorímetro Saybolt Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 2
EB036 Colorímetro Triestímulo Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB037 Conductímetro Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB038 Cromatógrafo de Gases Spina Pruebas Especiales 6
EB039 Cromatógrafo de Gases (C1-C5) Spina Cromatografía 2 5
EB040 Cromatógrafo de Gases (C1-C8) Spina Cromatografía 1 6
EB041 Cromatógrafo de Gases (C1-C20) Spina Cromatografía 2 5
EB042 Cromatógrafo de Gases (C6-C100) Spina Cromatografía 1 5
EB043 Cromatógrafo de Gases (Inertes+C1-C2) Spina Cromatografía 1 6
EB046 Cromatógrafo de Gases (Oxigenados) Spina Cromatografía 1 7
EB047 Cromatógrafo de Gases con Detector NPD Spina Cromatografía 1 6
EB048 Cromatógrafo Iónico Spina Cromatografía 3 5
EB049 Densimetro Digital Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB050 Densímetro Tap Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB051 Dispensador de Combustibles Spina Octanos 1
EB052 Ductímetro Spina Asfaltos 1
EB053 Electrodo para Cloruro Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB054 Electrodo para Oxígeno Disuelto Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB055 Electrodo para Sulfuro Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB056 Equipo Dean Stark Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB057 Equipo Destilador al Vacío Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 4
EB058 Equipo Destilador de Asfaltos Spina Asfaltos 1
EB059 Equipo Destilador de Combustible Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB059 Equipo Destilador de Combustible Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB059 Equipo Destilador de Combustible Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB060 Equipo Flash Copa Abierta Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB061 Equipo Flash Copa Abierta Cleveland Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB062 Equipo Flash Copa Cerrada Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 2
EB063 Equipo Flash Copa Pensky-Martens Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB064 Equipo JFTOT Spina Oxidación 6
EB065 Equipo para Actividad de Catalizador Spina Pruebas Especiales 5
EB066 Equipment for BET superficial area Spina Pruebas Especiales 5
EB067 Equipo para H2S en GLP Spina Pruebas Especiales 1
EB068 Equipo para Medir Gomas en Combustibles Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 2
EB068 Ventilador trifásico para EB068 Spina Pruebas Físicas 2 1
EB069 Equipo para Oxidación Acelerada Spina Oxidación 1
EB070 Equipo para Punto Anilina Spina Instrumental 1
EB071 Equipo para Punto Congelamiento Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB073 Equipo para Reacción al Agua Spina Asfaltos 1
EB074 Equipo para RVP Automático Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB076 Equipo Presión de Vapor gauge Spina pruebas fisica 2 /
EB077 Equipo Punto de Humo Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 /
EB078 Equipo RMN de Baja Resolución Centex Asfaltos 5
EB079 Equipo Soxhlet Spina Preparación 1 1
EB080 GC/MSD System Spina Cromatografía 3 5
EB081 Estufa Mercantil Preparación 1 1
EB081 Estufa Mercantil Preparación 1 1
EB081A Horno de secado Mercantil Preparación 2 1
EB083 Homogenizador Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB084 Horno en Capa Fina de Asfalto Spina Pruebas Especiales 1
EB085 Horno Mufla Spina Pruebas Especiales 1
EB086 HPLC con Detector RI Spina Cromatografía 3 8
EB087 Máquina de cetanos Man Trading Octanos 2
EB088 Medidor de Partículas por Láser Spina Pruebas Especiales 5
EB089 Mezclador de Hélice Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB090 Microbalanza Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB091 Mufla Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB092 pH-metro Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB093 Plancha de Calentamiento Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB094 Refractómetro Digital Spina Pruebas Físicas 1 1
EB095 Sistema de Destilación Mercantil Pruebas Físicas 1 3
EB096 Sistema de Filtración Spina Preparacion 2 1
EB097 Sistema de Filtración para Jet fuel Spina Preparación 1 1
EB099 Titulador Potenciométrico (para Acido Base) Spina Instrumental 1
EB100 Titulador Potenciométrico (para amina) Spina Instrumental 1
Titulador Potenciométrico (para Anhidrido
EB101 Maleico)
Spina Instrumental 1
EB102 Titulador Potenciométrico (para Bromo) Spina Instrumental 1
EB103 Titulador Potenciométrico (para Mercaptano) Spina Instrumental 1
EB104 Titulador Potenciométrico (para Sulfuro) Spina Instrumental 1
EB105 Trituradora de Mandíbulas Spina Preparación de muestra 1

EB106 Trituradora de Rodillos Spina Preparación de muestra 1

EB107 Válvula para Congelamiento Spina pruebas fisica 2 /
EB108 Válvula para RVP Spina pruebas fisica 2 /
EB109 Titulador Karl Fischer Spina Instrumental 2
EB110 Refrigeradora Spina Instrumental 1
EB111 Purificador de Agua Spina Cromatografía 3 1
EB111 Purificador de Agua Spina Preparación 1 1
EB111 Purificador de Agua Spina Preparación 2 1
EB111 Purificador de Agua Spina Instrumental 1
EB112 Refrigeradora Congeladora Spina cuarto frio 1
EB113 Analizador de Nitrógeno por Quimiolumin. ARA Elemental 2
EB114 Cromatógrafo de Gases (CO-CO2) Spina Pruebas Especiales 5
EB115 Cromatógrafo de Gases (Inertes + C1-C6) Spina Cromatografía 2 6
EB116 Cromatógrafo de Gases Multimensional Spina elemental 6
Equipo FRX Longitud de Onda Dispersiva
EB117 Monocromática
Spina Metales 5
EB119 Microscopio Óptico Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB120 Titulador Potenciométrico (para Cloro) Spina Instrumental 1
EB121 Turbidimetro Spina pruebas fisica 2 1
EB136 Baño de Agua Pequeño Spina Asfaltos 1
EB137 Cromatógrafo de Gases (Azufrados) Spina elemental 7
EB138 FRX Dispersive Wavelength Equipment Spina Metales 5
EB139 ICP Equipment Spina Metales 5

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