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Player Commands

sw quit: Quits from the current game

sw join: Join a SkyWars match
sw spectate [playername/mapname]: Spectates the game that the player is in
or the map.
sw stats [playername]: Shows a players stats
sw top [stat]: Displays SkyWars leaderboard for the selected stat
sw options: Opens the options selection menu.
sw winsound: Opens the win sound selection menu.
sw killsound: Opens the kill sound selection menu.
sw glass: Opens the glass color selection menu.
sw taunt: Opens the taunt selection menu.
sw particle: Opens the particle effect selection menu.
sw projectile: Opens the projectile effect selection menu.

Admin Commands

sw setspawn: Sets the lobby spawn.

sw stat [playername] [stat] [method] [amount]: Changes a players stat based
on the method. For integer stats, method can be "add", "remove", or "set". For non-
integer stats, always use "set".
sw clearstats [playername]: Clears a SkyWars players stats
sw reload: Reloads SkyWars
sw chestadd [chesttype] [method] [percentage]: Adds item(s) in
hand/inventory to the chesttype with the assigned percentage. Type can be basic,
normal, op, or crate.
sw start: Forces a match to start without having the minimum players listed
the maps.yml.
sw updatetop: Forces an update of the leaderboards.
sw hologram [stat] [format]: Adds a hologram at your eye location.
/sw holoremove: Removes the closest hologram leaderboard.

Kit Commands

swkit create [kitname]: Create a kit using the items in your inventory
swkit enable [kitname]: Toggles whether the kit is enabled or disabled
swkit icon [kitname]: Sets the icon for the kit to the itemstack in your
swkit lockicon [kitname]: Sets the locked icon for the kit to the itemstack
in your hand
swkit perm [kitname]: Toggles whether a permission is needed to unlock the
swkit list: Lists all kits
swkit load [kitname]: Clears your inventory and loads the kit into your
swkit lore [kitname] [number] [lore]: Used to set up to 16 lines of lore
and locked lore. <number> can be between 1 and 16 or the string "locked". Can
include color codes.
swkit name [kitname] [displayname]: Sets the display name for the kit. Can
include color codes.
swkit position [kitname] [position]: Sets the icon position within the kit
swkit update [kitname]: Updates the kit <kitname> with your current
Map Commands

swmap arenas: Opens an Arena GUI

swmap spawn look: Sets the face direction for the players. They will look
to that location when they join the game.
swmap create [mapname]: Creates a map named [mapname]
swmap edit [mapname]: Opens a map named [mapname] for editing
swmap delete [mapname]: Deletes a map named [mapname]
swmap list: Lists available maps
swmap register [mapname]: Registers a map named [mapname]
swmap unregister [mapname]: Unregisters a map named [mapname]
swmap save [mapname]: Saves an open map named [mapname]
swmap minimum [mapname] [number]: Sets the minimum players for [mapname]
swmap name [mapname] [displayname]: Sets the display name for [mapname]
swmap creator [mapname] [creator]: Sets the creator name for [mapname]
swmap refresh [mapname]: Reloads the map.yml data file for the specific
map. [mapname] can be set to "all" to reload all map.yml's.
swmap spawn [type] [team]: Adds a spawn at your location when in edit mode.
Type can be "player", "spec", "look" or "death". If you are configuring a team
game, you need to specify the team number.
swmap chesttype [mapname]: Toggles between the chest types that can be
swmap legacyload [mapname]: This will run the scanner and you will receive
messages stating chests and spawns are added. See further instruction for this
command below.

Party Commands

swparty create [partyname]: Creates a party named [partyname]

swparty accept: Accepts a party invite
swparty decline: Declines a party invite
swparty disband: Disbands your party
swparty info: Lists your parties info
swparty invite [player]: Invites a player to your party
swparty leave: Leaves your current party
swparty name [partyname]: Changes your parties name

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