2unless Playbill Final

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As everyone was exiting quarantine in 2021, Infinite Arts sought

to bring live theatre back to the community and these kids. It
wasn't yet safe to sing so we modernized Shakespeare's five most
famous plays and focused inwards on our acting after years of
singing and dancing. Then, that fall, once we were cleared to sing
once again we launched into a powerhouse season: Theory of Rel-
ativity, Godspell, our original music Somewhere Different Now and
of course, RENT.
But a lot of these shows weren't suitable for younger actors and
after the success of RiverHawk Production's spring 2022 produc-
tion of full Broadway Newsies, we wanted to offer something for
our youngest thespians. Enter: UNLESS. Adapted for younger ac-
tors and marketed to younger audiences. With a focus on acting
with our younger performers (in a way only non-musicals can
provide), the "annual end of summer play has been born." This
show is FUN: with action, friendship, special effects and
heart. It's short run time keeps the attention span of young audi-
ence members and the number of roles and sizes have allowed us
to showcase and highlight a myriad students (some for the first
time in their new careers). We're excited to present to you what I
hope comes off almost like a live action version of The Power
Rangers (one of my all time childhood favorites). Now if only I
could write a Pokemon or Harry Potter-esque play... Next year's
will likely be an original... Maybe a DANCE PLAY...Hmm...
Oh, and have ya'll checked out the website and even seen the
amazing things coming up!? Young Frankenstein, Pippin, High
School Musical, Kinky Boots, ELF. Like, are you screaming? But I
digress. These kids have worked super hard, learned a lot, met
new friends, had an awesome time and are absolutely ecstatic to
present you with this play. So sit back, relax, and enjoy (and
show us how much you care). This is UNLESS!

Act 1
Ruins ................................................................................................................................................... Moralist
Forest Thunderstorm..................................... Debbie, Allen, Nelvanna
The Clouds...........................................................................................Dean, Debbie, Allen, TNG
Summer Camp........................Debbie, Harvey, Laura, Carol, Cullen, Bullies
The Woods ...................................................Debbie, Harvey, Carol, Cullen, Nelvanna
The Clouds......................................................... Debbie, Allen, Dean, Carol, Cullen, TNG
The Woods ...................................................................... Laura, Nelvanna, Carol, Cullen
The Clouds...........................................................................................Debbie, Allen, Dean, TNG
Nelvanna’s Lair ....................................................................................................... Nelvanna
Summer Camp........................................................... Laura, Carol, Cullen, Bullies
The Clouds...................................................................Dean, Nelvanna, Debbie, Allen, TNG

Intermission ~ Please join us for snacks and drinks in the lobby

Act 2
The Clouds.................................................................... Linda, Edward, Tom, Lenora, Dean
The Lake .................................................................................................. Laura, TNG, Nelvanna
The Woods ................................................Carol, Cullen, Bullies, Remaining TNG
The Clouds.................................................................Dean, Carol, Cullen, Remaining TNG
Nelvanna’s Lair/
The Woods Crossover ...............Nelvanna, Debbie, Allen, Dean, TNG
Summer Camp......................................................................... Laura, Carol, Cullen
Nelvanna’s Lair ........................................................................................................ Company
Summer Camp.......................................................Nelvanna, Laura, Carol, Cullen
Ruins................................................................................................................................................... Moralist
Bows........................................................................................................................................... Cast & Crew
Nelvanna .......................................................................................................................................Alyssa Miller
Laura ......................................................................................................................................................Sadie Blatt
Carol .................................................................................................................... Alexandra Graydon
Cullen..............................................................................................................................................Collin Carter
Debbie ............................................................................................................................... Emily Margenau
Allen .............................................................................................................................................. Caleb Gordon
Dean...................................................................................................................................... Alex Fennimore

Harvey/Moralist...................................................................................................... Josephine Lortie

Peter/Paul...................................................................................................................... Katelyn Baldwin
Stephen/Dale ........................................................................................................... Madeline Baldwin
Patricia/Michael.......................................................................................................... Bridget Nutter
Ralph/Lenora ...................................................................................................................Nika Ledyashov
Linda/Tom.......................................................................................................................................................... AJ Pitts
Edward/Jack........................................................................................................................ Anaya Sechele
Charlie/Clive .................................................................................................................................. Amaya Sam
Running Crew ............................................................................................................................. Nathan Dohr
Running Crew .................................................................................................................... Minaal Qureshi
Running Crew .................................................................................................................................Ayaan Sinha
Nelvanna .................................................................................................................................. Maddie Regan
Laura .......................................................................................................................... Samiha Saifudeen
Carol ............................................................................................................................................... Lexie Hodges
Cullen...........................................................................................................................................Logan Gerami
Debbie ...........................................................................................................................................Lexi Newborn
Allen ....................................................................................................................................... Noah Ouardighi
Dean.................................................................................................................................................. Jules Hodges

