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Theology 3

Gracilla, Anika Y. 2EMT August 19, 2020

Asst. Prof. Rosario D. Verdeflor C.N. 19

“Madaling Maging Tao Mahirap Magpakatao”

The saying can be divided into two parts. The first part states, “Madaling Maging
Tao”, person in here refers to the intrinsic characteristics that God has bestowed upon
us. It refers to what makes us a person, our needs, rationality, intelligence, free-will,
dignity and conscience. Most of the time it is easier to act as a “person”, speaking
without restraint, condemn, exploit and mistreat others, lying, abusing our free will and
abusing nature among many others. Moreover, now we have been accustomed to a
culture of apathy, ignorance and going with the tide.

On the other hand, the second part, “Mahirap Magpakatao”, humaneness refers
to following the will of God and living our lives just the way God wanted us to. It is
indeed hard to know what God wants us to do, but it can be as simple as showing the
love, care and respect that the creation of God deserves. Being humane, can be shown
by being keeping one’s promises. It can also be shown by giving alms to the poor on the
streets. Additionally, practicing ways in order to minimize waste and segregating trash is
also one way of being humane as it shows our stewardship towards God’s creation.

God our Loving Father I am thankful for this day. I hope that you will guide and
strengthen me as I go about this journey. I ask for your blessings to make me more
loving, understanding and forgiving. God please help the people who have been
severely affected by this pandemic. Give them spiritual sustenance that they may
overcome the hardships that they are facing. I ask for your protection against the
COVID-19. I ask this through Christ my Lord and brother. Amen.

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