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To our professor, panel list and fellow students, a pleasant afternoon we are going to discuss to you about
the effectiveness of online learning on dentistry students during covid 19 pandemic

 PAGE 2 (Effectiveness of Online Learning on Dentistry Students During Covid-19 Pandemic)

As we all know there was a pandemic that spread all over the world and it was identified as COVID19, and
since then it has disrupted education and one of these is dental education, that's why schools came up with
the idea of having online education/learning. However predilection for dental learning are unclear. 


Online learning is clarified as learning communication technology. It has been utilized as an additional
teaching method for distance dental education since 1990. 

The introduction of technology has changed the process of education and learning. With online learning,
you can run the learning process at any time and place. This allows us to maintain the most important
protocol which is social distancing during a pandemic without slowing the progress of learning. 


 In summary, our statement of the problem is that the main goal of our study is to find out if online learning
affects dental students in different ways, one of which is their productivity level and to assess and
recommend ways on how online learning can be effective for such dental students. 


 This study focused on dental students who judged the effectiveness of learning in a results-oriented
educational strategy. This study aims to investigate the impact of online learning on dental students. In the
first semester, the required data is collected by various clinicians using a formalized questionnaire. 

This questionnaire will be validated by your professor based on focused group discussions and will be
sought for assistance through professor suggestions, expert opinions, and recommendations.

 Researchers are limited to students over the age of 18 enrolled in various universities, as they are of the
appropriate age to make their own decisions without consulting their parents. Also, the course will not
exceed the designated grade.


To set bounds for this study, students and lecturers has shown the most positive outlook on the
implementation of online learning, giving the chance to use online learning even after COVID-19 in the
future curriculum. The study seeks to measure the respondents knowledge, skills and attitude while under
the impression of Online learning of dental students in different dental schools during COVID-19. Our study
aims to help the dental students of different dental institutions to identify their misconceptions regarding
Online Learning. The study can be utilized for future reference as guide to related or similar researches.


The factors that hinders online learning includes technology, student's environment, clinical requirements.
students are still learning despite the pandemic due to technology, this includes the use of gadgets and
strong internet connection to connect the students with their professors


As a online students your classrooms is often your home and this distraction may seem nearly impossible
to avoid. that causes the students to be  less productive and stressful, making it difficult to retain
information because the people around them are unconscious of what they are doing.


Everyone knows that  direct patient care has been removed from the curriculum due to the pandemic. As a
result, students lack the  experience and confidence to deal with living patients, but the dental schools
ensures that the skills and knowledge of the students in handling live patients will not be neglected even
without face to face classes.


This descriptive method allow us to use document analysis and survey form as a way to collect data on the
effectiveness of online learning among dental students during a Covid 19 pandemic. The questionnaire was
used to determine the effectiveness of online learning among dental students during the Covid19 pandemic
in relation to the above variables.


the criteria of the respondents for our study are those clinicians enrolled in an online class and currently
under clinic 3 and clinic 4 in different dental institution around manila 


The researchers conducted this research to find out if the questionnaires matched the needs of the dental
students about the Effectiveness of Online Learning during Covid19 pandemic


Table shows the results of the researchers questionnaires answered by the respondents in different dental
schools and are obtained in a bar graph.

All the significance tests for each question that would determine whether online is effective show p-values
of less than 0.05. The data suggest statistical evidence that online learning is not effective. We reject the
null hypothesis that online learning is effective for the majority of the students.



The researchers made a questionnaire for the respondents to answer for their research paper and the
results are based whether the respondent experienced finding it hard approaching our professors,  can
focus more on school than at home, feel confused during our class online,  prefer to work with live patients
than typodonts, find it more expensive when getting my laboratory manuals/casts from school because of
the courier fee feel shy in front of the camera.


Eighty-two percent of the respondents prefer face-to-face classes rather than online classes. While 18% of 
respondents prefer and support online learning. the majority of respondents place particular emphasis on
classroom instruction, but during the pandemic times that students are currently experiencing online
learning. Online learning is the best platform, as long as you have the proper guidance. 

Appropriate guidance of professors and clinical trainers to carry out clinical procedures and provide the
highest quality education conducted by the school.


