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Introduction from u/chinchillasage

Hi Ladies,

This document is a collection of Linsi’s most helpful blog posts. I know she has older posts but
I cannot nor do I care to hunt them all down. This is what I could find and what’s available on
her blog already. I hope you enjoy this content!

Learn how to take care of yourself and your beauty!

In the Gulf, especially in my home country of Saudi Arabia, the women remain covered for
their modesty in public unless they're with other women. That means nothing, Middle Eastern
women go out of their way to be beautiful. Hair appointments, manicures and pedicures,
makeup and perfume shopping, personal styling, and permanent makeup and plastic surgery
are completely normalised. Abayas are perfectly tailored, hijabs are never wrinkled or crinkled,
shoes are always shined and cleaned, clothes are ironed, and jewellery is always shined and
beautiful, the women are beautiful, poised, powerful, and desired by men.

It's not at all uncommon for a woman to marry without a man ever seeing her full face or her
body because of her feminine allure and the way she presents herself and the pride she takes
in her appearance, that's how he knows she's stunning. In Saudi, it's extremely uncommon for
a woman to go to marriage having slept with a man, virginity is prized and everyone knows it, I
grew up with the knowledge that men would see the outline of a woman's body swathed in
gauzy black chiffon, see her hands as she fixed the strap of her shoe around her ankle, and
decide that marriage was the right move. I thought it was the most romantic thing in the entire
world. Beauty is power in most places.

When I'd visit my great uncle in India and spend time in Hyderabad with him, I'd sit in the
house to get a reprieve from the heat and watch Bollywood romance movies with my great
aunt, I'd see beautiful Indian actresses like Kajol and Aishwarya Rai fall in love and have
beautiful adventures without ever having sex, getting undressed, or having to compromise
their beliefs or cheapen themselves to get a man. When I'd meet with my friends in the city,
they could wear saris and clothes that didn't bare much of their bodies and still have good high
quality foreign men at their feet if they wanted them there.

The girls in India that I met took care of themselves, they'd grow their hair out so it was thick
and healthy, they'd manicure their fingers and toes, they'd thread their eyebrows to perfection,
they'd do facials with yoghurt and turmeric to make their skin glow, they'd light incense in
their closets so that their clothing had a beautiful and delicate smell, they'd apply just enough
makeup to look natural, they'd apply kohl and mascara to their eyes to make them look bright
and beautiful, and they'd oil their skin and dance on the weekends to stay in shape. They didn't
spend much but they were always devastatingly beautiful to the point where my breath would
hitch when I'd see them out in the sunlight.

When I started boarding in England, I was surrounded by girls who didn't care. I was always
touching up my uniform and perfecting it, changing my heels when they scuffed, applying
more makeup and perfume in the bathrooms during my breaks and drying my hair upside
down under the hot air hand dryers, going to hair, nail, and facial appointments, planning my
outfits far in advance so that when I went up to Eton, Caspar and the boys I knew wouldn't see
me as anything but stunning, and going out of my way to be beautiful because that's how I felt
good, that's what made me feel the best and that's what I knew was expected of me. I didn't
want to let anyone down by turning up ugly.

I'll never forget a conversation I had in the bathroom with a hometown girl I'd never really
spoken to because she didn't really stick out in my mind, she basically told me that she
expected men to want her solely because she was white and an English Rose, she didn't think
she had to do anything, she had a wrinkled uniform, she didn't have her hair or makeup done,
and she didn't care about her appearance but would always be upset when my friends and I
would get invited up to Eton and London by the boys we knew. Honestly, good men are less
likely to want a woman if she doesn't put any effort into her appearance and she just assumes
that they'll be lining up around the block solely because she's white and British born, there are
millions more like her.

My best friend and platonic love of my life is from Montenegro. She's Balkan, downright frigid
with men, she never smiles at them or shows affection to them, she often jokes with me that
she has a PhD in gold digging. I've never seen her without her hair and nails done, she wakes
up an hour earlier than her usual rising time so she can do her skin and makeup routine, she
exfoliates, she has work done, she always wears perfume and heels, and men would die for her.
I've never seen her text a man, I've never seen her waste her time, and I've never seen her
appear at anything less than the best. Her favourite saying has always been "if you're going to
go out like that, why even go out at all?" and she sticks to it and takes care of herself and her
appearance impeccably.

My Grandmother was the same way, she didn't believe in allowing herself to look bad and she
didn't believe in going out in public if she wasn't at her best. She always wore heels and
makeup, she kept herself clean and looking good, she cared for her hair and her teeth, and I
never saw her go out into public wearing jeans or t-shirts because she didn't own those sorts
of things and she didn't believe in being disheveled. When she got her BIG job with my father
and his office along with my Grandfather back in 1971, men would stop her on the streets of
Jeddah and Riyadh to give her gifts and ask after her incessantly. When Abdullah had his open
heart surgery in Minnesota, she was insistent on having him in our home for a day. Men
remembered her because she was beautiful, she wasn't a classic beauty, but she was an
absolute stunner.

Women who put care into how they look tend to be favoured, when you look at photos of
faraway places and see the women there, they're stunners. It doesn't matter how they live or
how much money they have, you look at them and see beauty. I think that in countries like
America and the wealthiest parts of England, the women don't have any culture and they don't
know what to do with themselves. I've always heard from the men in my circles that they
prefer immigrant women and ethnic women because they know how to take care of
themselves and they do so diligently, it's one of the saddest as well as one of the most
unattractive things in the entire world when a woman won't do the simple things to beautify
herself because she's of the opinion that it's unnecessary.

Lots of Love,



11 tips from last weekend!

This is a touch late and I promised that I'd post it when I was done but I decided to do some
talking and some research and get more opinions. These are all of my own opinions and from
my own experiences so I'm not going to debate with anyone and this is the first part of a piece
that I posted to my group at the start of the week so if things are just a bit too specific, I'd be
happy to clarify them or provide help. I gathered information from a variety of women I met at
clubs around my age (19 to 27) and of a variety of different ethnicities so I feel like I have a
pretty firm grasp of how women who made it into high society on their own did it and what
they would recommend.
Personality comes first!

Looks are going to come later on when it comes to ethnic women, they aren't the most
important. Your personality is absolutely the most important thing when you first get into high
society. Extremely wealthy and high society white men will usually always look at your
achievements and try to get a grasp on your personality before they worry about your beauty. I
was just off being the sickest I've ever been when I met Frederick and he didn't care one bit
about the way I looked, he was more interested in my hobbies and he loved how bright and
bubbly I was. Make sure to have at least one interesting hobby and a few niche interests to talk
about and make sure that you're able to actually speak about them in depth. Interests, goals,
and personality will outweigh beauty every time, it's about being interesting and beautiful
inside first, physical beauty doesn't make up for an ugly or unkind personality and anyone can
be beautiful but having interests will set you apart.

Stop constantly second guessing yourself now!

I get far too many asks from women asking me if XYZ sort of white men like ethnic women,
here's the thing, go ahead and just assume that all men like ethnic women, most heterosexual
men love all types of women and if they go out of their way to dislike women of different
ethnicities, don't worry about them, they're not men, they're just racists and they didn't
deserve you anyway. Lack of confidence is what makes you less desirable, not your skin tone, if
you're comfortable in your own skin and you're proud and happy to be who you are, that's
what'll draw people to you. Don't try to shove yourself into a mould and try to become the
perfect hypergamous woman or trophy wife, stay true to who you are and be yourself, men will
want you for who you are and if they don't, there's a man out there who will love you and treat
you better than any man out there will.

Figure out who you want!

There are so many different types of men in high society, they have different careers, they have
different interests, they have different hobbies, and they're men of different ethnicities, looks,
backgrounds, and cultures. It's your job to try to get a grasp on what sort of man you want and
then figure out the best way to get asked on your first date by him. I'm fond of speaking to
black women at clubs before I write my posts to get a grasp on things and more opinions so
from what I've heard, the easiest way to get a lot of attention is to be slim and have an overtly
feminine look. White men will not care about your face, they'll care about the stereotypical
trophy wife look and that usually means having long hair, being slim, being done up, and being
feminine. I was told to explicitly state that there will always be a few exceptions but that the
majority of the time, slim black women will always be favoured more than plus sized women. I
had that experience when I was going through my medical treatments, I was super in shape, I
got big and was treated with absolute pity, and now that I'm thin again, it's like I'm back to
being beautiful and worthy of positive attention from men.

Invest in a few nice dresses and a solid pair of pumps!

I have a lot of lovely brightly coloured dresses and a pair of pumps that I love. I wear my hair
long, I wear a lot of makeup, I wear some of my simple jewellery, I spritz on some perfume,
and I carry a nice little purse. It's a very simple set and it's very weather girl of me but it always
works and if I was actively looking for a man who wanted the perfect image of a wife, I have no
doubts that I could do it fast. Sigyn's fiancé has an inheritance worth $250mil in the bank and
he has plenty of his own money, she met him wearing a simple dress, stockings, heels, and a
simple purse. You don't need to go all out or do too much, you should just have a few
investment pieces that you can use to mix and match with your dresses. Simple is the best
sometimes and it can be much easier to wear simple sets than to set up elaborate outfits.

You won't find any quality high society man online!

Unless he cheats, he's probably not going to be on Tinder or Bumble or Hinge or Luxy or
whatever the popular sites are these days. I can't name a single man I know who's of extreme
affluence who's on a dating app, Frederick doesn't know what "Timdor" is, and none of the
black women I've asked at clubs have met their men online, doing it all in person is the way to
go and my cousins prefer to go ahead and do it all that way. It's easier to make a connection in
person, and it's easier to set a date and secure the relationship and the bag if you're face to face
instead of going through screens where you can be led on forever or catfished or forced to
scroll through dating apps and websites all day, the internet is dead and I'm going to stop
elaborating on this now, get off your phone and go out into the world, I suggest clubs,
sororities, making friends, and having a variety of activities for a very clear reason, you need to
get out into the world and start experiencing life, if you stay online, you're allowing life to just
pass you by and there will come a point where you start to feel like it's too hard to rejoin
society or even leave home.

Invest in just a few fancier things for your routine!

Instead of spending a bunch at Bath and Body works, invest in two or three luxury perfumes,
upgrade your haircare and makeup products, get a few cute pieces of jewellery from Saks or
cute boutiques, and stop ordering online and actually go OUT and get these things. Avoid
paying for shipping and go out with friends and treat yourself, find things that you like, try
things on, and experience things. Save your money and spend wisely, obviously, but you should
be making an effort to get out. If you have to do everything online and you're afraid to go out
and be seen shopping, how do you expect to go to clubs? If you're afraid to talk to salesgirls,
how will you talk to affluent men? You need to go out, you need to invest in yourself, and you
need to have things that will level up your look. You need to be comfortable in your own skin
and going out will help with your social skills, one thing ties into another and so on and so
forth, invest in a few nice products and try to invest in your social skills while you're out at it.

Begin a full body skincare and grooming routine!

Use thick cream on your body everyday, stay smoothly shaven, exfoliate, use hot washcloths
and try to avoid picking at any body acne, I've heard that Dove and Ivory soap and hot
washcloths are the best for making sure that the scent from the soap stays with you, and take
care of your body. Use sunscreen all over and keep your body clear of any rashes. If you have
eczema or psoriasis, find products that will help your skin and that don't irritate it, I've heard
cetaphil is gentle and works wonders. For your facial skin, find a skincare routine that works,
all of my skincare products are from The Ordinary and I avoid using scented or heavy products
with a lot of added or unnecessary chemicals, I use pure chemicals, ice, sunscreen, my gua sha,
and a thick hydrating lip balm. Take care of your natural beauty first, makeup is around for a
reason but you should always take care of your base before you worry about your looks.
Don't run and spend stacks on everything!

Even though I've just told you to invest in things, that's what I mean, buy things that are
investments. You don't need to go out and blow all of your money on an entirely new wardrobe,
designer purses and shoes, fancy jewellery, all sorts of plastic surgery and cosmetic
enhancements, and all of that, you just need to make a few nice investments. You can rewear
and repurpose things, your closet probably has suitable clothes now that just need to be styled
correctly, and any outfit can be made feminine. Sigyn loves to wear this beautiful outfit entirely
from H&M and Zara and men always go out of their way to tell her she's lovely and women
always compliment her. I have a $60 tennis dress that I love that Frederick is obsessed with,
and some of the most beautiful pieces of jewellery I've seen have been carefully picked from
department stores and clearance racks. Don't spend money you don't have, you don't need to
level up everything you have, invest and spend wisely and focus on your financial security and
stability, it's imperative that you do.

Stop listening to Anna Bey and giving her your coins!

Oh my God, I say this far too often but don't bother with Anna Bey or her school of femininity.
She's been exposed far too many times and when you start to read about her, it'll become
obvious that she's unhappy with herself and isn't following her own advice. Don't spend money
on hypergamy or femininity schools, don't spend money on levelling up groups or content
from people who have not taken the steps or aren't able to level up, and use what free
resources you can before going and spending money you can save. I've been asked a number of
times why I don't charge for advice, make a paid patreon, or start another group that women
can pay to get into now that my private group is closed, I always say that I won't make women
pay for the knowledge that I've gotten for free and that I'm constantly still evolving and
levelling up, I am 20 years old, do you really think that even though I have a good man and a
good life that I'm fully developed and truly know what I want? No, and that's one of the reasons
why I don't charge, the second being that I'm inconsistent and I know that I don't have the time
to run another group. Anyway, use your free resources and books to get it going. I believe in
you and you can do it, we all had to start somewhere and you have to find a point to start going
forward from.
Learn that people don't care where you came from, they care about who you and what you are

This is the most important thing. I rarely talk about this but I was pretty severely abused up
until my Grandparents adopted me and I was taken into their care. I don't remember anything
before they took me in but I have cigarette burns on my chest and other obvious signs of abuse,
I was severely ill for years, and my birth family is sort of messed up. If you're open and honest
from the start, men will love you for who you are, they won't care about where you came from.
Pedigree and elegance can be designed to your liking, not every woman who made it into high
society was born into it. I've met Rwandan and Ethiopian ladies who made it through
genocides, I've met Bosnian ladies who made it through really awful concentration camps and
genocides, I've met ladies who have survived the collapse of their countries and destructions of
their homes and families, I've met physically disabled ladies and ladies with mental differences
and ladies with illnesses, and I've met ladies who have known and experienced terrible poverty
and have had terrible pasts but have risen up and done just fine. You shouldn't have to lie about
your past, you can choose not to divulge what you've been through but you should feel able to
embrace your past and you should be comfortable speaking about things, there's no point in
being around people if you can't be who you truly are and talk about what happened in your
past and how you became who you are now. Not everyone has the privilege of having had a
good past, you should be able to come to terms with anything that's happened to you and feel
like you're around people who are safe and who will love you regardless of how bad things were
for you.

Be cognisant of the emotions of others!

You need to be empathetic, caring, accepting, compassionate, and an active listener. You need
to care about people and treat them like they're people, not just wallets or endless
opportunities. You're not going to succeed or do too well if people feel like you're just using
them. You need to be a lover and a friend and you need to be able to show that you belong in
their circles because you're their friend. I had the misfortune of talking to a woman who I
know will never win or be satisfied because she was of the opinion that the easiest way to
understand a man's heart was to break it, the issue with that is that you're going out of your
way to hurt people who probably don't deserve your wrath or the weight of your issues and
you're hurting yourself in the process, why have a broken love with a man that you've broken
when you could be in love with and be loved by someone who loves and supports you as you
support and love them? You know who you are now but not what you may become in the
future, always strive to be better and treat others better, you'll find that being compassionate
and having a sparkling reputation will benefit you much more than being frigid and pushing
people away so you can look like you're exclusive. It's always better to be lovable rather than
popular, genuine rather than false, and to speak kindly, act sincerely, and to always speak
considerately and act consistently. Your reputation defines you and you need to be a woman
worth her word and a trusted friend, if you're not, you'll lose out big in the long run.

That's all for now!

I've been quite busy lately but I plan to post an outfit guide or two today and then post an ask
that I was sent that I think is important for me to answer. It'll go more into depth about why
beauty doesn't really end up being the first thing that super affluent men want and it'll have
more of my own experiences from clubs and I'll talk about my Aunts, my Grandma, and a few
of my cousins and how they've never ever had any issues and how they made up for what they
lacked in looks with hobbies, interests, good presentation, and achievements and
accomplishments. I think it's really important for me to stress how being jaw-droppingly
beautiful and nothing else isn't going to benefit you, regular society is extremely looks based
but you'll see that looks are last on the list in truly high society and that even if you're
beautiful, you won't go far without a heavily loaded resume and plenty of achievements.

Linsi <3

On Passports
In your passport photo, you don't want to look bad and you don't want to look sloppy or messy.
I was taught to believe that flying on a plane was a privilege and that the pilots and the flight
attendants who were working so hard to take me places deserved to see me at my best.
Wearing anything grimy or grungy wasn't acceptable, being presentable was the only way that
I'd be entering the airport and getting aboard the plane. Even in your passport photo, looking
nice is the way to go, it's a photo of you on a document issued by the government and when
people see that photo of you, they're gaining an impression of you, be it a conscious impression
or not.

Always get the LARGEST book:

I say this with complete seriousness, I always get the largest 52-page passport book because I
use every single page and then some, you never know where you’ll end up going or who you’ll
meet. I didn’t expect to have to use my passport constantly but I do and it’s gotten to the point
where I need absolutely every single bit of space in those 52-pages. You don’t know who you’ll
be in 5 years, much less where you’ll be going in 10. Get the 52-pages for your hopes and
dreams and fill them up as you go along. It’s no additional cost to get extra pages and it’s a
larger book. Request a passport card as well for an extra and go ahead and get yourself a nice
passport protector that’ll protect your book from damage and wear and tear. Always keep your
passport on your body

You need to wear something plain:

In my passport photo, I'm wearing a nice white button down with the first three buttons
undone, my Van Cleef and Arpels gold and diamond vintage Alhambra earrings and pendant,
my diamond Cartier bracelet and wedding rings, I have my glasses on, and I have my acrylic
nails done in a neutral colour at a manageable length. Anything under my chest doesn't really
matter but I liked the vibes. I'm wearing a navy skirt and white heeled sandals to finish off the

The reason why I'm wearing something so plain is because it's a blank canvas. In one of my old
passport photos, I'm wearing a Stanford sweater and I constantly was asked if I attended
Stanford and when I said no, I'd be asked more questions and I'd always be randomly selected
for more screening. A bland outfit doesn't give the TSA anything to question you on and it
matches the colours of your passport easily.

If you have dark skin, wear a light colour because it'll make your skin pop and look gorgeous
against the background of your passport photo. Bright white makes me look like I'm glowing
and makes me look rejuvenated and freshened, stay with fresh and bright neutral colours on
top like pale blue and crisp white. If you have paler skin, wear a solid colour like pale pink, soft
purple, or soft green.

Wear your hair in your favourite style and do your makeup:

My hair is 22 inches, nice and straight, gently framing my face but not in my face, and it's the
way that I usually have it. I didn't pull it back or put it in a style because I usually only wear one
style and the odds of me arriving to the airport with my hair styled differently are extremely
low. I also am wearing heavy makeup in my photo because that's what I wear on the daily, my
signature look. I also like to look good because I don't know where my passport photo will end
up. Frederick works for a prestigious firm and I'm his secretary, whenever we travel abroad for
work, a scanned copy of my passport is requested and I know that I need to look good enough
to be able to confidently send that photo of myself out into the world.

Do it at home:

Let me clue you in on a little secret, the underpaid high school junior who thought they were
grabbing the sweetest job ever at CVS won't take the best passport photo for you for one
reason: they don't care and they aren't being paid enough to care. You're going to want more
than one shot and you're going to want to do a few different facial expressions and experiment
with how you look. It's not worth paying $15 for a maximum of 3 photos and then having the
CVS photo assistant say "that's as good as it's going to get!"

Go ahead and google the phrase "(your country) passport photo guidelines" and research what
you'll need. You probably won't have to go out to buy anything because you'll already have the
things at home needed. A white, plain blue, or off white background, good(!) lighting, yourself,
and some sort of camera (cell phone!) are the only things needed. You can either rig your
phone up on an automatic timer or you can go ahead and have someone take your photo for
you. I'd highly suggest having help because it'll make the photo come out better.

Then go ahead and get it printed for like $3.00 on glossy paper at CVS. All of this sounds
absolutely fine and good but if you find yourself incapable of doing a good photo and you need
help, go to CVS during off hours (not peak hours!) and ask for an assistant and specify that
you’d like someone to help you, there’s no shame in getting help when you do truly need it and
it’s never ever a waste of money.

Work on your facial expressions:

You can either smile or have a neutral expression, it’s better to look friendly and like you’re
happy than to look tired or upset. Relax your face, raise your eyebrows to widen and brighten
your eyes and let them sparkle, smile gently, and show some teeth. Make sure that your
makeup is perfect and that there’s nothing in-between or lippy on your teeth, and if you’re
wearing glasses, make sure that they’re so clean that you can see everything clearly.
There are rules on edited photos but whatever, I went onto FaceTune and blended my contour
and concealer even better, made sure that my false lashes looked like a million bucks, slightly
plumped my lips, made my eyes a bit larger, and brightened my teeth. The Department of
Homeland Security either didn’t notice or didn’t care and I think that the photo is wonderful. I
look like I’m Miss Saudi Arabia and I’ll use my passport with pride and eagerness for the next
ten years! If you make imperceptible changes, they won't notice but if you go big and make
yourself look completely different or use obvious filters or enhancements, they'll be mean to
you and reject your passport photo and application.


Tips! Tips! Tips!

