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Jevin Jane C. Vergara

March 1, 2018

At the end of a 60-minute period, 75% of the Grade Eight Students will be able to do
the following with 75% proficiency level:
1. To explain the processes of water cycle
2. To construct a diagram showing the stages of water cycle
3. To appreciate the importance of water cycle
A. Topic: Water Cycle
B. Reference: *Science 8 Learner’s Module. Campo, Pia, et al. 2013. P 286
C. Materials: Chalk, chalkboard, pictures, visual aids, laptop, speaker
D. Skills: Explaining, Creating, and Appreciating
E. Science Concepts:
The water cycle is the continuous movement of water on, above and below the
surface of the Earth. 
The sun heats up the water from oceans, lakes, and rivers and changes into water
vapour by the process of evaporation.
Plants also lose water in the form of water vapour from their leaves into the air by
the process of transpiration.
As the water vapour rises up into the air, it starts cooling down and forms tiny
water droplets. These water droplets come together to form clouds. This process is
called condensation.
When the clouds start getting heavy and cannot hold the water droplets anymore,
they fall back to the earth in the form of rain, hail, sleet, or snow. This process is
called precipitation.
Some of the water that falls on earth seeps into the ground. This water is available
to us in the form of groundwater.
The remaining water falls back into oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas. This process is
called collection.
The sun starts heating up this water once again and the process repeats.
F. Strategies: Group activity and discussion
G. Values: Cooperation, Teamwork, Obedience
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer (all are praying)
2. Greetings
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon, ma’am Jevin!
3. Checking of the attendance
Who is absent for today?
4. Collecting of assignments
Please pass your assignment forward.
B. Review of the past lesson
Last meeting, we discussed about the
Oxygen-Carbon dioxide cycle.
Oxygen- Carbon dioxide cycle has different
stages: Photosynthesis, Respiration,
Combustion, and Decomposition
C. Motivation
Video: The Water Cycle- How rain is formed
D. Presentation of the topic
1. Introduce the topic
Our lesson for this afternoon is all about
“Water Cycle”.
2. Present the Objective
At the end of a 60-minute period, the
Please read the objective for today’s lesson.
Grade Eight Students will be able to:
1. Explain the processes of water
2. Construct a diagram showing
the stages of water cycle
3. Appreciate the importance of
water cycle

E. Developmental Activity
With your permanent groupings, you will be
constructing a diagram showing the
process of water cycle.
Each group will be given an envelope with
pictures and labels inside. You will arrange
the pictures and label what stage it involves
in the water cycle.
But before that, let me present the rubrics.
You will be graded according to the rubrics.

RUBRIC 10 5 3
All 1-3 Most answers
Content answers mistakes are incorrect
No 1-2 Many grammar
grammar grammar mistakes in
mistakes mistakes written and oral
Communic in written in written presentation.
ation Skills and oral and oral Reporter has
presentat presentat little
ion. ion. confidence.
Reporter Reporter
has has
confidenc confidenc
e. e.
All 1-2 Most members
Collaborati members members did not
on participat did not participate
ed participat
(Proceeds to their group)
(Assign workplace for each group)

Now, proceed to your groups silently. You

are only given 5 minutes to finish your work.
You may now start.
F. Lesson proper
Have you ever wondered why the Earth’s (Students answer)
water never seem to run out of supply?
Have you wondered where the rain comes
from? Or how the clouds are formed? The water cycle is the continuous
Do you have any idea why? movement of water on, above and
below the surface of the Earth.
Well, this is what water cycle is all about.
What is a water cycle?

Very good! When we say continuous, it means

it repeats over and over again that’s why water
supply never run out because it is recycled.

How does this cycle work?

Let me show you a diagram of the water cycle.

It is when the sun heats up the

water from oceans, lakes, and rivers
and changes into water vapor.

Water vapor is a form of gas

Let us begin in the process of evaporation. resulting from heating.
What happens during evaporation?

Very good! What is water vapor?

Very good!

Now, let’s try and explain this using an

example. When a person leaves their wet
clothes to air dry, the water from the clothes
evaporate slowly as the temperature around
the clothes changes. This evaporation is a Yes, ma’am.
form of water vapor. The water becomes
absorbed in the air which leaves the clothes
dry. Transpiration, ma’am.
So, is it clear now?

