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Liceo de Cagayan University

College of Arts and Sciences

Department of Natural Science

People and the Earth’s Ecosystem

List of Members: 1. Charll Dezon A. Aba

2. Mohammad Omar M. Bacaraman
3. Clyde Danielle T. Auman
1. Question: What is your stand as a student/citizen on “The Birth Control Policy in the
Philippines in the Midst of the Conservative Churches: Challenges to Future Generations”. (give
some affirmative and negative ideas on the topic) (50 points)

In my perspective as a student of this matter, I’m fathomable about the birth control policy to be
executed and implement this creed on the judicial system because it has the cardinal positive
foreground to advocate Birth Control Policy in the Philippines which marginalized to attenuate
the hindrances of the economy and natural resources. Regardless of this policy, the 90% are
Filipinos are mostly devout Roman Catholics, yet the majority of the population lacks access to
birth control options. The responsible parenthood-reproductive health law is now being debated
in Congress; if passed, the proposal might alter birth control in Asia's most populous Catholic
country, allowing government health centers to educate individuals about various birth control
techniques and provide easy access to them. However, it is causing division. Although local polls
show that a majority of the people supports the bill's passing, the politically powerful Catholic
Church has vehemently opposed it. Members of the Philippines' Catholic Bishops Conference
have actively campaigned against it, threatening civil disobedience and excommunicating the
bill's sponsor, President Benigno Aquino III. It is empirical and paramount to nurture this law
should mobilized the resolution appertaining to reduce the dilemma that we undergo for extant
period of time more people procreate to birth and increase the percentage of population which
may lead to such as poverty, shortage of resources, unemployment rate, higher risk of crimes,
deforestation, social problems, and many more problems begets to appear in the nation. Human
population growth is at the root of our most pressing environmental issues, yet it's often left out
of the conversation. We can fight to curb climate change, stop habitat loss and clean up
pollution, but if we don't address our unsustainable population, it'll stay an uphill battle that we
can't win. The first step to solving a problem is getting people to talk about it.
Furthermore, I provided a handful of assertive opinions to assimilate this policy which is It
regulates menstrual cycles because hormonal birth control methods may balance the hormonal
fluctuations that happen throughout your cycle. This can help with a variety of menstrual issues,
including irregular or heavy bleeding. It can even help with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
symptoms, including acne and excess hair. Learn more about the best birth control for PCOS,
and it can reduce your risk of anemia mainly some women experience very heavy bleeding
during their periods. This can increase the risk of anemia. People with anemia don’t have enough
red blood cells to carry oxygen around their body, which can cause weakness and fatigue which
the hormonal birth control methods that allow you to skip your period can help to prevent period-
related anemia. However, there is a downside of this policy in which the Christian community
oppose and internecine this policy because of their orthodox creed were postulated for a very
long time that may lead to animosity and dissent the law. In the Philippines, The Catholic
Church encourages families to have as many children as they can raise and educate well
approves only natural family-planning methods would not support any form of artificial
contraception and any form of artificial birth control is anti-life that is a blasphemy against
God’s ordinances from what they believed in the bible. If we ponder and ruminative the rationale
of the negatives without the intercept of the superstition that would be denotes to spotting or
bleeding between periods (this is more common with progestin-only pills), sore breasts, nausea,
or headaches. But these usually go away after 2 or 3 months, and they don't happen to everyone
who takes the pill. Additionally, Birth control shouldn't make you feel sick or uncomfortable.
Birth control pills can increase the risk of vascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. They
can also increase the risk of blood clots, and rarely, liver tumors Smoking or having high blood
pressure or diabetes can further increase these risks and detrimental effects. The Center has been
working to address the connection between rampant human population growth and the extinction
crisis since 2009. Our innovative campaigns focus on common-sense solutions, including the
empowerment of women and girls, the education of all people, universal access to birth control,
sustainable consumer choices, and a societal commitment to giving all species a chance to live
and thrive.
2. Describe and analyze the diagram shown below. Explain each effect presented in the diagram.
(50 points)

Poverty – This world we live and reside for a long time as year goes by population grows
expeditiously that it will be ramification to the economy’s capital and natural resources due to its
overpopulation which outpaces the number of citizen’s leads to shortage of food and increasing
of unemployed which stigmatized the person doesn’t have the skills and prowess to work on the
establishments mainly from the lacking of educational materials to provision these community
that dawned to unprivileged class leading on to impecunious.
Unemployment & Underutilization – unemployment is the result of overpopulation because
overpopulation is defined as a condition where a country's human population exceeds the
carrying capacity of its environment meaning in this case that the populace is more than the
amount of available or needed jobs. An imbalance between the supply of labor and the demand
for it gave rise to unemployment and underemployment. The vicious cycle generated by a high
dependency burden associated with a young age-structure led to low savings and investments,
which in turn led to low economic growth and a low standard of living.
Social Problems – As populations grow, larger investments are needed just to maintain current
capital/person. It further threatens the balance between natural resources and people and creates
severe economic and social problems in urban areas. It dwindles the amount of monetary funds
that becomes tapering to global recessions due to increasingly amount of urban sprawl in the
Decrease in the standard of Living – As our growing human population reaches farther and
farther into remote areas in search of room to build cities, housing developments, golf courses
and new farms, we're squeezing wildlife into ever smaller habitat refuges, often leaving
endangered species nowhere else to go. Most biologists agree we're in the midst of the Earth's
sixth mass extinction event; species are disappearing at the fastest rate since dinosaurs roamed
the planet. This time, though, it isn't because of geologic or cosmic forces it's because of our
unsustainable human population growth and overconsumption.
Increase in government expenses – A shrinking working population and lower productivity
negatively affect government tax revenue, while a growing aging or aged population creates a
fiscal burden through an increase in public health expenditure and probably protection and
pension schemes. Furthermore, this prevailing times of COVID-19 crisis it will increase the
fiscal or expenses that substantiate the amount of supplies needed for the community to avoid
economic decline and scarcity to citizens that’s why it undertake to extol the taxes.
Shortage of Foods – As the population increases, the burden on natural resources increases too.
There are some natural resources that are abundant in nature like air, sunlight, and water while
there are also natural resources that are scarce and have limited supply like fossil fuels, coal, and
minerals which may or possibly lead to dearth and mortality rate of emaciated humans which
causes the government to handicap and liabilities for mending the problem.
Difficulty in educating the children - The higher the population of school age people in a
society, the more teachers are needed to teach these students. This can place a strain on an
already overtaxed system. Many teachers are moving to different professions for the monetary
increase, while those who stay are overburdened with the ever increasing number of students.
The educational issues this causes can increase when teachers are dealing with students who
have to stay after school and come in early due to parental work obligations. It causes to School
overflowing due to insanely amount of inundate of children going to school then all buildings are
built with a specific number of occupants in mind. In schools that experience an increase of
population, this number can be exceeded. This can cause serious school overcrowding which can
cause negative feelings among the students. This means the district needs to build more and
bigger schools. This costs money that most school districts do not have, resulting in having to
take out loans and the community having to assist in the building of a new school.

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