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Escuela de Bachilleres Vespertina de Orizaba

Alumna: Castillo Sanchez Regina Yamileth

Mtra: Garcia Chama Arely

Grado y Grupo: 4toA

Proyecto: What would you do if you won the lottery?

What would you do if you won the lotery?
I would things from stray kids for me and my best friend Nere, because we love them
too much, could buy albums or skzoo for us, or I think we could buy tickets for a
concert of them. We could also visit each other often since we don't live close, we
would go to squares and parks to eat and hang out while we talk about what is
happening to us and how we have been feeling.

What I want is not so many material things, as long as I have a good time, so if I won
the lottery I would probably use it to go out with my family and friends. I would buy a
big car to be able to take what I want there, to go swimming in the pools or anywhere

I would also buy a house and move there with my best friend, although we are still
young but when we know how to be independent and have something that we can
support financially, it would be a good idea.

I would buy makeup or beauty and care items, when I usually see them in catalogs now
they are expensive but I don't have that much money because I don't work.

I would buy video games, both console and mobile, some improvements that are bought
with real money from the games, I would also pay for Netflix because I have unfinished
series left and they continue to interest me.

I think that something I would buy would be clothes, from the internet and from the
stores that I see here in the city, I would buy some boots, hats and accessories such as
necklaces and rings.

I would like to go to a mitski concert although I cried at it, at the stray kids concert I
would also cry, but mitski stage presence makes me interpret her songs in different
ways. At the concert i would cry and sing, mitski has somewhat depressing songs, and
stray kids talk about finding himself and the support they give to their fans, if I already
cry listening to them with headphones, they would give me more feeling live.

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