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Dirty World Cheat Sheet

Identities Qualities
Patience (Mental): Focus on a problem and grind Generosity (Mental): Financial resources and
away at it. If it hits zero you go berserk and social status.
can’t use Patience, Cunning or Understanding Selfishness (Mental): Taking things from other
until some Patience is restored. people to their cost and your benefit.
Cunning (Mental): Reacting to the unexpected Demonstration (Mental): Education, knowledge
and thinking nontraditionally. and experience. Explaining things to people.
Vigor (Physical): Good health, strength and raw Observation (Mental): Learning, noticing or
vitality. If it hits zero your character is dying. observing things.
Grace (Physical): Balance, body control and Courage (Physical): Cope with danger. Fight fair
delicacy. or against the odds.
Understanding (Spiritual): The ability to relate Wrath (Physical): Bully and physically torment.
to people and empathize with them on a
profound and personal level. If it hits zero, Endurance (Physical): Use your body to make
your character despairs and is unable to use something keep happening.
Vigor or Patience for rolls. Defiance (Physical): Use your body to keep
Persuasion (Spiritual): Getting people to see something from happening.
things your way. Purity (Spiritual): Contact the good side of other
people, inspiring them to better action.
Instant Quality Improvements Corruption (Spiritual): Perceive others’ sins and
Generosity: Help the unwilling. weaknesses, and lure them towards them.
Selfishness: Steal from the trusting. Honesty (Spiritual): Deal with the truth.
Demonstration: Understand something new. Deceit (Spiritual): Deal with Deception.
Observation: Get taken by surprise.
Quality Damage
Courage: Win an even or disadvantageous fight. 2x or 3x Set: Slide a point off the Quality. If it’s
Wrath: Torment the helpless. empty, slide off the Identity associated with it.
Endurance: Survive a physical confrontation. 4x Set: Remove a point from the Quality. If it’s
empty, remove a point from its Identity.
Defiance: Be scorned.
5+x Set: Remove a point directly from the Identity
Purity: Right a wrong at cost, without duress.
attached to the Quality.
Corruption: Torment on purpose, for no gain.
Honesty: Suffer from being deceived. Weapons, Secrets & Surprises
Deceit: Have your faith betrayed. Minor: +1 Width. Switchblade, embarrassment,
circumstantial evidence.
Serious: +2 Width. Handgun, humiliation,
objective evidence.
Horrendous: +3 Width. Machinegun, total social
upheaval, damning and incontrovertible

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