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MGT619 Final Project


Impact of Workplace Environment on Employee Engagement: A Case study

of Bazz Mobile Technologies Limited



Submitted By
Student Name: Hammad Khalid
Student Id: BC200418008

Department of Management Sciences,

Virtual University of Pakistan

Submission Date: 02-09-2022


To ALLAH who has given us to brain to explore


My Teachers who always guide us


My Family


Their valuable suggestion that helped me a lot to achieve my goals…


I am thankful to my supervisor for guiding me in completion of my project. I am also thankful to my parents

whom appreciation & prayers have always been a great source of inspiration and a guiding star for me.


The main purpose of research was to find out the impact of workplace environment on employee
engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.  It's becoming more and more common for
businesses to be held accountable for maintaining a safe and healthy working environment so that workers
may effectively execute their jobs. Employees' commitment to their jobs can be bolstered by creating a
supportive work environment. A second goal of the current study is to examine the influence of the
workplace environment on employee satisfaction. The type of research was quantitative research because it
helps to reduce and restructure complex problems. The employees of the organization were the primary
source of data. There were two variables in this research: one is employee’s engagement and the other is
workplace environment. The sample size of this survey was the 140 working employees of Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited but response received from 116 employees. The type of research was
quantitative research because it helps to reduce and restructure complex problems. Workplace environment
mean value is 3.77 and standard deviation is 0.93. Its mean employees showed a positive response about
workplace environment. Employee’s engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92. Its
mean employees showed a positive response about employee’s engagement statements. The value of r
is 0.566 showing a moderate positive and significant relationship between workplace environment and
employee’s engagement. The results of this study showed workplace environment plays a role in increasing
the engagement of the employees; for this reason the correlation value is found to be positive. The
management of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited should encourage their staff to freely socialize on
breaks, at lunch, or once work. It’ll bring staff nearer and permit them to debate and solve issues they face
relating to their job. The management of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited should increase the work
flexibility. They have to require measures to get rid of this issue to extend the job satisfaction level of their

Table of Contents
Chapter No. 1: Introduction..........................................................................................................................................07

1.1 Introduction of Project:.................................................................................................................................07

1.2 Background:..................................................................................................................................................08

1.3 Objectives:....................................................................................................................................................11

1.4 Significance:.................................................................................................................................................12

Chapter No. 2: Literature Review.................................................................................................................................13

Chapter No. 3: Methodology........................................................................................................................................17

3.1 Type of Research:.........................................................................................................................................17

3.2 Data Collection Sources:...............................................................................................................................17

3.3 Data Collection Tools/Instruments:...............................................................................................................17

3.4 Subjects/Participants:....................................................................................................................................17

3.5 Fieldwork/Data Collection:...........................................................................................................................18

3.6 Data Processing & Analysis:.........................................................................................................................18

Chapter No. 4: Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................................19

Chapter No. 5: Conclusion, Recommandations & Limitations.....................................................................................24

5.1 Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................................24

5.2 Recommandations:........................................................................................................................................24

5.3 Limitations:...................................................................................................................................................25

References:.............................................................................................................................................................. 26

Appendix:................................................................................................................................................................ 31

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction of Project:
Employees are interested with their business and occupations for several reasons, including income or
incentives, the working environment, and the capacity to combine work and personal life. Companies are
continuously seeking for methods to boost employee retention. This is done to prevent employees from
becoming disengaged with their work and the business. According to Bakker (2011), the level of employee
involvement influences the overall amount of productivity. It is essential for the upper management to make
certain that every person is working in the appropriate position for their skills and experience. Employees
must also be informed of the company's vision and objective, and they must be paid for any efforts they
bring to company operations. This will open chances for employees to advance within the company (Yu,
2013). According to Macey and Schneider (2008) and Saks (2006), there has not been enough study done on
employee engagement, which indicates that further research on employee engagement is required. As a
result, the purpose of this study is to investigate employee engagement, which is expected to be influenced
by incentives, working conditions, and the ability to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Best practices are demanded of organizations in the global business environment to participate well and
think significant participants in the worldwide marketplace. Organizations that wish to compete in the
global marketplace may need to arrange their organizational architecture in a decentralized and standardized
control system that emphasizes working excellence, worldwide competition, revolution, and synergy with
skilled personnel. However, administration objectives must be aligned with their workers' interests and
expectations.The structure of an organization is an essential component. The structure of an organization
work environment may be a barrier or a source of growth.

