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becoming manifest when conditions favoring The white-eyed male, bred to his red-eyed
transpiration are marked.'' The disease is sisters, produced 1,237 red-eyed offspring,
therefore not due to the presence of parasitic (I?,), and 3 white-eyed males. The occur-
organisms, but is what has been rather rence of these three white-eyed males (F,)
loosely called a physiological disorder. (due evidently to further sporting) will, in
INa short paper in the Annales d u Jardin the present communication, be ignored.
Botanique de Buitenaorg (2d Ser., Supp. 111.) The F, hybrids, inbred, produced:
Professor Ramaley enumerates and discusses 2,459 red-eyed females,
the European plants growing without culti- 1,011 red-eyed males,
vation i n Colorado. I n addition to an an- 782 white-eyed males.
notated list of species the author discusses the hTo white-eyed females appeared. The new
region included, and the mode of introduction character showed itself therefore to be sex
and occurrence of the species. Botanists who limited in the sense that it was transmitted
have not given attention to these immigrants only to the grandsons. But that the character
will be much surprised at the extent of the is not incompatible with femaleness is shown
list. by the following experiment.
PROFESSOR SARGENT continues his studies The white-eyed male (mutant) was later
of the species of hawthorns in Pennsylvania crossed with some of his daughters (F,), and
i n a paper entitled "Crataegus in Pennsyl- produced :
vania, II.," published in the Proceedings o f 129 red-eyed females,
tlie Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- 132 red-eyed males,
delphia (March, 1910). His first paper on the 88 white-eyed females,
Pennsylvania hawthorns appeared about five 86 white-eyed males.
years ago, since when much additional mater- The results show that the new character,
ial has become available for study, resulting white eyes, can be carried over to the females
in a thick pamphlet of about one hundred by a suitable cross, and is in consequence in
pages. I n this space the author enumerates this sense not limited to one sex. It will be
and describes 110 species, of which 80 are de- noted that the four classes of individuals
scribed as new! Think of what the new edi- occur in approximately equal numbers (25
tions of the botanical manuals will have to per cent.).
contain when these new species are added! A n Hypothesis to Account for the Results.
We may have to grant the necessity of dis- -The results just described can be accounted
tinguishing these forms from one another in for by the following hypothesis. Assume that
descriptive botany, but what an amount of all of the spermatozoa of the white-eyed male
work will have to be done by the taxonomists carry the "factor " for white eyes " W ";that
of the future in reducing these multitudinous half of the spermatozoa carry a sex factor
forms to such categories as will be distin- " X " the other half lack it, i. e., the male is
guishable by botanists, other than specialists heterozygous for sex. Thus the symbol for
in the hawthorns ! the male is " WWX," and for his two kinds
CHARLESE. BESSEY of spermatozoa WX-W.
TKEUNIVERSITY O F NEBRASKA Assume that all of the eggs of the red-eyed
female carry the red-eyed "factor" R ; and
BPECIAL ARTICLES that all of the eggs (after reduction) carry
SEX LIMITED INHERITANCE IN DROSOPHILA one X, each, the symbol for the red-eyed
IN a pedigree culture of Drosophila which female will be therefore RRXX and that for
had been running for nearly a year through a her eggs will be RX-RX.
-considerable number of generations, a male When the white-eyed male (sport) is crossed
appeared with white eyes. The normal flies with his red-eyed sisters, the following com-
have brilliant red eyes. binations result :
WX- W (male) generation, namely, RRXX and RWXX.
RX RX ( female) This can be tested by pairing individual fe-
RWXX (50 $)-RWX (50 $)
males with white males. I n the one instance
Red female Red male
(RRXX) all the offspring should be red-
When these F, individuals are mated, the RX -RX (female)
following table shows the expected combina- WX- W (male)
tions that result : RWXX- RWX
RX- WX (P, female)
RX- W (F, male) and in the other instance (RWXX) there
should be four classes of individuals in equal
numbers, thus :
(25%) (25%) (256) (252) RX- WX (female)
Red Red Red White WX- W (male)
female female male male
I t will be seen from the last f o r m u l ~that
the outcome is Mendelian in the sense that Tests of the F, red females show in fact
there are three reds to one white. But it is that these two classes exist.
also apparent that all of the whites are con- Third Verification.-The red F, females
fined to the male sex. should all be RWXX, and should give with
I t will also b& noted that there are two any white male the four combinations last
classes of red females-one pure RRXX and described. Such in fact is found to be the
one hybrid RWXX-but only one class of red case.
males (RWX). This point will be talcen up Fourth Verification.-The red F, males
later. I n order to obtain these results it is (RWX) should also be heterozygous. Crossed
necessary to assume, as in the last scheme, with white females (WWXX) all the female
that, when the two classes of the spermatozoa offspring should be red-eyed, and all the male
are formed in the F, red male (RWX), R and off spring white-eyed, thus :
X go together-otherwise the results will not RX- W (red male)
follow (with the symbolism here used). This WX-,WX (white female)
all-important point can not be fully discussed RWXX- WWX
in this communication.
The hypothesis just utilized to explain Here again the anticipation was verified,
these results first obtained can be tested in for all of the females were red-eyed and all of
several ways. the males were white-eyed.

