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Mary Joyce C.

Mondejar SOEN 1 Group 2

Ms. April Joan Bagano BSA 2 Block B

Reading the first three chapters of Laudato Si made me realize a lot of things. More often
than not, people tend to take things surrounding them for granted. And I think this says a lot
about how an individual is unaware or has forgotten the importance of caring for the
environment, the community he/she is a part of and basically every creation of God. Personally,
I think I sometimes forget the impact of the little things and through Laudato Si I was able to
come into terms with my lapses.
The first chapter of Laudato Si introduced me to the current problems in relation to the
environment. Problems like pollution, loss of biodiversity, and climate change were emphasized.
Every day the environment suffers. And this is due to the actions of the people. Forgetting about
what and who might be affected by their countless projects and prioritizing their own benefits is
something that humans do when they are blinded by the things that offer them convenience.
This chapter reminds me of being humane. That we should be more careful of what we are doing
and that it is our responsibility to take care of what we were given.
In connection with the first chapter, Chapter Two entitled “The Gospel of Creation” talked
about how nature is a gift. The first chapter in the Genesis was mentioned. In this chapter, I
learned of the importance of nature. That it was gifted to us to be taken care of and to be utilized
equally. In the present times, global inequality is being portrayed and it probably is quite hard to
get back the balance. But, I believe that taking a step forward might just be what it takes to make
a change and get an opportunity to bring back the blinding beauty of nature.
Finally, in the third chapter, I got to explore the cause of the ecological crisis that we are
continuously facing, and that of course is humans. Everything that humans do that is done with
no regards to the environment, is the reason why we are experiencing environmental problems.
This chapter made me realize how I am also lacking. That I have never really done anything much
to make a difference.
Despite realizing how I’ve done so little, Laudato Si also made me realize that it is never
too late. That I can still make a change and that everybody has a chance to step up and give back
to what God has gifted us all.

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