Don’t accept his card unless you’re an authorised user:

If a man ever gives you his card and tells you to go wild, refuse to use it unless he
has added you as an authorised user. The reason being is that he is safe, the card is
in his name and you’re spending his money, you are not safe. If he gets mad at you
or if he decides that he wants to “get back at you”, all he has to do is call his credit
card company, report credit card fraud, and because you’re not authorised and on
his account, all of a sudden, you’ll be held liable. There are a lot of uncertainties in
life and being an authorised user on your best guy’s card gets rid of some of them,
if you’re ever asked for your ID and you’re an authorised user, you can easily
produce it and if you’re not an authorised user and you’re asked for your ID, it’s
not a good sign. It also helps for when you’re making large purchases, I have a
favourite card of Frederick’s and he’s assigned me that card, I use his AmEx
Centurion (Black) and he uses his Coutts’ Silk Card and JP Morgan Reserve
(Palladium) Card, I also have my Daddy’s Dubai First Royale MasterCard, I’m an
authorised user on all of those cards and I spend them as I please. If I were to get
in any trouble or be questioned by anyone over my spending habits, they could not
do anything unless my Daddy and Frederick decided to allow it. Being an
authorised user is an additional safety net and its to protect you.

Don’t move into a place he’s gotten for you until you’ve established what you are to

I know all these girls who have all of these stories about meeting their perfect guys
who put them up for a while or get them a cute little apartment and then a few
months later they get dumped and they have to move all of their things out within
a few hours and move in with their family again or with friends. Don’t allow
yourself to become too comfortable with a man until he tells you precisely what
you are to him and you believe it. Any man can say that you mean the world to him
but it doesn’t mean anything unless he’s given you reasons to believe and trust
him. Moving into a new place bought/owned/paid for by someone who isn’t you
opens you up to a whole host of issues and it puts you in a position where you’re
extremely vulnerable to abuse and manipulation. If you have a solid conversation
with your best guy about your life and your relationship status, you solidify the
facts, he pays the first few months up front (Frederick paid the last 3 years and
£450,000 the day he moved me in to boarding school), and you move in. You’re in a
position where you’ve planned things out and if things go wrong, you’ve made sure
that you can recover from disappointment and breakups easily. You need to have
security whenever you move, especially if you’re moving to a different city, if you
decide to move without any security and without any sort of discussion as to what
your current relationship status is, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment
and failure.

Don’t permanently alter yourself in ways that only he wants:

Again, I could tell so many stories about women I’ve known who’ve gotten
cosmetic work done for their best guys that they didn’t want and then were left
with that work as a reminder of a relationship that failed. Even minor cosmetic
work is something that you should be careful about because sometimes seemingly
small requests can lead to larger and more outlandish requests. If you don’t want
to get plastic surgery, don’t do it. Don’t get anything done that you don’t want done
because you’re the one who has to live with it forever. If you do want plastic
surgery and you’re not being pressured into it, put yourself in a position where
you’re safe. You can get breast implants for $2,500 from a mediocre surgeon but
why put yourself through that, if your best guy wants you to have bigger breasts
and you want them as well, go to that wonderful surgeon with wonderful reviews
who costs $10,000. Frederick spends an unnameable amount every month to keep
me beautiful, he doesn’t complain, the money is provided with happiness, and I
always look good. If your guy wants you to look a certain way and you want to look
like that as well, he should be the one putting all of the money forward for what he
wants, you should not have to finance a single thing on your own.

Don’t ever agree to the “pay you back later” method:

If a man ever asks you to pay for something and he promises to pay you back later,
you’re going to either have to put up a fuss to get your money back or you’ll have
to accept that you just won’t get it back. Don’t agree to loans either, if you’re dating
someone who has a large amount of money but is asking you for money, consider
that a red flag. I’ve never once been asked to dip into my funds by Frederick and
he knows that I inherited everything from my Grandparents. He’s always said that
my money is mine and his money is ours. If an older more established man want
you to pick up the bill or promises to pay you back, don’t do it. The phrase “I’ll pay
you back” leaves you open to so many things, if you aren’t paid by an acceptable
time and you have to ask for your money, what if he tells you that he’s bought you
sooo many things and this is the least you could do for him? What if he promises to
pay you back and then ghosts you? What if he pays you back but he’s mean about it
and berates you. The easiest way to ensure that your money is kept safe is to not
lend it. If a man asks you on a date, he should be paying, if he asks you on vacation,
he should be paying, the only thing I’ve ever had to pay for in my relationship with
Frederick have been birthday and Christmas presents for him as well as additional
presents throughout the year and whenever and I pay for them on his card. Don’t
let yourself be used and your finances be taken advantage of.

Don’t give too much of yourself away at first:

When you’re first starting to date a man or get to know him, you don’t need to give
every part of your entire being away. He doesn’t need to know everything about
you on your first date with him. It’s not attractive to immediately reveal your
entire soul to someone that you’ve just met and it’s not the key to a lasting
relationship. Keep some things about yourself shrouded in mystery and only reveal
them when the time is right. I also would heavily caution against having sex on the
first date, keep your body yours until you either are completely comfortable, in
love, and are happy to be sleeping with your best guy or wait until you’re
completely committed to him and he’s committed to you. I’ve talked to Frederick’s
friends and they’re all younger men who have huge amounts in their bank
accounts, they all agree that if a woman tells him too much about herself or sleeps
with him on the first date, they won’t call her again because they make
assumptions about what sort of a woman she is. I hate to say it because it’s unfair
but if you put too much of yourself out there for other people to take, you will be
taken advantage of and treated badly. Keeping some of yourself for only yourself
until you truly trust the man that you’re with is the way to go to avoid being
harmed in any way.

Private Specialty Clubs: West Coast and

*I’m going to start out by saying that the clubs on the West Coast are pretty damn
difficult to get into unless you know people BUT they’re always hiring and the tips
are apparently great. I have a friend who was making $3,100 minimum per night
and working 7 nights per week before she met a tech exec one night and settled
down with him. Anyway, difficult to get in the door, easy to get hired at and move
up quickly with the same benefits and pay*

Los Angeles!

Little Beach House Malibu!

A Soho House club. I’m not the biggest fan of LBH Malibu because it’s usually filled
to the brim with influencers and the vibes are extremely awkward. The younger
men with fast money to flash are here in droves, there are usually a lot of
Instagram models, and the crowd is younger. If you like those vibes, this is your
place and I can almost guarantee that you will find your people here. Be warned,
the staff are extremely rude, there is a high turnover rate with them (but that’s
none of my business), and they’ll totally treat you badly if you’re any shade other
than alabaster. If you meet a movie exec here, run, odds are he has pretty heavy
Weinstein vibes. Not the best 5/10.

Bel-Air Country Club!

The environment is nice, the staff are nice, but the inside is lacking and the
choices of patrons are lacking. This is sort of a family venue and that can be nice
but the issue is that if you’re my age, someone always has a son that they want to
set you up on a date with. It’s not that I don’t like Bel-Air, it’s that a lot of members
have come into a lot of money really recently and you’re watching their financial
descent, a lot of families send their nannies and their children and it’s not fun to
swim while you’re making sure children aren’t drowning, and the food really isn’t
good enough to make excuses to keep going back.

Riviera Country Club!

It’s a nice environment and I love the vibes, I actually got really sick here with my
family one night and the staff helped me to the back and made sure that I was
alright and didn’t leave me and my Grandma alone. 10/10 for the staff alone. I love
the golfing, the men are extremely high quality and extremely nice, and the food is
amazing. I met Adam Sandler here once so you know the vibes are unmatched,
there are a lot of guys in their twenties and thirties, and if you go out to golf, know
how to run because the men don’t know how to drive their golf carts and drive like
they’re trying to compensate for something. I think it’s great though and I’ve
always enjoyed my time here!


11/10 the vibes are wonderful. When Frederick is in LA, we go here to work and to
the bar and for dinner! I absolutely love the staff, I love the people, and I met Wes
fucking Anderson one night and I’ve never fully recovered from that. The vibes are
comparable to none and everyone you meet is really lovely, I’ve never met one
person who was rude or seemed discontent. Fazza goes here and he’s the crown
prince of the Emirate of Dubai (his father is the current ruler of the Emirate of
Dubai) and I’ve seen that there are so many other interesting people on all of the
nights that I’ve been.

Los Angeles Country Club!

The vibes are good, the golfing is not up to par, and the people are sweet. The men
here are lovely, and there’s practically no shade from the sun that will beat down
on you and make you feel like you’ve entered the third circle of hell before midday.
I’ll have to give the LACC a solid 6/10 rating because the staff are just so nice and
the food is even better and that’s what makes the night really wonderful. I don’t
mind the LACC and they have wonderful themed nights once in a blue moon but I
don’t find myself yearning to go back once I leave and I tend to look at my watch
when I’m there.

Jonathan Club!

The Jonathan is actually really nice and sweet once you get in, I’ve only been a few
times because my Frederick is a member and he likes to take me out places but
I’ve always had a nice time. 3/10 because one of the chefs added caramelised nuts
to my salad but 10/10 because our waitress ran to me before I could begin eating,
10/10 because it’s near the water and the view is gorgeous, 10/10 because the men
there are gorgeous, and 10/10 because the accommodation is lovely and whenever
we visit Los Angeles, I always find an excuse for us to stay at least one night. The
community is next to none though and I really do love the JC.

San Francisco!

The Battery!

I like the Battery but I don’t love it. San Francisco is nice for PSCs but they aren’t
really the best unless they’re pulling in from Atherton and the surrounding areas.
The vibes are decent but I don’t tend to pay much attention to them, the quality of
the men is nice, and while the food is decent and the time is well spent, it all
depends on the day and time of day when you go. I’m not opposed to ever
attending the Battery but it’s one of those places where I find myself wishing I was
some place else when I’m there, there’s nothing to it, I just feel like I’m wasting my
time. The men are nice, the venue is nice, the food is nice, and I just feel
completely empty. It leaves something to be desired and I’d have to rate it a solid
2/10 because it’s just lacking so much.

The Bohemian Club!

I’ll be the first to tell you that all the men here are so wack it’s ridiculous but if you
want an easy night and to get to know people, this is the club you go to. I’d only
suggest going to this club on nights where you’re first starting out because you can
mess up here and no one will notice. Lowkey aggressive and that’s super awkward,
the vibes are really off, the staff are really sort of oblivious. I would only go here
with someone you know and trust and I would be very clear in not accepting any
drinks or even food because the men here are, as I said before, beyond wack. Not
the best. 10/10 members would say they voted Trump, 10/10 members will call you
their “exotic treat” if you’re not white, 10/10 members are weird.

The Pacific Union Club!

The PUC is nice, I’d put it at almost the same level as the Met in NYC. It’s definitely
a great venue filled with great men, it has a lot of Silicon Valley type men, and it’s
filled with lots of things to do, great food, great vibes, and a great area to sit and
have private conversations. Not only am I confidently able to say that the vast
majority of men that you’ll meet will be completely chilled, I’m able to say that
they’re also extremely respectful, interesting, and have so much to offer. I love
PUC and I love most of the patrons of PUC, I love the vibes of PUC, and I love
spending time there. 10/10 because it has everything you could ever wish for in a
fabulous venue that leaves absolutely nothing to be wished for.

The Olympic Club!

If you want to date and marry a pro-golfer, this is where you go. I personally am
not a big fan of OC because it’s filled to the brim with Qataris who interrupt me to
ask after my father and then try to push their sons off on me but it’s nice, if you
want to marry Middle Eastern, OC will provide. The food is decent, the men are
decent, and the vibes are all decent. I’d give it a solid 5/10 for the fact that there’s
this weird familiarly with the patrons and the staff is all sort of odd but, other than
that, it’s sort of nice. The venue is definitely lacking and the clubhouse is boring
but it’s nice if you’re just starting out and want to be able to mess up before you go
to different and much larger and more exclusive private clubs.

Villa Taverna!

I love this little private club, it was established in 1958, Frederick and I are
members, and the vibes are wonderful. This is my favourite club in all of the Bay
because it reminds me of my childhood in Atherton with my Grandparents, how
the staff used to help me with homework while I was at my table and bring me
treats, and everyone there is so kind. I love VT and I’ll never stop talking about
how much I love it. The crowd is usually extremely high quality and absolutely
wonderful, there aren’t really any women so every man will want to talk to you, the
powder room is lovely, and there’s just so much to remark on because it’s so
gorgeous and there’s so much to enjoy. This is my favourite club we’re members
of, right after Annabel’s in Mayfair!

San Diego!

*I haven’t had much experience in San Diego and don’t particularly feel like
pretending I know everything about SD so I’m going to keep most of these pretty
short and uninteresting*

San Diego Yacht Club!

I’ve been twice so I’ll spare you all the long impression. It was nice both times that
I went, the men were nice, the boats were nice, and it was quiet on both nights
that I went. It’s a nice place to start out before you branch out and begin going to
bigger and brighter places.
The Bridges SD!

One word. Gorgeous. My Grandparents had real estate here, the golfing is
gorgeous, the staff and people are gorgeous, and it’s sort of an older family
environment. There aren’t many younger children and there are a lot of divorced
men. It’s not ideal but it’s a nice place to spend time and everyone is nice.

Torrey Pines Golf Club!

The golfing is mediocre but the men make up for it. They’re bronzed, they’re tall,
they have money, and they’re almost uncomfortably attractive. It hurts to look at
them and I’m perfectly okay with saying that. I love the men here, I love the
atmosphere, and I love the food and drinks, the staff are beyond mice, and the
venue and clubhouse are both beyond gorgeous.

La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club!

+10 points because my Grandma and I once heard a male member say that his
virgin girlfriend was pregnant with another man’s child and we could tell that he
was completely serious. The venue is only nice because it’s on the beach, during
daylight hours there are lots of kids playing tennis and swimming, there’s a lot of
screaming, people will think you’re a nanny if you’re ethnic, and the men are only
sometimes good. It’s a really hit or miss sort of situation and there’s so much up in
the air that it’s almost not worth going most days of the week. 4/10.

La Jolla Country Club!

I’ve been once and had one great experience. The men left something to be desired
but the venue is nice and a relaxing night out is definitely fun. I went with my
cousin and she said that she met someone nice but nothing really came of that for
her. It’s a nice place to start out but you’ll have to leave eventually.


*Only the three clubs that I’ve had the most experience with for Seattle because I
don’t have many formed opinions on the other clubs because I haven’t really
experienced them like I’ve experienced these three clubs when I’ve visited Seattle
and I don’t want to give any impressions that I I haven’t made myself*

Rainier Club!
Very business formal but nice, that’s the way that I would describe the Rainier
club. The vibes are decent but the men tend to be older and the women are all very
aggressive, I don’t mean that in a good way. The Rainier is one of those places that
you can either go to for practice or you can skip altogether, you’re not really
missing out on anything whichever way you decide to go. The food is decent and
you’ll probably get free food and the drinks are mediocre but again, if they’re free
you can’t really complain. It’s one of those venues and situations that you should
try for the experience so you’ll succeed in other difficult venues or talking to
difficult men but it’s not a necessary experience. Save yourself some grief. 4/10 on
a good night, 2/10 on any other.

The Ruins!

There are a lot of younger tech execs at The Ruins and they completely kill the
atmosphere. I’m not saying undiagnosed differences but still the same time, it’s
exactly what I’m saying. The issue that I have with The Ruins is that it’s not an
environment that I’m comfortable in because I don’t like to guess and I don’t like
to be treated weirdly. If you can pick up on social cues from men who have none,
absolutely go for it and have fun. But if you’re like me and you can’t and don’t want
to play “Is he just different or is he a sexual predator?” all night, go ahead and skip
The Ruins. The vibes are just really uncomfortable, the men make me sad, but if
you want a Frederick 2.0, get yourself there ASAP and start looking for him.

Columbia Tower Club!

I am all about the women’s restroom in this club because it is so damn beautiful.
The vibes here are 10/10, the men are gorgeous, the food and drinks are wonderful,
and I personally feel like it’s really a type of situation that you can excel in if you’re
shy, quiet, or inexperienced. The men are very gentle and sweet, they’ll always
attempt to teach you things, and they always want more. I’ve found out from
friends that the relationship rate with men from this club is like 10/10 and they’re
always desperate for a chance to be with you, the vibes are sweet, they’re usually
extremely moneyed, and most of them can confidently say “that’s not my house,
that’s my second garage” in a completely serious voice because they live in
beautiful and HUGE homes in Seattle. 10/10


*Please note that I am biased against Dallas because once a man asked me if I was
a virgin and then sent me chocolate covered liqueur cherries the next day before
breakfast. That’s all. The men tend to be conservative and gross but their vast
amount of money almost makes them worth the time*

Brook Hollow Golf Club!

Okay so I met Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys here and he was actually
extremely sweet. The men here tend to be older, extremely wealthy, and actually
very tolerant. All the men here you will meet will be very Christian but in the sense
that we’re all God’s children. I’ve never had an issue with my skin tone or
anything, every man has been lovely and patient, and I’ve always had a wonderful
time. 10/10 because I’ve been to the private box for Cowboys games, 10/10 because
the golfing is so good, 10/10 because I’ve never been sexually harassed, and 10/10
because the men here are real southern gentlemen with real southern charm and I
can fondly say that they deserve the world. It’s absolutely gorgeous and I wouldn’t
change a single thing.

Dallas Country Club:

My Daddy is a member here and when we were last in America together, he took
us (me and Nana) to look at DCC as a wedding venue and it seemed…cheap for
Highland Park. It was sort of grimy, the older male members are sort of racist, and
unless you’re a diehard fan of The Trump Family, I wouldn’t go. 0/10 because one
of the staff members asked if I wanted “oriental music” and looked at Nana (who is
Japanese and told him so), 0/10 because that same staff member commented on
my Dad’s traditional Saudi wear and asked if it was African and when he was told
that it was Saudi said “And they say nothing good comes out of Saudi Arabia!” and
was shocked when Daddy said “9/11”, and another 0/10 when Daddy got that same
staff member fired in front of us and the former staff member started crying like
he didn’t realise being a racist to a man paying $900,000 yearly would bite him in
the ass. If you want to empty the wallets of racists who can’t help but lust after
women of colour, GO GO GO and then tell me how it goes! 2/10 because I have a
thing for extremely conservative alt-lite men that I think may be a sign of self
hatred 🥰
Preston Trail Golf Club!

It’s a boys club and it’s an awkward ground with a lot of locker talk but, if you
consider yourself one of the boys, this is where you’ll wow the crowd. I’m not the
biggest fan but I can’t not admit that the men aren’t good and that the atmosphere
and vibes aren’t good. I’d have to give it a solid 8/10 because some girls love it but
it’s not the place for me. -1 because there’s no real dress code, as long as the men
are wearing towels around their waists, they can eat from the buffet and I find that
absolutely foul. Another -1 because there’s a real culture of sexual harassment and
it’s sort of weird but if you’re a waitress or just visiting, you’ll get compensated
really well for it by the patrons and by the club so you don’t sue. It’s a gorgeous
venue, the golfing is fabulous, the views are wonderful, and there’s a secret pool
that’s absolutely gorgeous and beyond fun.

Old Parkland!

If you get over the fact that a lot of the men here are Republican mega donors and
focus on the fact that a lot of them are mega donors to children’s hospitals, the
vibes immediately become 9/10. Old Parkland is in a rotunda and the real estate
isn’t the best and so that brings the venue down by 3 points and the location is
another minus 2 points. The food and drink are good which is nice but the act of
sitting to order food that will take ages to come is not. The men here are older and
more established but most of them want to cheat on their wives and are offering to
pay a premium if you give them the experience of having a young hot girlfriend, if
you’re okay with that, absolutely go for it, if you’re like me, don’t force yourself to
conform to any situations that you’re not completely comfortable in. Overall a
solid 4/10 for Old Parkland because it could be much better but it doesn’t have the
chance to be.


Anonymous asked:

Friday Night Recipes?

We’re watching a Bollywood film so I’m making an Indian themed dinner just because I think
it’ll be fun to watch a film and have food that encapsulates some of the flavours of the country
that the film came from.

Mango Lassi.

Masala Chai Tea.

Buttered Basmati Rice.

Buttery Garlic Naan Bread.

Butter Chicken.

Chicken Tikka Masala.

Chicken Tandoori.

Saag Paneer with Lamb.

Sweet Tamarind Chutney.

Relatively Authentic Samosas.

Cardamom Cream Cake.

I’m lucky enough to have a kitchen that’s large enough to handle a lot of food being made at
once and I made a trip to the grocer’s earlier on in order to stock up on what I needed. I’m
making everything from hand and I’m looking forward to it, we’re going to watch a film called
Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge starring Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan and I love it, it’s one of my
favourite Bollywood films but it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.

Anonymous asked:

Advice for new SAHWs?

I’ll give it a bit of a shot!

I’ve been keeping a home for years so it’s not really a struggle for me anymore, even with a
newborn. I’m also married and my husband is both eager to help and capable of helping me
out so things do tend to get done in a timely manner and they get done properly. Keeping a
home isn’t a struggle when you’re starting out as long as you make a routine and stick to it,
when you’ve got a schedule and a list of chores and you’re able to remain disciplined, things
become much easier.

Tidy everything as you go about your day at home!

I tidy up from room to room, I straighten and I dust whilst I have Baby strapped to my chest, I
cook and wash everything I’ve used at the same time, I wipe down my bathroom sink and
mirror after I’ve brushed my teeth, and I clean and tidy constantly throughout the day. I
vacuum each area I’ve used twice daily, I sweep the kitchen, I keep our bedrooms, Frederick’s
office, our closets, my glam room, and Baby’s nursery room pristine, and I wipe down the wi
does daily. I only spend a few hours every day cleaning but I never feel like things are piling up
and my home is always nice and beautiful, cleaning as you go along and not leaving everything
for rushed last minute big cleans is the least stressful way to live your life and keep your home

Buy products you love!

I’m obsessed with household products and so I only buy products that I’m in love with. I’ve
spent a lot of time curating my collection of vacuums, dusters, brooms, mops, cleaning sprays,
air fresheners, my roomba guy, dehumidifiers and humidifiers, wood polishers, soaps, candles,
appliances, and all sorts of beautiful things for my home and so I’ve spent a lot of time
searching for all of the best and finding all of the products that will fit the aesthetic of my
home best. I always look for quality when I buy and I tend to try to purchase things that will
last me ages without failing on me. Life is easier when I have things that I love and that I can
depend on to work and cleaning becomes just a little bit more joyful for me. It’s silly but life is
fun and breezy when you begin to appreciate the simple pleasures and you try to look for joy in
all the mundane.