In fact, companies that want to continue and grow in the worldwide market are required to have a well-
designed Workplace environment that will increase employee engagement and help the company achieve its
objectives. Employee activities are critical to the achievement of the organization's overall goals.

According to preliminary studies, centralized control systems are popular in industrial enterprises in
Pakistan, resulting in low employee work participation and low productivity. It has been seen that there is a
lack of interpersonal contact between supervisor and subordinate, which leads to job unhappiness among
employees. Because structure is key in increasing employee engagement, as a result, if left unaddressed,
these numerous issues may have a severe influence on staff effectiveness and, perhaps, organization
efficiency. Organizations that fail to incorporate decentralized and standardized control systems, as well as
well-equipped, competent, and devoted staff, are unable to compete in the global market. Furthermore, in an

organization where rationale is low or non-existent, employees are more likely to feel job discontent, which
leads to poor performance. Furthermore, data suggests that organizations that hinder effective Workplace
environment, employee commitment and involvement in decision-making, cooperation, and cooperative
effort among employees would perform worse. As a result, the emphasis of this research is on the influence
of edifice on employee engagement in a sample of manufacturing firms.

In this context, the study aims to investigate the influence of Workplace environment on employee
engagement in Pakistani manufacturing enterprises. The findings are expected to produce strategic
suggestions that would improve staff productivity and product quality in their respective duties.

1.2 Background:
Managers nowadays are aware of the significance of a positive work environment. As a rule, a work
environment is defined as a location where an employee may express his or her thoughts and feelings in a
way that contributes to the success of the company. The work environment is a term used to describe the
conditions in which employees perform their duties at the workplace. Insel and Moos (1974) examines
employees' perceptions of their daily work environment in terms of six major dimensions. Workplace social
interactions, including those with coworkers, supervisors, and trainees, can also be included when
evaluating an organization's work environment. One of a company's most valuable assets is a dedicated
worker who is content with his or her work and the company's direction.

One of the most critical determinants of an employee's degree of job satisfaction, pleasure, and
concentration is their work environment. There is a plethora of ways to categorize an office setting. This
kind of assistance can take many forms: it can be physical, social, psychological, or all of the above. It is
also important to consider leadership style when measuring the work environment, which might affect
project performance in industry. The work environment depicts the physical and social conditions in which
an individual performs his or her duties (Csikszentmihalyi &Rochberg-Halton, 1981). Physical
circumstances like the workplace environment, the physical features of the office, as well as diverse
equipment like laptops or handhelds, are all examples of work surroundings. In addition to the nature of the
work itself, the employee's surroundings has a direct impact on the quality of his work (Wefald, Reichard, &
Serrano, 2011). A significant consideration in the hunt for a new job is the working environment. Everyone
wants to work in an environment that's better than the one they're currently in, which encompasses
everything from colleagues' conduct to their office culture to their relationships with both upper and lower

management. Workers will be excited to get to work if the work environment is pleasant, and that
enthusiasm will help them stay motivated throughout the day and eventually lead to project/task completion.

To begin the process of finding a new employment, it is critical to examine the working environment. In the
end, the workplace is where employees express their want to stay in the long run and don't want to be forced
to come up every day. A sense of belonging is created in the employee's psyche as a result of this. As a
result, their labor is significant since it is done with complete focus and enthusiasm. As a result of these
open dialogues, management is compelled to offer additional incentives to its staff in order to help them
achieve the company's (achieve or gain with effort) goals, which in turn drives the entire organization
toward a single goal. According to Bakker and Leiter (2010), excellent employees are often characterized as
people that excel in their careers because of their dedication to and hard effort at their employment. It's not
uncommon for workers to be folks who don't believe in making sacrifices and instead consider their
employment as a habit. To preserve a healthy work-life balance, managers must demonstrate and model this
knowledge for their employees. In other words, they should avoid promoting those who prioritize their own
happiness over the needs of others. It's imperative that businesses foster an environment that encourages
employees to strike a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives. Knowing this will assist
workers gain an appreciation for the necessity of a well-balanced existence (Vogelgesang, Leroy, & Avolio,

