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Astera Regia RO's Command Lists

@commands: Displays all commands in-game.
@go: Displays the City Warps.
@jump: Jumps/warps you to random areas around the map you are in.
@who: Displays the numbers of players in-game.
@whogm: Displays the number of active GM's in-game.
@request: Automatically sends an active GM your message without typing in the GM's
@allskill: Automatically adds all your skills.
@autoloot: Automatically gets all monster drops in your inventory when hunting
@autoloottype: Displays the list of item type you can autoloot while hunting.
@alootid: Automatically gets only the item you have added on @alootid. Ex: @alootid
+item name
@mobinfo: Gives information on the monster you want to hunt. Ex. @mobinfo +monster
@whodrops: Gives information on what monster drops the item you are looking for.
Ex: @whodrops +item name
@storage: Opens your storage in-game to store items.
@guildstorage: Opens your guild's storage in-game. It's a shared storage with all
the members.
@storeall: Automatically stores all your items on @storage.
@mail: Opens up your mailbox.
@duel: Challenges a player to 1vs1. Ex: @duel +player name.
@accept: Accepts a players challenge to 1vs1.
@reject: Rejects a players challenge to 1vs1.
@leave: A command that makes you forfeit the duel in order to accept another duel.
@refresh: Refreshes a Players Character in-game.
@die: A command to kill your character as there are maps where you cannot @warp or
@go, so you use @die to go back to your savepoint.


@support: Warps you to the SUPPORT NPCs (Card Seller, Stats Seller, etc.).
@mall: Wwarps you to MALL CENTRE (Augmenter and Mall Equipments).
@testdamage: Warps you to the TEST DAMAGE AREA.
@fashion: Warps you to the FASHION AREA (You can buy Costumes here).
@quest: Warps you to the QUEST SECTOR (The 3 Main Quests are here).
@event: Warps you to the EVENT ZONE.
@vend: Warps you to the VENDING DISTRICT 1 & VENDING DISTRICT 2
@shop: Warps you to the SHOPPING DISTRICT (Activity Shop, WOE Shop, etc.).
@arcade: Warps you to the ARCADE PLACE (Gacha Machines & Pet Claw Machines).
@ghouse: Warps you to the GUILD HOUSES.
@ghall: Warps you to the GUILD HALL.
@church: Warps you to the PRONTERA CHURCH. (Custom Marriage System)
@woe: Warps you to the ACTIVE WOE CASTLE.
@pvp: Warps you inside the PVP ARENA.


@bc: This command enables the players to broadcast throughtout the server. Astera
Regia Credits is
needed to enable this command.
@bst: This command enables the streamers to broadcast throughtout the server. Free
of Charge.
@woetime: Shows you the woe schedule and its timings.
@checkpoints: Displays all the points in Astera Regia Ro.
@afk: Command can be used to leave your character in autotrade mode.[CUSTOM COMMAND
@checkresist: Displays your current resists on all elements.
@dailyreward: Displays the overall Daily Log-in Bonus Rewards.
@nextreward: Displays tomorrows Log-in Bonus Rewards.
@collectdaily: Collects the Daily Log-in Bonus Rewards.
@deleteitem: Deletes an item present in the players inventory. Ex: @deleteitem
+item ID.
@ii: Use this command to figure out the Item ID of your item. Ex: @ii +item name
@whosell: This command displays a Vendor's location when u want to find out if the
item you are looking for is being sold
at the VENDING DISTRICTS. Ex: @whosell +item name. Then, @jump to the
coordinates given to you.


@setequip1, @setequip2, @setequip3: This command enables the player to assign set
of items to the slots.
@equip1, @equip2, @equip3: This command enables the players to swap between the
assigned set of items on the slots.
@clearequip1, @clearequip2, @clearequip3: Resets the previously assigned set of
items on the slots.
@nohats: Helps to hide all headgears that players are wearing.
@garmenton: Enables the Spirite of Shadow Garment
@gamentoff: Removes the sprite of Shadow Garment
@hgstats: Displays the current stats of your Premium Costumes.
@ccolor: Allows you to choose a different color of the Costume. Only applicable


@hatch: This command enables the player to hatch their Pet Eggs without the need of
an incubator.
@petstats : Displays the current bonus stats that is selected from the PET STAT
@petfriendly 1000: This command enables your pet to evolve to the 2nd and 3rd
@homfriendly 1000: This command increases the intimacy the player has with its
@homhungry 1000: This command automatically feeds the homunculus so there is no
need for pet food.
@homevolution: This command evolves the players homunculus.

To open more commands in-game. Press ESC and click on "Shortcut Settings" then go
to "Interface".

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