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Chap7 Vocabulary p133

Nouns Verbs Adjectives

altitude* correct* _ accurate
is the distance above sea level. to show or tell someone that something correct, exact, and without
_an average* is wrong and to make it right any mistakes
a single number taken as representative of
a non-empty list of numbers. _ improve* _ dishonest not  honest
_benefits* Make something better Insincere, untruthful
something that produces good or helpful
results or effects increase*to _ elderly*
characteristics* (makesomething) become larger in amount o The group of old people
a typical or noticeable feature of r size
someone or something _ famous*
_ claims* _ oppose Known by many people
to say that something is true or is to disagree with something or someone
a fact, although you cannot prove it and _ genetic
other people might not believe it _ prevent*  relating to genes
_ combination* to stop something from happening or
he mixture you get when two or more someone from doing something _ long-lived
things are combined lasting or living for a long time
_ cure _ solve
something that makes someone who to find an answer to a problem _ moderate
is sick healthy again _consume Neither small nor large.
_ damage* to eat or drink
to harm or spoil something _cure* _ proven
_ decisions* relieve (a person or animal) of the symptoms shown to be true
a choice that you make about something of a disease or condition.
after thinking about several possibilities _theorize _ sour
_ disease* form a theory or set of theories about having a sharp,
 illness of people, animals, plants, something. sometimes unpleasant, taste or s
etc., caused by infection or mell, like a lemon, and not sweet
a failure of health Connectors:
_ engineering* as a result _ unpolluted
the work of an engineer, or the study of this term ties two phrases together Clean
this work
_ environment* furthermore _ valid
the air, water, and land in or on in addition to what has been said based on truth or reason; able to
which people, animals, and plants live be accepted
_ genes however
a part of the DNA in a cell used to connect between two sentences _moderate
_ inhabitants Average in amount
a person or animal living in a place in addition
_ length* it means “too” _different
the measurement of something from end Not the same as another
to end moreover
_ longevity means “over or above” _Available
living for a long time Able to be used or obtained
_ patients* nevertheless
a person who is receiving medical care used to express contract between two situations
_ population* _active
all therefore engaging
the people living ina particular country,  is used to show the result
area, or place
_ streams* thus _fraudulent
Water that flows naturally along means “because of that” deceitful / dishonest
a fixed route
_ structure*
something that has been made
or built from parts
a chemical used to stop food from decaying
Worry / tension
Or pressure or tension exerted on a material object.
a carefully thought-out explanation for
observations of the natural world that has
been constructed using the scientific
the quality of being officially acceptable or


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