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Character Concept_____________________________________________________________________

Dice you roll in physical scenes: fight, climb, run, endure pain, resist Success
disease, swim, avoid danger, skulk, ambush, perform sports, jump, bash
BODY: down, lift, brawl, throw.
Dice you roll in mental scenes: research, study, perform magic, resist Success
MIND: persuasion or interrogation, defuse traps, remember, understand, notice,
find, discover, plan, disbelieve illusions.
Dice you roll in social scenes: persuade, convince, trick, embezzle, fast-

AURA: talk, seduce, interrogate, impersonate, lie, act, intimidate, lead, rally,
encourage, perform, bully, motivate.
Success, add
narrative element;
you may Explode the

TRAITS die (roll 2 dice).

List five things your character is good at: skills, talents, languages, knacks, experiences. Each Trait gives you +1 die ONCE per session if
you use it in an appropriate scene. Used Traits refresh during a rest scene. Use extra spaces for Experience.

List three persons who are important for you and what kind of relationship you have with them (love, hate, friendship, rivalry, support, etc).
Once per session, each Relationship gives you +1 die in a scene about that character.


Something about you that you don’t want others to know. An object, fact or knowledge that defines you, guides you, or puts you in trouble.

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