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Clasa a V-a, L1
An școlar 2021-2022

Nume și prenume:

• Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se
acordă 10 puncte.
• Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

1. Fill in the gaps using the following words:

capital, tower, height, home, bell ,years , beautiful, tall, high, wide

☺ The Willis Tower is in Chicago in the USA. It’s over 40 1)_________ old. It is a very tall land
2)________ building. It is just under 445 metres 3)___________.
☺ The Sky Tower is in Auckland in New Zeeland. It is a great 4)___________. It is about 20 years old.
It is 328 metres in 5)_____________. The top floor is 220 metres 6)____________.
☺ London is the 7)____________ city of England. London is also the 8)____________ of the famous
Elizabeth Tower. This is where you can see Big Ben – the large bell inside the clock tower. Big Ben
is quite big for a 9)_________. It is 2.28 metres tall land 2.75 metres 10)____________.


2. Complete with the correct form of the possessive adjective.

1) My father is driving __________ new car.

2) Hello! What's ____________ name ?
3) I've got a sister. ________ name is Mary.
4) ________ names are Mark and Jorge.
5) The cow ate ____________ food quickly.
6) The little boy is playing with __________ toys.
7) We live in a house. ________ house is very big.
8) They like sport. __________ favourite sport is rugby.
9) The girl plays tennis. This is ___________ racket.
10) Is this Paul's cat ? Yes, it is _________ cat.
11) Julie and I are sisters. _______ home is in London.
12) They are friends. ________ name are Mike and Sam.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct nationality and country:

1) Sally is from Germany. She is _______________

2) I’m from UK. I’m _______________

3) Tao is from _________. He’s Chinese.

4) David and Mark are from USA. They are ___________.

5) Where are you from, Ana? I’m from Canada. I’m __________ (5x2p=10p)

4. Complete with the correct dates, months and seasons:

1) April is the ________ month of the year and it is in _________.

2) ___________ is the first month of the year and it is in ____________.
3) We celebrate Halloween on _______________________ which is in _____________.
4) July is the _____________ month of the year and it is in _____________.
5) My birthday is on ___________ in ____________.

5. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the verb TO BE:

1) I am from Canada and my classmates ___________ from Egypt.

2) A: _____________ your brother a teacher? B: Yes, he ___________
3) Sarah and Jane _________________ at a restaurant.
4) They __________________ at work right now. Where ______________ they?
5) A: ___________ I late? B: No, you __________
6) Paris ______________ the capital of France.
7) These cookies ______________ really delicious!
8) Where _______________ your classmates? _______________ they in the cafeteria?
9) I ______________ twenty-two years old. How old ___________ you?
10) Their names ______________ Susan and Jennifer.
11) A: _____________ you William? B: No, I _____________
12) Grammar is easy. It ___________________ difficult.
13) Elephants _____________ very big animals.
14) A: What time __________ it? B: It _________ three o’clock.
15) I ___________ very hungry. Let’s go eat.
16) That movie _____________ funny. In fact, it’s quite boring.
17) My friend and I ___________ both students at the same school.
18) _______ they at the movie theatre?
19) February ________ the second month of the year.
20) What colour ________ your new car?

6. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about you: name, age, country, city,
nationality, and birthday. Write full sentences!
Do not use more than 80 words.

(20 points)

Good luck!

Clasa a V- a L1
An școlar 2020 - 2021


• Se punctează oricare alte formulări/ modalități de rezolvare corectă a cerințelor.
• Nu se acordă punctaje intermediare, altele decât cele precizate explicit prin barem.
• Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu. Nota finală se calculează prin împărțirea punctajului total acordat
pentru test la 10.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. 10 x 2p=20 points
1) years; 2) beautiful; 3) tall; 4) tower; 5) height; 6) high; 7) capital; 8) home; 9) bell; 10) wide.

2. 12 x 1,25p= 15 points
1) our; 2) your; 3) her; 4) their; 5) its; 6) his; 7)our; 8) their; 9) her; 10) his; 11) our; 12)their.

3. 5 x 2 p= 2 points
1) German; 2) British; 3) China; 4) American; 5) Canadian.

4. 5 x 2p=10 points
1) fourth/spring; 2) January/winter; 3) the 31st of October/autumn; 4) seventh/summer; 5) his/her birthday date
and season

5. 20 x 1,25p=25 points
1) are; 2) is/is; 3) are; 4)are not/are; 5)am/aren’t; 6)is; 7)are; 8)are/are; 9)am/are; 10)are; 11)are/am not;
12)isn’t; 13)are; 14)is/is; 15) am; 16)isn’t; 17) are; 18) are; 19) is; 20) is.