Employees become better aligned with the company's goals. Every employee has mutual respect and is
treated equally, regardless of his or her position in the company. Another school of thinking holds that a
group's working circumstances (such as safety, temperature, and so on) constitute the work environment.
According to Gupta and Singh (2013), an organization's work environment is comprised of three distinct
components. One aspect of the work environment is the physical state of the workplace, such as the
condition of the office or the equipment in the workplace, such as personal inventory. When it comes to the
workplace, standard operating procedures (SOPs) might also be considered. Physical environment is one of
the most significant factors that have an immediate impact on workers, and this is the focus of our present
research. Healthy bodies and minds go hand in hand. Another important cause of disease is an inactive
lifestyle, and even small amounts of exercise and healthful activities can have a big impact on one's health
(Health & Services, 1996). People's health, particularly the health of individuals with respiratory ailments, is
influenced by air quality. In order to improve human ecological behavior, we need to pay attention to health
concerns and create a strong sense of physical fitness with its determinants, and it's dependable to watch
human behavior. "The physical surroundings give suggestions and possibilities for physical exercise," said
Giles-Corti and Donovan (2002). Water may be a means of transmitting sickness. It covers the temperature
and ventilation in the workplace where the person is working and contributes to the project's success.

The behavior of animals confined can be drastically altered by excessive noise. Noise can cause endocrine
gland changes, a rise in serum cholesterol, and grandma's convulsions, all of which can have a negative
impact on a project's ability to succeed. The elimination of noise problems necessitates the use of noise-
limiting designs and management strategies at all levels. Another aspect is our social environment, which
includes our relationships, ethnicity, education, and employment, as well as our living conditions and the
communities in which we reside and our self-perception. As stated by Cassel (1976), the behaviors and
reactions of an individual to his or her social environment or to other people can impact any illness process,
as well as any process within the living organism. Workers' self-esteem and output might be influenced by
the workplace's social climate (Avey, Avolio, Crossley, & Luthans, 2009). People's ideas, habits, practices,
and actions form a society's social environment. Mental environment refers to the total of all society's
influences on a person's mental state. As stated by Attfield (1983), a person's attitude about their ethnicity
might influence their mental adaption level and offer a genuine image in their mind that correlates their
internal and external surroundings. "Both our mental and physical environments influence us. We can be
impacted both psychologically and physically by our surroundings, but the mental environment has a
stronger impact on us. Emotions and thoughts are powerful forces in our mental environment, and they have
the ability to override our own judgements " (Judge, 2013).

It involves being bored at work and having a bad attitude toward coworkers while a job or task is being
completed. In the 1980s, research showed that adult depression illnesses were more likely to be caused by
disturbed parenting than by the loss or death of a parent, which is unquestionably a sign of mental disease.
Hawthorn and Elton Mayo, who worked at the Hawthorn facility and originally coined the word "job
satisfaction," initially used it at Western Electric Company in Chicago. Employees' feelings were shown to
have an effect on their work habits, according to the findings. Job satisfaction study has received a lot of
attention from researchers since it reveals an employee's desire to stay in a business. Job happiness has been
characterized in a variety of ways by scholars. Carnevale (1992) came to the conclusion that there are two
levels of work satisfaction. There are two levels here: what an employee wants out of his or her employment
in an organization, and what an employee gets out of that position in an organization. This emotion is
mostly determined by how happy a someone believes themselves to be (from meeting a5 need or reaching a
goal). According to the researchers cited above, job satisfaction plays an important role in a project's

success. Job satisfaction, in reality, refers to how an employee feels about their work (Wefald et al., 2011;
Weissmann & Müller, 1981).

Employees who are content with their jobs are more likely to focus on their work and participate in
constructive activities in the workplace, which will lead to a successful project. For those with an interest in
projects or businesses, the criteria used to determine whether or not a project was a success are known as the
project's judging requirements. Building sector projects are judged on their ability to deliver on their stated
goals (Leung, Chan, & Yu, 2009). There are five crucial criteria of success for every project that have been
identified by Söderland, Geraldi, and Söderlund (2012). These include the project manager's skill set, task
planning, organization and responsibility assurance, supervision, and ongoing involvement throughout the
execution phase. During the course of the project's implementation, Belassi and Tukel (1996) have
identified eight distinct success factors. It's important to have clearly stated goals, a mindset of an
organization that supports and trusts employees, and an appropriate team selection, as well as effective
resources allocation, true data accusations, and planned evaluations in order to achieve success. According
to Atkinson (1999), a project's success factors come in nines.