Verification oy Hypothesis Crossing the New Type with Wild Males and
First Verification.--If the symbol for the
white male is WWX, and for the white female A most surprising fact appeared when a
WWXX, the germ cells will be WX-W white-eyed female was paired to a wild, red-
(male) and WX-WX (female), respectively. eyed male, i. e., to an individual of an unre-
Mated, these individuals should give * lated stock. The anticipation was that wild
males and females alike carry the factor for
WX- W (male)
red eyes, but the experiments showed that all
WX - WX (female)
wild males are heterozygous for red eyes, and
WWXX (SO$)-WWX ( 5 G that all the wild females are homozygous.
White female White male Thus when the white-eyed female is crossed
All of the offspring should be white, and wi+,ha wild red-eyed male, all of the female
male and female in equal numbers; this in offspring are red-eyed, and all of the male off-
fact is the case. spring white-eyed. The results can be ac-
Becond Verification.-As stated, there counted for on the assumption that the wild
should be two classes of females in the F, male is RWX. Thus:

RX- W (red male) RX-0. The latter, 0 , is the male-producing

WX-WX (white female) sperm, which combining with the egg OX
RWXX (50 $)- WWX (50 $ ) (see above) gives OOX (or WWX), which is
the formula for the white-eyed male mutant.
The converse cross between a white-eyed
The transfer of the new character (white
male RWX and a wild, red-eyed female shows
eyes) to the female (by crossing a white-eyed
that the wild female is homozygous both for
male, OOX to a heterozygous female (I?,))
X and for red eyes. Thus:
can therefore be expressed as follows :
WX- W (white male)
RX- RX (red female) OX- 0 (white male)
RX- OX (F, female)
RWXX (,50Z)-RIVX ( 5 0 g )
The results give, in fact, only red males and Red Red White White
females in equal numbers. female male female male

I t now becomes evident why we found it

General Conclusion$ necessary to assume a coupling of R and X
The most important consideration from in one of the spermatozoa of the red-eyed F,
these results is that in every point they fur- hybrid (RXO). The fact is that this R and
nish the converse evidence from that given X are combined, and have never existed apart.
by Abraxas as worked out by Punnett and I t has been assumed that the white-eyed
Raynor. The two cases supplement each mutant arose by a male-producing sperm ( 0 )
other in every wag, and i t is significant to fertilizing an egg (OX) that had mutated.
note in this connection that in nature only I t may be asked what would have been the
females of the sport Abraxas lacticolor occur, result if a female-producing sperm (RX) had
while in Drosophila I have obtained only the fertilized this egg (OX) ? Evidently a hetero-
male sport. Significant, too, is the fact that zygous female RXOX would arise, which, fer-
analysis of the result shows that the wild tilized later by any normal male (RX-0)
female Abraxas grossulariata is heterozygous would produce in the next generation pure
for color and sex, while in Drosophila it is the red females RRXX, red heterozygous females
male that is heterozygous for these two char- RXOX, red males RXO, and white males
acters. OOX (25 per cent.). As yet I have found no
Since the wild males (RWX) are hetero- evidence that white-eyed sports occur in such
zygous for red eyes, and the female (RXRX) numbers. Selective fertilization may be in-
homozygous, it seems probable that the sport volved in the answer to this question.
arose from a change in a single egg of such a T. N. M O R G ~ N
sort that instead of being R X (after reduc- WOODSHOLE,I f ~ s s . ,

tion) the red factor dropped out, so that R X July '7, 1910

became WX or simply OX. If this view is

correct it follows that the mutation took place
in the egg of a female from which a male mas ELECTROLYTIC EXPERIMENTS SHOWING INOREASE
produced by combination with the sperm I N PERMEABILITY O F THE EGG TO IONS AT
carrying no X, no R (or W in our formule). THE BEGINNING O F DEVELOPMENT
I n other words, if the formula for the eggs of I t has been shown that at the beginning of
the normal female is RX-RX, then the for- development of the egg there is an increase
mula for the particular egg that sported will in the absorption of oxygen (Warburg) and
be WX; i. e., one R dropped out of the egg excretion of carbon dioxide (Lyon). This is
leaving it WX (or no R and one X), which evidently accompanied by increased oxidation
may be written OX. This egg we assume was within the egg, but varying views as to the
fertilized by a male-producing sperm. The cause of the increase have been advanced.
formula for the two classes of spermatozoa is The more rapid oxidation might be due to the

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