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TerraHax by Xenoxiluna(Nequamvita)

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This file is formatted badly. Just letting you know.


- Start all commands with a '.' no quotes.

- brackets [ ] are not part of the command
- Command triggers are all lower-case
- Read "keybinds howto.txt" to learn how to keybind.

.help [Page#] (Alias: .commands)

.heal (Alias: .h)
.healthregen [num] (Alias: .liferegen or .hpregen or .lr or .hr)
.manaregen [num] (Alias: .mr)
.infrockets (Alias: .infr) (Infinte rocket boots)
.infrange (Alias: .infr or .infreach)
.depthmeter (Alias: .dm)
.watch (Alias: .clock)
.cloudinabottle (Alias: .cloud or .ciab or .doublejump)
.rocketboots (Alias: .rb)
.item [Name or ID] [Amount] (Alias: .i or .drop or .d) (Auto drops the
max stack)
.deleteinv (Alias: .clearinv or .eraseinv) (Erases your whole
inventory apart from your toolbar)
.ammo [num] (Effects current item)
.maxstack [num] (Alias: .max) (Effects current
.fill (Effects current item, fills
the item to the max stack)
.butcherenpc (Alias: .bnpc) (Kills every
hostile NPC)
.butcherfnpc (Kills every friendly
.butcherall (Kills every NPC, including
friendly NPC's)
.bloodmoon (Alias: .blood or .bm)
.goto [player name] (Teleports you to that
player *You can leave the player name field blank to use the last entered name
.freecraft (Alias: .nomaterials) (Allows you to craft
every item without the materials or tiles)
.instantrespawn (Alias: .ir)
.placetile [tile id] (Alias: .pt) *ID 0 (Dirt)
doesn't place unless it's replacing a tile*
.placewall [wall id] (Alias: .pw)
.destroytile (Alias: .dt)
.destroywall (Alias: .dw)
.removeliquid (Alias: .rl)
.editoff (Alias: .eoff) (Turns off all
place/destroy/remove/mask commands)
.size [number] (Sets the .placetile or
wall and .destroytile or wall size)
.noclip (Alias: .nc) (Turns off gravity
and allows you to pass through tiles)
.shine (Acts as a shine potion)
.off (Turns off every command and
player hack)
.water [num 1 - 255] (Water placed per block,
ex. 100 = 1 block)
.lava [num 1 - 255] (same as water but for
.usetime [num] (Alias: .ut or .attackspeed or .as)
.autoreuse (Alias: .auto" .ar) (Effects current item)
.spectreboots (same effect as
rocketboots but blue. For now.)
.players (Lists the current
players on the server in a UI along with there currently active item)
.name [name] (Name changes your
current character)
.damage [num] (Alias: .dam) (Effects current
.flashlight (Alias: .torch or .fl) (Your mouse emmits
.fullbright (Alias: .bright or .light or .fb) (This disables shadows)
.home (Teleports you to your
home location)
.defence [num] (Alias: .defense or .def or .armor or .armour)
(Modifies your overall defense rating)
.shootspeed [decimal] (Alias: .sp) (Effects current
.pickuprange [num] (Alias: .pura) (Allows you to
pickup items from farther away)
.infwings (Alias: .iw) (Infinite wings)
.infammo (Alias: .infa) (Effects current item)
.infhealth (Alias: .infh)
.infmana (Alias: .infm)
.health [num] (Alias: .hp or .life)
.mana [num]
.summon [NPC ID] [*Optional* Amount] (Alias: .npc or .mob) (Summons the
desired NPC at your cursor) !!!BTW, NPCs are client-side only*!!!
.track (Allows the tracking of
anyone regardless of the team they are on.)
.prefix [ID or Name] (Adds the defined prefix
to the selected item)
.day *BUGGY* (This does not change the
server time. Use on single player.)
.night *BUGGY* (This does not change
the server time. Use on single player.)
.anitime [num] (Alias: .at) (Effects current
item "animation time")
.replacetile [tile ID] (Alias: .rt) (Edits the masked
tile ID)
.masktile [tile ID] (Alias: .mt) (Edits any tile
but the masked tile ID)
.maskwall [wall ID] (Alias: .mw) (Edits the masked
wall ID) *bugged*
.replacewall [wall ID] (Alias: .rw) (Edits any wall
but the masked wall ID) *bugged*
.maskoff (Alias: .mask) (Turns off all tile/wall
.rain [num 1 - 255] (Makes it rain, 1 =
Extremely light with no flood, 255 = flood (100 = 1 water block))
.rainspeed [num] (Alias: .rs) (Amount of frames per
(rain drop * 10), default 30)
.knockback [decimal's only] (Alias: .kb) (Effects current
.destroy (.destroytile + .destroywall
.sethome (Sets your home spawn point)
.rainlava (Alias: .lavarain)
.grav (Acts as an infinite
gravity potion)
.invis (Acts as an infinite
ivisibility potion)
.maim [playername] (Kills a player[Doesnt
work on tshock anymore])
.maimall (Kills all players[Doesnt
work on tshock anymore])
.invin (Toggles
invincibility[buggy on multiplayer])
.pos (Displays your current
.god (Obvious)
.itemprefix [prefix] [itemname] (Generates an item with
the desired prefix)
.bind [key] [command]-[command]-etc... (Bind a key to a
.unbind [key] (Unbinds a key from a
.listbinds (Lists all keybinds)
.unbindall (Unbinds all keybinds)
.speed [decimal or num] (Sets the movement speed
of your char. .speed again to reset)
.movecam (Enables free camera
.gotocam (teleports you to your
.scale [num] (Change the size of your
item. Only effects your current item)
.gotoprev (Teleports back to your
previous location before teleportation)
.gotomouse (Teleports you to your
mouse)TIP: Use with movecam
.backupinv [savename] (Alias: .bui) (Backs up your
current inventory, armor, dyes, and equipment)
.restoreinv [savename] (Alias: .rui) (restores your
backed up inventory, armor, dyes, and equipment)
.say [text] (Says what you want in
.pickaxe [number] (Alias: .pick) (Effects current item,
100 = 100%)
.axe [number] (Effects current item,
100 = 100%)
.hammer [number] (Effects current item, 100 =
.waterwalking (Alias: .ww) (Allows you to
walk on water)
.cloneinv [player name] (Clones a players
inventory to your character, also changes armor P.S. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR
.spelunker (Alias: .spe .sl)
.archery (Alias: .arch .archery .archerypotion .archerypot)
.maxspawns (Alias: .maxmobs .maxnpcs .maxenemies .maxmonsters) (Alters
the maximum summons you may have at a given time)
.crit [number] (Adds to the crit
.maxminions [number] (Alias: .maxsummons) (Modifies the
maximum minion count)
.invul (Activates
.inflifesteal (Infinite Life Steal)
.clonechar [player name] (Clones a players
inventory, armor, dyes, and equipment to your character P.S. MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR
.nodebuffs (Alias: .ndb)
.addbuff [Buff ID] [Timer] (Add a buff with id and
.delbuff [Buff ID] (Removes a buff with id)
.honey [num 1 - 255] (same as water but for
.gift [itemID] [player] (Gives a player an item)
.undead (Not Dead Yet!)
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