Make a weekly menu!

Setting a menu in advance and sticking to it has saved me from so much stress, I’ve found that
planning meals in advance, shopping for those meals, and letting everyone know that that’s
what we’re having is the easiest way to do things. No one can complain because they knew in
advance what we’d be having and the options are clear: dinner is on the table, bread and
sandwich making materials or leftovers are in the fridge, and starvation is an option that’s
always open and what I’d prefer over whinging. I love making all of my menus, it’s so fun to
search for recipes and plan out my meals, it’s fun to design and decorate my menus, and I have
a great time when it comes to cooking and presenting my meals, menus make things so simple.

Make time for yourself!

I’m a woman who needs time to get herself ready in the morning and decompress in the
evening and so I’ve made it very clear that there are times during the day that I’m not to be
interrupted. I still do this even with a newborn because I need to have a bit of time to myself
without having to be a wife or a mother. It can be very stressful to suddenly share a home with
someone and feel like you don’t have alone time or privacy, it can be stressful to feel like you’re
in a rush or you need to be someone’s entertainment all the time, and it can be so stressful
when you start to feel touched out and like you’re emotionally drained so I’d highly
recommend making sure that you make it clear that you’ll be taking some uninterrupted time
out of each day and using it for yourself. It doesn’t need to be at home, you can go out, but you
shouldn’t feel pressured and you shouldn’t feel like you’re fleeing, you should feel like you’re
taking a break and taking some time to allow yourself to rest.

Leave your home often!

Just because you’re a stay at home wife or mom or girlfriend or whatever doesn’t mean that
you literally have to stay at home all day, it’s unhealthy to always be cooped up inside or alone
day after day so I’d highly recommend doing what I did and getting involved in a variety of
activities outside of my home. I lead one of the Sunday school sessions at church on Sunday,
I’m a member of a women’s group, I have mommy and baby time, my sorority has a European
alumnae chapter, I do study group on Mondays, and I have a lot going on and I do a lot that I
enjoy with my friends and on my own. I am a very social person and I’ve had to find so many
opportunities to meet new people and get out of my home because I hate the feeling of
isolation, it’s so important to know when you’re becoming isolated and do what you can to
combat that because isolation isn’t healthy and you cannot lead a fulfilling life when you’re
isolated. You need to make friends and have a support group and you have to leave home to do
those things sometimes, it’s healthy to leave your home quite often.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

Saturday Recipes?
I had a lot of apples and a lot of chicken to get rid of so I spent a few minutes on Pinterest and
decided that we were going to have a lunch based around cool salad, chicken, mushrooms, and
apples. I’d made a lovely yoghurt cake earlier on in the morning whilst I had Baby strapped to
my chest and totally asleep because I wanted to have some and I know my GFIL and GMIL love
my yoghurt cakes. I don’t usually cook on Friday nights or the weekends but I did last night
and I made lunch today but we did go out to have dinner tonight. 

Fresh Pressed Apple Juice.

Buffalo Chicken Tenders.

Chicken and Avocado Caesar Salad.

Chicken Bacon Ranch Layered Salad.

Fried White Button Mushrooms. 

Blood Orange Yoghurt Cake.

I’ve had a lot of questions over how I plan my recipes and the answer is just by using Pinterest
and my recipe books. I don’t have some sort of secret solution to planning recipes, I look for
what’s in our refrigerator and needs to go and I try to find recipes that will incorporate those
items. I’m a very visual woman so I depend on photos to see what will look good and I make
sure that the reviews for whatever it is I’ve found are up to date and at least 4.5/5 stars and have
a bit written and aren’t just reviews with no substance.

Anonymous asked:

where do you buy your wigs from, please? 💇🏾‍♀️

A Few Places!

I will say that the vast majority of my wigs tend to be quite expensive because I like them to
look very very realistic and I need them to be extremely high quality, the average life of one of
my wigs is between four to six years with proper care and maintenance appointments so I
don’t mind spending between $1,200 to $2,500 on a wig. I’m next to neurotic about having high
quality and nice looking hair and I go out of my way to style my wigs, I’m meticulous with all of
my products and all of the routines that I have, and I have a programme that I follow, and I use
very high quality hair products.

Chavie Russell Wigs.

A Chicago based wig seller who I absolutely adore, I first heard of Chavie Russell from a
beloved friend of mine who has no hair of her own (like me) but always has the nicest wigs. She
told me that she exclusively wears a rotation of Chavie Russell wigs that she owns and so I
decided to go through with researching and I ended up putting in an order after I found an
influencer, ChelseaOlivia13, who wears a Chavie wig but doesn’t advertise Chavie excessively.
The fact that Chavie is spoken of as one of the best wig sellers in the cancer, alopecia, and
Jewish communities and has a pristine reputation but is never excessively advertised or heavily
marketed was very important to me, I’m not the sort who likes to buy from people who I
presume have spent too much on marketing and positive reviews, I’d rather buy from a woman
with a dedicated but small clientele and stellar reviews than buy from a woman who obviously
buys her reviews and has far too many clients. I’m huge on personalisation and my Chavie wig
is better than perfect, the hairline was customised to the point where I wonder if an Angel did
it, and the hair is high quality and it feels like it’s made from gold, I’m usually very picky but I
think Chavie is much pickier.


One of my absolute favourite sellers of wigs, I’m picky with my hair and I originally found this
salon through one of the Chicago-based influencers who I follow, Kehinde Smith, who owns
the Lagos based salon and claims to only ever wear the wigs they sell and so I made the choice
to buy a wig and I fell in love from the moment I put it on. I only ever wear glueless units and
the glueless unit that I own from MyExtensionz is just so perfect, it’s comfortable and easy to
wear, it never slips, the unit is lightweight and bouncy but the hair is thick, quality, and heavy,
and the hair always looks nice and perfect. I wear the unit I own almost every single day
because I love it and my next unit will probably be the same exact custom dyed unit in the
same length. I’d highly recommend MyExtensionz for high quality wigs and I ordered from
abroad and received my unit in no time at all, I was offered a fitting in Chicago, and I love the
unit I have so much and it’s lasted for 2 years already and I think I could get another 5 years of

Chrissy Bales Wigs.

I first discovered Chrissy Bales when I was still in high school and living within a reasonable
distance from London and I’ve been hooked ever since. I think that Chrissie is absolutely one
of the best hairstylists currently out in the world who can make a wig with a nice fringe and
who can make a wig look totally natural, she did a wig for Patricia Bright a while ago that’s
beyond nice and natural looking and her wigs also last. I bought a beautiful fringed Chrissy
Bales wig in my final year of high school and I still wear it today on the odd occasion, I’ve aged
out of the fringe but I still love how wispy it is and how young it makes me look.for why it’s
worth, I’m also a huge fan of the hair colouring that Chrissy does, I only ever have dark black
or 1B coloured hair with highlights occasionally but it takes a hell of a hair stylist to be able to
customise a jet black wig in a shade of jet black that doesn’t make me look six feet under and
Chrissy can do it with ease.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

Favourite Skincare for February?

February’s Favourites!
I’ve been really into having healthy looking and glowy skin as of late and so I’ve been using
products that work to clear up hyperpigmentation, help manage the texture of my skin, make
sure that my skin isn’t too oily, make sure that my skin colour is even, and work to make the
areas on my face, neck, and cleavage are smooth, tight, and free from wrinkles. I do see a derm
and an aesthetician for fillers, Botox, lasering, and my facials and I do use a selection of
products that come recommended from them that I buy directly though them but I won’t be
listing them because I don’t have a license and they’ve been recommended for my skin.

Supergoop! ‘Unseen’ SPF 40 Sunscreen.

One of my favourite sunscreens lately, I wish that it came in SPF 100 but it works well for
winter weather and it’s perfect for protecting the skin on my face and neck, it doesn’t make me
break out, and it’s sheer but still thick. I use sunscreen every day because that’s what I was
raised to do, my skin is one of my best features and keeping it hydrated and protected is one of
the best things I can do for it, one of my favourite things about the Unseen Sunscreen is that it
immediately just settles into my skin and it works as the perfect base for my primer, it lasts
and it isn’t oily, it doesn’t leave me with a greasy shine on my face after it’s been absorbed, and
it doesn’t ruin my primer layer.

Topicals ‘Faded’ Serum.

This is another one of my favourites for hyperpigmentation and scarring, I mostly use this
cream on my face and neck and on my wrist and I’ve seen so much improvement since I
started using it. The smell is truly horrendous but the packing and performance are beautiful
so I think that I can sacrifice my nose for good results, I started using it once weekly and now I
use it on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and my skin is clearer than ever. I use a dime size
amount of cream and I really work it into my freshly washed and dried skin, I apply it at night
alongside the rest of my skincare, and I immediately apply sunscreen in the morning because
sun protection is highly recommended with the Faded cream for skin safety.

Dr. Barbara Sturm Darker Skin Tones Discovery Kit.

Another one of my favourite skincare kits. I love to buy samplers just to be able to try out a
nice variety of products before I make a purchase and I’ve just been thriving with this little kit.
I’m a major fan of the majority of the products, my favourite is the hyaluronic serum and I’ve
just ordered 100ml of it because I use it like a fiend and my skin has retained this beautiful sort
of glow and I look much healthier, I’m also a big fan of the rich face cream and I use quite a bit
of it at night just to keep my face moisturised. All of the products are very high quality and I
use a lot but a little goes a long way and I’m of the opinion that the entire collection is just
excellent and it works very well for me.
The Cleansing Balm by Augustinus Bader.

I wear full coverage makeup every day and I apply it with a heavy hand, I use a cleansing balm
to remove it before I wash my face and I’ve found that the cleansing balm by Augustinus Bader
is one of my favourites for removing all of my makeup. Augustinus Bader is a very high quality
brand and the balm came highly recommended to me and my expectations were exceeded
from time I began using it. I’ve used a lot of cleansing balms in the past and my favourite thing
about the Bader cleanser is that one thin layer takes off all of my makeup and it leaves my face
feeling nice and clean, I don’t have an oily or greasy face afterwards, and I don’t have any
residue from the balm or my makeup on my face. It’s a great balm for removing heavy and full
coverage makeup with minimal effort, I only use a dime size amount and spread it around.

Summer Fridays Jumbo Jetlag Mask.

This is one of my favourite moisturising masks for cold weather, travel, and night time. I love
the Jetlag Mask and I’m so happy that it’s now in a jumbo size because I use it like there’s no
tomorrow and I swear by it, my skin is back to looking healthy, glowy, and alive again and I
swear it’s because I started to use a thick layer of this every night, every time I boarded a
plane, each time the weather took a turn for the worse, and throughout the day as a heavy
daytime moisturiser for dry skin. My skin used to get so dry that it started to look scaly and
nothing was working for me but as soon as I started to use the Jet Lag Mask, my skin took a
turn for the better and has the healthy look that I’ve been craving for all these years, it’s a
weapon of a mask and I consider it one of my skincare holy grails.

Laneige Treatment Balm.

I have dry lips and I always try to keep a balm on me so that I can rehydrate them as needed, I
hate having cracking lips or lips that look like they’re in need of some TLC so I’ve taken to
using the Laneige Lip Treatment Balm every morning before I put on my gloss and lipstick and
I’ve moved away from wearing matte lipsticks, they age me in ways I can’t afford to be aged. I
love this lip treatment because it’s creamy and hydrating, it makes my lips feel smooth and it
prevents them from cracking or peeling, I feel like it’s made my lips look plump again and it
works nicely with my fillers, and a little bit goes a long way, I can apply it once and I’m set for
at least 12 hours in good weather.

Filorga ‘Optim-Eyes’ Eye and Wrinkle Cream.

I’ve always had a sunken in area under my eyes and the look of my eyes has gotten a lot better
since I added this eye cream to my routine and actually began paying attention to my eye area.
I originally bought this cream for my Frederick and his huge dark circles but I repatriated it to
my sink and my area once I realised that he wasn’t going to do anything about his eye circles
and it’s been working wonders for me. I love applying this cream and then massaging it into
the area under my eyes so that I get the full effect of the cream and the area under my eyes
looks always looks much better after I’m done massaging in the cream and making sure it’s
been absorbed into my skin.

NaPCA Aloe Spray.

As soon as I get out of the shower, I make a point to spritz this onto my face so that my skin
doesn’t take on the flushed colouring that it’s so fond of as soon as I leave humid
environments. I use a lot of this spray on my cleavage and on my neck and I think that it
contributes to my even skin tone, my skin colouring has really evened out as of late and the
skin on my neck and cleavage has softened and become much healthier. I also use quite a bit of
this spray during the warmer weather and right after I sauna, it really calms my skin down and
helps with giving me an even colouring and I love how gentle it is. NaPCA spray is super
hydrating, affordable, it comes with and without Aloe, it works wonders for hyperpigmentation
and hydration, and it’s suitable for use in all weathers.

Dr. Dennis Gross Extra Strength Peel Wipes.

I love little DIY skincare treatments and I use these wipes on my chest and my shoulders to
fade the areas where I’ve picked at my skin and they’ve worked very well for me. I’m very
careful with my skin now that I’m growing older and I’m trying to repair some of the damage
I’ve done to it over the years so I’ve started to focus on what I can do to remove scarring. I use
these every other day and I’ve seen some improvement, my colouring is definitely improving
and the majority of my smaller scars, some small burns, and my scars from chickenpox have
started to fade and clear up. I’ve been using the peel since mid December and I started to see
results after 30 days of consistent use, frequent applications of NaPCA, scrubbing and dry
brushing my skin, and making sure that I had minimal friction on my shoulders and my chest
from my bra or my clothing.

Hanacure All-in-One Skincare + Facial Set.

I was recommended this facial set by no less than twenty of my friends so I finally decided to
try it out and I’m kind of obsessed with it. Hanacure isn’t a brand that I know too much about
and I’d heard so many positive reviews from my friends and the lady that gives me my facials
that I decided to go ahead and read the ingredients list and blind buy without doing too much
research. It’s a great facial set and it’s made my pores nearly invisible, it’s made the skin
around my eyes less textured, and it’s smoothed out the fine lines around my eyes that pop out
when I smile. It’s a great facial kit and it’s easy to use as well, I don’t have to spend ages
reading instructions or mixing, I can just put it on and wait to take it off, it works well, it’s
simple and keeps my skin glowing, and it’s very nice to use.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

wig must haves? 💇🏾‍♀️

The Wig Fix by Renatural in Deep!

One of my favourites! I have totally stopped wearing any sort of wig glue or tape to secure my
wigs down and this little silicone headband does the trick for me just as well and stays on all
day long. I love this little headband because it keeps my wig on without ruining what damaged
hair I have left, it doesn’t slip and slide, it doesn’t mess up my makeup or scruff my wig up, and
it doesn’t feel itchy or sweaty to me. One of the main reasons why I love the Wig Fix is because
I’m able to use it with hair or without hair and it gives me just a bit of protection from wig
friction throughout the day.

Perfect Line Lace Knot + Grid Concealer in Dan.

I first was recommended this product by a group of my friends who wear wigs for religious
purposes and I am eternally grateful for their recommendation. I use this concealer to
completely disguise the knots and lace of my wig after I bleach the knots because I love it when
my hair looks like it’s growing straight out of my scalp. I’m picky about my knots showing and
the lace of my wig being super obvious so I slather this concealer on my wig, I let it dry, and
I’m good to go for a full week of wear or until I wash my wig, whichever comes sooner.

The Fab Hair Company ‘Colour Caps’ in Shade 3.

I keep what’s left of my hair slicked down and ready to go since I wear wigs all day and let my
head rest during the night but these are the wig caps that I choose to wear underneath my
wigs and underneath my Wig Fix band. I love these caps because it’s easier to choose the
colour I need to match my skin colour and it’s so much easier to blend my wig cap into my skin
without any makeup. Wig caps are necessary for me because I wear makeup on my face and
concealer on my knots and I don’t want my two worlds to collide, I think that wearing a wig
cap protects my scalp, and it’s easier to make my wig look natural when my base is perfect. You
can really get wig caps from anywhere but I love having the colour of my skin and my wig cap
match up nicely.
Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

latest favourite book? 🤍

The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn by E. Ives.

Anne Boleyn is one of my favourite women from all of England’s history and so I started this
book just so I could read about a woman who was so desired and so interesting that she was
able to convince a monarch to split from his country’s church in order to marry her. I have
always loved AB, I remember going to go see her portrait when I was younger and I have a
necklace that I received for my birthday that’s styled after her famed ‘B’ Pearl necklace. Anne
Boleyn is the most interesting woman I’ve ever read about and this is one of the best
biographies I’ve ever read. I’d consider it to be one of my favourite reread books of 2022 and a
total staple on my bookshelf. I finally got to see Spencer the other day and so I’m enjoying all of
my Tudor Rose books again.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have a workout routine?

I do two and a half hours of working out six days out of each week and I pretty much follow
these routines that I wrote up and had approved by my team of doctors. I do one and a half
hours in the morning and one hour at night before bed, I don’t diet but my calories tend to be
decently low every day just because I’m not too much into eating food that’s not meaningful (I
enjoy all of my meals though), and I’m very active due to my life lately.

There are three routines listed and so I do one set of two routines every day and repeat twice
weekly. My off day is Sunday as Sundays are the days that I take to prepare for the week ahead
of me. I also do these new HIIT workouts that I found on YouTube and that’s been adding an
extra 30 minutes onto my routine but I do really like how my body has been feeling as of late,
I’ve been feeling like I’m in perfect health and I do love that.

I’m not really working out to lose weight, I just love to be active and I think that being active
has really helped me recover from being on bed rest and having had our baby. I think that the
more I move is directly connected to how good I’ve been feeling lately and my range of motion
has improved, I don’t feel lethargic, my legs are looking great, my back looks amazing, my skin
is going back to looking nice, I’ve been taking supplements and my body is healing, and
working out forces me to drink more water. My health has been the best it’s been for a long
time and I think that everything is directly related.

Anonymous asked:

Five Pieces of Advice

Let’s see if I’ve got 5…

I was raised to have extremely high standards when it came to the calibre of men that I went
out with and I was also taught that if a man was unable to reach my standards, it had nothing
to do with me and everything to do with him. I think that I’ve always had extremely high
standards as I’ve always had really good male role models in my life and I was always told that
if they could go out of their way to make the women in their lives happy, it wasn’t asking too
much to ask for whatever I wanted to have from a potential romantic partner. I was also taught
that I shouldn’t have to ask for any of the basic graces that a woman is afforded, I was born a
woman and do I should be treated like a woman, no matter the circumstances I found myself

I knew a lot of people and I still know them. The vast majority of my life has been spent
building good relationships with people who I enjoy spending company with and I’ve gotten to
know a great many people through life and through my husband and family. I think that a lot of
opportunities in life are contingent on who you know and how well you know them, there are a
lot of doors that will not be opened unless you know the right people and they will remain
closed until you either meet those people or you make a name for yourself. Parts of life are
totally dependent on luck and good will but others are completely based on who you know and
how well you’re able to drop their names in day to day conversation. If you are generally
unpleasant to be around, people will not want to know you or even be associated with you.
That’s a simple fact and it’s something I believe in and have told people when they’ve come to
me asking for advice.

You cannot expect people who don’t know you to care about you. My Grandma was always the
first woman in the room to genuinely ask people how they were doing but I’d watch her veneer
slip when people would take a simple question and use it to get into the rough parts of their
life. No one likes to have the trauma of others dumped upon them without permission and it’s
not really appropriate to do so in most social situations; pouring your issues or insecurities
onto people who you do not know makes you look unhinged. I was always taught to remove
myself from situations where people misunderstood where they stood with me as quickly as
possible and to be kind but firm when informing them that they had my condolences when it
came to their current fortunes, my best wishes for their future endeavours, and my respect for
their resilience.

I was always told to stay far from people who cause unnecessary drama, either with malice or
due to misfortune. One of my clearest memories is of my Grandfather’s then secretary getting
very very drunk, drunker than anyone should ever be, and having to be physically lifted and
carried out of a dinner we were at and put to bed. It didn’t matter that my Grandfather hadn’t
provided her with a single drink, his name was associated with her and he was brought into
the drama she’d caused by making poor decisions. If you get through the right doors or into
the right circles and you begin acquainting yourself with people who speak too loudly of things
they know not of or cause unnecessary trouble, you’ll be associated with them and your
reputation will be at risk of tarnishing. I rarely quote Darcy but he was completely right when
he stated that some good opinions, once lost, are lost forever. People tend to be judgemental,
you don’t need to give them legitimate reasons to judge you and you don’t want to struggle to
clear your name when it should be clean.

This doesn’t apply to every situation but it applies to all of the situations that I’ve found myself
in. My family has always been of the opinion that no one will take you seriously if you don’t
present yourself as a woman who’s meant to be taken seriously. If you don’t take care of your
body then people will assume that you don’t take care of your health, if you don’t take care of
your looks then people will assume that you don’t care about your presentation, if you don’t
actually pursue your passions and work towards goals then people will assume that you don’t
have anything that drives you in life. People tend to actively pursue and actively want to be
around people who present themselves as getting great and doing good, they love people who
are into themselves and want to be more, and ambition is a quality that most people like to see,
no one wants to waste the best years of their life with someone who isn’t motivated, isn’t
actively pursuing something, and doesn’t want to be anything. My Grandma was always the
first to tell me that people viewed me as serious and devoted because she taught me to go out
of my way to be perceived that way and she was always very clear in teaching all of her
daughters to be serious with themselves. Sometimes people will not perceive you as serious
until they’re forced to, don’t engage with them and don’t beg on your knees for basic human

Linsi <3
Simple Recipes!

Healthy Shrimp Sushi Bowls.

Chipotle Lime Shrimp Bowls.

Red Pepper Fettuccine with Shrimp.

Blackened Shrimp and Asparagus Skillet.

Honey Garlic Butter Shrimp and Broccoli.