Harvey/Moralist...................................................................................................... Josephine Lortie

Peter/Paul...................................................................................................................... Katelyn Baldwin
Stephen/Dale ........................................................................................................... Madeline Baldwin
Patricia/Michael.......................................................................................................... Bridget Nutter
Ralph/Lenora ...................................................................................................................Nika Ledyashov
Linda/Tom.......................................................................................................................................................... AJ Pitts
Edward/Jack........................................................................................................................ Anaya Sechele
Charlie/Clive .................................................................................................................................. Amaya Sam
Running Crew ............................................................................................................................. Nathan Dohr
Running Crew .................................................................................................................... Minaal Qureshi
Running Crew .................................................................................................................................Ayaan Sinha
Infinite Arts..................................................................Jason Augustowski & Jill Kerr
Producers.......................................................................Kristie McDonald & Evan Stuart
Director ...........................................................................................................Jason Augustowski
Accounting................................................................................................... Paul Augustowski
Cast Boards .............................................................................................................Sydney Ivey
Makeup Design................................................................................Jason Augustowski
Graphic Design/Poster ..................................................................Sydney Ivey
Honorary Student Director ................................. Ellie Anderson
Lighting Design .................................................................................................. Kylee Clark
Photography ................................................................................................. Larry Wharton
Playbill.........................................................................................Kristie McDonald & Evan Stuart
Properties Design......................................................... Nathan Dohr, Minaal
Qureshi, Ayaan Sinha
Publicity .................................................................................... Evan Stuart & Heather Stuart
Set Construction ............................................ Bill McDonald, David Sawyer,
Jim Regan, Neremaan Qureshi
Set Transportation ...................................Ryan Olson & Kevin Steeprow
Sound Design ....................................................................Sydney Ivey, Beckett Rice,
Evan Stuart
Videographer........................................................................................... David Sawyer
StageCoach Theatre .............................................. Jerri Wiseman, Terry
Smith, April Bridgeman
Jason Augustowski
Jason Augustowski, CLT lead of Creative Writing and
AP English Language at Riverside High School, Direc-
tor of RiverHawk Productions at Belmont Ridge Mid-
dle School and Managing Member of Infinite Arts
wants to welcome you to this show. Unless is his
32nd show and he is proud to say these shows have
garnered well over 100 awards from national adju-
dication associations and continue to raise the bar for what can be accom-
plished in elementary, middle, and high school theatre.

If you like what you see on stage, get involved. We have programs for students
ages 10+ and direct shows virtually year-round. Visit our website, peruse our
tabs, contact us, and get involved. We open our doors to every student in
Loudoun County with unparalleled experiences in theatre instruction. Ask any
student in this show, we take experience and talents of all levels and shape
them into high-quality, compassionate, and confident performers while also
offering leadership opportunities behind the scenes of each show. So, get in-
volved. You will make TONS of new friends. With six full-length Broadway
productions a year, we have chosen BOTH quantity and quality. SO AGAIN,
GET INVOLVED (and bring your friends). The parent community surrounding
these shows is just as close. Want to get to know an incredible group of like-
minded, creative people? Want to swing a hammer or wield a saw or paint-
brush? Want to graphic design, manage publicity, take photographs, design
costumes, hair, makeup, lights, sound, props? You name it, we have an oppor-
tunity and an incredible tribe for you. We really are a full-community family
and want you to be our newest member.

Now for the boring history stuff: Jason attended Virginia Tech, where he
earned a B.A. in English and an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction. Having
participated in theatre in high school, and filmmaking in college, Jason's great-
est privilege has been working with these incredible students over the past
eleven years. They are truly some of the greatest human beings and most tal-
ented performers he has ever met. This show, as always, is dedicated to them.
Thank you for coming and supporting the arts. Enjoy the show and I hope to
meet YOU very soon!
Cast Biographies
(in alphabetical order by last name)

Katelyn Baldwin (Peter/Paul)

Katelyn is in 6th grade and excited to perform in
her 2nd show with Mr. A. She enjoys all things ar-
tistic (and some things athletic). She is looking
forward to being on stage again and is grateful to
everyone involved to help make it possible.

Madeline Baldwin (Stephen/Dale)

Madeline is in 6th grade and happy to be in her 2nd
show with Mr. A. She enjoys reading and writing and
any sport that doesn't involve a stick. She is excited
to be sharing the stage again with her sister and is
thankful to all members of the cast and crew.