Employee engagement serves as a mediating factor in this study, which aims to investigate the impact of a
positive work environment on an organization's performance. Numerous studies have shown global trends
in organizational performance and workplace conditions, but there are none to be found in the local context.
According to their results, Generous (those who worked to gather information) concluded that the work
environment was a key factor in employee engagement.

1.3 Objectives: 

 To find out the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement in Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited

 To investigate the elements that influence employee engagement and their impact on employee

Research Questions:

 What is the impact of workplace environment on employee engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies
(Pvt) Limited?

 What are the elements that influence employee engagement and their impact on employee engagement?

1.4 Significance: 
By studying on Workplace environment and determining how the independent variables impact the
dependent variables, this effort will discover the determinant of employee engagement in manufacturing
sectors. Although earlier research has shown that decentralization leadership style of control has a variety of
effects on worker productivity, this study will find the impact of decentralization to employee productivity
and organizational development. It will also improve the level of client service. As a result, we will advise
organizational management to implement decentralization and determine if it is a system that supports
effective buyer delivery services, considering the company organization's regional location.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Each object in the entire universe has its own existence and is able to reliably do its job because to the
strong linkages and inclusion among them. The cosmos as a whole may be thought of as a beautiful
composition of a variety of different things. Because every one of these beings is fully conscious of the
challenges that they face, they have collectively decided to disseminate the cosmic order. The pace of their
executions is slowed down in any way that their connections are disrupted. Every organization is, in
essence, a conglomeration of various units and distinct offices. Each of these divisions involves a number of
people groups, and all of these individuals, each of whom has their own unique considerations, states of
mind, practices, values, convictions, societies, and experiences, work together toward the accomplishment
of some particular set of goals. It is only possible to achieve these objectives in a way that is both effective
and compelling when each component of every office and of all qualities is well aware of its responsibilities
and limitations, and when they are able to support one another in every allotted endeavor and can strengthen
the overall association's arrangement.

According to Gupta and Singh (2013), the definition of work environment encompasses both the tangible
components of a working environment as well as the influence that an unsatisfactory working environment
has on the morale of an organization's workforce. In 1996, the Department of Health and Human Services of
the United States of America determined that a physical ailment may cause mental illness and has an effect
on health as well but living a healthy life can bring benefits that can be handled on many different levels.
Bryde (2008) believes that all managers should take into account the physical status of their employees
when formulating their management strategies in order to prevent exploiting their resources to the fullest
extent possible. In the context of mental health, the term "mental environment" refers to the sum of all social

According to Attfield (1983), a person's internal and external surroundings might be influenced by his
attitude toward ethnic groups. "We exist in both a physical and a mental world. For the most part, we are
impacted by our mental and emotional surroundings more than we are influenced by our physical
surroundings. Everything in our mental environment has the potential to influence our thoughts and
emotions, which in turn have a significant impact on our unique identities. Stansfeld and candy (2006)
Cassel (1976) asserts that the health of an employee is always influenced by interactions between
individuals and the environment in which they operate. Employees' self-esteem and productivity might be
influenced by their social surroundings (Avey et al., 2009). The subset of a society's ideas, conventions,

practices, and actions is known as the social environment. Organizational environment has been investigated
by (Child, 1972; Gupta & Singh, 2013). A project manager's performance is the focus of the study, and
through experience, we can determine the characteristics that impact the working environment.