Researchers have found that in the event of a new global outbreak in the future, Future researchers will
learn  from  students who may experience this type of learning in the future, especially for dental students 
in the clinical stage. We advise you to find a better way to make your work more effective, you need a
clearer and more orderly teaching method.

 How did you come up with that topic?

It is very timely and is the only platform on which we can continue to educate as students,
even though we are learning from afar.

 What is the relevance of our research?

The relevance of our research/study is for them to be prepared in the future if the pandemic
is still not yet over and if there is another reoccur of a pandemic in the future and also to help the
future clinicians to know how effective online learning or class is. Our study aims to help dental
students from various dental institutions identify misunderstanding about online learning

What is the importance why did you choose it as a research topic?

We chose this research topic for our research paper because everyone knows that there has been
a pandemic that spread all over the world which was Covid-19, it has affected the education of
most students and this includes dentistry students which needs a clear and informative approach
to their study not only when it comes to theoretical but also with their practicals. The researchers
desire was to know whether online learning is effective for dental students especially for clinicians

What is the significance of your research?

our study aims to help dental students in different dental institution to identify their misconception
regarding online learning. The study can be utilized for future reference as guide to related or
similar researches.

Tell us or tell briefly/discuss the study what is it all about?

to know how efficient online learning in dental clinicians, especially who enrolled in clinic 3 and 4
and to identify what hindrances that the students are facing during this time of pandemic.

How effective is your study? 

Online learning provides dent students with an effective alternative to face-to-face or traditional
learning during this pandemic. Our education is heavily influenced by Covid19. However, while
learning online using devices and internet connections is changing the shape of the education
system, current learning scenarios are the best way to learn. Students understand the importance
of online learning. We are all regardless of some restrictions or challenges.

 what are the limitations you encountered during ung thesis?

due to the current state implemented by the IATF, we as researchers cannot conduct face-to-face
surveys, instead online survey are the medium for collecting DATA

 What is the type of your research ?

We used qualitative research 

What is qualitative research- unstructured approach that explores and describes variation certain
events like how people think about certain issue or beliefs and motives surrounding a behavior 

What research methodology did you use?

We used a descriptive method to allow us to use document analysis and survey forms as a way to
collect data on our research.

kind of research variable?

Effectiveness of online class and productivity


What type of sampling method you used?

Non probability sampling … the researchers brainstorm about the statistical question after that we
formulate the statistical questions then we send it out to the respondents who are enrolled in clinic 3 and
clinic 4 using google form then we collect the data after that we put in an excel form to organize and to
analyze the data. 

 is that the main goal of our study is to find out if online learning affects dental students in different ways,
one of which is their productivity level and to assess and recommend ways on how online learning can be
effective for such dental students. 

Eighty-two percent of the respondents prefer face-to-face classes rather than online classes. While 18% of 
respondents prefer and support online learning. the majority of respondents place particular emphasis on
classroom instruction, but during the pandemic times that students are currently experiencing online
learning. Online learning is the best platform, as long as you have the proper guidance. 
Appropriate guidance of professors and clinical trainers to carry out clinical procedures and provide the
highest quality education conducted by the school.
Researchers have found that in the event of a new global outbreak in the future, Future researchers will
learn  from  students who may experience this type of learning in the future, especially for dental students 
in the clinical stage. We advise you to find a better way to make your work expand and be more effective,
you need a clearer and more orderly teaching method.

Tools used?
We used Significance test called One Sample Z Test -
why sample Z test- is because in a working categorical variable and then we are working on
proportions we are working on the percentage not on the average

 How did we collect data ?

We used google forms to conduct the survey among dental students 

What is your research all about? 

Our research study is to determine the effectiveness of online learning class in this time of pandemic
specifically who are enrolled in clinic 3 and 4.

Why did you choose this particular title for your research?
Because online class is the platform use in new normal education
And we are still experiencing this pandemic or in this time of pandemic.

What did you learn from the study you have done?
We learned that online learning among dentistry students is not effective. 

How will this study contribute in the body of the knowledge/ how you study contribute in daily
 Our study is to determine if only learning is effective during a pandemic or for the future pandemic. And to
help the future researchers.

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