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ENGL 103 Academic Reading and Vocabulary I

Interactions 1 (Diamond Edition) ~ Chapter 7: Health

The following vocabulary words can be defined1 in different ways, but these are the ways they
are defined in your textbook. The list is only a definition guidei. Use a dictionary to find other definitions
and synonyms for these words. Share and discuss them with your teacher and classmates.

Other forms Synonyms

# Word POS Definition
(affixes ±) (add more)

1 accurate ‫دقيق‬ adj correct, exact, and without any mistakes -acy, -ly, in- exact, precise

a statement that something is true or is a fact -able, -ed, dis-,
2 claim* n declaration,
‫ مطالبه‬/‫يطالب‬
although other people might not believe it un-
a result or product of combining two or more
3 combination* n -ed, un-, -able blend,
‫مزيج‬ things
-tion, -ing, -ed,
to change something so that it is right, true, fix, repair,
4 correct* ‫تصحيح‬ v -al, -ness, -ly,
proper, etc. revise, reform
n a medicine or treatment that makes an illness go medicine,
‫عالج‬ away treatment
5 cure* -able, -ed, in-
v to make someone healthy again after an illness heal
bad or harmful effects that are caused by a
injury, harm,
6 damage* ‫ضرر‬ n mistake, wrong action, etc.; physical or -ed, -ing, un-
emotional harm that is done to someone
a choice that you make about something after in-, -ive, -ly, conclusion,
7 decision* ‫قرار‬ n
thinking about it -ness, -ed opinion,
an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant sickness,
8 disease* ‫مرض‬ n that prevents the body or mind from working -ed disorder,
normally illness
9 dishonest* adj not honest; likely to say things that are untrue dis-, -y, -ly deceptive,
‫عدم قول الحقيقه‬ fraudulent
aged, old,
10 elderly* ‫مسن‬ adj old or past middle age -ly
the work of designing and creating large
11 engineering* n structures such as bridges and roads or new -ed
‫هندسه‬ products by using scientific methods

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the natural world; the conditions that surround
12 environment* n someone or something affecting health, growth, -al, -ly
‫بيئة‬ and progress
known or recognized by many people; having
13 famous* adj -ly, in- prominent,
‫مشهور‬ fame
gene / ‫جني‬ n a part of a cell that controls or influences the DNA
appearance, growth, etc. of a living thing
14 -ly
genetic ‫وراثي‬ adj relating to genes hereditary
15 inhabitant n a person or animal that lives in a particular place -tion, -able resident,
‫ساكن‬ occupant
the distance from one end of something to the
16 length* ‫الطول‬ n other end; a measurement of how long -y, -en distance
something is

17 longevity n long life; the time that something lasts durability

‫طول العمر‬
aged, elderly,
18 long-lived adj living or existing for a long time
‫طويل العمر‬ old

average or not extreme (e.g. not very large or temperate,

19 moderate ‫معتدل‬ adj -ly, -tion
very small, nor very hot or very cold) mild

to disagree with, compete with, or try to stop -ed, -able, -ing, disagree with,
20 oppose* ‫يعارض‬ v
something or someone -ite, -ly fight, counter

-ed, -ar, -ly,

21 population* n the number of people who live in a place
‫تعداد سكاني‬ -ate, un-

to stop something from happening or stop -tion, -ive,

22 prevent* ‫منع‬ v stop, hinder
someone from doing something -able, -ly

tested and shown to be true or good, or shown to -ed, -able, dis-,
23 proven* ‫مؤكد‬ adj validated,
exist using evidence, logic, etc. un-

to find or provide a way of dealing with a answer, figure
24 solve* v -ed, -able, un-
problem out

25 sour* ‫حامض‬ adj not sweet (like a lemon) -ly, -ness tart

a natural flow of water that moves across the

26 stream* ‫مجرى‬ n
land and is narrower than a river

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27 unpolluted adj clean and safe for use; not polluted -ing, -ant, -tion clean, safe
‫غير ملوث‬

fair or reasonable; acceptable according to the
valid / ‫صالح‬ adj / rational,
-ate, -tion, -ly, reasonable,
in- acceptable
the quality of being real or correct; the state of
validity ‫ صالحية‬n
being acceptable according to the law

*These words are among the 2,000 most-frequently used words in English.
These definitions were taken from the Merriam Webster Learner’s Dictionary at Look up
more definitions yourself by clicking on the link.

This list will be used to test your vocabulary learning in assessments (quizzes, midterms and finals). Vocabulary words may be used
as defined in list or based on other dictionary definitions or parts of speech.

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