Another goal of the investigation is to identify variables that might slow down or halt the progress of
projects. For the sector to thrive, it must focus on reducing the impact of these elements on managers' work
conditions and increasing productivity and project success by studying and analyzing these critical areas in
more detail. According to the findings of this study, project managers' performance is strongly influenced by
their working environment. If you're working as a consultant or contractor, this will help you better
understand your work environment (Bates, 2004; Harter et al.,2002)

Employee engagement is one of the primary issues that every firm has when attempting to keep employees
happy and guarantee that they give their tasks their all. Each firm is very interested in employee engagement
in order to successfully compete with their rivals. According to earlier research, it is possible to anticipate
results for employee performance, financial stability and flow, and organizational success. However, a
research by Bates (2004) and Richman (2006) found that once employees join a company, they must
participate in all of the activities the company offers them, including the induction process, training and
development programs, and so on. The degree of employee involvement is influenced by a number of
variables or characteristics. According to Saks (2006), Task-related elements including the nature of the
work, related to organizational, promotion opportunities, incentives and acknowledgment, due process, and
distributive justice are vital to consider.

Employees who are engaged do very well at work, according to more recent research by Bakker and Bal
(2010). Anitha claims that employee engagement (2014), is the degree of dedication and participation that a
worker has with the company and its principles. High organizational participation among employees can
result in exceptional work performance. Additionally, the ability of employees to control their emotions
while working demonstrates that they have a positive attitude toward their relationship with the
organization. This positive connection between the emotional aspect and the work that employees do is
known as the positive attitude of employees towards their organization and its value system. Additionally,
when employees are completely absorbed in their task, they go above and above the call of duty.

By defining the conditions of trade, the incentive system establishes the relationship between the
organization and each individual member ( Kerr& Slocum, 2005). Employee engagement depends on
rewards and pay since they motivate workers to strive for greater goals and, as a result, put more effort into
their jobs and personal development. It motivates workers to give greater thought to their professional and
personal growth in addition to motivating them to perform effectively. According to some academics, the
incentives system is now one of the key elements that will have a significant impact on how motivated
people are to work (Taufek, Zulkifle, & Sharif, 2016). It is further stressed that companies must reward
every effort made by employees, whether in the form of material or intangible benefits. Additionally,
employers have to give workers the chance for advancement and promotion. Employees may increase their
efficiency and effectiveness as well as their level of engagement with the company and their jobs through
the opportunities provided to them.

Work and personal life must coexist peacefully for both employees and the company. Work-life balance
(WLB) practices are corporate initiatives designed to reduce employee work-life conflict. Additionally, it
helps workers be more productive and efficient at work (Lazar, Osoian and Ratiu,2010). Work-life balance
has been described in a variety of ways over the years. Work-life balance is vital in determining an
employee's attitude toward their business and their lives, claims Scholarios (2004). Professional-life balance
is the idea that workers' work, personal, and family time are preserved and integrated by reducing any
potential conflict, according to Clark (2000).

According to Deery (2008), the notion of work-life balance is a straightforward job that can be understood
from the definitions of the words "work," "life," and "balance." However, Guest (2002) asserted that it is
feasible to identify trends and growth in work-life balance as it affects employees' wellbeing and
professional outcomes. From a different angle, Dundas (2008) said that achieving work-life balance requires
effective management and manipulation of all personal and professional spheres. Work-life balance has
been conceptualized and defined by a number of researchers. Companies are becoming more and more
conscious in recent years of the need to embrace the idea of work-life balance as a key tool to support
sustainable human resources. Employee engagement is impacted by the workplace. Additionally, recent
research demonstrates that a positive work environment is one of the most important factors influencing
employee engagement (Popli & Rizvi, 2016; Anitha, 2014).The extent to which organization members
completely utilize their cognitive, emotional, and physical resources while doing their duties is correlated
with employee engagement (Kahn, 1990; May et al., 2004). According to Khan (1990), there are three
elements to engagement: physical, cognitive, and emotional.

According to Schaufeli et al. (2002), energy, devotion, and absorption determine engagement. Engagement
is defined by Saks (2006) as a characteristic that includes cognitive, emotional, and behavioral elements

related to employee job duties. Engagement is concerned with the employees' actual and perceived presence
while doing their duties. As a result, persons with high levels of engagement are highly attached with their
employment and like their work (Kahn, 1990; Macey & Schneider, 2008). High levels of engagement
include enthusiasm and a sense of belonging for workers. Previous studies have shown that engagement is
impacted by commitment (Nienaber & Martins, 2020). Another research examined the relationship between
involvement and performance and well-being (Bedarkar & Pandita, 2014). Personality may affect how
engaged employees are. In other words, two individuals who work for the same company and have the same
working conditions may have two different levels of involvement. It is generally accepted that highly
engaged workers consistently and surpass their job requirements. The purpose of this research is to look at
the impact of administrative structure on employee engagement. The findings are intended to yield strategic
recommendations for increasing company performance and product quality in their roles.