Mexican Shrimp Cocktail Stuffed Avocados.

Shrimp Scampi with Spinach and Tomatoes.

Blackened Shrimp Avocado Cucumber Bites.

Greek-Marinated Shrimp with Lemon-Dill Sauce.

Cajun Shrimp with Garlic Parmesan Cream Sauce.


Greek Pork Souvlaki.

Honey Garlic Pork Chops.

Salt and Pepper Pork Chops.

Pork Roast with Apple Dijon Glaze.

Char Siu Chinese Inspired BBQ Pork.

Gouda and Apple Stuffed Pork Chops.

Mediterranean Stuffed Pork Tenderloin.

Juicy and Tender Pork Tenderloin Roast.

Roast Pork with Creamy White Wine Sauce.

Grilled Pork Chops in Creamy Mushroom Sauce.


Rotisserie Chicken.

Chicken Paprikash.

Engagement Chicken.

Homemade Chicken Shawarma.

Murgh Makhani Butter Chicken.

BBQ Chicken Skewers and Salad.

Thai Inspired Chicken Lettuce Wraps.

Grilled Chicken Tacos with Key Lime Slaw.

Chicken In A Sun Dried Tomato Cream Sauce.

Lemon Garlic Butter Chicken and Green Beans Skillet.

Hot Honey Mustard Chicken and Brussels Sprouts.


Beef Vindaloo.

Mongolian Beef.

Bourbon Skillet Steak.

Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff.

Teriyaki Sesame Beef Skewers.

Slow Cooker Beef and Broccoli. 

Garlic and Herb Beef Tenderloin.

Julia Child's Boeuf Bourguignon.

Pan-Seared Steak in Butter Sauce.

Garlic Butter Steak and Potatoes Skillet.


Fish Puttanesca.

Greek Baked Cod.

Roasted Chili Lime Cod.

Seared Lemon Butter Cod.

Thai Coconut Salmon Curry.

Baked Cajun Garlic Butter Cod.

Crispy Fish in Chili Garlic Sauce.

Basil and Parmesan Crusted Salmon.

Honey, Garlic, and Ginger Glazed Salmon.

Sheet Pan Lemon and Garlic Butter Salmon.


Pasta Fagioli Soup.

Spicy Black Bean Soup.

Bacon and Bean Soup.

Thai Coconut Chicken Soup.

Panera Creamy Tomato Soup.

Lemon Chicken Noodle Soup.

Sausage, Potato, and Kale Soup.

Spinach and Cheese Tortellini Soup.

Homemade Miso Soup with Ginger.

Italian Sausage and White Bean Soup.


Grapefruit Avocado Salad.

Chinese Inspired Chicken Salad.

Roasted Garlic and Kale Caesar Salad.

Skinny Chicken and Avocado Caesar Salad.

Loaded Greek Chicken and Avocado Salad.

Salmon Salad with Grapefruit and Avocado.

Mediterranean Watermelon Salad with Feta.

Tomato and Green Bean Salad with Feta and Dill.

Grilled Lemon Herb Chicken Avocado Orzo Salad.

Honey Mustard Chicken Salad with Bacon + Avocado.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

What would you cook for a date night dinner? 🤍

Hello Lovely <3

Today is Thursday and one of my favourite days of the week in terms of cooking so I’ll tell you
what’s on the menu for us tonight. I’ve been experimenting with my Italian cookbook recently
and trying to incorporate the herbs I’ve grown in my little herb garden so it’ll be nice for me to
show off my skills tonight and use some of the herbs and plants that I’ve worked so hard to

Gigi Hadid’s Spicy Vodka Pasta.

This is one of my favourite pasta recipes to make and one of my favourite simple recipes, you
don’t need to be a domestic goddess to know how to follow this little recipe and it’s already
been scaled down so the recipe serves two. I personally choose to add fresh basil, fresh
tomatoes, extra freshly shaved parmesan cheese, and prawns for protein and to give the recipe
just a touch more substance but you can follow the original recipe for great results. I’d highly
recommend it for a simple date night or for women who are still learning to cook.

Cotoletta alla Milanese.

I’ve been making the Austrian equivalent of Cotoletta alla Milanese for the past few years now
and I’ve gotten very good at it. I personally don’t really enjoy veal and this recipe calls for veal
but you can easily swap it out with chicken and have the same results. I always have left over
bacon fat and I fry most of my Cotoletta alla Milanese and Chicken alla Milanese dishes in it
but I’m also a huge fan of using my air fryer and getting things fried that way. If you want to
have a substantial main dish and serve a smaller portion of pasta or use the pasta as an
appetiser, I’d recommend centring your meal around Cotoletta alla Milanese or Chicken alla
Milanese, they’re great dishes that aren’t at all boring. If you don’t eat veal or chicken, I’d
suggest calamari.

Homemade Italian Bread.

I am a sucker for serving homemade bread whenever I make an Italian meal and this is the
recipe that I use when it comes time to get to baking. I follow all of the instructions until the
end and then I take the bread out of my oven, coat the loaf with salted butter, and then pop it
back into my oven for another 15 minutes just so the loaf is really crispy, buttery, and golden. I
serve my bread with butter, balsamic vinegar and olive oil, and a few butters that I’ve mixed up
and customised with my fancy ingredients like dried chicken skin or my stash of sun dried
tomatoes and it always ends up being lovely.

Arugula Salad with Olive Oil, Lemon, and Parmesan.

This is one of my favourite side salads to make and a hit in my household! I first had this salad
when I went on a little trip to Eataly when I was still living in the US and I’ve been obsessed
with it ever since, I make it as often as I can, I eat it almost daily, and I usually mix it with
chicken and bacon just to give it more substance but it’s great on its own and it’s very
flavourful. The key to this salad is dousing it with dressing, I apply it very liberally and I’m sure
to blend the Parmesan, olive oil, salt and pepper, and lemon juice very well before I pour it on
and I always have extra on the side to go. If I’m making the salad as a main dish, I add bacon
grease to the dressing just to use it up and it’s always wonderful.
Tiramisù Classico.

Tiramisù is one of my favourite desserts to make, it’s a slightly more advanced dish but it’s
worthwhile and the end result is fabulous, and it’s just one of those foreign desserts that you
bite into and immediately think of the country where it originated. Tiramisù is the dessert that
I make when I want to impress, it’s one of the best desserts that’s ever been made in the
history of Italy, I make it every year as one of my Frederick’s birthday cakes, and it’s a labour of
love. Tiramisù isn’t exactly hard to make, the instructions are easy to follow and clear, it’s hard
to present and there is a learning curve, there’s a wait time, and there’s a certain way to leave it
to set but all of this is totally worth it once it’s finished.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

your opinion on cartier love bracelets? 🤍

They’re a bit overdone xx

I think that they scratch too easily and they’re too low quality. I have a friend over in Amritsar
and the price of gold in India tends to be very cheap so last time she was over there she asked
if we wanted to do a big order of bracelets and the girls and I all pitched in about £350 each for
solid 10k gold ‘Cartier’ Love Bracelets. They’re so close to the authentic and they look just as
good, it’s much harder to scratch 10k gold compared to 18k gold, we got the little screwdrivers
as well, we had the option of doing custom engraving alongside the engraving that the jeweller
did to copy one of the authentic Love bracelets that he used for reference, and they’re easier to
wear and much more comfortable than the authentic bracelets that I currently have in my
jewellery collection, I prefer my replica so much more.

You can really have any reputable jeweller copy the bracelet, it’s basically just a gold hinged
bangle with the Theta symbol engraved around (Θ) and optional engraving within the inside of
the bracelet, you can ask for a screwdriver of your own or buy one online to match, and that’s
really it. You could even get a replica, there are a lot of reputable sellers out there if you’d like
to save money and there are higher quality sellers out there as well, a lot of them even provide
the option of having moissanite or lab grown diamonds if you’d like a diamond bangle but
don’t want to pay nearly £25,000 to Cartier. No one is going to look at your bracelet and
suddenly know you’re not wearing an authentic and the quality of Cartier has gone downhill so
quickly in current years that I just don’t think it’s worth buying an auth, they’re not going to
increase in value or anything.
I have all of my authentic bracelets and I rarely wear them because I think that they’re a bit
overdone and tacky, I’m in my twenties now and I don’t think I’ve seriously put them on and
thought to myself ‘that looks good!’ since I was about 17. They are a classic piece, they’ve been
around for ages and it seems like every girl I’ve ever known gets one as a coming of age gift or
goes out to buy one as her first big girl purchase. I think that there are more sophisticated
bracelets out there that are worth the money and that have so much more potential to age well
with you compared to any of the pieces from Cartier’s Love Collection and I’m also of the
opinion that it’s not worth passing the authentic Love bracelets down because they scratch so
badly and the wear and tear on them is incredibly obvious.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

what would you do for a Wednesday night dinner?

I’m all for trying out Mediterranean lately!

Today is actually Wednesday and I’m going to be up watching Mamma Mia tonight so I decided
to go on ahead and make a Greek inspired lunch to get into the mood. If you know me then you
know how much I love ABBA so being able to watch Mamma Mia tonight will be a great bit of
fun for me and I’m looking forward to it very much. I’m not the most experienced when it
comes to making Mediterranean food but I thought I’d try my hand at it just to see if it’s
something I could find the time to enjoy in the near future and add to my menu more. I have a
Mediterranean cookbook but I used Pinterest recipes just to make my life nice & easy.

Greek-Marinated Shrimp Skewers with Lemon Sauce.

I love shrimp! Shrimp is one of my favourite fruits of the sea and I believe that any
Mediterranean inspired dish needs to have shrimp in it just to brighten up the mood. I also
love sauce, I can always say with total confidence that one of my favourite parts of every meal
is the sauce that comes with it and I decided to make this sauce for lunch just so I could try it
out and see if it was something that I’d enjoy with dinner. I love the mixture of geek yoghurt,
lemon, and dill and I love how tart and refreshing it is. The one thing I’m not a huge fan of is
how the shrimp needs to really be seared to make it delicious but I loved how they were nice
and blackened at the end of cooking them, they were lovely and I’d highly recommend giving
this recipe a nice try.
Greek Salad with Avocado.

I love a traditional Greek salad with crispy fresh veggies and sharp feta, I love the dressing that
I make for my Greek salads to compliment the flavour of the black olives, and I love the crunch
of the onions and of the cucumber so I knew that I had to add just a bit more flavour and try
making one of my favourite salads with avocado. I don’t usually enjoy avocado, I absolutely
hate it on toast and I don’t like it when it’s not in the guacamole form that my Grandma used to
make but I thought I’d step out of my comfort zone and try a new way to prepare it and it was a
hit. One of the big things that I wasn’t expecting was how nice of a contrast the sweetness of
the ripe avocado would end up being compared to the tartness of the salad and the dressing
and it was really nice, I also liked that the avocado that I’d chosen wasn’t too mushy and that
the shape of the avocado pieces that I’d cut up didn’t end up too large.

Chicken Souvlaki with Tzatziki Sauce.

As an original skewer and kebab fan, I really felt like I should stick with the mood and stick to
things that could be eaten from skewers, I don’t know anyone who I’ve ever cooked for that
hasn’t enjoyed skewers and I think that they’re great if you’d like to have a bit of fun in your
meal. I’m a huge fan of chicken as well and I think that chicken and shrimp always pair
together so nicely, I love the flavours of tzatziki sauce combined with this chicken souvlaki dish
and the spices that are in it, and I loved that it wasn’t difficult to prepare or to figure out how
to make. I did end up making separate skewers with pineapple, bell peppers, and red onions
just to add more flavour and as a nice refresher for in between skewers and they were
absolutely gorgeous.

Greek Rice with Parsley and Dill.

As a woman who believes that every meal needs a side dish and rice should be that side dish, it
was great to be able to try a rice recipe that incorporated spices and fresh herbs and that truly
helped the entire meal along. I hate making just plain white rice, I love to make rice that has its
own flavour and that speaks for itself, there is nothing more boring to me than bringing out a
dish that hasn’t been personalised or given its own flavour and I refuse to make plain white
rice. Adding a lot of fresh dill and fresh parsley was imperative to making this rice and tossing
it to make it fluffy, adding just a bit of butter, and going out of my way to really make it nice
and Mediterranean tasting was so important to the entire meal. I did end up adding the tiniest
bit of yoghurt to it after I’d added the butter and I also added a lot of lemon juice and a bit of
salt but it was one of the best rice dishes I’ve made and it worked perfectly.

Greek Gyro Bread.

I always make bread with every meal and this meal was no expection, I decided to make gyro
bread that was a bit doughier and sweeter than the average gyro bread and it was a hit. I
deviated substantially from the recipe that I’ve linked and I ended up going more for a bread
that mimicked the gyro bread that I used to get at one of my favourite restaurants, Olga’s, back
when it was still open and Olga was still alive. I chose to make the bread with this meal just
because I wanted to be able to take apart the pineapple, red onion, and bell pepper skewers,
throw some chicken and shrimp in the mix, add a lot of sauce, and make simple sandwiches
and my ideas tend to work really well when I plan ahead and actually put them into lotion
before I have to think on my feet. I love how Olga’s bread is so doughy and chewy and I love
how it’s sweet from the honey, I love how you can make it into pita chips, and I also love how
easy it is to make and how nice it ends up looking once it’s done. It’s easy to prepare and it’s
lovely to present.

Greek-Inspired Baklava.

Baklava is one of my many favourite desserts and I do think that it’s a labour of love. I used to
hate having to layer the phyllo dough and go out of my way to chop up all of the nuts when I
was younger and didn’t really know how to appreciate taking my time in the kitchen but now
that I’m older and I can see the joy in the faces of my loved ones, I try to go out of my way to
make my baklava. Baklava is a tricky dessert to make and I do think that it’s extremely time
consuming but it’s one of the best desserts out there, you can make it in large amounts, cut it
into diamonds, and save it or offer it to your friends, and it’s one of those desserts that people
look at and know that it took time to make and skill to learn how to make and that’s one of the
many reasons why I do love making it. Baklava takes an effort but it’s beautiful in the end and
it’s always very appreciated by the people who I go out of my way to prepare it for and the
people who I box it up and send it to as small gifts.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

Linsi, what are three types of men who you would

Men who immediately begin speaking about sex.

I was raised to believe that men should be terrified of insulting a woman, my Grandma used to
tell me that if a man immediately met me and felt comfortable talking about sex or using any
sort of sexually explicit language around me then he was interested in me only for my body
and he was looking to waste my time for his pleasure. I truly believe that all men should have
enough fear of insulting a woman to avoid any bad behaviour at all costs, it’s extremely clear
when a man is pushing boundaries and I think that women should make it clear that they’d like
to be spoken to in a non-explicit way in general. I think it’s a really disgusting feeling to
immediately be treated like a sexual object and I refuse to interact with people who think that
it’s acceptable to immediately objectify me or subject me to any form of sexual harassment. If a
man who you’re not in any sort of intimate relationship with thinks that it’s okay to
immediately begin subjecting you to sex talk, leave. He does not respect you now and he will
not respect you as a being or your boundaries in the future.

Men who don’t bother with confirming dates.

If a man does not confirm a date, there will be no date. One of the things I learned from my
Grandma growing up is that there was no point getting ready to go out if a man was unable or
unwilling to update me on whether or not he’d be taking me out. If my Frederick plans to take
me out then he knows I require updates, he texts me when he gets to work and tells me he’s
taking me out, he confirms our plans with little “be ready at 8:00” texts throughout the day and
he teases me with hints of what he’s planning for us, he’s always sure to text me when he’s
leaving work and headed towards home to confirm our plans one last time and that’s what I
love. If a man plans a date with you but he’s not in constant contact with you in the hours
preceding the date, don’t bother getting ready as there most likely will not be a date, I’ve seen
cancellations happen more often than not. If a man is unable to give you the grace of
confirming plans with you, don’t do him the honour of accompanying him out on a date.

Men who are far too comfortable with speaking.

I was raised by a woman who told each of her daughters and each of her granddaughters that
men were supposed to be uncomfortable when they took us out, there was no reason why we
should be going out with men who were perfectly comfortable with us and we rarely ever did.
I’m used to men who knew that they wouldn’t be taking any of us out unless they got up the
courage to speak to my Grandfather first and I’m used to hearing stories about how men
would park around the block 45 minutes before they were due to ask to take us out, take the
time to get their courage up, pull around front, pretend they’d just arrived, and knock on the
front door. What I’m not used to is all of these stories that I’ve been hearing about men who
think that it’s okay to neg women or use their pathetic little pick up artist tactics to rip down
the self esteem of the woman they’re seeing, I think that’s just pathetic. Men have become far
too comfortable stripping away the dignity of women in recent times and I don’t think I’d
survive today, I tell all of my girlfriends that the best way to date with dignity is to avoid men
who would try to strip your femininity and your dignity away from you and stick to men who
have a healthy amount of fear when it comes to you as a woman + your relationship.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

An unpopular opinion you have? 🤍

It’s not difficult at all to find someone wonderful, date them, slow down, and then settle down
with them. You know exactly what you have to do and where you need to go but you just don’t
want to. The only person who is truly impeding your success is you and you’re unable to accept
that for some reason so you try to blame it on everyone and everything but yourself so you can
avoid the harsh realities that come with having to get to the bottom of things and truly
confront oneself <3

Class and society!

Never confront an attack, answering an attack will just lead to conflict. You don’t need to be
use any of these clapbacks, you don’t need to engage in any drama, you don’t need to go out of
your way to seek people out and engage in any unkind exchanges of words with them, these
are all unpleasant exchanges of words that can be avoided and should be avoided at all costs.
High stress will affect your health and you do not need that, you do not need to engage with
people or stay in any sort of situation that has the potential to put you under a great deal of
stress. Stress is very avoidable and I’d suggest that you go out of your way to turn your back on
it and only engage with people who keep you calm.

What you need to do is sidestep the drama, avoid people who enjoy antagonising others and
who take pleasure from creating conflict, you don’t need to engage in any confrontations or go
out of your way to speak to people who are extremely confrontational, and you don’t need to
put yourself in a position where you feel forced to answer to anyone but yourself. Sidestep the
drama, keep your peace and keep to yourself when necessary, and surround yourself with
people who truly enjoy tranquility and peace of mind.

Nothing turns people off more than disruptive behaviour and it’s extremely off putting to meet
new people and immediately engage in conflict. You do not want to be known as the woman
who goes out of her way to engage with people who do not need more attention or the woman
who inserts herself into situations that are heated enough already, the worst thing you can do
is have a bad reputation because people will hear about you, make their first impression of you
from the words of others, and make up their mind about you before you’ve even met face to

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

if you could sit down with your younger self, what

would you tell her? 🤍
You should give yourself grace when it comes to certain situations, you’re still young and were
we all not young and stupid once? There’s no point in beating yourself up over situations that
you can fix, people who you can apologise to, and places you should have never gone. Home
will always be exactly how you left it, no one stays angry forever, and all of the mistakes and
missteps you feel you’ve made over the course of your life can be forgiven with time, they’re
not as serious as you make them out to be and no one is as angry with you as you think they
are. The best thing you can do for yourself is work on continuing to grow up, you need to learn
from the mistakes you’ve made, and you need to give yourself the opportunity to move on. We
must learn how to grow from our mistakes and life is much better when we don’t consider
small inconveniences to be the end of the world as we know it, we have to keep moving
forward and avoid wallowing in past feelings.

Getting used to the concept of refusing people explanations was a huge step forward for me,
I’ve gone through the vast majority of my life thinking that everyone I meet deserves answers
to anything they may ask of me and finally being able to put my foot down and choose when to
please myself instead of pleasing others was a major step for me. I’m used to giving people the
world and answering for everyone but now I choose not to, I choose to respect myself more
than I respect others and deny them answers to the questions they have that regard me or my

Another major step for me was realising that it’s not nice to be the sort of woman who gives
herself away unconditionally and it wasn’t fair to me, I realised that I could give away all that I
had and more and people would just take and take without ever giving thought to what I
wanted. In order to become rejuvenated again and lift the fog, I decided to severely limit the
amount of effort I put into people who I felt I didn’t know well enough to give my all and I
made it clear that I was drastically decreasing the amount these same people could ask of me.
I’m used to really going out of my way to please people and bring them joy but I forgot to care
for myself and a lot of my own joy was drained away in a matter of months, I have to care for
myself first now.

I also stopped coddling people, I’m now of the opinion that once people reach a certain age,
the need for me to coddle them goes out the window and so I’ve been sticking to that. I’ve had
to deal with a lot of men who were too used to me being sweet and gentle with them when they
were terrible to me in return and I’ve been treating them with a cold sort of air and going out
of my way to avoid coddling them. I was far too kind to a lot of men who didn’t extend me the
same courtesy and who took me for granted, became far too friendly for my liking and created
relationships with me in their mind, or who assumed that I owed them my time due to similar
race or whatever and I’ve been taking the time to put these men in their place with kind words,
put up boundaries, and make myself as clear as can be.

Let’s talk about desires, needs, and high standards.

One of the things I’ll never understand is people who enter relationships with people who are
completely and totally incompatible with them due to life goals. I honestly believe that there is
no point whatsoever in marrying someone who has established what they’d like their future to
be it doesn’t fall in line with yours. I would never enter or remain in a relationship with
someone who I felt I had to fundamentally change and I’ve made it crystal clear in the past that
I won’t be compromising on what I need in a serious relationship.

I’ve met too many women recently who have married people who are totally incompatible to
them and who have found themselves at a complete impasse with their partners. Frederick
and I sat down when I was visiting him right after he had his heart surgery, we talked about the
future and what we both wanted from it, we agreed on having a child, I know what sort of man
he is so I felt secure in trying for a baby, and we made all of our wishes clear and told each
other what we needed and what we expected from each other moving forward and what we
both needed out of our relationship from that point on and in the near future.