PARTEA a II-a (20 de puncte)

4 points for appropriately beginning and ending the letter:

- 2 points the beginning: Dear + the friend’s name/ Hello
- 2 points the ending: Best wishes + the sender’s name
3 points for correct grammar structures and connectors
5 points for the use of appropriate vocabulary
5 points for covering the aspects demanded by the task
3 points for a balanced structure (greeting/introduction, content)


SCHOOL: Școala gimnazială Ștefan Vodă
CLASS: 5th
TIME: 50 min
TEACHER: Teodorescu Virgiliu
COURSEBOOK: Limba Engleza 1,Uniscan

LESSON: Revision Unit 5…..

TYPE OF LESSON: Evaluation
Possible competencies
4.1. Redactarea de mesaje simple și scurte
4.2. Descrierea unor aspecte ale vieţii cotidiene (oameni, locuri, școală, familie, hobby-uri), folosind
propoziţii scurte
3.3. Identificarea informaţiilor din mesaje scrise simple de la prieteni sau de la coleg
Possible aims
- To test Ss understanding by reading a text
- To check Ss use of English language in writing a short message/describing their daily
routine/describing a friend

By the end of the lesson, the students will (prove that they know how to)
 O1:
 O2: to select the correct information from a text
 O3: write a short message/ describe a person/write about their daily routine

Stages Timing Interaction Objectives Activities Obs.

Teacher Students

1.Lead-in 2’ T-ss Teacher asks students if there If there are such

are any questions before the situations, they speak.

2. Presentation 2’ T-ss Teacher gives students the test Ss pay attention to the
papers explanations.
(of the test)

3. Evaluation 45’ Ss O1, O2, For the first section of the test
O3 teacher plays the recordings
Individual and asks students to choose
work the correct answer. Students listen to the
recordings and choose
the correct answers.

4. Feedback/ 1’ T-ss The test should be corrected

manually by the teacher.
Asks students how they feel
about the test/ what part was
easy or difficult, etc.

Gives homework

Test de evaluare formativă Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a
Testul de evaluare formativă valuarea este puntea dintre predare și învățare. Ea
reprezintă singura modalitate prin care ne putem da seama ce efect a avut predarea asupra
elevilor, pentru a ne putea planifica următorii pași. Testul are în vedere verificarea nivelului de
pregatire al elevilor până întru-un anumit punct în timpul anului școlar(se anexeaza o copie a
acestui test). Prin acest test s-au verificat concepte operationale precum: tipuri de verbe,
substantiv, adjectiv.

Au fost totodata verificate cunostintele gramaticale ale elevilor prin cererea elevilor,
la anumite puncte, de a alege formele corecte ale adjectivelor posesive și de a completa la unele
exerciții forma corectă verbului to be.

Testul a vizat de asemenea si capacitatea de exprimare liberă în scris a elevilor prin

cerinţa de a elabora propozitii pornind de la anumite întrebări date şi de a redacta un text despre

Obiective operaţionale

O1 - să completeze texte lacunare cu informațiile oferite;

O2 - să recunoască noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate şi să le aplice corect;
O3 – să utilizeze corect noțiunile de vocabular învățate;
O4 - să redacteze un text (paragraph) pe o temă dată..
Descriptori de performanţă :
1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
x Nu completează  Oferă foarte puţine  Oferă paţial  Oferă integral
texele lacunare cu informaţii în textul informaţii în textul informaţii în textul
informațiile oferite; lacunar; lacunar; lacunar;
x Nu recunoaşte  Recunoaşte foarte puţin  Recunoaşte partial  Recunoaşte integral
noţiunile/structurile din noţiunile/structurile din noţiunile/structurile
gramaticale gramaticale învăţate; noţiunile/structurile gramaticale învăţate;
învăţate;  Utilizează foarte puţin gramaticale învăţate;  Utilizează corect
corect noțiunile de  Utilizează parţial noțiunile de
x Nu utilizează corect
vocabular învățate; corect noțiunile de vocabular învățate;
noțiunile de  Utilizează foarte puţin vocabular învățate;  Utilizează corect
vocabular învățate; corect ajectivele şi  Utilizează parţial ajectivele şi gradele
x Nu utilizează corect gradele de comparaţie; corect de comparaţie;
ajectivele şi gradele  Redactează cateva ajectivele şi gradele  Redacteaza un text-
de comparaţie; cuvinte/propoziţii dintr- de comparaţie; paragraf integral şi
x Nu reuşeşte să un text  Redactează parţial un corect .
redacteze un text

Note 1 -4 5 -6 7-8 9 - 10

Nr. elevi 9 1 3 0

Media pe clasa : 6,40

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