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Cross-Generational Digital Marketing Insights For 2022 – August 2021 by Julie Meredith

Social media usage has grown considerably in every generation over time[...] Brands now have
access to a wider range of customers, including younger generations they may not have
marketed to before and older generations with more spending power.

Understanding what resonates with each generation and using those insights to fuel content strategies
will be critical for brands looking to grow revenue and bolster brand equity in 2022. The unique habits
of Generation Z should position social commerce as a top priority for brands across industries. At the
same time, […] many Baby Boomers and Generation Xers take part in the online environment, which
should push brands to reevaluate their marketing mix and targeting. […]

How Brands Can Leverage Social Media To Tap Into New DemographicsThe rise of social media
was a pivotal moment for many brands. Marketers can now identify target audiences and quantify their
success at reaching these consumers. While this shift has been monumental for guiding content
strategies, some brands are investing resources in one or two audiences and missing out on key
demographics. Both the future spenders of tomorrow — Gen Z — and the U.S. consumers with
the highest household spending in 2019 — Baby Boomers and Gen X — should be top priorities for
brands across industries.

Why Gen Z Should Be At The Center of 2022 Marketing Strategies While millennials still make up
a large portion of worldwide Instagram users, Gen Z will make up 28% of its user base in 2021,
according to eMarketer projections. […] Gen Z's presence on digital platforms has been met with the
rise of purpose-driven marketing. A 2020 survey of Gen Z consumers from WP Engine (via Marketing
Dive) uncovered that 82% trust a company more if they use images of real customers in their
advertising campaigns. To reach this subset of consumers, I recommend that companies create
meaningful brand stories and engage in conscious product development. According to Glossy, clothing
brand Chico’s has long been considered a brand for middle-aged women; however, the brand has seen
a 10-year drop in its average customer age in a year — a significant shift in customer
demographics. […]

Optimizing Digital Touchpoints To Drive Loyalty And Retention Buying behaviors are likely forever
changed due to digitization. Historically, brands have crafted content primed for their target audiences;
however, in today’s landscape, different touchpoints may need to speak to consumers at different
points in the buyer journey — even if that means looking beyond brands' target audiences. Capitalizing
on this unique time in the digital space could allow brands to fully invest in online mediums as a
mechanism for mass marketing that is measurable and meaningful. […]

Prioritizing Generational Inclusivity In 2022 Research shows that the pandemic transformed
consumer behavior in many ways, creating new challenges and lucrative opportunities for brands. To
embrace this unprecedented time in the digital marketing space, brands should rely on their data more
than ever. If channels like Instagram see demographics shift, brands should broaden their targeting to
harness the additional revenue and brand loyalty that each generation has to offer. Teams should use
their data to understand the preferences of each audience so they can curate and execute a content
strategy that transcends generations.


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Répondez en anglais aux deux questions suivantes.

1- In what way is digital marketing really efficient at targeting different generations of people?
2- Do you think nowadays brands can survive without an active online presence?


Lettre commerciale (courrier électronique) à élaborer en anglais selon l’usage commercial courant.

Vous êtes Peter Parker, directeur des achats de Spiderrin, 8 Chalk Road, London,SE1 2AA, England

Vous répondez à Mr Jack Bristow, directeur des ventes de Victoria, E 22nd Street, New-York, NY
10007, U.S.A.

Date : 18 avril 2020

Corps du courrier électronique

• Vous accusez réception de la proposition commerciale qui vous a été faite : réception du
catalogue, des tarifs, des propositions et des échantillons de maillots de bain et de serviettes
de plage.
• Vous trouvez les produits très intéressants et estimez qu’ils devraient se vendre avec la période
estivale approchant.
• Vous considérez que ces produits conviendront à votre clientèle habituelle et arrivent au
moment opportun.
• Vous rappelez que vous fournissez ce type de produits depuis deux décennies déjà à des
grandes chaînes de magasins.
• Une remise plus importante vous permettrait de passer une commande plus substantielle,
compte tenu des prévisions météorologiques caniculaires.

Formules et présentations d’usage.


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