When you’re looking seriously begin any sort of relationship or you’re looking to begin dating
with the intention of marrying, I seriously believe that you need to sit down and list out what
you both want and need from your future just so you can begin getting yourself out there and
dating with a firm grasp on what you want. One of the best things to do when you’re trying to
figure out exactly what you need from a relationship is making a long list of all of the things
you want and figuring out which of those things are absolutely not negotiable for you in any
sort of relationship with any sort of man. There’s no point in dating if you don’t yet know what
you want, dating with a purpose is essential if you want to minimise the time you want to
spend with men who don’t deserve to be in your presence.

I believe in the concept of being a kept woman, all of the women in my family have been taken
care of and live very comfortable lives, I don’t believe in dealing with the stress that comes
with the corporate rat race or any of that, and I know what I want and what I need. I do believe
in staying at home, I believe in caring for my child and making sure that he’s able to have all of
the things he could ever desire, I believe in having what I want and having a soft and gentle life
overall, and I believe in being with a man who knows how to provide for me, who is willing to
provide for me, and who goes out of his way to ensure my happiness, safeguard my heart, and
guarantee that I go to sleep next to him every night and stay exactly where I am meant to be.

If you want a man who will go out of his way to give you what you need and who actively does
so without any cajoling, begging, crying, or pleading then you need to get used to the idea of
dating for that man. There are men out there who have the same values and desires as you,
there are men who want the same things that you do and who would be happy to provide them
for you, there are men who want children more than anything and who would be willing to
support you through having them and care for you and their child, and there are men of a
certain quality who desire marriage above all else. You should date with these men in mind, it’s
easier to find them when you have high standards and standards that they fulfil and it’s easier
for them to find you when you make it clear what you’re looking for and you make it clear that
you aren’t interested in compromising on what you want & need.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

do you believe in waiting until marriage? 🤍

I believe in remaining abstinent outside of marriage for a variety of reasons. STDs are on the
rise, men are sloppy about using condoms and often neglect to get tested, men aren’t
respectful in bed and they stealth and abusive in bed, you could be on birth control and still
end up getting pregnant, the future of abortions in America is unclear at the moment and you
don’t want to end up being stuck with someone for life just because you had a child together,
and I just think that men lie about their intentions all the time and it’s not worth sleeping with
a man who just views you as a warm body or an object to have their way with instead of as a
woman and a person to build a relationship with. I’ve also seen men become angry and abusive
for no reason when they’re refused sex, I’ve heard men call women terrible names when they
make it clear that no man is entitled to sex or their body, and I just think that men these days
don’t know how to properly handle a rejection. I don’t think that abstinence is a foolproof way
to get on the path towards any sort of happily ever after or anything and I think that it’s okay to
start off celibate, really like someone, and then decide that it’s not for you but I don’t think that
having casual sex with men who you’re not attached to or who you don’t have serious feelings
towards is helpful at all in any way, especially with how men think it’s okay to act towards
women and the many instances of terrible domestic violence that have ended up in the media
as of late.

Money is no substitute for a father.

You want to marry a man who can commit to being a present and patient father figure and the
easiest way to have a strong family is to marry a man who wants to be a father and can commit
to becoming a good father. Money isn't going to make up for the lack of a parent, there's
nothing like being raised by people who want you and who cherish you, there's nothing like
knowing you were born and wanted, and it takes two to tango. Marry someone who'll step up
and help out because he loves you both and he's responsible and loving, don't marry someone
who you have to beg to help care for his child or help care for you if you feel overwhelmed.

If you want results and you’re a woman of colour or religious, I’d highly recommend going to
private events and lectures. I personally prefer intellectual men and I think that women who
would otherwise be ignored in large settings have an easier time shining in smaller and more
intimate settings. One of my favourite activities is attending lectures and I met my Frederick at
a lecture he was giving, one of my good friends is engaged to a man that she met at a book
reading and talk she went to, and my cousin thought it would be fun to go on a free brewery
tour and she met the love of her life between barley talk. I believe in blooming where you’re
planted but I also believe in going places and doing things where you know you’ll shine, it also
helps if you have a genuine interest in the activities you’re going to and the lectures you’re
listening to just because a bit of knowledge will take you a long way.

Anonymous asked:

what is your love language? 🤍

I think I’m a quality time girl, I love spending time with my loved ones, I love being with my
little family, I love to visit my in-laws, and sometimes I daydream about being marooned on an
island in the middle of the sea with Frederick just so we could have plenty of time to be
together and so we could sit under the sun and talk.
Frederick just likes to be included, I think that's his whole thing, he likes to be next to me and
do the things I do. I think it's hilarious that he makes himself look tiny and sits in the corner
with a dejected look on his face until I let him join in on my self care routines and he’s an
enthusiastic participant whenever I mention doing something like taking a bath because then
he has the opportunity to sit on the floor next to me and talk to me whilst I’m trying to get in a
few moments of peace.

Anonymous asked:

Things to Immediately say No to?

3 common sense things!

If a man asks you to his home for a first date or a first meeting, immediately say no. There’s no
reason to go to the home of a man you do not know and who could be dangerous, it’s low effort
if a man immediately asks you over to his home and I wouldn’t consider that any sort of date,
and I think it puts you in a bad situation no matter how sweet you think your date is. There’s a
very large difference between going to his home after he’s taken you out on a few dates and I
think it would be lovely to have a meal cooked by him at his home but I’d avoid going over to
his house when you’ve just started off. Set that boundary as quickly as you possibly can.

If a man asks you to do anything isolated with him or pushes you into doing activities that
make you feel like you were unsafe, immediately say no. One of the best things you can do to
stand up for yourself against men who make you feel uncomfortable is to outright say no to
them, remove yourself from their presence, and then decline any further invites out from them
if they are unable to get the hint. My Grandma always always tell me to make my boundaries
clear and tell men that they had made me uncomfortable the moment they made any sort of
transgression and I’m so lucky that I was able to learn that lesson young. A lot of my friends
ask me if they should go out on late night walks with men they don’t know and go out to
isolated places and I’m always fast to tell them to avoid isolated or dark places and stick to
doing activities or going on dates with new men during daylight and in places that are sort of

If a man becomes jealous or possessive of you and/or your time when you’re just starting to get
to know him, immediately say no to involving yourself with him. It’s a huge red flag when men
become possessive of women they don’t know and it’s not a nice feeling to feel like you
constantly have to remain on your toes to avoid upsetting a man. No man has the right to meet
you and immediately become possessive of you, no man has the right to claim all of your time
and demand that you give him more emotional energy than he deserves from a woman he’s
just met, no man should make you feel like you’re babysitting him, and no man should ever
begin to micromanage you or dictate your time. One of the first signs of an unhealthy
relationship is when men begin to act possessive of you or they begin to try to control you and
that should be nipped in the bud fast.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

On the Importance of Beauty

do you think that beauty is as important as some of the girls on here make it out to be? you’re
the only girl who’s gotten married so you’re the only girl I trust 🐇
I don’t think you have to be a stunner to find someone nice, I don’t think you have to be
breathtakingly beautiful to be able to find someone who wants to take care of you and live out
their life with you, and I think that there’s far too much of a focus on beauty and being the best
looking girl in the room when that doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. I’m the first one
to admit that I’m no stunner, men will never go to war for me, my face doesn’t have the sort of
beauty that calls for 1,000 ships to be launched, and I’m no Helen of Troy and I don’t expect to
wake up one day with the sort of delusional confidence that would make me think I was. I’m
content with thinking of myself as soft and I’m happy to not feel the need to compete.

I am happy with thinking of myself as soft, I’ve never been the most breathtaking girl in the
room but I’ve always been grateful for what cards I’ve had thrown at me, I do what I can with
my makeup and I make sure my hair and outfits are always nice, and I go to bed next to a man
who I can’t wait to see in the morning. I think that being put together, educated, and knowing
how to have a nice time is a lot more important than being some drop dead gorgeous beauty
queen. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one man might find you plain but another could
think you’re out of this world. You should focus more on what you already have to offer instead
of pursuing all of these standards of beauty that may or may not end up working for you.

I’ve always been content being the girl next door, I don’t even think I’m the girl next door, I
think I’m the girl who lives next to the girl next door. I became a lot happier the moment I
stopped thinking about these things and really realised that there’s no one who can compete
with me. I believe that every woman is meant for something and someone and I know that
what I have now was not meant for anyone else. Life becomes a whole lot more pleasant when
you’re able to grow up and start treating yourself like you matter, one of the things that’s
helped me the most in life is removing women who were immature and insecure from my life
and enjoying the peace that came with their absence, there comes a point in time where you
realise that maturity is a quality to be desired when it comes to your friends and when it comes
to yourself. One of the best things about living a soft life and being taken care of is that I have a
lot of time to think about how much I appreciate the peace of being off on the sidelines and not
feeling like I have to categorise myself and the way I look just to be able to think of myself as a

Anonymous asked:

an opinion you have?

Too many women scramble for scraps and don’t seem to understand that men throwing little
gifts at them, treating them to dinner once in a while, and contacting them when they feel like
it isn’t the way to go about entering a relationship where you’re cared for, provided for, and
cherished. The way a man treats you before you’re in a relationship with him sets the stage for
how he’ll treat you while you are together and too many women let men get away with far too
much and seem to be unable to tell men when their actions are out of line. No woman should
be scrambling around for scraps of attention or affection, it’s demeaning to feel like you have
to beg, and there’s no reason why you should settle for a man who wants you to feel small and
worthless just so he can keep you where he wants you.

Anonymous asked:

things you’ve enjoyed lately? 🌷

I’ve been loving my life!

I made this really beautiful mushroom and arugula pizza with handmade pizza dough, fresh
mozzarella and fresh ricotta, and plenty of spices. I baked it in my outdoor pizza oven and I
topped it with three handfuls of fresh arugula, drizzled it with this great olive oil my
neighbours brought me back from Palestine, and then I sprinkled it with flaky sea salt before I
presented it to Frederick and the friends we had over for dinner just yesterday. It’s finally
getting to be nice out and so we had our first outdoor patio dinner of the year and it was
glorious, I’ve missed eating dinner outside so much.
I’ve been doing both Barre and Reformer Pilates for the past few months and I’ve been having a
great time, Frederick was sweet enough to buy me my own reformer machine as a surprise so
now I can wake up, get on it for 30 minutes and get my body moving as the sun rises, and start
the day off right. I do Mat Pilates in the afternoons sometimes, there’s a class that I go to every
other day that I really enjoy, but I’ve been loving my machine and loving that I can wake up,
start my day off the right way, and get myself moving.

I ordered a few more dresses from my favourite dress company, Sue Sartor, and I’m so excited
for them to arrive. I’ve worn Sue Sartor dresses for years and I wear them on a daily basis as of
late. This is a summer that’ll be filled with garden parties, late summer nights, and a lot of
entertaining so I thought that it would be best to have a lot of modest summer dresses that are
easy to style, high quality, and hold up well. I love being able to throw on a dress and tie a nice
bow, curl my hair, and put on simple accessories because that’s just the way I am, I love being
able to get ready and look nice in a jiffy and it’ll be very nice to have a selection of new dresses
this summer and I can’t wait until they’re in my hands.

Frederick and I celebrated the fact that our son’s now five months old with two teeth and
Frederick got me the loveliest set of jewellery as a thank you for being the mother of his child
and I’m in love with it, I’m in love with both of them as well. We had another little garden thing
and I made a lemon cake in the shape of a five with fresh fruit, whipped buttercream icing, and
lots of fresh strawberries and it was beautiful, we served it up to our family, friends, and
neighbours and celebrated the fact that our son is now five months. It’s so strange to have
been a mother for five months but it’s not an experience I’d trade for the world, I did give Baby
a tiny piece of cake but he wasn’t too interested in it and preferred to play with a long strand of
my hair.

I’ve been going to art museums, walking around gardens, swimming every morning, and
taking the time to enjoy a soft life with my son and my husband. One of the best things about
being a stay at home mummy and wife is having the time to care for both of them and to love
and be loved. I’ve been taking the time to walk with the dogs and push my pram, I’ve been
savouring all of the small parts of life, and I’ve been feeling amazing. Frogger has this joke
where he calls me the Duchess and he always says that this is my Duchess in Love era and it is,
I’m very in love and very happy and I’ve been enjoying life in all of its splendours lately and I
truly don’t think that I’ll ever stop being so grateful for all that I’ve been given and

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:
something you’re grateful for? 🌷
Marrying a man and not bothering with a manchild!

I had a lot of insecurities about my body after I’d had my baby and one of the things I’m most
grateful for is the fact that I married a man who’s confident and mature and not a boy who
didn’t yet know how to treat his lady. My body changed a lot after I’d had my first child and I
was absolutely terrified that he wouldn’t want me because of these changes, my hips got wider
and my breasts got larger and softer, my tummy grew and then shrank, and I became more of a
woman after I’d been pregnant. For some reason I was unable to relax myself and I began
freaking out because I was terrified by my weight gain, I’d switched to new OCD meds that
weren’t working, and I could only think of restricting my food and losing weight even though I
had a newborn to take care of. One of the best things he’s ever done for me was how he almost
immediately noticed how I was struggling and making sure to take the time to kiss and touch
me like how he used to, tell me how much he loved the changes in my body, sit up with me and
talk to me when I needed him to listen, and make sure to gently encourage me. He took care of
me so well when I was struggling and helped me get back to where I needed to be emotionally
when I was really in a place where I was not doing okay at all in terms of my emotions and in
terms of my recovery.

I never have to deal with emergencies or surprises because I’m married to a responsible adult
who knows how to deal with his life and handle things well. Everything moves smoothly in my
life and I’m endlessly grateful for not ever being in a position where I have to scramble around
and deal with things that shouldn’t concern me. I’ve always wanted to be a mother and a
housewife and I’ve been blessed with a man who’s able to ensure that I have whatever I want
and everything that I need, who provides for our child and has made sure that his future is
secure, and who makes sure that I never have to worry or think about anything. The only thing
I worry about is what’s on for dinner and not even then, he makes sure I have all that I need
and he helps me choose the menu in advance. I live a very low stress life and I married a man
who goes out of his way to make sure that all of my focus can be on taking care of our home
and our son; I’m so lucky to be able to live in my own world and have plenty of time to be able
to care for my little family and learn to fall in love with myself as I fall even more in love with

I’m also lucky to have married a man who treats me like I’m a princess, I know I’m his princess
but he treats me like I’m the only woman in the world and I’m forever so grateful to be with a
man who truly makes me feel like I’m his sun, moon, sky, and stars. I don’t think I’ve ever
opened a door when I’m with him, I don’t plan out any dates with him and he’s sure to take me
out and make me feel special at least thrice per week, he’s sweet to me in every aspect of our
life, and he treats me like I’m the best thing he’s ever had and he frequently tells me how lucky
he is to have me. I’ve always wanted to be with a man who’s obsessed with me and this one
literally will not leave me alone for anything. I love that I’m with someone who knows how to
make me feel soft and special even when I’m exhausted, I love being with a man who makes me
feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world even when I don’t look my best, and I love
being with someone who listens to me, holds me, speaks to me like I matter and I have feelings,
and who goes out of his way to make me feel like I’m a lady.

Linsi <3

On Lacking Self Esteem in Social Settings

If you treat yourself like you’re worthless then men will see your lack of self esteem and think
it’s okay to treat you like you’re a piece of garbage. Most people are a lot more perceptive than
you realise and there are men out there who look for vulnerable women with the singular
purpose of taking advantage of them and/or abusing them. The first thing you should work on
is your relationship with yourself so that you’re able to enter healthy and loving relationships
without feeling like you’re holding yourself back and you should be able to learn how to easily
identify predators and clingers as you go about the world of love and dating.

Life Update
Frederick bought me the full gold and diamond sorority badge and matching badge guard I’d
been dreaming of all through my junior year and I’m so pleased with it. I held a 100% average
throughout my entire first year and he was so proud of me that he decided to buy me one of
the things I’ve been admiring but didn’t think I should buy for myself. It’s a beautiful thing, it
has no enamel, it has beautiful diamonds and the gold is so chic and classy, it’s my pride and
joy and I think I’m going to have it made into a necklace because I never ever want to take it
off. I’m very proud of my accomplishments and so is he so it’s so lovely that he went out of his
way to make sure that I had something that I really wanted, he calls it my Duchess Badge and I
thoroughly agree with him on that point.

I’m hosting my first champagne brunch of the summer season next Wednesday and I’m very
excited for it. I sent out 50 invitations and I’ve had 49 RSVPs back so far so I’m thrilled that I’ll
be able to have a big garden party. June 1st is always the true start of the summer season for
me so I thought that I should ring in the summer by having a party of my own. I’ve been asked
to go to several parties already and I’m very happy that I’ve been asked, it can be really hard to
acclimate to a new environment and make friends as an adult but all of my friends are so sweet
and we’ve had the best time getting to know all of the new people around us. One of the things
I’m looking forward to the most is a crawfish party called a Kräftskiva that we’ll be going to in
early August but, until then, I have to prepare for my own.

I’ve been taking the time to read Meghan Markle’s old blog, The Tig, and I’ve been having a
great time with all of the recipes that she used to post. It’s been archived but I was able to look
it up and find all of the old posts on the WayBackMachine and I’m very lucky that she was so
put together when it came to her blog and I’m in awe of her days as an influencer, she was able
to post so much and all of her posts are so interesting as well. You can find more of the Tig on
Meghan Maven and on places like Pinterest and I’d highly recommend sitting back and reading
some of her old posts, they’re very fun and I think she has a lot of insight on so many topics.
She’s also Meghan Markle, she has a lot to say about her life and her journey and it’s great to
read about all of the steps she’s taken to learn more about herself. I’d highly recommend the
Tig for recipes as well, I’ve made some truly delicious things lately and she posted so many
amazing recommendations over the three years that she was actively running her blog.

I’ve been shopping for bits and pieces to fill my closet because we’re going to be on a boat for a
whole three weeks this July and I don’t think I have anything nice to wear. We’re going to be
yachting around the South of France and the Mediterranean and this is the first time that I’ll
have been on a large yacht for an extended period of time with a baby, I know that it’ll all be
fine but I still want to look nice so I’ve been taking the time to buy clothes and swimsuits whilst
Baby is asleep on his daybed next to me. One of my favourite things to do during the summer
is go on boating trips, sit on the beach, and absorb as much of the sun’s glow as I can and that’s
what I plan on doing, we went on the same boating trip last summer and I was able to spend
most of my time in the water or in the sun and I think that all of that time outside is something
that I’m unable to take for granted, especially with how cold, wet, and terribly dreary the
winters can be in Northern Europe.

I was lucky enough to find a really really nice makeup tutorial that makes me look very good
and I’ve devoted myself to following it every day. It actually makes me feel beautiful and I think
that all of the new techniques I’ve learned and products I’ve bought have done a lot for me in
terms of learning how to do my makeup. It’s summer and I always change my look during long
hot summers so it’s the season for lighter hair and softer eyes and I’m very excited. I did this
new look with my eyeshadow last night for my date with my husband and he couldn’t keep his
eyes off of mine. I also tried out this new lip tutorial from the lady who has the makeup tutorial
that I follow and it’s amazing, I’ve been such a fan of soft makeup lately and it’s done wonders
to soften my face and emphasise my new nose and eyes. I’ve learned how to do makeup to the
point where I’m very happy with my own and I’ve finally decided to go out of my comfort zone
and ditch the huge glasses that I used to wear and I’m so happy, it’s really foreign feeling that I
have now and I’m still in awe that I can do my hair and makeup and actually sit in front of the
mirror and be in love with the woman I’ve become over this past year or so, it’s been a very
very long journey.

Linsi <3

On Her Rhinoplasty Journey

Anonymous asked:

5 most important parts of your rhinoplasty journey?

I have a surgery Instagram where I documented it all and gathered the majority of my
information. My doctor and I ended up going onto my Instagram profile together and he
looked through some of my inspiration and chose pictures that he thought would be the best
and most realistic. He also had a lot of ideas and we were able to work with what he was
suggesting to me.

I made sure my in-person consult was long and he understood exactly what I wanted at the
end of it. I had a lot of ideas and he was able to really tell me what would and would not be
possible and what would look best on my face. One of the main reasons why I needed to have a
rhinoplasty was because I couldn’t breathe and we spent over two hours talking about that and
he explained to me exactly how he planned to fix it for me.

I did my hair and wore an outfit I loved just so he would understand my overall vibe and get
that I didn’t want him to solely focus on the medical aspect, he focused on the aesthetic aspect
too. He did end up really working with the medical aspect and I am able to breathe perfectly
now; I don’t have that feeling of suffocation when I try to breathe through my nose.

I printed and laminated some of my favourite inspo photos for my doctor to bring into surgery
and he was hilarious, he safety taped my absolute favourite onto his scrubs and then took a
photo of it for me during surgery just to prove that he’d brought it in with him. I’m really
pleased because he focused on the function of my nose first but he also paid attention to the
beauty of it, I had a long surgery and he did admit that he’d had a hard time, and he stuck to
the look I wanted but he was totally unwilling to sacrifice the function of my nose and put the
look I was so desperate for first.

He had the qualifications that I was looking for, he had a lot of expertise, he was retired but he
did my nose as a favour for my Daddy, and he guaranteed that my full ability to breathe would
be restored. I have a genetic disorder which is why I needed to have my nose done in part and
so it made sense that I would seek out a specialist and that he was, he was a specialist and he
was able to make me feel completely at ease with him. He sent me flowers every day whilst I
was healing, his wife sent me homemade meals so I didn’t have to have the hospital food, and
he went out of his way to make sure that I was cared for and that I was recovering well.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

what pastry recipes do you love to follow? 🍰


Raspberry Religieuse.


Tarte aux Fraises.

Opéra Cake.


Chocolate Religieuse.

Tarte aux Framboise.

Gateau Saint Honoré.

Chocolate Éclair.


Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.






Midsommar Strawberry Cake.


Dansk Lagekage.






Zeppole di San Giuseppe.



Napolitana de Chocolate.

Linsi <3

On Ethnic Rhinoplasty

Anonymous asked:
How do you find a doctor who knows how to do good rhinoplasties on black people…typically
our nose is wider with a lower bridge

Joining Facebook Groups.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Instagrams.

Looking at the popular surgeons.

