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Management Plan

EDU 414 – Classroom Management

Megan Brass
I have created my management plan for a second-grade inclusion classroom. This plan
outlines the expectations I will have for my students throughout the school year. It also outlines
what students can expect for when the expectations are not met. This plan will help me create a
classroom environment that is full of learning opportunities with limited disruptive behaviors
seen from the students. With the use of the management plan, I hope to create a safe, and
enjoyable learning environment for all students with plenty of opportunities to grow for each

Classroom Goals
 The students will be able to understand and follow expectations of them as a
student in a classroom environment
 The students will learn to work with others in a positive and effective way
 The students will be able to communicate effectively on their personal and
academic needs
 The students will complete their assignments and work in a timely manner with
strong effort
 The students will put forth their best attitude and ability in everything they do in
the classroom
Guidelines for Success
 The classroom motto will be, “We respect each other. We try our best. We are a
team. We learn from mistakes. We create. We celebrate each other’s success.”
 The classroom will be a safe place for students to share their needs and struggles
 Classroom rules will be created with student input at the beginning of the year
 Classroom rules will be posted for all students to see, and they will be emphasized
throughout the year
 Any kind of bullying or negativity will not be tolerated
 Students will be active participants in the learning environment and planning
 I will be sure to assess student understanding constantly to be sure students are
understanding content taught
Classroom Rules
 Be respectful to the other students and teachers in the room
 One student is able to talk at a time
 We raise our hands and wait to be called on before speaking
 Enter the room ready to learn
 Help others when needed
 We use our “inside” voices when inside the classroom
 Keep the classroom neat and clean up after ourselves
Consequences for Classroom Rule Violations
 There will be a warning process for violations
 I will first discuss with the student what the violation is
 If it continues, I will speak with parents and discuss the behavior
 If the student continues to violate rules, administration will be involved
 I believe in positive reinforcements rather than punishments
 I also believe student behavior should not carry over from day to day
Classroom Procedures
 Students will enter the room and put away their backpacks and coats in the cubby
 Students will have the materials they need at their desks, and they will get out
what they need first at the beginning of the day
 Students will sign in by placing their name on their lunch choice so I know they
are present
 Students will sit at their desks and look at the board to see if there is anything they
need to start with
 When leaving the classroom, students will line up at the door in a straight line
with quiet mouths
 There will be classroom jobs to include students in classroom activities
 Students will rotate jobs each day
 Jobs include lunch checker, coat checker, erasers, paper passer, line leader,
caboose, and floor checker
 Jobs can also be added depending on the class and students
 On time is defined as being in the classroom, seated, and with any necessary
materials ready by the time the class begins
 Late is defined as entering the classroom any time after attendance has been taken
and instruction has begun
 If a student is late to school, he or she will receive a pass from the office and they
will present the pass to me as soon as they enter the classroom
 I will file the late pass away in a student file
 Recurring lateness will result in a phone call to the parents/guardians and we will
discuss how the student can get to school and in class on time
 Cooperative Learning opportunities
 Reading groups with leveled texts
 Technology integration activities used as a whole class (PowerPoints, videos,
interactive websites)
 Partner work
 Writing Workshop
 Morning meetings
 Hands-on participation
 Independent practice
 Lessons created with multiple academic areas addressed together
 I will assign work by writing the assignment on the board or projecting it on a
 I will explain all assignments thoroughly, and I will monitor in-class assignments
to check for understanding and completion
 I will make it clear that I do not expect students to answer every question
correctly, and that I am just looking to be sure they are trying and doing their best
to learn the material being taught
 Homework assignments will be assigned when necessary, and I will not assign
homework every night
 I will assign homework when we discuss a lesson and I feel the students need
extra practice that we do not have time to complete in class
 If a student does not complete the homework assignments, I will take one point
off for each day that it is late, but they can still hand it in late
 If a student does not turn homework assignments in at all, I will have a discussion
with that students about why the homework assignment was not done so I can see
