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MGT 619 Project Proposal

Title of Research:

Impact of Organization Structure on Employee Engagement

Student Details:
Name of Student: HAMMAD KHALID
Registration No: BC200418008
Date of Submission: 23-June-2022

Supervisor: Dr. Nabegha Mahmood

Program: Associate Degree in Operations Management

Virtual University of Pakistan

1 Introduction of the Project:...................................................................................................3
2 Background:............................................................................................................................3
3 Objectives:...............................................................................................................................5
4 Significance:............................................................................................................................6
5 Methodology:..........................................................................................................................6
5.1 Type of Research:......................................................................................................................6
5.2 Research Paradigm:..................................................................................................................7
5.3 Nature of Research Study:........................................................................................................7
5.4 Data Collection Sources:...........................................................................................................7
5.5 Data Collection Tools/Instruments:..........................................................................................7
5.6 Subjects/Participants:................................................................................................................7
5.7 Sample size.................................................................................................................................7
5.8 Fieldwork/Data Collection:.......................................................................................................8
5.9 Data Processing & Analysis:.....................................................................................................8
6 References...............................................................................................................................8

1 Introduction of the Project:
Best practices are demanded of organizations in the global business environment to
participate well and think significant participants in the worldwide marketplace.
Organizations that wish to compete in the global marketplace may need to arrange
their organizational architecture in a decentralized and standardized control system
that emphasizes working excellence, worldwide competition, revolution, and
synergy with skilled personnel. However, administration objectives must be
aligned with their workers' interests and expectations. The structure of an
organization is an essential component. The structure of an organization may be a
barrier or a source of growth.
In fact, companies that want to continue and grow in the worldwide market are
required to have a well-designed organization that will increase employee
engagement and help the company achieve its objectives. Employee activities are
critical to the achievement of the organization's overall goals.
According to preliminary studies, centralized control systems are popular in
industrial enterprises in Pakistan, resulting in low employee work participation and
low productivity. It has been seen that there is a lack of interpersonal contact
between supervisor and subordinate, which leads to job unhappiness among
employees. Because structure is key in increasing employee engagement, as a
result, if left unaddressed, these numerous issues may have a severe influence on
staff effectiveness and, perhaps, organization efficiency. Organizations that fail to
incorporate decentralized and standardized control systems, as well as well-
equipped, competent, and devoted staff, are unable to compete in the global
market. Furthermore, in an organization where rationale is low or non-existent,
employees are more likely to feel job discontent, which leads to poor performance.
Furthermore, data suggests that organizations that hinder effective organizational
structure, employee commitment and involvement in decision-making,
cooperation, and cooperative effort among employees would perform worse. As a
result, the emphasis of this research is on the influence of edifice on employee
engagement in a sample of manufacturing firms.
In this context, the study aims to investigate the influence of organizational
structure on employee engagement in Pakistani manufacturing enterprises. The
findings are expected to produce strategic suggestions that would improve staff
productivity and product quality in their respective duties.

2 Background:
The functional framework that aligns resources with established company vision in
the business plan and embodies the organization culture is called an organizational
structure. The organization's structure has a direct influence on the company's
capacity to recruit, engage, and retain people.