Looking at Ethnic Rhinoplasty TikToks.

Online resources like RealSelf (careful!).

On Self Esteem
No one will ever want you if you don’t want yourself. I’ve spent so much of my life desperately
wanting to be anyone else, there were times when I was younger where I would’ve killed to
have been shorter, thinner, less plain, and more like the girls who I’d see whenever I went out,
turned on my TV, or went online. I’ve been able to grow so much over the years and learn so
much about myself and one of the things that I’ve learned is that in order to truly embrace love
and be loved, I had to learn how to love myself first. It sounds cheesy and it sounds cliché but
one of the best things for me has been realising that I’m worthy of love and I’m worthy of a soft
and happy life no matter what I look like, how much I weigh, who I am as a woman, or what I’ve
done over the years. I’ve had a lot of time for self growth and my whole journey has brought
me so much happiness.

Anonymous asked:

Three Pieces of Advice
Let’s see if I’ve got three!

If there are men out there who are willing to wait until marriage to have sex, then I think it’s
safe to assume that there are also men who are willing to wait a year or more to have sex. It’s
just a matter of finding the right men and making your morals clear to them. I think that
waiting to have sex is very normalised now, there are plenty of young women who choose to
wait until marriage and there are plenty more who choose to wait until they’re truly
comfortable and committed to begin having sex with a man. I think that immediately having
sex with a man in hopes of convincing him to be your boyfriend is a bit desperate and I also
think that it doesn’t work, it’ll just make it easier for men to take advantage of you. I’m not just
saying all of this because I waited until marriage, I legitimately believe that sex is best when
you’re in love, committed, and stable and the man you’re with has the same feelings towards
you and wants to protect you. There’s no harm that can be done by waiting to have sex and I
would encourage it.

One of the best things about dating is the process of getting to know the man you’re with, I’d
recommend taking the time to sit down with each other and having long conversations about
what you enjoy and what you want to be able to enjoy one day, I’d recommend taking the time
to spend hours talking about what your life has been like so far and what you’d like your future
to be like, and I’d recommend truly getting to know who you’re with, listening without
judgement, and speaking without hesitation. I’d make sure that your similar life goals are
compatible, and I’d make sure that you like the person you’re spending time with, anyone can
fall in love with someone but do you really like the person you’re with? I might just be a quality
time sort of girl but I really can’t say enough about how important it is to spend time together
and talk, not online or over the phone, sitting in each other’s presence and speaking to one
another does so much good for most relationships.

If you want to get to know a man but you’re too nervous to do it on your own or you’d prefer to
be in a group environment, one of the best things that you can do is choose a hobby together
and join a group or do classes, you can make friends and build a relationship that way. One of
my best friends is insecure in herself when it comes to dating and so she asked her new
boyfriend if he’d like to do activity based dates before they started going on one on one dates.
She’s been having a great time going to cooking classes with him and then pouring wine and
having what they made together in class, she’s comfortable, he’s comfortable, they have plenty
of time to talk, she doesn’t think that she’s behind in terms of dating, and he’s a great guy so he
doesn’t mind because he can see that she’s happy and comfortable with him. One of the best
things you can do for yourself is realising that you don’t have to conform to what society thinks
dating should be, you need to date on your own terms and do what you’d like to get ahead and
there’s nothing wrong with making things easier on yourself and doing what you enjoy.

Linsi <3

On Men Chasing and Hounding You

If a man is actively chasing you and hounding you then he’ll probably lose interest once he
feels he’s ‘caught’ you and the game has ended for him in his mind. He doesn’t want you,
you’ve probably rejected him and his mind is unable to process that rejection so he makes your
rejection into a game and wears you down until you finally agree to something that neither of
you really want. There’s no chasing or hounding in adult dating, you either both actively desire
a relationship and you’re together or you’re not. There is only interested (dating) or
disinterested (you’re not dating or planning on it).

Anonymous asked:

something you think about a lot?

tomb-of-ligeia answered:

I had my best friend over for breakfast the other day and we were talking about the concept of
beauty and how it’s pushed that beauty is the only way to get a man and the only way to keep
him with you and he finally said to me ‘if you were in a terrible acid attack tomorrow, I can say
without hesitation that I would stay with you for the rest of your life and mine and I would
have no issues marrying you’ and I’ve had that on my mind ever since. I get a lot of messages
from women talking about the wall and who tie in their self worth to their beauty but I think
that they don’t realise that there are plenty of plain women who are happy and plenty of
gorgeous women who are miserable. You want the type of man who would stay with you
through an acid attack or if you lost all of your physical beauty and you want to be with
someone who you get along with on all levels and truly look forward to being with.

Anonymous asked:

four things you do to show love? 🤍

Let me count the ways!

What all men want, at the end of the day, is a little recognition and a little bit of gratitude. One
of the things that keeps my marriage going is being realising that everyone thrives when
they’re affirmed and encouraged and going out of my way to do both often. It’s so easy and so
refreshing to look over at what my husband is doing and throw him a few words of affirmation
or encouragement to show my affection towards him and it’s so easy to put genuine meaning
behind those words. I pack him lunch every day he goes into work with sweet little notes and I
can see that he has them up around his computer when he facetimes us during lunch for our
daily conversation. It’s so easy to show love though your words and it’s so easy to choose to be
kind every day, I’ve never been one to enjoy belittling anyone and so making the conscious
choice to be warm and gentle with my loved ones every day has done wonders for me. A gentle
touch on the shoulder, a few words, and a sweet kiss can go a long way and they’re usually
always welcome.

I bake literally everyday. I wake up, get my chores done, and then make sure that I have at least
two of my husband’s favourite desserts ready for him. I know he loves a slice of Grillparzer
Torte with a cup of jet black coffee whilst he’s doing his notes and sure I’m always sure to bring
him up a slip when he’s in his office and I also know that he loves a bit of Eton Mess when he’s
out in the garden on a nice day. It’s so easy to be thoughtful and it’s so easy to be a good wife,
all I had to do was accept his compliments on my baking, figure out which desserts I made
were his favourite, and then making them as often as I can. You don’t have to be particularly
skilled or talented to bake for someone else or make them a meal, you don’t have to go out of
your way to prepare them an elaborate dish if you don’t want to, and cooking is a labour of
love, you don’t have to struggle over it and you can stick with simple things if you feel as if your
skill level isn’t up to par just yet.

I let my husband dress me up nearly every day, he loves it and I think that he’s hilarious. I
usually have to have all of my dresses brought into my seamstress so that they fit my body in
the way I like and he’s taken to asking me to ask if it would be possible for my seamstress to
sneak a bit of fabric out of whatever item she’s working on in order to make him a new tie. He
always looks so pleased with himself when he coordinates his outfit to mine and puts out the
perfume or the eyeshadow palette he wants me to use for the day and I love it, I love it when he
chooses my nails for me as well or tells me that he loves my hairstyle, I have the best time in
the world and I love being with someone who’s willing to agonise for hours over what we
should wear instead of making me do that. We’ve been doing this series called Flags of the
World Friday and we have been wearing cute little matching enamel flag pins every Friday and
it’s just adorable, I think we suit our matching pins very well and we’re planning on following
up this series that we’ve started with another fun one after summer ends.

Sundays are for touring historical houses, castles, churches, museums, and gardens and that’s
one of the things that we are always sure to do. It’s a hobby that both of us absolutely adore
and it’s a hobby that we’ve both enjoyed whether we’re in my England or we’re on his
continent. We go to church together as a family, we either go out for lunch or we have lunch at
home in the garden if the weather is nice, we change into our active clothes, and then we go
out and have a lovely time. One of the best things about having a dedicated day in the week
where we can just spend time together ad do what we enjoy is that we have the time to talk, we
can walk an talk about whatever we want, our baby is with family, I’m able to take my photos
for my scrapbook and my embroidery project, and we can just hold hands and go on our
adventures together. One of the best things about our time together is being able to go on
adventures, we walked from Bernhardsthal (Austria) to Breclav (Czech Republic) together on
our last sunny day in Austria and we had the most beautiful time having coffee and going
around the Lednice Castle which is a ridiculously gorgeous UNESCO World Heritage Site that I
would highly recommend visiting.

Lots of Love,
Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

something you’ve come to realise? 🤍

I’m only saying this because this was me at one point but a lot of these girls who post super
luxurious gifts from their men or who go out of their way to make it clear that their man spoils
them are overcompensating and aren’t actually happy. I used to get outright defensive when I
was with my ex and I’d post the things he got me onto my Instagram or my Snapchat, he didn’t
actually know me and if he had, he’d have known that he was buying me gifts that I’d never
want even in a million years. Relationships are supposed to be deeply personal and I’m finally
at a point in my life where I’m thrilled to be back with someone who knows me, who goes out
of his way to take me on deeply personal dates, and who brings me back deeply personal gifts
because I know that they’re solely for me. I’m not saying that I don’t love jewellery and all of
that good stuff, I’m saying that sometimes I’d rather have things that only understand and that
I know we’re only ever meant for me to have, that’s all I’m saying <3

Ten of my June Favourites.

Chanel ‘Les Beiges’ Water-Fresh Complexion Touch.

This is one of the most beautiful lightweight and glowy foundations I’ve ever used and I keep
reaching for it now that I’m on holiday. It’s 60% water and very hydrating, it’s really more of a
glowy skin tint than a foundation, and I use the tiny little brush it comes with to apply it all
over my face and down my neck for the look I want. A little bit goes a very long way and I use it
all over my face and makeup sure to really blend it in. It gives me the most glowy look, it brings
out the colour of my skin and evens it out, I look really tanned and bright when I’m wearing
this tint, and it’s so soothing. I don’t tend to be the biggest fan of Chanel makeup products but
my Frederick brought this back for me as a little gift and I’ve been using it as much as I can

Oribe ‘Côte d’Azur’ Eau de Parfum.

I had no idea that Oribe had a perfume line and I was absolutely shocked when I saw this little
bottle on one of my shopping trips at the start of June, I buy nearly all of my hair products from
Oribe and I love the brand because it’s very high quality so I thought I’d try out a perfume from
them just for fun. I absolutely love this perfume, I’ve been wearing it every day and it’s one of
the best perfumes I’ve bought in recent years. It’s like Dolce and Gabbana’s ‘Light Blue’
Perfume except this one is a touch more Mediterranean and a bit more lemony, it’s not too
sweet and it has a nice tartness to it, it’s very feminine and it has a lightness to it that’s
amazing, and I love how it smells like the salty ocean.

T3 ‘Curl ID’ 1.25-Inch Smart Curling Iron.

I’ve been curling my hair everyday and doing big bouncy curls and this is the only curling iron
that I’ve ever fallen in love with. This curling iron makes doing my hair fun and easy, it saves
me time, it makes my blowouts last for ages, it’s a million times better than my Dyson Air Wrap
or my Dyson Corrale, and it’s fun and pink so that’s another huge perk. I use this iron every
day and I travel internationally with it and it has not let me down even once, it performs
perfectly every time, it makes it easy for me to pin up my curls, my curls rarely ever fall, and
it’s a great hot tool and a total asset to my collection of heated hairstyling products.

Dior Backstage ‘Face & Body’ Powder.

I’ve been using this powder as a bronzer ever since my Frederick brought it back for me and I
love it, it’s just as good as my favourite Charlotte Tilbury bronzer and I love how rich and
colourful it is. I’m very much into bronzer when the hot summer months begin and I wear a lot
of it when I’m on vacation, I love having a sun kissed glow and bronzer is one of the products
that I depend on to get that look. I’m on vacation now and I’ve been using this daily, I use a tiny
little brush to do my nose contour, I gently layer bronzer onto my eyelids and put a beautiful
sable brown shimmer on top for a simple eyeshadow look, and I bring out my cheekbones and
my jawline. This powder is my second favourite bronzer and I expect to get quite a bit of use
out of it this summer and during my current holiday.

Kiehl’s ‘Crème de Corps’ Cocoa Body Lotion.

This is one of my favourite simple lotions and I’ve been slathering myself with it every morning
when I wake up and every night before bed. My Frederick only uses Kiehl’s products and this
was originally his lotion but we’ve been sharing it lately. I love a good lotion and I love going to
bed with moisturised skin, I love that the scent of this lotion isn’t too heavy and I love that it
doesn’t leave me feeling greasy, I love that it doesn’t stain my sheets, and I love that it’s easy to
find and buy. I’m usually pretty picky with what lotions I use just because my skin is rather
sensitive but this lotion was formulated for particularly dry skin and it works wonders on my
skin. I use this lotion morning, noon, and night and I have been for the last few weeks and my
skin looks better than ever, it’s not too heavy and it’s great after long days in the sun, and I’ve
found that it gives my skin a really nice glow after I layer it on.

MAC Cosmetics Eyebrows Styler in Spiked.

I’ve had tremendous luck with this eyebrow pencil in the past and I decided to eschew my ABH
pencil and go back to an old favourite. I don’t have eyebrows, I’m probably never going to have
them, I had my eyebrows tattooed on a few weeks after I’d had my nose done and so I work
with that shape and fill them in as needed. I went back to dark brown brow pencils, threw out
all of my old black brow pencils, and I’ve been looking a lot better. I fill my brows in with very
light strokes and I work on the ends, I have very straight brows and so I keep my brow strokes
short and neat, and I use minimal product. I’ve always loved this brow pencil and I love how it
works, it doesn’t have the best reviews online but it’s one of the best products I’ve ever used
for my eyebrows, and I think I’m going to have to add it to my list of makeup products to rebuy.

Nars ‘Monoï’ and ‘Monoï II’ Body Oils.

I’ve been using these for years but I don’t think I’ve put these oils on one of my favourites lists
yet! I had to rebuy both of these oils in June because I ran through them because the weather
was so lovely and I wanted to have really glowy and shimmery skin and I loved how the Monoï
II oil layers over my Kiehl’s lotion so I was using both oils day and night. I love Nars, I’ve been
buying Nars products for years and I’ve never been let down by the quality and this is one of
the only body glow oils that’s worked with my skin tone, even when I’m tanned and I’ve been
on holiday and gotten a lot of sun. I love the shimmer in the Monoï body oil, it’s very shimmery
and it makes my skin glow, it’s not juvenile at all but it’s still very feminine, the scent of both
oils is absolutely heavenly, and I love that it’s easy enough to find both of these oils in store
when I’m running low and I’m desperate to restock before I’m totally out!

Oribe ‘Grandiose’ Hair Plumping Mousse.

I love curling my hair and I love doing big bouncy blowouts but I hate it when my curls fall or
loose their bounce, one of my cousins told me to mousse my hair, brush the mousse through,
and then let my hair dry before I curled my hair and my hair has been looking wonderful lately
and it doesn’t lose any of its bounce or curl throughout the day. I always pin my hair up after
I’ve curled it and spray it with hairspray just so my hair curls and keeps and I’ve found that
adding mousse to my routine has made my hair look so much better and I’ve also found that it
makes my hair bouncier and so much more beautiful. I’ve been on holiday and I’ve been out
every day, I go out most nights, and I spend so much time in the sun and my hair doesn’t start
to look greasy or come undone at all. I also do a lot of updos like French Twists just to get my
hair off of my neck and adding mousse to my routine has made those styles look so much
better and last much longer.

Chanel ‘Rouge Coco’ Lip Gloss in 119.

I buy this lip gloss like it’s going out of style and it’s one of the essential parts of my daily lip
combo. I love lip gloss, I’m a big lip gloss girl, if lip gloss has one fan, it’s me. I’ve never been
too into buying designer like glosses because I love reapplying to get the full look but this is
just one of those rare lippies that I saw and knew I had to have. It applies smoothly, it lasts
ages, it’s not sticky, the colour is absolutely darling, it suits my skin colour perfectly, it makes
my lips look plumped and just kissed, and it’s a great gloss. The one thing I don’t like is that
Chanel tends to sell very small amounts of their products for high prices but this gloss is worth
it a thousand times over and I also really dislike that the applicator isn’t a doe foot applicator
but that’s also not too big of a downer. I’ve been buying this exact colour for ages now and it
has never let me down, it works like a dream with my everyday makeup.

Hourglass Cosmetics ‘Ambient Lighting III’ Palette.

This was just another present that my Frederick brought back for me after work one day and
I’ve been using it frequently alongside my bronzer as a lovely little accompaniment. I wear this
palette out on all of my date nights, it’s perfect for getting that candlelit glow and it’s so easy to
highlight my nose and bring out my cheekbones. This is my go to palette for contouring when I
do decide to do it and it makes gentle looks so much easier to do, I hate overdoing my makeup
and looking silly so this product has been amazing for me because it’s very hard to go
overboard with it and it’s a rather adult palette, it doesn’t have too much shimmer. I use this
palette on my eyes because I love the colours and I love a nude soft glam look, I use it on my
nose all the time and I use it along my jawline for definition, and I use it wherever I want a bit
of glow. The one thing I will say is that I do have to use quite a bit of product when I want a
more striking look but it’s definitely worth the price because it’s really beautiful.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ideas for lunch/dinner dates? I’ve
been dating him for seven months and I’m lost on
what to do because he works a lot and is very busy.
Let’s see what I can think of…it’s been a little while!

Now that the weather is sunny and it’s been gorgeous outside most days, I’d invest in a nice
picnic basket, I’d make sandwiches, I’d make cake, and I’d fill it to the brim with home-made
little bits and bobs, I’d find a nice sparkling soda or make mocktails, I’d find a nice picnic
blanket, and I’d plan a nice picnic date over lunch. I love picnics, I think they’re so cute and
they can be so fun and easy to do as well, you don’t have to put in tonnes of effort to pull off a
simple picnic and you can plan ahead and make a big thing out of your picnic basket or you can
do a smaller and more intimate little thing. I think picnics are lovely, I think they can be a great
surprise and they’re relatively easy to pull off if you’re short on time, they can be very
affordable, and they can be absolutely delightful if you’re near a nice little park. You could also
do a picnic in an office (I’ve done it before) but it’s nicer outdoors.

If you know his schedule then I’d recommend making reservations and ordering ahead just for
convenience. It can be really inconvenient trying to go to a restaurant without reservations,
waiting for a seat, and then waiting to order and it’s so much easier to call ahead of time for
reservations, go a few moments before and get seated, order, and then wait for him to arrive. I
used to do this frequently when I’d make trips to visit my Frederick at work and it saved us
time and let us have a more relaxed meal instead of worrying when our meal would arrive and
struggling to work on nearly no time at all. There are a lot of really nice new restaurants that
have appeared out of nowhere recently and there are so many ways to find good restaurants so
I’d recommend doing a little bit of research, looking for places you’d like to try, and calling
ahead to see if you can reserve a table and order ahead for convenience. I’d only recommend
this option if you know exactly how much time you have and you aren’t stressed out about
ordering or waiting for your meal.

If you’re more of an evening girl and you enjoy spending time in the kitchen then I would start
planning in the morning and spend your afternoon and evening going around to the shops to
get what you need and cooking. I love cooking, I love spending time in the kitchen and I love
preparing meals so this is just one of those little ideas that I’d highly recommend. I do a lot of
cooking and a lot of planning and it can be amazingly intimate to plan out a meal, prepare it,
and share it with someone you love. If you don’t want to have someone over to your home then
you could pack your meal to go or ask for the keys to his home and prepare and present it
there. I’d only go with this option if you have time to spare and you actually want to spend time
with the person you’re cooking for, I think that cooking for someone can be a surprisingly
intimate experience and I’m not one to waste my intimate feelings on someone who I’m not
dedicated to the idea of and who I don’t want to spend time with.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

something on your mind? 🤍

Just a little anecdote from my beloved Grandma <3

When I was growing up I was always told that instead of waiting around and wasting my whole
life away waiting for a man to finally see me and propose, I should go off and do something that
showed I didn’t need him and I was happy to move on without him. My favourite cousin dated
the same man for 11 years, supported him through his residency and moved with him twice,
and my Aunt Baby finally told her that she needed to make some time for herself and spend
her summer away in Germany instead of hosting events and playing the role of stay at home
girlfriend for him, she spent around two months in her homeland, and he met her at the
airport with a ring in one hand and a bouquet in the other when she landed back in the USA.

My Grandma drove this sentiment into the heads of all of her granddaughters when she was
still with us and it’s a sentiment that I’m sure to repeat to my unmarried cousins and friends
whenever they need to hear it. The idea of waiting around for the chance to finally be seen and
treated well isn’t appealing at all for any woman and deciding to switch things up and start
doing things for yourself instead of catering to the wants and needs of a man you’re not
engaged to is one of the best things you could ever do for yourself and for your self worth. Men
love to take things for granted, they love to take women for granted, and if they’re given the
option to sit back and become comfortable with the idea of always having a woman in their life
who will answer to them without ever proposing to her then they will take advantage of that
woman’s kindness and her heart, one of the best ways you can protect yourself is by showing
that you’re able to have fun and move on when things become stagnant or they just aren’t
moving forward according to your personal plan.

My Grandpa encouraged all of us girls to do this too, he’d tell us to step away from our
relationships and have a little fun and there were times when he would outright insist that we
take a break. I know for a fact that he intervened when another one of my cousins was hung up
on this financier she used to date and I know that he told her to go away for a few weeks, go to
the sailing events that he wouldn’t take her to, go to a few vineyards that she’d wanted to go to,
and go to the restaurants that she’d been missing out on and she tells us to this day that she
dumped her financier on that trip, met her new husband between the rows of grapes in Napa
Valley, and hasn’t looked back even once. Sometimes stepping away from a relationship gives
you clarity and the ability to see just how badly things are going for you and the confidence to
move on, have fun on your own, and receive what you know you really deserve instead of what
you’ve settled on.

I think that women these days have really forgotten just how much power they hold, whether
they’re in a submissive relationship or not. I know far too many women who think that being
submissive means that they’re expected to be doormats and take whatever filth is brushed
onto them and that’s absolutely not what being submissive means. Part of being feminine and
being submissive is knowing that you hold the true power in your relationship and you deserve
to be respected and treated as such, far too many women think that cowering and never
speaking up for what they need is acceptable and they think that threatening to leave will get
things done. If you’re in a relationship where you feel like there’s no love or no wind behind
your sails anymore then I’d encourage you to step away and get to know yourself before going
back to see if things have changed or leaving permanently.

