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Ma. Jessica M.


Gas 401

Comprehension Questions:

1. Enumerate and describe the five (5) key trends were discussed in the article. Use the table
below in analyzing each of it.

Content Marketing Description

1. Video will continue to dominate the Internet users routinely experience information
internet overload: endless, rolling streams of
notifications, status messages, links, and
headlines melding into one overwhelming blur.
Our brains are adapting to tune out most of the
clutter –except for videos, which allow us to
either rest our minds (think beach videos and
food porn) or to consume bits of information
faster and with more focus.
2. Redefining the user experience-again “Mobile-first” was the biggest design challenge
for platforms and publishers 2 years ago. As
people started spending more time on mobile
devices, executions also evolved: from long
form verticals to quick social posts, from text-
heavy to more visuals and video.
3. Data-driven creative As new tools to collect and filter data are being
developed, marketers are finding it easier to
understand the audience demographic, post-
campaign. But data isn’t just for making better
observations, ad deliveries, and analytics –in
2017, data will further enhance how content
will be made and optimized.
4. Non-linear content Compared to other forms of advertising
content marketing puts more focus on the
readers needs and wants. In order to gain and
keep the and audience, native advertising
should address what readers look for online; a
way to deal with content fatigue, a desire to
make a difference, or even simply a chance to
learn something new about themselves in an
easy way.
5. Great Storytelling Great storytelling is easier said than done. But
it’s not impossible. All you need is a great big
idea –it doesn’t have to be something you’ve
never heard of, but you must find ways to make
it truly yours, and truly beneficial for the
audience you’re talking to.
2. Last December 2016, the article predicted that the five (5) trends that were mentioned
above will change the Philippine landscape in the field of business and advertising in 2017.
Is the prediction successful? Did it really become the trend this year? Give pieces of
evidence to support your answer.

Manila, Philippines-2016, was the year when trending content took over as the king of the digital
world. According to the Content Marketing Institute's B2B report for 2016. According to the report,
content marketing is now used by 88 percent of major local publishers and is generated in-house. So
far, trends indicate that hastening the digital world's transformation has the potential to transform
business models and operations by dramatically improving how services are delivered to end-users.
It will offer faster speeds, lower latency, and increased density.

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