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Homework 2

The clues: The clues we saw in the game, are, that the instructions and clues, said us that we have
just 3 doors, and we have to think in what door, can we exit, BUT the picture posted miss annie, we
can saw 4 doors, and that’s not logic, because there says that are just 3 doors, so the correct awnser
is, that we can escape through door number 4.

All the mental process we have:

The intelligence. It involves an ability to recognize what we feel, to find our own motivation.
Intelligence is not based only on having knowledge and skills, it is based on knowing how to manage
our own emotions and understand those of others (emotional intelligence).

The learning. It is a process by which behaviors, knowledge, beliefs, values are acquired. It can be
learned in many ways, through observation, study or experience, among others.

The feeling. It is the result of an emotion.

The emotion. Emotions guide our behavior and influence our thoughts. An emotion can bring us
closer to a person, an environment or an object or, conversely, move us away. Emotions therefore
have psychological, physiological and behavioral effects.

Perception. It allows us to see and realize what is happening in a certain situation. It helps us to
interpret and give meaning to a situation.

Awareness. It is not a type of mental process, but a set of mental processes that involve various
aspects such as physiological or reason. Based on consciousness, a person can act in one way or
another, in a totally different way. The ways we act, therefore, can be determined by our genetics
and by what we learn through our lives.

The attention. It assumes that our mind is focused on a specific stimulus.

As we can see, mental processes are multiple and, at times, quite complex, so it is a challenge to
know them and know how they work in each person.

What represents to me the last image:

For me, the last image, we can see on the presentation, is the multiple intelligences, that have the
human brain, that are a lot of sentences, like, the arts, music, linguistic, sports, ecologic, etc. That
represents to me, many things, like, the human brain is able to learn many things, and easilyer, for
example me, the last year I learned to play guitar, piano and sing, without a teacher, I did completely
alone, and now I know a lot of things in music, and my brain was able to learn and practice alone,
without a teacher, and I wasn’t able to have a teacher, for the quarantine, but I did, and I didn’t gave
up, and now I understand, that all that effort was necessary to arrive to this place I have now, and
also I understand how I was so intelligent and capable to make all that, how my brain was so
persistent and intelligent to make all that without a person who may help me or teached all that,
and I think that all the human brains are able to do that, and more, just we have to effort us more,
and concentrate us to achieve our goals.

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