My Grandma always told me that if I wanted to see true action then sometimes it would have to
come from me, she used to sit me down and talk to me about my older cousins or the gossip
around us and she’d always end with her usual snippets of advice and her stories from when
she was a girl. She used to tell me that if I wanted to see a man run for his life then all I had to
do was step away for a week or two, take myself out of town and limit unnecessary
communication, and then send him my flight information when I was good and ready to head
back home, I’ve done this twice in my life and I’ve always been greeted with a bouquet and a
box of my favourite chocolates at the airport, a cart for him to push my things, and
acknowledgement of how my feelings had been disregarded or pushed aside by him in favour
of his own desires or dreams. I am all for women taking charge of their relationships when
they’re not progressing as desired and I would encourage every girl who doesn’t feel like she
matters to step away and really look at how her man makes her feel and if he makes her
champagne flute half full or not, some men will just pour the entire bottle away and leave their
girl scrambling to try to find another one.

Linsi xxx

Anonymous asked:
3 red flags in men? ❤️
Not getting along with anyone in your family.

This is one of the first red flags I look for. I have a big family and family means everything to
me so I wouldn’t ever waste time with someone who couldn’t get along with my loved ones. I’m
a family girl, I go out of my way to spend as much time with my family as I can, I have a big
house to host my in laws as often as I can, and my doors are always open and my lights are
always on to welcome family into my home. I’m a family woman and I believe that having a
strong and loving community is one of the best ways to live your life, to raise a child, to find
your purpose, and to have happiness in all things.

I don’t trust men who are unable to get along with anyone in my family, I have a large family
filled with people with a variety of interests and personalities and there’s bound to be someone
to talk to or to befriend. I don’t trust men who are unwilling to make an effort to at least try to
meet people who they like and get along with them, I think that there’s a huge difference
between being unable to try and unwilling to try and I ended my things with my ex-boyfriend
because he was totally unwilling to even try to get along with a single one of my family
members but he insisted that I roll out the red carpet for his mother and go out of my way to
please his family when he’d made it clear that he would not be extending the same courtesy to

I believe that if you’re marrying someone, you’re marrying their family as well and not enough
people think of that. I love my in laws and my husband’s family, I can’t get enough of them, and
I go out of my way to be warm and welcoming towards them because they do the same for me.
One of the first warning signs in a man is an inability to get along with your family and it’s a
sign that’s overlooked far too often. If everyone in your family hates someone that you’re
seeing then I think that you need to sit with yourself and ask yourself if there’s a possibility
that they’re seeing something that you’re unable or unwilling to see. I know it can be hard to
come to terms with but sometimes our sisters and mothers are right, maybe the person you’re
seeing is an absolute dirtbag.

Going out of his way to start fights over nothing.

I spent my first few years in an extremely abusive and very volatile environment and the one
thing that I absolutely will not abide by is unecessary arguing or sniping. I will not be with a
man who makes abusive comments to myself or to children, I will not deal with bullies, I will
not deal with men who are miserable and who want to make me miserable. I have absolutely
no issues making this clear to anyone who asks and I have no issues with saying something
when something needs to be said. One of the most important parts of being in a relationship
for me is being with someone who doesn’t start unnecessary fights or allow silly drama to ruin
our happiness or try to belittle me based off of his own insecurities. I have no interest in
bringing any ugliness into my life and I don’t want to think of it.

One of the things I love the most about my husband is that he’s willing and able to speak up
when things need to be said, he’s a non-argumentative man but he’s willing to put me in my
place when needed, he protects children and he makes an effort to speak up for those who
need to be spoken for, and he’s never once gone out of his way to purposefully belittle me,
humiliate me, degrade me, use inappropriate language toward me, or verbally abuse me. I love
all of these things about my husband and they’re some of the things that make him a such a
good father and a good man to be with. One of the very best indicators of a real man is a man
who knows when he’s wrong and a man who wakes up every day and is willing to go out into
the world and try to make things better than they were when he first found them, you want a
man who is truly willing to try to make a genuine effort for you and your relationship.

I would never want to try to start a family or raise children with someone who was
purposefully argumentative or volatile and I would never try to make a life with someone or try
to make a marriage work with someone who was unable to pull it together. I was a child who
was abused to the point of living in constant fear and anxiety and I have no desire to ever ever
be in an environment where I’m living in fear or sacrificing myself to protect my children or
loved ones from verbal abuse. I live a life of peace, I enjoy having a peaceful life and I love being
with a man who treasures me and would try to sweep up all the sand from the deserts if it
made me happy, I love having a husband who isn’t weak and who protects his little family, and I
love being with someone who’s willing to do what needs to needs to be done and who takes
care of me.

Purposefully misrepresenting his life or any of his qualifications.

This has nothing to do with me but I absolutely think that any man who misrepresents himself
or his qualifications needs to be tossed into the bin and not brought back out. I’m always very
leery when it comes to men and their backgrounds, I’m very careful with men who I don’t
know and I’m very careful to look into their backgrounds just because I don’t trust them
immediately. When I was growing up and when I first started dating Frederick, my Grandpa sat
me down and explained to me that one of the most important things I could do was knowing
exactly who I was with and knowing that how he represented himself was true down to the
facts. If you’re with someone then you need to know who you’re with, you can’t make a real life
with someone based on an act you’ve put on because what if you wake up one day and you
realise that you’re with someone who’s just…terrible.
My cousin went on a few dates with a man who claimed to have gone to Princeton for medical
school, he talked about his qualifications and how he’d struggled through years at Princeton,
he used to drone on about the courses he’d taken, and he didn’t shut up when it came to
talking about that damned school. We were all very polite about it and we listened, we gave him
the full benefit of the doubt, and we went along with it but the fact of the matter is that we all
sort of started to realise after a while that he was totally leading us astray and I had her do a bit
of research and she was abruptly came to the realisation that Princeton does not have a
medical school and if he was able to lie about 8 years of his life and residency, then what other
things was he willing to misrepresent and lie about?

Women need to be more careful than ever these days, there are so many men out there who
seem great but who are dangerous and angry and who want to cause harm to women or
humiliate them. Vetting who you’re with, paying attention to what they say and how they act,
and waiting until you’re absolutely sure that you’re with someone who is worthy of your trust
and who has made it clear that his attentions towards you are genuine. Your safety is one of the
things that absolutely cannot be easily taken back once taken from you and you do not want to
end up with a Dirty John, a con artist, a rapist or domestic abuser who had a daddy who was
willing to cover things up for him, or a man who was so insecure in himself and in his past that
he sat around trying to rewrite it and make himself more desirable to women who wouldn’t
even give him the time of day if he couldn’t live up to their standards.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

An idea that you think messes women up in terms

of relationships? Something that doesn’t really
translate over well into the real world? 💓
This is a big one!

Living and working with the idea that women are single until they’re married, that’s not how
the real world works and there does come a point in time where one has to slow down and
stop. No man is going to want to be with a woman who considers herself single until she’s
married, he’s not going to treat her well if she’s still going out on dates, he’s never going to
propose to a woman who’s indecisive and flighty, and if you’re in a relationship with someone
good and kind and who you really like then you need to make it work. It does you no good to
always have your head on swivel just to see if someone with more money or whatever comes
along and wants you because it won’t happen, you’re ruining a good situation to try to find
someone who’s better off and what if that person doesn’t feel the same way about you or
doesn’t have the same life goals as you?

It just doesn’t work in the real life, any woman can say that she’s playing the field and single
until she’s married but the fact of the matter is that if you’re in a committed relationship and
still going out on dates, you’re just taking the long way around to avoid confronting the fact
that you’re cheating. I go out of my way to consume very little content from women who
believe that they can just do whatever they want or have their cake and eat it to because they’re
never happy, they’re always some of the most miserable and self righteous people I meet and I
can see right through the charade they try to put on. It’s really unhealthy to live your life
constantly in doubt of your own love life and people don’t want to hear about it, I have never
felt sympathy for a woman who has left a good situation for better, realised that the grass isn’t
always greener on the other side, tried to go back to that good man, and found that good had
moved on.

If you really think about it, how many of these women who are preaching that they’re playing
the field and single until they’re married so they can do whatever they want or married and
still looking to level up to a better man are actually in relationships or have actually ever been
proposed to or offered a ring? Women like that tend to be very vocal about what they believe
and that’s okay but the rest of society doesn’t tend to think like they do nor do they appreciate
women who think that the whole “I’m in a relationship but I’m single” idea is an acceptable one
to have. I’m all for doing what you want and being liberated but there comes a point in time
when you’re doing to much and you’re asking for too much and there comes a point in time
where you need to grow up, take responsibility for your thoughts and your actions, take some
of the blame, and learn to live where you’re wanted and appreciated and stop waiting for some
mysterious billionaire to sweep you off your feet because he’s not coming for you and he
wouldn’t want a woman who ran away from her man to try and start a new life with someone
who she barely knows because it’s juvenile and it’s flighty.

I’m all for the idea of being single until you’re married in terms of sex though, I actually do
think that it’s absolutely acceptable for a woman to refuse to participate in any married
activities if she’s not married and I was raised with that ideal. I think that it’s still very
respectable and accepted for a woman to say that she’s waiting until marriage and who makes
it clear that waiting is something that she does for her own morals and celibacy is no new
thing, you can choose to become celibate at any time whether you’re in a relationship or single
and that’s actually something that I totally agree with. Celibacy and waiting until marriage
both translate over fine into the real world and you can stop at any time, it’s not unhealthy to
choose to become celibate and it’s not unhealthy to choose to wait until marriage or wait until
you’re in love with someone and want to confirm that love you have.

I just think it’s terrible to enter a relationship and think that the rules don’t apply to you or
that your partner’s feelings matter less than what you want because that’s just a great way to
end a relationship and it puts you right on the path towards nowhere, you’ll just end up being
alone and unhappy. If you are unable to ever settle down and relax and you’re always looking
for the next prospect then it’s a sign that you need to stop, work on healing yourself, and work
on ridding yourself of whatever anxiety you have. Cheating makes you an ugly person and
people don’t want ugly in their lives, people don’t want to be friends with a cheater, and people
will 100% treat you differently if you are known to cheat. I know a girl who moved on from
good to better and better happened to be a husband of one of her friends, he left her after
about 6 months to crawl back to his wife, and no one talks to this girl anymore. Better isn’t
always better than what you had before and nothing will clean up your reputation once you’ve
sullied it by cheating or homewrecking, it’s just an ugly and insecure thing to do and people do
love to gossip.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

Something on your mind? 🌸

A provider mindset is not the only trait you want in a potential husband, far too many women
talk about how they want a man who provides and don’t acknowledge the fact that any man
with money can throw some cash at you for groceries, give you a few treats once in a while,
and call it a day. Material goods, gifts, trips, and support cannot and do not compare to being
with someone who you have a genuine connection with, being with someone who legitimately
cares for you and respects you, having a relationship with someone who is loyal and who you
never have to worry about, and being with someone who you’re happy to see every morning
and spend the rest of your life on earth with.

Anonymous asked:

Something you dislike in men? 💓

I dislike men who don’t take care of their families!

I have a lot of friends who are married and I have a few cousins who married without approval
who complain about feeling like single mothers or talk about how lonely they felt during their
pregnancies. Too many men these days think that child rearing and pregnancy are a woman’s
job but they seem to forget that it takes two to create a life. I hate it in general when men speak
unkindly about the women they’ve married in general because I believe that only they have the
power to either end things or improve them and I’m particularly irritated by men who help
create life and then refuse to help out with anything else. It’s beyond pathetic that a man can
have a baby with a woman but refuse to change diapers or step up as a father, financial support
isn’t enough, every child deserves loving parents who are willing to be interactive and present
in their life.

I think I’m very lucky to be with someone who insists upon being very active in his son’s life
and who insists on having him most of the time, sometimes I feel like they’re off in their own
world that I’m not a part of. I’ve never had to push a stroller, carry a diaper bag, wrangle my
son, or do any hard work because I’m married to a man who strives to make my life as simple
and easy as he can make it. I do believe that it takes a village to raise a child but I also believe
that a child needs to have a mother who’s being supported and assisted through each stage of
life. I used to walk by a flower shop and admire the flowers outside of it each day when I was
growing up and, when I woke up from labour, my husband had made sure that he’d had the
flowers delivered from that store to my room. No woman needs to have children with a man
who’s late, who lacks support or decency, who is a sex pest, or who’s uncaring or just oblivious
to the needs of his wife.

My Grandparents had so many children together and after each birth, my Grandpa would go
into his diary, mark down the birth date of the child, mark down the date that my Grandma
had gone into labour, and make a note to himself to be sure to be sure to bring something nice
home to my Grandma on the anniversary of the day she went into labour. He was already in his
late seventies when I was unceremoniously thrust into his life and my memories of him never
involve him being idle, I remember him teaching me how to swim, teaching me all he knew,
taking me to all of his favourite museums, travelling with him, learning how to fix up cars with
him, seeing him sit front row at all of my recitals, and being an active part of my life. I was
raised by a man who was far too busy and far too old to be raising another child yet all of my
memories of my childhood with him are perfect, I can’t think of a single time in all of our years
together where he wasn’t actively there for me.

I told my husband that he would not be able to work 100 hour work weeks once I’d had his son,
I was adamant that he sit and listen to all of my concerns and understand where I was coming
from, I have always wanted a family of my own and part of my dream involved having a
husband who was present in the lives of his children and didn’t miss out on any of the essential
moments. To his credit, he’s been able to partially retire and cut his hours down to between 15
and 20 hours each week, he’s made a point of being an active presence in his son’s life and he’s
made an effort to get to know his son and be involved with him, and he’s made an effort to
lessen the burden of childcare and do his due diligence when it comes to being a father.
There’s no point in having a child with any man who’s either clueless to the amount of work it
takes to raise a child or who is simply unwilling to compromise or accept that lifestyle changes
do come with the birth of a child or a planned/unplanned pregnancy.

I’ve seen men having children that they’re unable to emotionally provide for more and more
often in the media lately and in my own life and it’s one of the few things that I really refuse to
ever tolerate from the men around me. I have friends who seem to have been told that what
they and their children need are less important than what their husbands need, I have friends
who’ve had children and then felt forced into rushing their healing process because their
husbands don’t care that they’ve just delivered 9 pound babies and whine about the lack of sex,
and I have friends who don’t seem to realise that they hold the power and what they need is
more far important than the social prospects or activities that their husbands want to
participate in after they’ve given birth. I’m all for being submissive but one of the most
important things I’ve learned lately is when to realise that I’m being trod on and taken
advantage of and I think that too many women who get married young and who get pregnant
young have issues with putting their foot down and I do think that it’s something that needs to
be learned before they end up in rough or dangerous waters.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

something you think about often? 🌸

Just a few little things!

Letting yourself go once you’ve entered a relationship is a trap that a lot of women fall into and
it’s one of those things that isn’t thought about. I’m all for being comfortable with my partner
but I was also taught to never allow my physical appearance to slip and never allow my mind
or words to become dull or unpracticed. One of the things that’ll kill a relationship in its bed is
a lack of passion, I could not imagine being married to a man who I didn’t have a genuine
attraction to and I could not imagine making dinner night after night and sitting across from
someone who bored me. I was raised by a classic and traditional woman who believed that her
granddaughters needed to be vibrant, knowledgable, and beautiful in order to succeed in life,
she believed that beauty and knowledge came in a variety of different flavours, and she went
out of her way to instil this belief in each and every one of us.

I do a lot of reading, I’m nearly done with my degree and will be graduating with my original
class and all of my friends in 2023, I watch a lot of lectures, I’m a huge fan of museums and I
can never get enough of them, I used to want to be a historian and I’m still extremely involved
in my historical societies and activities, I’m an active member of my sorority and I work a lot in
terms of ritual for my chapter, I go out of my way to work my mind and converse with my
husband, and I make plans to have interesting date nights and go on adventures with him. My
husband is very much an intellectual man and he’s extremely educated but I give him a run for
his money, I keep his mind active, and I make sure that we have plenty of fun together and that
the fire that we have doesn’t start to burn low or suddenly extinguish.

I know what my husband likes in terms of physical beauty and I make sure that my physical
appearance is in line with that, I go out of my way to keep my hair long and curled, I make sure
that my skin is clear and clean, I make sure that my makeup and nails are done nicely, I make
sure that my smile is sweet, I make sure that all of my outfits are nice and I spend a lot of time
picking out nice lingerie, I make sure that my body remains active and in shape, and I make
sure that even a little bit of effort goes a long way. I take a lot of pride in my appearance and I
know that even taking an extra five minutes in the morning to but a roller in my hair and ice
my face and eyes will brighten me up and make me feel so much better about myself when I’m

I make sure that my home is beautiful and I’m the unofficial hostess with the mostess for most
of the events, nights in, and dinners that my husband’s workplace has. I know more than
anyone that a little bit of effort goes a long way and so I take the time to bake, cook, and mix
drinks from scratch, I take the time to have conversations with everyone and get to know them
and learn what they enjoy, and I make notes about the things that I should remember about
them in order to improve their experience next time I host them. My Grandma was the best
hostess I’ve ever met and people were comfortable in our home, she hosted parties that ran
late and were packed to the brim, and she told us her secrets and made sure that each and
every one of her girls grew up learning the skills that she’d made use of throughout her entire
life and learning how to properly put them into use. Learning how to host events and present
meals has made my life so much easier and it’s been such a blessing to know how to bake and
to have sharpened my skills.

Being a woman and being a wife involves being willing to learn and actively putting the skills
and knowledge that you acquire into use. I have come to terms with the fact that my education
will never end and I spend a lot of time learning more and putting my knowledge into use. I
have a baby now and that just means that there’s been more for me to learn and put into use,
I’ve hosted a variety events through spring and summer and I have a list of events that I’m
excited to be planning now for Autumn and for Halloween this year, and I’ve been taking the
time to work on myself as a wife, a mother, a hostess, and a woman and it never ends. I don’t
tire easily or become discouraged but I’m keenly aware of how much effort it takes to improve
oneself now, especially during these times, I was always told that a woman’s education can
never end and her brain must never become stagnant and I work so hard to ensure that I’m
always learning and evolving because it makes me happy, it makes my husband happy, and it
makes my life so much more thrilling.

Linsi <3

What you do to get him, you have to do to keep him.

My Grandma was the best matchmaker I’ve ever met, she was great at introducing us to
people, she had Rolodexes and books of matches that she could make, she had a way of setting
us up that she knew would work, she used every resource she had whenever she had the
opportunity to make a good match, and she was great at her ‘job’ and loved seeing us happy.
She was happy to do her matchmaking for us but she always made it clear that she would only
do her work for those of us who she felt could remain authentic throughout the process and
who had reasonable expectations for what she could do and she made it clear that she could
set things up for us but she was unable to do anything else and she wouldn’t stick her neck out
to try to fix any of our mistakes or missteps.

She believed that men wanted women, they didn’t want to date girls who hadn’t left their party
years or who spent their days parading around to various spa appointments, they didn’t want
girls who were unable to be alone or who spent hours in bed, she was happy to tell us that men
didn’t want women who didn’t know what to do with themselves or who were happy to whine
about anything and everything, and she was always firm when she told us to never bite off
more than we could chew because she wouldn’t be coming to save us if we got into trouble that
could’ve been easily avoided. We were always told that men wanted to marry mature and well
adjusted women and we were told that any silly or immature behaviour would make us seem
juvenile and like total wastes of time.

“What you see is what you get” was her motto, we were always told to be open and honest
about what we enjoyed doing with our lives and how we wanted to spend our time in the
future because she knew that men enjoyed and desired authenticity over all and she was
always telling us that whatever we had to do to get a man, we had to be willing to do to keep
him. I met my Frederick at a lecture and all of our dates from then on were at museums or
lectures, I’d told him that I really enjoyed history museums and I wouldn’t have been able to
keep going out with him had I not actually enjoyed going to museums. I had an entire list of
things that I enjoyed and I told him these things, I didn’t bother changing much about the
things that I enjoyed or that I was willing to do because I didn’t want to compromise myself in
order to please someone else. Whatever you do to get a man, you have to be willing to continue
doing in order to keep him. There’s no point in making a whole new version of yourself,
creating an act where you cater to his preferences, and going out of your way to make yourself
into the image of what he desires because no one can keep that up, two months and it’s over,
the mask will start to slip because no mask can be kept on forever and you’ll end up unhappy
and in a marriage with someone who doesn’t suit you.

My Grandma taught us the art of compromising but she also talked to us about the things that
we should never compromise on, we all wanted to be married and we all wanted to be happy
and one of the things that she was firm about was that it was impossible to carry on a good
relationship with a man who had no idea what a work-life balance was. Before I put my foot
down and before Frederick partially retired, he was fond of doing at least 80 hours of work
every week, he didn’t need the money, his salary would’ve been the same, but he was obsessed
with his work and hyper fixated on it and his obsession was slowly destroying our relationship.
His heart condition got so bad that he was unable to carry on and he had to have heart surgery
because of the stress he’d put himself under. One of the things that I insisted on before having
our baby was that he partially retire. He works between 10 and 20 hours every week now, he
makes the same money, he has a much less stressful position, and we’re happier than ever and
we have so much more time to enjoy our time together and to enjoy each other’s love, day to
day company, and daily presence.

