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Instructions Plan for a Single Lesson

Name: Megan Brass Date: 12/3/2020 Grade: 1st

Subject/Topic: Math/Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To

Objectives: (Observable and Measureable – action verbs)

The Students Will Be Able To (TSWBAT):
1. The students will be able to compare two numbers through a game.

2. The students will be able to understand and use the symbols of greater than, less than, and
equal to when comparing two numbers.

Standards: (What PA Standards or Eligible Content do the objectives above support? Add standards as
1. CC.2.1.1.B.2 Use place value concepts to represent amounts of tens and ones and to compare
two digit numbers.

Instructional Materials: (Include all materials, technology, etc)

1. YouTube video

2. Greater Than, Less Than, Equal To worksheet

3. Index cards

4. Plastic bag (to hold index cards)

5. Game worksheet

6. Pencils

7. Whiteboard/Projector

Introduction: (Attention Getter, Anticipatory Set, “Hook”, Motivate)

My attention grabber will be two numbers written on the whiteboard, and a stuffed shark comes to
eat the larger number. This will grab attention because of the stuffed animal, and the students will
become curious to learn about why the shark is eating one of the numbers.
Procedures: ( Step by step bullets of how your lesson will develop. Include questions you will ask and
examples you will provide)

 I will write two numbers, 6 and 8, on my whiteboard

 I will bring in the stuffed shark, making noises as he “swims” in to the numbers
 The shark will “eat” the larger number
 I will explain how the shark eats the larger number because it is bigger, and it feeds him more
 I will explain that we are going to be learning about comparing two numbers, and discovering
whether a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number
 I will play the YouTube video with Spanish subtitles for my English language learners
 We will discuss the video as a class and I will answer any questions students may have
 I will write the terms greater than, less than, and equal to on the whiteboard
 Students will have the opportunity to share what greater than means
 Students will have the opportunity to share what less than means
 Students will have the opportunity to share what equal to means
 I will go over the definition of symbols
 I will show by writing, and modeling for my English language learners, the symbols for greater
than, less than, and equal to
 I will bring back the stuffed shark and explain that the sharks mouth has to be facing the
larger number because he wants to eat the larger number
 I will be using a PowerPoint presentation, with Spanish included, to assist in my teaching of
these concepts and ideas
 I will bring up the game board, which students have as a worksheet
 One at a time, students will pick 2 index cards that have numbers on them, and they will have
to pick the correct symbol to use and say the correct sentence comparing numbers
 I will model the first example for students to see
 For my English language learners, I will help them build the numbers with base ten blocks if
they need to so they can visually see the numbers
 The shark will be present to remind the students that he has to eat the bigger number
 We will then move onto the independent worksheet
 I will display this worksheet on the whiteboard, but students are to complete it
independently, with help as needed
 I will go over the first example
 Students will need to draw the correct symbol to compare two numbers
 For my English language learners, I will have the directions written out step-by-step on paper
for them
 I will walk around and make sure students are staying on track
 I will help students as needed, and answer any questions they may have
 I will be sure to check on my English language learners to see if they need additional help
 We will review all answers together, with student volunteers
 I will collect all worksheets
 I will then bring the lesson to a close by reviewing the concepts we discussed today
Closure: (A brief wrap-up of questions for students to check to see if they met your objectives. Not a
place for assignments or homework (they are included at the end of “procedure”)

To close the lesson, I will review key concepts and terms we discussed today. I will ask questions such
as, “What video did we watch today?”, “What number does the shark always eat?”, and “How do we
compare two numbers?”

Assessment/Check for Understanding: How will you measure if the students have met the lesson

1. I will measure if students have met the lesson objectives by walking around the room to
informally assess

2. I will also ask questions during my closure and their responses will tell me if they have met
the lesson objectives

3. I will also check the responses on their worksheets to make sure they have met the lesson

Adaptations/Considerations: (What modifications could you make to lesson procedures, materials or


1. I will use plenty of visuals such as pictures and videos to make the lesson accessible to all of
my students. This will help them follow along.

2. I will use Spanish subtitles during the YouTube video.

3. I will make the symbols with my arms as well as draw them to give different ways of learning
available to students.

4. I will speak clearly and slowly so they can understand me.

5. I will assess understanding by walking around so I can assess all students.

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