Sadie Blatt (Fri/Sun Cast—Laura)

Hi, I’m Sadie. I enjoy acting as well as playing my gui-
tars and reading. I’m so glad I have the opportunity to
do this. I want to thank my parents, my grandparents,
siblings, friends and of course the production team
who l put this on. I’m also so glad I got to be with eve-
ryone on the cast, and I’m very proud and excited for
them too! Enjoy the show!
Collin Carter (Fri/Sun Cast—Cullen)
Unless is Collin's 2nd theater production, in which he
will star in the role of Cullen. Prior to Unless, Collin
was part of the ensemble in Newsies at Belmont Ridge
Middle School. Ever since Collin was little, he has en-
joyed the stage, whether it be through an acting per-
formance or a family karaoke night. His entire family
loves coming to watch him perform and we are so
excited to watch him shine in the role of Cullen. Go Collin! (Cullen!)

Alexander Fennimore (Fri/Sun

This is my second play with Mr. A. Before this, I
played Teddy Roosevelt in Newsies. In my free
time, I enjoy watching YouTube and making
YouTube videos for my channel, Fennimore Pro-
ductions. I also enjoy playing with my dog, Jack. I
wish everyone good luck in the play. Out.

Logan Gerami (Sat/Sat Cast—Cullen)

Logan is a 6th grader at Belmont Ridge Middle
School. This is Logan's second theater experience.
He participated in the Newsies at Belmont Ridge this
past spring and looks forward to future performanc-
es. Outside of theater, Logan enjoys esports, baseball,
basketball, tennis and swimming. Logan would like
to thank his family and friends for supporting him in
these new experiences. Thank you to Mr. A for his continued guidance and
Caleb Gordon (Fri/Sun Cast—Allen)
I loves sports, learning new things and acting! After
going to see Wicked in New York, , then watching The
Greatest Showman and other great plays I knew I
wanted to act! Enjoy the show!

Alexandra Graydon (Fri/Sun

I’m so excited to play the role of Carol in Unless! I love
to act and sing and was part of the Belmont Ridge
Newsies ensemble in Spring ‘22. I also love to travel
with my family, go to Broadway shows (Wicked is my
favorite!), ride roller coasters, go snorkeling, and
draw/paint. Enjoy the show!

Jules Hodges (Sat/Sat Cast—Carol)

Hello, I'm Jules and I play Dean. I am so excited to
play my first big role in Unless! This is the 3rd
show I have participated in. I like to write, draw,
and sing. My dream is to be an actor someday. I
enjoy watching and
. I would like to thank my sister Lexie, for
being super supportive and just being a great sibling. I can't wait to start
Lexie Hodges (Sat/Sat Cast—Dean)
Hi I'm Lexie. I've never been a fan of having an acting
career until 2021 when I was introduced to Newsies,
and I said, “Let's give this a shot!” Once Newsies end-
ed, my confidence boosted 110%! So, when I found
out about Somewhere Different Now, I immediately
signed up. Since Somewhere Different Now was a
smaller cast, I built stronger bonds with everyone.
Okay, okay, I'll stop talking about my shows. Some of my interests include
Writing, baking/cooking, animals, and traveling. See you on stage!

Nika Kedyashov (Ralph/Lenora)

Nika loves to perform on stage including everything
from singing, dancing, playing to ice skating. She has
a great voice and participated in all vocal plays at
school. She is also very good in art and gymnastics.
She participated in the play Sounds of Music in NY at
the local music school and sang solo Edelweiss. In the
Spring'22 she participated in the Newsies as an en-
semble member and had best experience. Nika is looking forward to be a part
of the next school show Wonderland High.

Josephine Lortie (Harvey/Moralist)

This is Josephine's second performance with Mr. A.
She has caught the acting bug and looks forward to
many more shows to come as she is just a rising fifth
grader. When not performing, she enjoys swimming
competitively, reading and playing with friends.
Emily Margenau (Fri/Sun Cast—
Hello! I’m Emily and I am so glad to be included in
Unless. This is my first Infinite Arts show and my
second time working with Mr. A! I’m so excited to
be in future plays and musicals and I’m grateful to
be able to have to opportunity to work with these
amazing people.

Alyssa Miller (Fri/Sun Cast—Nelvanna)

I am going into eighth grade and am so excited to be
in my second Infinite Arts production. I recently per-
formed in Newsies at Belmont Ridge Middle School
and Godspell at StageCoach Theatre. I play trumpet
and piano and I love to sing, play sports, and spend
time outdoors. I also love animals and have two cats. I
would like to thank my friends and family for encouraging me!

Lexie Newborn (Sat/Sat Cast—Debbie)

Lexi is excited to be performing in Unless. This is her
2nd time doing a show with Mr. A. She dedicates her
performance to her Mom, Dad, brother and her whole
family. Lexi loves reading, hanging out with her
friends, and trying new things.

