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Avaliação Discursiva de Inglês - I BIMESTRE

Aluno (a): Ano: 1º ano

Data: Pontos Totais: 2,0 pontos Pontos Obtidos:

Professor: Thaís Oliveira

Prezado (a) aluno (a)

Leia atenciosamente:
 Confira a avaliação se está devidamente impressa.
 Complete corretamente os dados do cabeçalho.
 A interpretação dos enunciados das questões faz parte da avaliação, não cabendo perguntas ao professor durante a prova.
 Use caneta azul ou preta para responder.
 Questões objetivas rasuradas serão anuladas.
 Releia toda a avaliação antes de entregá-la ao professor.
 Pegar qualquer tipo de material emprestado com os colegas durante a avaliação não será permitido.
 O aluno terá sua avaliação invalidada sob qualquer suspeita e/ou confirmação de cola.
 Só será permitida a entrega da avaliação, após 40 min. do início de sua execução.
 As questões que envolvem cálculos só serão consideradas mediante justificativas.
 Para uma possível solicitação de revisão da avaliação, é necessário que todas as instruções acima tenham sido seguidas.

Questão I (0,5)

Complete the sentences with the Simple Present or Present Progressive form of the verbs in parentheses.

a) I usually ________________ (go) to school by bus.

b) My brother never _______________ (go) to school by bus. He _____________ (have) his own car.
c) Look! Sally _______________ (have) a book in her hands. What _______________ (read; she)?
d) It’s 8:30 and my grandfather _______________ (sit) in front of the TV. He ______________ (watch)
the news. He _______________ (watch) the news every night.
e) If my father _______________ (get) a promotion, we will move to a new house.

Questão II (0,3)

Rewrite these sentences by adding the adverbs of frequency intelligible.

a) She is asking intelligent questions. (always)

b) Books are ordered by the author’s last name in alphabetical order. (usually)
c) I can understand what that guy says. (never)
Questão III (0,4)

Complete the sentences with the Past Progressive or the Simple Past form of the verb in parentheses.

a) When the door _____________ (open), the children ____________ (come) in immediately.
b) I ____________________ (study) for my exercises when my mother ___________ (call) me.
c) When she _______________ (arrive), I ___________ (get) up and __________ (leave) the room.
d) I _________________ (take) a shower while my sister ____________________ (sleep).

Questão IV (0,5)

Complete the sentences with used to/didn’t use to plus one of the verbs from the box below.

a) The Vikings ____________________ a sport called knattleik, which involved a bat and a small hard
ball and was usually played on a smooth field of ice, just like today’s hockey.

b) Even though knattleik ___________________ to injuries, and sometimes even death, it was popular
with both adults and children in Iceland.

c) Contrary to popular belief, the Vikings ______________________ evidence that Viking ships went as
far as what is now Canada, which shows that Viking sailors knew the Earth was round.

d) The Vikings left no literary legacy. Even though they had an alphabet, they ____________________
about their myths and habits.

e) Recent archaeological findings have built a rather complete and balanced picture of how the Vikings
__________________ from the 8th to the 11th centuries.

Questão V (0,3)

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. You can circle more than one option if they
are correct.

a) J. K. Rowling didn’t use to be / isn’t / wasn’t famous before she wrote Harry Potter.

b) According to the stories, before her success, J. K. Rowling used to spend / spends / would spend
hours and hours at a café writing her book.

c) After she used to publish/published/publish the first Harry Potter book, her life used to change /
changed /would change completely.

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