Conceptual Framework:
Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Workplace Environment Employee Engagement

H1: There is significant and positive relationship between Workplace Environment and Employee
Engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.

Hypothetica Definition Items Liker Questionnair

l Variables t e Reference

Independent workplace environment workplaces 6 1-5 Lin et al.,

Variable where there is trust, cooperation, (2012).
IV1/ safety, risk-taking support,
Workplace accountability, and equity

Dependent Employee engagement defines the 14 1-5 Patel &

variable DV/ involvement and commitment of the Jariwala,
Employees employees to the organization. (2021).

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Type of Research: 

The quantitative type of research method was used in this research. The quantitative type of research
reduces and restructures complex problems.
Research Paradigm:
The research paradigm was positivistic and deductive.
Nature of Research Study:
Descriptive study describes the attributes with the help of statistics. The nature of research study was
descriptive because statistics are involved in research. The collected data on questionnaire will be in form of
numbers i.e 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree and 5 = strongly agree.
3.2 Data Collection Sources:
Primary source of data collection was a direct and first-hand experience by the researcher. Questionnaire
was used for primary data collection. Primary data was collected from employees of Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Workplace environment and employee engagement related past researches,
articles, journals, books was secondary source of data collection.

3.3 Data Collection Tools/Instruments:

The questionnaire was used as a data collection tool because enough information can be collected on
questionnaire in short time. Workplace environment was independent variable and the questionnaire items
related to workplace environment were taken from Lin, Yun-Ping et al., (2012). There were six statements
in workplace environment. Employee engagement was dependent variable and the questionnaire items
related to workplace environment were taken from Patel & Jariwala, (2021). There were fourteen statements
in employee engagement. Five point likert scale was used. The questionnaire is added in appendix.

3.4 Subjects/Participants:
Target Population:
Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited is selected as a research organization. Front line workers were
target population for this study. The target population was the 218 employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies
(Pvt) Limited form Lahore office.
Unit of analysis:
Individual from the Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited was the unit of analysis.
Sample Size:
The sample sizes of this research were the 140 working employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt)
Limited. Level of employees was front line workers of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
Details are given below:
 Confidence level= 95%
 Margin of error = 5%
 Target population = 218
 Sample size determined: 140
Sampling frame:
In this study sampling frame will be middle level (those that have the expertise to answer the questions in
your questionnaire) employees working in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
Sampling Technique:

Convenience sampling was used because it is a simple technique and data collection takes less time with
minimal budget. It has also the ease that data can be gathered from easily approachable employees of Bazz
Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited and it doesn’t need to come by an exhaustive research for the whole

3.5 Fieldwork/Data Collection:

The questionnaires were distributed in employees by hand and also via email also for their feedback. The
researcher explained the purpose of research to employees and requests them to fill questionnaire according
to their organization.

3.6 Data Processing & Analysis: 

The data was collected through questionnaire and SPSS was used to apply mean analysis, standard deviation
analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

This chapter is about data analysis of workplace environment and employee’s engagement. A total of 140
questionnaires were distributed in employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Workplace
environment has six statements from 1 to 6. Employee’s engagement has fourteen statements from 7 to 20.
The five point likert scale is used in questionnaire. The sample size was 140 employees from Bazz Mobile
Technologies (Pvt) Limited and c distributed questionnaires to 140 employees but received from 116
employees. 24 Employees didn't return filled questionnaires due to multiple reasons. Therefore analyzed the
data of 116 employees. The response rate was 83%. Multiple researches also have a different sample size
and response rate.

Employees Demographic Analysis:


Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Gender Male 102 88%

Female 14 12%

Total 116 100%


88% respondents from Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited were males and 12% were females.


Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Age(years) 20-30 50 43%

31-40 59 51%

More than 40 years 7 6%

Total 116 100%


43% of respondents from Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited age were between 20 to 30 years, 51
ages was between 31 to 40 years and 6% age was above 40 years.