One of the last things my Grandma taught us was that every solid, long lasting, and happy
relationship involved the setting of boundaries. She was always crystal clear when she told us
that if we wanted any relationship to last, mutual boundaries had to be put into place and they
had to be respected in order for a relationship to truly work. Boundaries and respect went
perfectly together in her mind, a lack of boundaries meant a lack of respect and a lack of
respect meant a lack of boundaries and she was absolutely right. Every relationship that I’ve
seen succeed and that has worked for me has included mutual respect and a lot of reasonable
boundaries and I’ve been happy to use this advice for her in nearly every relationship, whether
it be romantic or not, because it works. Showing a potential partner that what he sees is what
he’ll be getting and then putting boundaries in place to protect yourself is one of the best ways
to succeed in any relationship and being authentic can never go wrong, you won’t fail if you
show someone your true self and you make an effort to be seen as a woman who’s worthy of

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

things you think matter most in levelling up? 💓

Working on your character, cultivating strong relationships with your friends and your family,
focusing on your grades and/or your career, cultivating strong connections, and working on
creating a good work-life balance will get you so much closer to your goal in no time at all. If
you spend your time working hard and focusing on the things that you do have the power to
change and that will bring you success in the long term, you’ll find that the rest of the pieces
just fall into place and your life will become easier to navigate.

On Telling White Lies

Anonymous asked:

Hi Linsi,

I thought I would send an ask because you have your asks back on! I’ve asked a few other major
blogs but I thought I’d ask you because you’re married and sensible but what do you think
about purposefully misrepresenting yourself to men for clout or for better opportunities?

I’ll use golf as an example, do you think things would work if I claimed to be an amazing golfer
with a low handicap instead of just admitting that I’ve never golfed before? I was talking to a
big blog and she recommended that I bend the truth and tell a few white lies to get ahead in
terms of leveling up and hypergamy but I wanted to know from you.

Thank you!

And here we go!

I’m going to give you my actual opinion on this topic because this is one of those things that I
truly believe differentiates girls from women. I think that it’s more than essential to start a
relationship with honesty and openness because that’s just how relationships last.
You can claim to be whatever you want to be but you’ll look stupid as all hell when it comes out
that you’re not. I’ll use your example, let’s say you do claim that you have a low handicap and
you’re extremely skilled at golf to the point of almost being on the LPGA circuit, I’m not going
to stop you but what happens when your date asks you to prove those skills and you find
yourself on a golf course looking like an absolute clown? He’ll either be polite about it and not
say anything or he’ll call you out and you’ll look like Boohoo the Fool, you’ll look like Bozo the
Clown. You can say whatever you want and claim to be whatever you want but you’ll find that
your control over the things you’ve claimed to be and your image will lessen once you’ve lied
or claimed to be untrue things. You can start off a relationship with a lie but any man can
choose to end a relationship based on you lying to him and you’ll find that a lot of men would
prefer to be single and go through the dating game over and over again than to be with a
woman who chooses to start a relationship off with blatant dishonesty and misrepresents

This is just me speaking and this is just my opinion but I’m going to say this: if you meet a man
who you really like and he has interests that don’t necessarily match with yours but you feel
like you could get into them, why not ask him to introduce you to those interests? Instead of
claiming that you’re some golf goddess or whatever just to seem like you’re cool or to make
him more interested in you, start with the truth. You’re going to look a lot cooler in the long
run if you turn to him and choose to say “Hey, I’ve actually never golfed before but it seems so
cool, would you be willing to take me out onto the green some time and teach me?” Instead of
sitting there, listening to him talk, and then deciding to lie about your life and your skills just
to get social points. Most men would be happy to schedule a date either way and one option is
going to be a lot less stressful than another, you can go onto the green as an eager student or
you can go onto the green absolutely terrified that you’re going to be forced to golf yourself to
the top and actually attempt to prove your claims.

I have a handicap of three, I’ve golfed for 17 years, my Grandpa taught me how to golf, and golf
has been an activity that I’ve loved for ages because it’s relatively low impact and fun. It’s a lot
cooler to be vulnerable than you’d think and it’s a lot cooler to be able to admit that you’re not
as experienced as you’d like to be. As a woman, you have a lot of power when your relationship
is first starting out and choosing to go through a little bit of trouble to learn something new is
going to be a lot easier in the long run than having to explain yourself to someone who you’ve
disappointed. When it comes to dating and men, I would much rather look like an
inexperienced fool than look like a lying fool because one is much more acceptable than the
other. Every relationship should start out on the right foot, make sure you stay on the right
path by telling your partner that yes, you’re inexperienced but happy and willing to learn and
then take golf or whatever skill/hobby we’re actually talking about and make it a bonding
You have the power to both cast yourself in a good light and keep yourself in that light, don’t
squander that power, make yourself look like a total fool, and ruin your reputation for
momentary glory or for clout that will disappear when it come out that you’ve been lying.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

something more women of color need to start

doing? 🖤
Standing up for themselves against men of their own race or of a similar colour.

I don’t ever allow men to exhibit bad behaviour towards me and I’ve gotten to the point where I
do anything possible to dissuade it and make them feel the consequences. Entitled men get
away with far too much and don’t ever experience half the consequences that women suffer
and so I’ve been going out of my way lately to work against the men who bother me when I go
outside. Men who are your own race will always try to get away with things and claim race as a
reason and too many women let it happen. Some of the nastiest comments I’ve gotten for
having husband who isn’t my own colour are from black men who think that they have the
right to say whatever they please to me but who would never ever say a word to my husband
because they know that he’d defend us both.

I was in Chicago earlier on in the summer, there’s a lovely furniture store that I love and I
wanted to get a few things for Baby and show him the blankets and such, I had him in his little
stroller and I was talking to him and walking with my uncle. Baby takes after his father and my
uncle is quite obviously white but I don’t notice these things, I live in my own little world. We
decided to go next door for food and sat down for lunch and as soon as my uncle left for a
moment, a man who’d been sitting near us came up to me and my child and began ranting AT
me and really got a horribly nasty whilst I was trying to breastfeed my little baby.

This man immediately looked at me, looked at my ring, looked at my child, and then began
ranting about how too many “sisters” are depriving “brothers” of families and dating
experiences that they should rightfully have and how I’d gotten with a coloniser (my father’s
country was never colonised by my husband’s father’s country but okay), and he was going on
and on. I actually thought he’d get aggressive with me and I was sitting down, I was a woman
sitting down trying to feed her child, completely vulnerable, while some worthless entitled
wack job in a suit felt like he had the right to intimidate me and shout at me about things that
had nothing to do with me just because he and I had a vaguely similar skin colour and he felt
like I was beneath him and that he had the right to harass me.

He was obviously asked to leave and my uncle came hurrying over as soon as he saw what was
happening, everything went down very quickly (it was not a drawn out ordeal) but I managed
to see that he had a lovely vest with his last name and the logo of the place that he worked. I’m
very quick to always tell my Frederick to never wear any sort of company branded items
outside of his office because who knows what he may say or do and this was just a stroke of
luck, when you’re wearing company branded items, you’re representing your company and
most companies hate it when you make them look bad and this man had really made a fool of
himself and really treated me in an unacceptable way.

I didn’t think about him or his feelings because he hadn’t thought about mine and I sat down as
soon as I got back to my hotel, went to the website of his workplace, found this man’s
LinkedIn, called his workplace, got transferred to the correct person, got transferred to a
higher up, and then I treated his superior to a lovely little chat about how his subordinates feel
like they have the right to harass women and babies in their spare time. I got my apology and I
got more than that, I went to his LinkedIn a few weeks later just to make sure that I’d gotten
my way and my time hadn’t been wasted and I saw that he was a ‘former’ employee at the place
that I’d called up.

I’m not bragging and I’m not saying to retaliate against people who haven’t wronged you, I’m
saying that men who look like you will think that they can treat you like the filth of the earth
and sometimes you need to go out and get your dignity back, demand some fucking respect,
and make sure that you’re treated like a lady. I told this little anecdote to a friend of mine and
she was fast to tell me that black men have it hard and I was even faster to tell her that he
thought that he had some sort of right as a black man to harass me or even speak to me and
he’d suffered the natural consequences of harassing a woman whilst wearing identifying
clothing. Race doesn’t matter and I’m unwilling to let any man get away with anything because
of his race or the struggles that he may face, as soon as he acts in an inappropriate way
towards me, I’m going to do stand up for myself and make sure that I’m treated like a lady.

This doesn’t happen often, it’s actually only happened twice and I was with my husband the
first time and he was very very fast to shut things down and make it crystal clear that I am to
always be respected in his presence, in my own home, and on my own but when it happened
this time and I was on my own, I knew that I had to act in order to make it clear that I do have a
sense of self worth and that it’s unacceptable to bother women. There is a huge difference in
treating all men who look like you badly because of their skin colour and any preconceived
notions you have of them and allowing men who look like you to feel the natural consequences
of their actions. You are a woman, men do not have the right to spread their prejudice and
their filth around you, they don’t have the right to criticise your life choices, and they don’t
have the right to speak to you unless you allow them to. Women let men get away with far too
much, both out of fear and out of a sense of duty to our communities, and I think it’s high time
to finally begin showing that we deserve to be respected and be treated like ladies, no matter
what we look like and no matter what we’ve done with our lives.

Linsi xxx

Anonymous asked:

things you don’t think that these young tumblr

women realize about the stay at home life?
Often times, things are far from glamorous and raising a baby can be difficult. If I didn’t have a
lot of family help and live in a tiny town filled with people who I know very well, I don’t think
I’d be able to stay at home. It can be impossible to do things without the correct support and
I’d have melted down a long time ago if I didn’t have it and frequently utilise all of the help I’m
offered. Being a stay at home wife or mother can be a nightmare if you don’t marry the right
man, you’ll start to feel isolated and left out if you resent your husband, and it’s definitely not a
life for every woman out there.

Anonymous asked:

something you think needs to be said?

I’m unbelievably sick of femininity gurus and hypergamy influencers.

I do not listen to or interact with any woman who thinks that stepping into her femininity,
abandoning a masculine mindset, embracing her dark femininity, or using looksmaxxing or
whatever she wants to call it is going to work for her and then completely change her world. A
lot of these women don’t understand that the world is made up of more than beauty and more
than femininity/masculinity and most of these women are no better than the masculine
influencers who they ridicule and call incels, it’s the same advice unwrapped and repackaged
for a different audience and the only thing that these women have in common is that they brag
of success but have nothing of worth to show for all of their stories of meeting rich men and
entering high society and being worshipped as an outsider.
These women are unable to recognise that no matter how much beauty they have and no
matter how many people they know, the one thing that they lack and that will always be
desired is discretion. No successful man is going to sit down with a woman who has no training
or education, who lacks all discretion, who thinks that she’ll receive everything on a golden
platter solely for her femininity, and who assumes that she’s going to live a life of total leisure.
I’ve never met a man who has a wife that’s delusional about her status and where she came
from and a lot of these influencers don’t seem to realise that a little bit of humility and a lot of
discretion go a long way in terms of leveling up. Any woman who claims to be hypergamous
isn’t going to enter society and immediately give herself away by speaking about her
aspirations, every successful social climber knows that loose lips sink ships, and every woman
I’ve ever known who’s managed to pull herself up from nothing keeps her cards close to her
chest and her mouth shut.

The other thing that these influencers seem to be unable to understand is that some things are
personal issues, I hate to see women sitting down and rambling on about how white men don’t
like foreign women just because they’ve had one bad experience or investment bankers won’t
date black women because they’ve had one bad experience, they’re unable to separate their
issues from real issues and that’s a huge problem. Wealthy men are not taking these women
out and they won’t be anytime soon, no man wants to be with a woman who’s a liability and
content creators are a huge liability. I can name men in so many professions who desire
discretion over all and the number one reason why they’d never go for these women is the fact
that they lack all common sense and they lack the ability to reflect upon themselves and think
about the way that the public in general perceives their actions.

The reason why I avoid people who post about looksmaxxing, female dating strategy, feminine
auras or femininity, and all the rest of their ridiculous advice is because it’s the same
information that’s been posted and reposted a million times, it doesn’t help anyone, the
women who are posting it have nothing to show for themselves, and life isn’t all about being
good looking and following some sort of feminine aesthetic. There are so many men in the
world who are wonderful and who are nuanced and the advice out there will tell you to throw
them in a box and stereotype them based on your initial assumptions and that just doesn’t
work. I am completely uninterested in only getting to know people on a surface level and the
fastest way to move up in life is to cultivate a community of likeminded people, make friends,
get to know the world better, and then slowly move up through the ranks. You cannot go
anywhere without support and so many of these girls do not realise that making friends is the
fastest way to get to where they want to be, not throwing themselves at men who wouldn’t
want them because of the name that they’ve made for themselves and their reputation.
Your reputation and who you know is unbelievably important when it comes to leveling up,
making connections, and getting to where you want to be. None of these influencers or gurus
seem to understand that women work for years cultivating their image, getting to know
people, working for a degree, going out on dates with the right people, and focusing on getting
to know women just as much as they focus on men and they’re sure to remain discrete
throughout. Again, you’re not going to get far coming up from nothing if you’re unwilling or
uncomfortable with doing hard work, putting yourself out there, and getting rejected and it’s
the silliest idea in the world to expect to become a stay at home wife and a fixture of society if
you have absolutely nothing or worth to offer to others and you’re unable to create lasting

I’ll stop here because I don’t like to speak down on other women but there’s something so
exhausting to me about the influencers who claim to be spoiled and have no issues with
showing their glamorous lifestyles filled with luxury shopping, champagne, yachts, expensive
holidays, and all the rest but who never want to talk about the man sponsoring those things for
them or the dangers of what they’re doing but have no issues with encouraging barely 18 year
olds to go out and loin for platonic arrangements and I’m so tired of women who glamourise
being stay at home girlfriends when they’re really just women who have no legal protection
and who are with men who’ll apparently buy them anything but a ring. None of these Reddit,
Insta, Tumblr, Facebook, and TikTok gurus believe in what they’re trying to sell you but they
know that if they use buzzwords, desperate and impressionable women will buy their guides
and courses with hopes that they’ll be able to make the same repackaged information work for
them instead of actually putting their time into researching things that will work for them,
finding information that they can customise for themselves, and going outside and getting to
actually meet people.

Linsi <3

This also needs to be said!

Women need to begin questioning all of the advice that they’re putting into use, asking for
legitimate sources when statistics are given, and thinking about who is telling them what to do
and what level of control this person has over their own life. I’m going to list a few questions
below I’d like to ask to someone of these influencers and gurus and I’d like to please ask you to
think about who these could apply to. I think that they’re very universal questions because so
many girls are willing to blindly follow the advice of women who they should not be looking up
to and who wouldn’t have platforms without their followers. There’s a clear reason why some
of these women haven’t gotten to where they want to be and they’re not going to ever reach a
level of self awareness where they finally get it.

Why are you comfortable with offering matchmaking services when your man has no desire to
marry you or, even worse, you don’t even have a man to speak of?

Why are you single or have never been in a relationship but still selling advice to women who
assume that you’re in the sort of relationship they’d like to be in?

Why are you publicising every single detail about your new relationships and videotaping men
for your little TikToks and then acting shocked when you’re told that you’re a liability and that
he doesn’t want to date you?

Why are you obsessed with putting up a façade and proving to other women that you’re
someone to look up to when you and I both know that you’re definitely not the woman you’re
desperate to pretend you are?

Why are you so comfortable preying on the insecurities of other women and playing off of their

The answer is money, these influencers know that the market for content on femininity and
hypergamy is huge at the moment and they know that they can easily capitalise on it, throw
together advice that they’ve taken from Tumblr, Reddit, Instagram, and the other social media
platforms, design a cute little pink package to wrap it up in, and send it out to women who they
know will eat it up and then beg for more.

It takes years to build a good reputation and seconds to destroy it, I’d highly recommend not
listening to these women who yammer on about femininity, high society, and leisure but have
nothing to show for all of their bragging and I’d recommend taking the time to really think
about what you want and then distance yourself from these content creators so that you have a
fair shot. These women do not want you to win, they will lose dedicated followers and
customers if you do, they want you to keep coming back for more and they want you to keep
giving them more of your money so that their life is easier and your life remains stagnant.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:
three small pieces of advice, please?
Money means nothing without a network.

This is a fact, money means absolutely nothing without a network. There are plenty of wealthy
people out there who have absolutely nothing, they have no friends, they have no way to use
their wealth to gain those connections, they have no social connections, and they have no way
to join society via their money. Money goes a long way but there’s only much it can do,
connections bought with money aren’t ever going to be as beneficial as connections made
without money and I do honestly believe that money does taint interactions because no one
likes someone who has to buy their friends or buy their way into society. One of the best things
you can do is start meeting people and networking now, I’m a woman and I’ve started meeting
and befriending girls when I was in school and have worked on cultivating meaningful
friendships ever since I left school. I started university late, I was not at the level of my friends
and I was afraid that I would’ve been long forgotten by the time I began my first year but I kept
in contact with my friends, went out of my way to see them as often as possible and interact
with them, and I started my first year surrounded by a network of great friends and very
connected women. Now is the best time to begin working on your social connections and
networking so that you have an easier time in your career and your future life and marriage.

All elite volunteer opportunities are paid.

I learned this when I was young and going to my boarding school and it’s a lesson that I’ve
carried with me and really taken to heart in adulthood. Each and every single volunteer
opportunity in an elitist organisation is paid but it’s not paid in money, these opportunities are
paid in reputation. I’ve volunteered my entire life and one of the things that I’ve noticed the
most is that the women who I surround myself with at my volunteer organisations have a huge
amount of pride in their positions, they turn these organisations into major parts of their life
because they feel needed, and they’re paid in social credits. As a young wife and a young
woman, I don’t have the social clout to immediately step into society and speak to whoever I’d
like to but volunteer opportunities are one of the best ways to gain the social credits I need to
get to the status I need to get to have to actually participate in society and events. Debutantes
are required to have completed a set number of community service hours before they have
their debut, sorority members must have a certain number of hours per semester, and a great
deal of elite organisations require community service. No woman immediately steps out into
the world and is offered a position of power, volunteering is what gets some of these women to
where they want to be, it’s what carries them and helps them throughout their careers, and it’s
what gives them something to do once they’ve reached retirement age. Volunteering is a job in
itself but the payment comes via social credit, a positive boost to your reputation, and bragging

The people you surround yourself with define you.

I grew up being told that I was only as good as my worst friend, that concept really stood out to
me when I was growing up and I took it to heart when I was in boarding school because my
reputation actually started to matter then. I’m very careful with who I allow around me these
days and I’m careful with who I choose to befriend, it’s very clear to me now that my friends do
play a role in my reputation and the way that I’m perceived and so I am very careful. I’ll never
forget being called into the office of the head of my house when I was in my final year at
Benenden and being told that one of the women who I was good friends with at that point in
time would destroy my reputation and that I had to be careful with associating myself with her,
it was obviously one of those things that no teenage girl wants to hear and I was insulted at
first but I started to realise just how right my head of house was as the weeks went by, her
behaviour got worse, and people started to associate her misdeeds with me. Even though she
had come from a wonderfully connected family and was set up for life, she was one of those
girls who acted out to the point of being unbearable (I understand now that this was probably
out of pain) but one of the things that I had to do for my own reputation and for my own peace
of mind was slowly recreate our friendship so that we weren’t as close and so I wouldn’t be
associated with any of the acts that she felt compelled to commit. I’m incredibly wary of
recommending that women dump their friends out of the blue but there are just some people
who need more support than you can offer and it can be exhausting to be expected to watch
someone harm others and harm themselves, I’d advise practicing caution when it comes to
who you befriend, keeping true to your values throughout the entirety of your friendship, and
leaving when you outgrow the situation or start to feel uncomfortable around said friend.

Linsi <3

Anonymous asked:

3 more things that’ve worked for you?

I do a little ego stroking!

Men, even the most self assured ones, are desperate for a little bit of ego stroking. There was a
time in my life where I thought that my Frederick was the most confident and most self
assured man in the entire world but there were times when he’d let his façade slip and I’d
realise that what he needed most were words of affirmation, a few hours of having his back
and his chest stroked, endless ego stroking, and a few hours of holding him to me and letting
him listen to my heart. Men love affection and non sexual physical contact, one of the things
that I think it is extremely important for a woman to be able to do is identify what her partner
needs, figure out the times that he’s most likely to need more affirmation or whatever, and
then figure out ways to give those things to him and keep him from burning out at work or at
home. I’m an endless ego stroker and it’s what works for me, it’s what works in my
relationships, and it’s what I think really suits my personality best and works for me.

I’m sure to always involve a bit of flattery!

This is just a fact most men love to hear their own voices and every single man I’ve ever met
with an M.D. behind his name has loved to drone on about his own life to me. If given even half
the chance, my Frederick will go out of his way to find me no matter where I’m hiding in the
house, sit across from me, and treat me to long chats about things that don’t exactly interest
me. He’s done this since the day we met and it started with phone calls and it’s become a
marriage, it seems like half of our marriage is Frederick talking about one of his interests and
the other half is me talking about one of mine (and it works). Men love to talk and one of the
best things that you can do is give them the opportunity to speak, one of my best friends is
currently speaking to a neurosurgeon who works at one of the best hospitals in the USA and
she’s been using my advice to stay up to date with him. There’s nothing that this man loves
more than being asked questions like “What surgeries did you do today? Go ahead and explain
them to me…I think you’re brilliant” and then being able to speak. There’s a very specific way
to speak that includes discrete flattery and ego stroking but doesn’t feel like one is speaking in
bad faith and I think that every woman should learn it.

I know before I go!

One of the things that’s really helped me throughout my entire life is knowing what I’m
walking into before I walk into it. When I was at Benenden and going up to see the boys on
weekends and off days, knowing who I was most likely going to see and knowing what they
were most likely going to bring up (a recent sporting win or personal success) really helped me
to endear myself to people and get to know them better. I used to speak to this boy who was a
cricket fanatic, we’re actually still quite good friends and he does loves the sport, and I’d ask
around about his games and watch clips of him playing before I’d go to London on the
weekends and see him at some party he’d come to from Eton. We’d always talk about his sports
at some point and he’d bring something up and give me the opportunity to tell him that I’d
already seen how he’d bowled so well (“oh yeah…you were absolutely genius!”) or seen the way
he’d kept his promise of performing better. I’m not a cricket girl at all but knowing before I
went always made me look good and it’s been something that’s assisted me plenty of times in
my adult life, carried me through conversations, and helped me to befriend people who
would’ve been otherwise inaccessible to me for whatever reason.

Linsi <3

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