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1. Form:Netfix changed society.

They made movies on disc except they didn’t

compete with blockbusters so they made movies digital and put a group of
movies on their platform where you could watch multiple movies. Netflix started
adding more and more shows and soon made their own movies and TV shows.

2. Place:Customers pay monthly for a variety of movies and TV on their debit card
or credit card unlike Redbox or Blockbuster they had multiple movies to watch
instead of one movie. All they have to do is search it up online or on their phone
and pay monthly for about $10.00.

3. Time: Netflix is open 24/7 yet not all their movies and TV shows stay on Netflix
makes contracts with them and when those contracts end they take the movie
down. Netflix does buy movies and tv shows though making them stay onNetflix
4. Possession: They use Debit, Credit and gift card as well as Paypal to pay for
Netflix you can gift cards at Walmart or Target as well as Home Depot. Netflix
also has different payment options like premium normal and more.

5. Information: Netflix sends emails to their subscribers telling them about upcoming
movies, TV and upcoming events. Also on social media they do the same they
used to advertise on TV and in stores but not really anymore.

2. With the improvement of economic utility in the video industry also

came an ethical dilemma. Tennessee has passed a law making it illegal
to share Netflix (and Hulu and Spotify) passwords claiming it is stealing.
Explain your opinion on the ethical dilemma of sharing Netflix

The demand for dvds, games and rental industries has continued to decline since the past 5
years. Redbox isn’t selling as much as they used to since most movies are now digital.
Netflix started to make movies on dvd until they made it digital and made 1million subscribers in
the first 3 years and 6 million at the end of 2006. Netflix also shut down Blockbuster since less
people started going there.Netflix got Blockbuster out of business by making movies digital,
cheap and putting many movies on one platform. If Block buster had made movies digital and
made their own movies blockbuster might still be here today. Netflix added a lot more things
than Blockbuster like a monthly payment and put TV shows on Netflix all for a reasonable price.

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