Variables Elements Frequency Percentage

Qualification Intermediate 34 29%

Graduation 60 52%

Master or Above 22 19%

Total 116 100%


28% of respondents from Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited qualification was intermediate, 48%
qualification was bachelor and 19% qualification was master and above.

Descriptive Analysis:

Statements Variable N Mean Std.

1 to 6 Workplace Environment 116 3.77 0.93

7 to 20 Employee’s Engagement 116 3.39 0.92

According to above table, workplace environment mean value is 3.77 and standard deviation is 0.93. The
mean values shows that employees gave positive response about workplace environment statements and
they are satisfied with workplace environment in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Standard
deviation values show a low variation in employee’s response.

According to above table, employee’s engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92. The
mean values shows that employees gave positive response about employee’s engagement statements and
they are satisfied with employee’s engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. Standard
deviation values show a low variation in employee’s response.

Correlation Analysis:


Workplace Employee’s
environment Engagement
Workplace environment Pearson Correlation 1 .566**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 116 116
Employee’s Engagement Pearson Correlation .566**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 116 116
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

The value of R is 0.566 showing a positive correlation, the relationship between workplace environment and
employee engagement variables is moderate positive correlation and workplace environment increase
employees’ engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.

Linear Regression Analysis:

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .566 a
.320 .314 .468462907764278

a. Predictors: (Constant), Workplace environment

We find that the adjusted R² of the regression model is 0.312 with the R² = 0.320. Therefore, it is concluded
that all independent variables can bring a change of 32% in the dependent variable of the study. Adjusted
R2 shows how the good regression model can be generalized, i.e., the shrinkage in the value of adjusted R2
means that if the model were derived from a population rather than a sample, it would account for
approximately .014% less variance

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 11.786 1 11.786 53.707 .000b
Residual 25.018 114 .219
Total 36.805 115
a. Dependent Variable: Employee’s Engagement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Workplace environment


ANOVA table with the value of F 53.707 and .000 shows the model fitness. These values assured that the
relationship among variables was appropriate and that the model was fit for the study.

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .399 .500 .797 .000
Workplace environment 0.461 .139 .566 7.329 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Employee’s Engagement


Coefficient value 0.461 shows that one percent increase in workplace environment can increase 0.461
percent increase employee engagement on average.

Hypothesis: H1: There is significant and positive relationship between workplace environment and
employee engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.
Result: Hypothesis is accepted because Sig. value is below p value 0.05. Therefore, it can be concluded that
there is a significant and positive relationship between workplace environment and employee engagement in
Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited.


The main purpose of the research was to find out the impact of workplace environment on employee
engagement. Primary and secondary types of data sources were used in this project. The sample size of this
survey was the 140 working employees of Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited but response received
from 116 employees. The type of research was quantitative research because it helps to reduce and
restructure complex problems. Workplace environment mean value is 3.77 and standard deviation is 0.93
that is more than agreed point. Its mean employees showed a positive response about workplace
environment. Employee’s engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92 that is more than
agreed point. Its mean employees showed a positive response about employee’s engagement statements.
The value of r is 0.566 showing a moderate positive and significant relationship between workplace
environment and employee’s engagement

Chapter 5: Conclusion, Recommendations & Limitations

5.1 Conclusion:

The findings of the research show that workplace environment mean value is 3.77 and standard deviation is
0.93.Its mean employees showed a positive response about workplace environment. Employee’s
engagement mean value is 3.39 and standard deviation is 0.92 that is more than agreed point. Its mean
employees showed a positive response about employee’s engagement statements. The value of r
is 0.566 showing a positive and moderate correlation and workplace environment increase employee’s
engagement in Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited. The organization has clearly defined and
communicates goals which may be helpful in enhancing employees’ performance as well as overall
organizational performance. Employee engagement is strongly influenced by the workplace environment,
according to the results of a survey that indicated that respondents felt that the workplace environment was
more significant to employee engagement than other factors. Employees must be able to offer their work to
the business in an environment that is both favorable and free. Consequently, workers will be more engaged
and enthusiastic about their work and the company they work for. This study found a favorable correlation
between the independent variables and employee engagement.