Very good!
Now, plants also lose water in the form of
water vapor. What do you call that process? As the water vapor rises up into the
air, it starts cooling down and forms
That’s right! Transpiration is the process when tiny water droplets. These water
plants lose water in the form of water vapor droplets come together to form
from their leaves into the air. clouds. This process is called
After the water vapor rises up, what happens

Yes, ma’am.
Very good! Clouds are made up of tiny water When the clouds start getting heavy
droplets. So when condensation occurs, and cannot hold the water droplets
clouds form. That is how clouds are formed. anymore, they fall back to the earth
in the form of rain, snow, or hail.
Is it clear? This process is called precipitation.
Then, what happens next?
Rain is water in liquid form.
Precipitation comes in several forms.

We have rain, snow, and hail

What is the difference between them? Snow is water vapor that changes
directly from a gas to a solid – it
does not go through a liquid phase.
Snow forms as tiny crystals.
Depending on the temperature at
which it forms, it may look like a
What about snow? star, a plate or a needle.

No, ma’am.

Very good!
Hail is water that gets caught in
Have you seen a snow in real life? strong upward moving winds. The
water will freeze, then start to fall,
Snow only happens in cold countries. with more water attaching to the
And what about hail?

Very good! Yes, ma’am.

Again, precipitation is when the clouds start to
get heavy that it cannot hold the droplets
anymore and falls on Earth as rain, snow, or
Collection, ma’am.
Is it clear?
The water that is being collected in
Then, if water falls on earth, some of the water
the oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas.
seeps into the ground. This water is available
to us in the form of groundwater.

What process comes next?

Very good! What is collection?

That’s right! Oceans, lakes, rivers and seas

collect the water that has fallen through the
process of collection. Yes, ma’am.
The water cycle is important to all
Then, the water evaporates into the sky again life on earth for many reasons. All
and the cycle continues. So, this processes living organisms require water and
repeats over and over again. That is why we the water cycle describes the
never run out of supply of water. process of how water moves
through the planet.
Do you think water cycle important?
Why do you think so?
There would be no more water for
drinking, washing, no more rains.

We will die.
Water cycle is important. As what I have Plants will die.
mentioned earlier, without water cycle, we
would run out of water. And what would
happen if we run out of water? We will also die.

What happens if we run out of water to drink?

What happens if there is no rain?

Plants can't grow without precipitation. And

what would happen if all plants die?
Photosynthesis is the process of
Exactly! Since we depend on plants for food plants in making their own food,
and oxygen. thereby producing oxygen.
Recall about your topic last meeting which was
about the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle. One of Respiration is the taking in of
the stages of oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle is oxygen and producing carbon-
photosynthesis. dioxide by animals and humans.
Who can tell me what is photosynthesis based
on your understanding?

That’s right! What about respiration?

Very good!
While we, humans take in oxygen and produce
carbon dioxide through the process of
respiration, plants take in carbon dioxide and
release oxygen through the process of
photosynthesis. The oxygen that is being
released by the plants is essential for us
humans. That is why plants are important.
Without plants, we would run out of oxygen. Yes, ma’am.

Same goes to the water cycle. Precipitation is

important for plants to grow and survive,
because without the rain, the plants couldn’t
make its own food, therefore it won’t undergo

Is it understood?

All of these processes sustain life and create

the ecosystems around us.
Water is one of the most important
components of any ecosystem. All living
organisms need water to grow and survive.
About 70% of the Earth's surface is water.
Imagine? There is more water on Earth than
Water is never sitting still. Thanks to the water
cycle, our planet's water supply is constantly
moving from one place to another and from
one form to another. Things would get pretty
hard without the water cycle!
(Random students will answer)
Let’s see if you really understood the different
stages. I will show pictures and I want you to None, ma’am.
tell me what stage or process it involves.
Yes, ma’am.

(Calls students randomly)

Do you have any question?

Are you now ready for our quiz?

Very good! Close all your notes and books.

Only your pens and paper should be at the top
of your desks.
G. Generalization
What are the stages of water cycle?
The stages of water cycle include evaporation, transpiration, condensation,
precipitation and collection.
H. Application
Why is water cycle important?
All living organisms require water and the water cycle describes the process of how
water moves through the planet. Without water cycle, we would run out of supply of
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. The process wherein the remaining water falls back into oceans, lakes, rivers,
and seas.
A. Collection B. Condensation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
2. This process comes in the form of rain, hail, or snow.
A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
3. It is when the sun heats up the water from oceans, lakes, and rivers and changes
into water vapour.
A. Collection B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
4. This stage refers to the formation of water droplets into clouds.
A. Condensation B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
5. Plants lose water from their leaves in the form of water vapor through the process
of ___________.
A. Collection B. Evaporation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration
In a ½ crosswise, compose a song about Water Cycle with its processes and

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