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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/31/2021 Contact:

Gary Corns, Director of Marketing
Toya Davis, Social Media Director

Phone: 336-841-6111

Early Arrival of Termites

Greensboro, NC: With spring upon us and temperatures averaging in the 60’s, the appearance
of termites will become more common. With the warm weather, termites begin their annual
appearance at vulnerable homes and properties.

A typical home with termites may have three to four termite colonies around it, with as many as
one million termites in each colony. That’s more than the number of people in most cities.
Termite colonies are highly productive; colonies swarm in the spring in an attempt to start new
colonies and their biology means that they are always on the hunt for food. Swarmers
(reproductive termites) indicate an established colony has been around long enough that it has
matured and is now trying to establish new ones. But, there are ways to both eradicate existing
colonies as well as prevent infestations.

A termite colony is at work every moment of its existence. However, as the ground and air
warm, termites increase activity to prepare for growth. Termites have very specific jobs to
complete which are broken into three castes: workers, soldiers, and reproductives. A worker
termite focuses on gathering food for the entire colony, traveling in a radius of 250 feet from the
colony. The soldiers of the colony have the role of defending the colony from threats (such as
ants) and to take care of the eggs and larvae. The king and queen are the only couple who build
the colony. Swarmers, or reproductives, are the winged versions of termites that leave the
colony during warm Spring and Fall weather to start new colonies.

Termites can enter your home through openings as small as 1/32 of an inch, so make sure your
house structure is free of any cracks or holes as well as excess moisture, as this is a conducive
condition for wood-destroying insects.

Chase Hazelwood, CEO of Go-Forth Pest Control, says they are receiving multiple calls every
day about termite swarms. “While we have the tools to eradicate an existing termite infestation,
it’s definitely in a homeowner’s best interest to take a preventative approach before they see
swarmers, like their neighbors. Not only can this save them money on treatment costs, it can
prevent damage before it starts.”
These ravenous insects cost homeowners roughly $5 billion in property damage every year in
the United States alone! Almost no homeowners insurance covers termite damage because it
is seen as something that can and should be prevented by homeowners. Homeowners should
heed the termites’ Spring activity as an indication that it’s time to start preparing our homes for
Spring and Summer, and the pests that come with them, like termites, ants, ticks and


Go-Forth Pest Control, founded in 1959 in High Point, North Carolina has additional branches in
Lake Norman, Charlotte, Raleigh, Columbia, SC and Richmond, VA. It is a third-generation,
family-owned business. Go-Forth’s mission is to be people-focused in all they do, and by
holding themselves accountable to the highest standards of service and professionalism, they
will foster the growth of their team and their business. Go-Forth is committed to being a
modern, innovative industry leader with the personal touch of a local, family-owned company.
Go-Forth is home to seven NC Statewide Technicians of the Year. The company is also a Family
Business Award winner, a Triad Best Places to Work winner, a PCT Top 100 company, a Triad
Fast 50 company, and one of Inc. Magazine’s Fastest Growing Companies in America. For
more information please visit

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