There is evidence that a clean and safe work environment has a positive influence on employee satisfaction
and productivity. The study's goals were met, and all the research questions were addressed because of the
findings. Finally, all theories have been accepted. There are several talents and abilities that employees need
to acquire to participate in the activities the business provides for them, according to this study. They must
also come up with ways to put all their talents, expertise, and abilities to good use in order to contribute to
the organization's success. Employers, on the other hand, must be aware of the demands and requirements of
their workers. It's important for businesses to showcase the uniqueness of their workplace for them to keep
their employees engaged and motivated to work more and attract new employees. The correct conditions of
remuneration and benefits should be awarded to employees based on an accurate assessment of their work
performance. In terms of future research, it is recommended that an investigation into the relationships
between other elements and employee engagement be carried out. Finally, future study should explore the
link between current elements that influence employee engagement in more detail.

5.2 Recommendations:

Following are few recommendations for organization:

 The management of organization should increase social interaction between their staff.
 The management of organization should encourage their staff to freely socialize on breaks, at lunch,
or once work.
 The management of organization should compel to give feedback concerning the talents, skills and
performance of the people of their team and if they are doing therefore, then the engagement levels
are higher and then the performance.
 The management of organization ought to instruct the supervisors/leaders to possess a relationship
with the staff so as to extend their engagement level.
 The management of organization should compel to increase the work flexibility; they have to require
measures to get rid of this issue to extend job satisfaction level of their staff.

5.3 Limitations:
 Research was limited to only Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited because time was limited to
collect data and complete research.
 Bazz Mobile Technologies (Pvt) Limited environment is smooth, therefore research results in other
organizations may be different.


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Impact of Workplace Environment on Employee's Engagement: A Research study on Bazz Mobile

Technologies (Pvt) Limited

Dear Respondent,
I am a student of Virtual University of Pakistan. I am performing research project on the above-mentioned
topic. Please cooperate in completing my research by participating in this survey. This survey is purely for
academic purpose. I request you to participate in it by filling out this questionnaire. Information provided
will be kept confidential.

Section I

Employees Demographics Profile:

Please select the correct option.

1. Gender Male Female

2. Age 20-30 31-40 41 & above

5. Education Graduate Masters M.Phill or Above

Section II


Please show your level of interest from number 5 to 1 (5 for Strongly Agree, 4
for Agree, 3 for Neutral, 2 for Disagree and 1 for Strongly Disagree)
according to your perception.

Workplace environment S.A A N D S.D

1 How much information is provided in your workplace 5 4 3 2 1

educating and/or encouraging employees about physical


2 Is there a positive social climate that encourages physical 5 4 3 2 1

activity in your workplace?

3 How much organizational capacity (i.e., infrastructure, 5 4 3 2 1

will, and leadership) is there in your workplace that

promotes physical activity for employees?

4 Has your organization used any services or resources in the 5 4 3 2 1

community to support the physical activity of employees?

(examples: local recreation/activity center, community


5 Does your workplace have policies that promote the 5 4 3 2 1

physical activity of employees? (examples: no meetings

scheduled over lunch, subsidies for memberships at a local

fitness center or physical activity groups)

6 Are there convenient and appropriate facilities that you can 5 4 3 2 1

access in order to do physical activity during the workday

(including during or after working hours)?

Employees Engagement S.A A N D S.D

7 I have a cordial relationship with my superior 5 4 3 2 1

8 My organization provides a clean and safe working 5 4 3 2 1


9 I received meaningful recognition, praises for doing good 5 4 3 2 1


10 I get appreciation and rewards when the desired 5 4 3 2 1

work/targets are accomplished

11 I have enough career advancement opportunities. 5 4 3 2 1

12 The pay & benefits in my organization are comparable to 5 4 3 2 1

similar companies.

13 My superior communicates well with all my team 5 4 3 2 1


14 I have good working relationships with my colleagues. 5 4 3 2 1

15 I would like to come to my workplace. 5 4 3 2 1

16 I have enough opportunities at work to learn and grow. 5 4 3 2 1

17 I am utilizing myself and my potential as a whole to this 5 4 3 2 1


18 My work contributes to the achievements of organization 5 4 3 2 1


19 My superior encourages my development at work. 5 4 3 2 1

20 Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my work. 5 4 3 2 1

Thank you for your valued time and feedback!


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