A management chart is the department's logical framework. It establishes
centralized or decentralized decision-making by laying out and defining
significances through the design of roles with generalist and professional roles,
indicating reporting relations and establishing centralized or decentralized
decision-making. Clarity of task responsibilities is required for effective
organization structure implementation for workers to work successfully organized
and handle lapping assignments and hand-offs with one another (Eriksson &
Ortega, 2006). An effective model is predicated on having a good influence on
employees and the company and is thus in line with the company's strategy. It is in
keeping with the company culture. It is also meant to attract and adapt high-
performing workers by creating roles that harness their best abilities while also
providing opportunities for development and advancement, assuring meaningful
employment and a feeling of purpose from now till the future.
Organizations aspire to be the top competitor in their industry and in the
environment in which they compete (Macey, Schneider, & Psychology, 2008).
In the meantime, the structure urged or implemented can have an impact on worker
engagement; as a result, they should investigate this, and profitability must be great
for any organization to attain competitiveness.
The style of conducting business, how each variation is done, how each JD is
created, how the organization's communication will operate, and the strategic
strategy to improve employee engagement are all indicated by the organizational
structure(T., 2003). The features of an organizational structure can then be
examined to determine if they can affect how tasks are completed and managed.
These aspects include decentralization, centralization, and management levels, and
they constitute the bedrock of every organizational system. Might the structure
have an impact on employee attitudes and engagement? In his research of
employees' relationships with organizational structure, Peter Christensen
determined the primary goal. According to him, Maslow's theory of needs specifies
security and safety needs, and it is reasonable to assume that all employees who
have protection and safety in their workplace will have a good reaction to
management and organizational structure provided they are coordinated properly.
How can we provide employees with security and safety in the workplace? One
approach is to focus on each employee's attitude and involvement (Funminiyi &
Science, 2018).
Employee performance refers to a set of guidelines for each employee's behavior in
his or her employment. The precise criteria focus not only on exactly how the
employee utilizes his time by executing his task but can also be compared to some
employer-set norms (Mustapha & Zakaria, 2013).
Organizational structures include several issues, including the inability to
demonstrate all the relationships involved in the organization, interacting with
other employees at various levels, and departmental friction. The time spent on
product development is longer. Levels of customer demand become too great for
certain levels of service (Leblebici & Finance, 2012).
Decision-making is transferred to different top of the organization through the
process of centralization. When a company employs top management to make
choices, it takes away employees' ability to innovate and instead tells them what to
do. What occurs when employees are not motivated and managing. They cannot
handle problems on their own, particularly when important data isn't delivered on
time. The upper levels of control in centralization have a wider range of influence,
and the organization's structure has more tiers.
Decentralization process is in which lower management or workers of an
organization have access to decision-making authority. Many choices are taken at
lower levels, which encourages individuals to be creative and imaginative in order
to address challenges in their specific fields (Carpenter, 2009).
Written process, JD, instructions, rule and regulation are used to systematize the
regular components of work, whereas standardization refers to the uniform and
even that personnel are to follow in completing their duties. Managers can use
standard to evaluate staff performing against predetermined criteria. JDs and
application forms help to standardize the hiring process. Many businesses will not
be able to achieve their objectives if assignments do not follow a specified
Employee engagement, according to Gallup, is defined as a person's interest in and
excitement for a certain activity. Employee engagement, according to (Dernovsek,
2008), is defined as positive emotional attachment and dedication on the part of
employees. Employee engagement is defined as an employee's favorable attitude
toward the organization and its value (Robinson, Dilys, Heyday, & Psychology,
2003). An engaged employee understands the business environment and
collaborates with coworkers to increase job performance for the company's benefit.
The company must endeavor to develop and maintain employee commitment,
which necessitates a two way conversation between the employer and the
employee. In this study aims to investigate the effect of organizational structure on
employee engagement in Pakistani manufacturing enterprises. The findings are
expected to produce strategic suggestions that would improve staff productivity
and product quality in their respective duties(Thompson, 2003).
The purpose of this research is to look at the impact of administrative structure on
employee engagement in Pakistani manufacturing companies. The findings are
intended to yield strategic recommendations for increasing Company performance
and product quality in their roles.

3 Objectives:
The Objectives of this research are:
I. The purpose of this research is to look at the impact of organizational
structure on employee engagement in Bazz Mobile Technology Ltd.
II. To investigate the elements that influence employee engagement and their
impact on employee engagement.
III. To learn more about the link with employee engagement and company

4 Significance:
By studying on organizational structure and determining how the independent
variables impact the dependent variables, this effort will discover the determinant
of employee engagement in manufacturing sectors. Although earlier research has
shown that decentralization leadership style of control has a variety of effects on
worker productivity, this study will find the impact of decentralization to employee
productivity and organizational development.
It will also improve the level of client service. As a result, we will advise
organizational management to implement decentralization and determine if it is a
system that supports effective buyer delivery services, considering the company
organization's regional location.
The project dependent variable is Employee Engagement and independent variable
are communication, working environment and other benefits.