if I can help, or if further action needs to be taken
 If a student is not completing any assignments, I will have a conference with their
parents/guardians to discuss this problem and find a solution for it with them
 Long-term assignments will be done in class, and during school hours so I can
monitor the work and help when needed because it is a longer assignment
 In order to keep track of what they need to do for homework, students will write
the assignments down in an agenda book before leaving at the end of the day
Turning in Assignments
 At the beginning of a class session, if there was homework the night before, I will
walk around and mark whether each student completed (or tried to complete) the
assignment or not
 We will then go over each question as a class, with students writing corrections or
notes on their papers
 After going over the homework, students will turn it in, face-down, in a bin in the
front of the room
 Students will be called up by table group, or student numbers, to come turn in
work so not everyone is crowding around the same area at once
 If there is a test, students will walk their completed test up to me directly and turn
it in this way
 Any other graded activity or assignment will be turned in similar to how
homework is turned in
Returning Assignments to Students
 Homework assignments will be returned the day after I receive them, with a grade
on it, and any necessary comments
 Tests will be returned within one week of test-taking day, with the appropriate
grade on it
 Any assignment I return to students will be returned from me to the student
directly, so other students do not see the grade or comments made
 Any day I have assignments to return, I will return them at the beginning of the
class, before we get to any lesson
 After returning tests, we will take a few minutes to discuss is and go over
problems that a lot of students had
Late, Missing, or Incomplete Assignments
 Late homework assignments will always be accepted
 Late homework assignments will receive a one-point deduction every day it is
late, until 0, which will then become the final grade
 Tests will not be accepted late, and they need to be completed the day
 Other late assignments and activities will be accepted for up to 5 days after the
due date, with 3 points being lost each day it is late
 I will accept late assignments from one student a maximum of 5 times, and after
that, we will have a conference with the student, their parents/guardians, and
Returning From Absence
 If a student is absent, there will be cubbies where I will place missed work, and
the student can pick it all up there when they return to school
 This student will have the same amount of time to complete the assignments as
their classmates who were present did
 If a student is going away for a vacation or a longer period of time that is known
beforehand, I will give the students all the activities and assignments we will be
completing in class before he/she leaves, and he/she will have 4 days from
returning to school to hand in all completed work to me
 If a student misses a test due to absence, the student will make up the test during
our independent reading time on the day he/she returns from being absent
Communication Procedures with Parents/Guardians
 In my classroom, I find regular communication with families to be critical to the
success of my students
 I will send weekly newsletters home with the students for families so they can
stay up-to-date with everything we are doing, learning, and any upcoming events
 I will share my email and phone number with families so they can get in touch
with me whenever they need to
 I will hold conferences with the families of my students at the end of each
marking period (4 times a year)
 At the beginning of the year, before school begins, I will send home an
introductory letter to families so they get to know me and know how to
communicate with me should they have any questions or concerns throughout the
 At the end of each marking period, I will send out a survey to all families so they
can assess how they feel their children are doing in my class, and I will use this
information to guide my instruction
End of the Day
 The students will end each day with a 15-minute debriefing of the day, and what
is upcoming in the next few days
 Before we begin discussing, students will make sure all materials are away and
their desks are cleaned off
 After we discuss, students will be called by table group to get up and get their
backpacks and coats from the cubby area
 When they get their backpacks and coats, they will return to their seats, and put
everything they need for the night into their backpacks
 They will put their coats and backpacks on and sit in their seat until everyone is
 Once everyone is ready, I will call students one-by-one to put their chair on top of
their desks, and get in line to be dismissed
 Once everyone is in line and quiet, we will begin walking down the hallway to the
dismissal area
 I will turn off all lights and lock the door on my way out of the room
Classroom Set Up
Small Group
Teacher’s Desk

Student Desks-
Table 1
Student Desks-
Table 4

Whole-Group Rug

Student Desks-
Table 2
Student Desks-
Table 5

Student Desks-
Table 3

Student Desks-
Table 6

Class Library
with Flexible


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