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Gabriel Parks Hr: 5, 3/29/2022

Health Education

Chapter 8 and 9 Study Guide

1. What nutrients are used by the body as a source of energy?

- Proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
2. How many different nutrients does your body require?
- 6 Nutrients.
3. The amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down is measured in units called
- Calories.
4. The chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy is called
- Metabolism.
5. Nutrients that contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are called
- Proteins. .
6. What is the role of carbohydrates?
- To supply energy for your body’s functions.
7. Fats made when manufacturers add hydrogen to the fat molecules in vegetable oils are called
- Trans fats.
8. Nutrients that are made by living things, are required only in small amounts, and that assist many chemical reactions
- Vitamins.
9. One of the main functions of vitamins is to
- Assist many chemical reactions.
10. If a person's diet does not include enough iron, he or she may develop
- Anemia.
11. Nutrients that occur naturally in rocks and soil and are required only in small amounts are called
- Minerals.
12. The process of maintaining a steady state inside your body is called
- Homeostasis.
13. Very heavy perspiring or severe diarrhea can result in a serious reduction in the body's water content known as
- Dehydration.
14. What is a good way for a 16 year old girl to prevent dehydration?
- To drink at least 10 8-ounce cups of water every day.
15. What is an example of a nutrient-dense food?
- Nutrient-dense foods contain lots of vitamins and minerals relative to the number of calories.
16. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans document does NOT provide information about how to
- Grow your own food.
17. According to the MyPyramid plan, what should make up the smallest portion of a teenager's diet?
- Oils.
18. What is good advice about eating grains?
- Make half of the grains that you eat whole grains.
19. What is your basal metabolic rate?
- The rate at which you use energy when your body is at rest.
20. A feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body's need for nutrients is called
- Hunger.
Gabriel Parks Hr: 5, 3/29/2022
Health Education

21. Generally, more calories are needed by people who

- Have a higher basal metabolic rate.
22. Daily values are calculated for the average person who consumes a total of
- 2,000 Calories a day.
23. The best way to judge the nutritional value of a food is by
- Reading the food label carefully.
24. On a food label, food ingredients are listed in order by
- Weight, from most to least.
25. The food label on a package of crackers indicates a percent Daily Value for iron of 15 percent. This means that
- 1 Serving provides 15% of the iron that the average person needs each day.
26. The weight that is right for you is the weight that
- Does not present any health risks.
27. What equation is used to calculate body mass index?
- {(Height [inches] x height [inches]) / weight [pounds]} x 703= BMI.
28. Your body mass index is a
- Ratio of your weight to your height.
29. How can you assess whether your weight falls within a healthy range?
- Calculate your body mass index.
30. Obesity refers specifically to
- Adults who have a BMI of 30 or higher.
31. What are health risks due to being overweight?
- Heart disease and diabetes.
32. Anemia, heart irregularities, and trouble regulating body temperature are health problems linked to being
- Underweight.
33. What is needed in a diet to make it work?
- Regular exercise.
34. Which of the following is the safest, most sensible way to lose weight?
- Exercise.
35. What is some sensible weight loss strategy?
- Take a walk instead of eating when you are bored.
36. An inability to digest a particular food or food additive is called a
- Food intolerance.

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