Bridget Nutter (Patricia/Michael)

Bridget is a 5th grader at Newton Lee Elementary
school and this is her second production. Bridget
loves reading, writing, acting and singing. Bridget
has a younger sister who she loves and three crazy
but fun dogs. Bridget also enjoys swimming and
field hockey.
Noah Ouardighi (Sat/Sat Cast—Allen)
Noah is very passionate about film and theater. His
father dubs him a walking IMDB. His first role was
Riverhawk Productions’ Newsies in spring 2022 while
he was attending Seldens Landing Elementary school.
It has sing sparked a new passion for theater that will
no doubt grow in the coming years. He is planning on
acting in the upcoming Young Frankenstein production. We can’t wait to see
what great things await him!

AJ Pitts (Linda/Tom)
This is my next role after the Newsies at Belmont
Ridge. I am proud of my progress so far and I hope to
get a lead role one day but for now I will just stick with
my hobbies which are art, singing, and acting.

Maddie Regan (Sat/Sat Cast—Nelvanna)

Hi! I’m a 7th grader at Belmont Ridge and Unless is my
second show. Outside of acting I love singing, playing
volleyball, swimming and spending time with my
friends. I’d like to thank Mr. A, the entire cast and crew
and my family for all of their support!
Samiha Saifudeen (Sat/Sat Cast—
Hi! I’m Samiha, I’m an 8th grader at Belmont Ridge
Middle School, and I’m so excited to be playing
Laura in Unless! This is my 2nd show with Mr. A, as
I recently played Morris/Darcy/Scab 2 in Belmont
Ridge’s production of Newsies. I love to sing, act,
play volleyball, and hang out with my friends. Thank you to my family and
friends for all the support. Enjoy the show! I enjoy being in these shows,
going through the audition process, and to see the hard work everyone
including myself put in to make it shine. Thank you.

Amaya Sam (Charlie/Clive)

I love to act, and i'm really excited to start unless! Of
course, when you read this, it would already be the
day of the show. I had acting classes at stagecoach, so
i was very excited to be here again. I like to roller-
blade, draw, and to watch T.V. I was in the Newsies
ensemble at Belmont ridge middle school this spring,
and i wouldn't give back a minute of it.

Anaya Sechele (Edward/Jack)

Anaya is a rising 5th grader and this is her second
show. She is very excited to play the roles of Jack and
Edward in Unless. Anaya also enjoys music, writing,
watching T.V., swimming, drawing, and playing bad-
minton. Anaya wants to become an actor when she
grows up. She likes participating in Mr.A's shows and
can't wait to perform in Unless.
Crew Biographies
(in alphabetical order by last name)

Nathan Dohr (Running Crew)

This is Nathan's second theatre production and he is
excited to be part of the crew again. Nathan is looking
forward to another great production and thanks his
family and friends for their support.

Minaal Qureshi (Running Crew)

My name Minaal Qureshi and I am part of the Unless
running crew! I previously worked with Mr.A in River-
hawk Productions Newsies in running crew. I play the
piano and trumpet and do Taekwondo. I would like to
thank all my family and friends for everything they
have done. I would also like to thank everyone who
participated in and contributed to Unless. Enjoy the show!

Ayaan Sinha (Running Crew)

I'm Ayaan Sinha and this is my second show ever! I did
spotlights for newsies and now I'm running crew for
Unless! This is my first show with Infinite arts and I
can't wait to join the infinite arts family! I hope you all
enjoy the show!
We are so happy to see you
perform in your first

and even if you're a

"bully", we still think
you're a pretty great kid!
Mom & Dad
Madeline Bridget
We are so thrilled to see you We could not be prouder of you!
act in your first play !! Keep reaching for the stars and
pursuing your passions. Never let
that fire inside of you go out for
and even if nobody likes a you will move mountains and
"bully" accomplish many great things in
this beautiful journey called life!
we still like you a whole lot!
Love, Mom, Dad,
Love, Harkin, and the
dog face trio!
Mom & Dad
Nika Alexandra

we are very proud of YOU! Your family loves you

Keep shining bright our super and we are so proud
STAR! You are so natural in of your hard work!
what you do, keep up to amaze
us with many more new act- Keep shining bright!
ing, singing and dancing per-
formances! Break a leg! Love,
Mom, Dad,
Love - Mom, Dad, Trey and
Sergey and baby
sister Natalie <3 Noah

Sadie Congratulations
we’re amazed everyday by Logan
your determination, imagina-
tion and talent. Keep follow- We are so proud of you
ing your dreams and remem- for continuing your
ber that you can do anything!! theater experiences. Keep
We love you!! your confidence and smile!
Your “Cult” -
Mom, Dad, Owen, Love,
Emerson, Isabel, Mom, Dad and
Wyatt, Omi and Audrey
Audition Sign Ups: Sunday 10/2 to Tuesday 10/11
Auditions: Wednesday 10/12
Rehearsals: Monday 10/17 to Thursday 11/17

Friday 11/18 7pm
Saturday 11/19 2pm & 7pm
Sunday 11/20 2pm

We are pleased to announce our Spring 2023 Musical

Belmont Ridge
Middle School

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