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Jada Echols

Ms. Michca

English 4 K

August 26th 2022

The moment I realized I wasn't a kid anymore .

There are many times in life where you just want to be a kid. But there will come a time that you

have to grow up and realize you aren't a child anymore . For me that moment came a little

too rapidly. It all began when I was 5 years old. My mother was only Twenty-One years

old but she had Two small children , so everything for her was very arduous,

undermining and judgmental at Times . Since she had me at only 16 , And was young

with no college degree, barely graduated high school with a two and a 5 year old she had

to work to provide and supply everything so we could live a good life. Not to mention we

are from Arkansas where there's nothing except fast food for work. It was like this for a

while and we lived in about three different apartments with infestations and sometimes no

water or food.My dad and mom were in a physical and mental toxic relationship so he

was never around . I didn't attend school for a month because I had to help watch my

sister on days that my mom could not afford daycare .By the age of 7 I hated living life

like this, So I started to work. My grandmother was the best braider in our city, and also

didn't have much money so she always overbooked clients. While she braided I helped

her wash, blowdry and part , which cut down the times by an hour and a half and we were

able to fit 3 more people in everyday . I did hair everyday after school and sometimes I

even missed school to do hair. I know it might sound bad but I used to get bullied at

school So missing school to make money was a better option for me anyways . I gave my

mom $15 of every person's hair I made money off of. I also sold snacks at school and

braided other girls' hair in the bathroom. They didn't even have to pay with money they

would pay for doing my missing assignments or buy me lunch .Just when I thought life

was starting to become easier, my mom became very sick . I had to step up for my now 5

siblings to help them get ready for school , pick them up from school , feed them and

much more . It became hard and at one point I felt like giving it all up. Something told

me to just push through because one day all of this would be over . Now I do hair but I

am a licensed cosmetologist. I won state for cosmetology and I also work at Little

Caesars. I am now able to afford all of my own stuff and also help my mom who now has

5 children total. She also has a degree in business and health . We have moved to texas

and have bought a house . She found better work and now I'm able to say I grew up

physically but I also matured mentally .

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