Independent Variables
Organizational structure

Organizational Market
dependent Variable

Working Environment Employee Engagement

Organizational learnings

5 Methodology:
5.1 Type of Research:
This research is the Quantitative approach of a data which is collected from the a
SME organization employees.
5.2 Research Paradigm:
This Study is Positivistic and deductive approach. Positivism is consistent with the
hypothetical deductive model of science, which is based on operationalizing
variables and measurements to support pre-existing hypotheses and experiments.
The results of hypothesis testing are then used to direct and advance research.
Studies associated with positivism typically concentrate on recognizing descriptive
associations or causal relations through quantitative methods, where empirically
based findings from large sample sizes are preferred. These studies typically
concentrate on recognizing informative associations or causal through quantitative
methods.(Park, Konge, & Artino, 2020).
5.3 Nature of Research Study:
The nature of study is Explanatory. Explanatory research is a study that
investigates why something occurs when there is just a small quantity of available
information. It can help you better understand a subject, ascertain how or why a
particular phenomenon happens, and make predictions about the future.
Explanatory study, which examines patterns and trends in recent data that have not
been examined previously, is also referred to as "cause and effect" research. This
leads to frequent references to it as a form of causal investigation.
5.4 Data Collection Sources:
In this research use Primary Source.
Through surveys, direct employees will serve as the primary source of data.
5.5 Data Collection Tools/Instruments:
An online Google questionnaire will use for SME organization employees to
collect data.
Surveys will be used to choose for this. More information will be gathered shortly,
and staff members will be free to express their opinions. that it will save time and
have a smaller cast.
5.6 Subjects/Participants:
Our targeted population in this Project will be those employees whose designation
are Skilled worker and above. I will select the Skilled worker and above employs
because their qualification is must above intermediate. I will select One Mobile
phone company (Bazz Mobile Technology Ltd) of Lahore in which the employee’s
strength is almost five hundred in this our target employees are around two
hundred fifty who’s designated are Skilled worker and above.

5.7 Sample size
In the scope of quantitative investigations, the sample size of the study was crucial.
It gives crucial data for researchers to investigate the many hypotheses and
premises prefixes that they have specified. In this study, sampling encompasses the
procedure of selecting respondents from the general community. Given that the
survey's participants are employees, the sampling approaches must consider some
of the most important characteristics connected to the study's scope. Purposive
sampling will be the primary sampling approach used in this investigation
According to krejcie and Morgan (1970) table used for sampling. (Rajendran,

. This table data shown the Company employees initial details as:

Variables Employee Strength Percentage

18-20 213 43%
20-25 144 29%
25-30 95 19%
30-35 24 5%
35-40 15 3%
40-60 9 2%
Male 324 65%
Female 176 35%
Worker 246 49%
Skill Worker 174 35%
Designation Ast Line Leader 44 9%
Line Leader 22 4%
Supervisor 14 3%

5.8 Fieldwork/Data Collection:

We will collect the data through Online Google Questionnaire due to short time it
will be easy to manage, and it is a reliable source of data analysis. To ensure the
data quality by we are focus on the supervisor and above level employees are
sensible to complete the form. We will define the time around 20 days for the
survey for collection of more data.
5.9 Data Processing & Analysis:
We'll collect data using an online Google Questionnaire because it'll be easier to
maintain in the short term. We will use MS Excel for data analysis purposes, and
we will use techniques from 7-Qc techniques for statistical approach.

6 References:
Carpenter, R. T., Buier, E., & Erdogen, A.. (2009). Employee Engagement and Talent
Dernovsek, D. (2008). Creating highly engaged and committed employee starts at the top and
ends at the bottom line Credit Union Magazine, May 2008. Credit Union National
Association. In: Inc.
Eriksson, T., & Ortega, J. J. I. R. (2006). The adoption of job rotation: Testing the theories.
59(4), 653-666.
Funminiyi, A. K. J. I. J. o. A. E., Management, & Science. (2018). Impact of organisational
structure on employee engagement: evidence from North Central Nigeria. 4(8), 264311.
Leblebici, D. J. J. o. B. E., & Finance. (2012). Impact of workplace quality on employee’s
productivity: case study of a bank in Turkey. 1(1), 38-49.
Macey, W. H., Schneider, B. J. I., & Psychology, o. (2008). The meaning of employee
engagement. 1(1), 3-30.
Mustapha, N., & Zakaria, Z. C. (2013). Measuring job satisfaction from the perspective of
interpersonal relationship and faculty workload among academic staff at public
universities in Kelantan, Malaysia.
Park, Y. S., Konge, L., & Artino, A. R. J. A. M. (2020). The positivism paradigm of research.
95(5), 690-694.
Robinson, D., Dilys, F., Heyday, M. J. I., & Psychology, O. (2003). Organisational culture and
climate, in work and culture handbook of psychology. 12(5), 565-593.
T., P. (2003). Working Today: Understanding What Drives Employee Engagement The 2003
Towers Perrin Talent Report U.S Report.
Thompson, L. J. A. o. M. P. (2003). Improving the creativity of organizational work groups.
17(1), 96-109.
Rajendran, T. and D. P. Shah (2020). "Students perception on Gamification: The use of Kahoot."
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) 10: 773-783.

7 Questionnaire References:
Funminiyi, A. K. J. I. J. o. A. E., Management and Science (2018). "Impact of
organizational structure on employee engagement: Evidence from North Central Nigeria." 4(8):
Patel Bhakti Jayeshkumar , M. N. J. (2021). "A Study on Employee Engagement at Private
Organization” Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) Volume 23,(Issue 4. Ser. VII (April
2021)): PP 46-54.

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