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Good morning, everyone. I Tanya Pandey and my team members are here to present our topic
Body Language. Starting with the content, we are going to cover what is nonverbal language, what
is body language, what are its different types, Advantages, and disadvantages of body language.


 Communication does not always rely on written or spoken words.

 DEFINITION – “The transmission of messages or signals through a nonverbal platform such
as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body language”.
 The use of non-verbal language is more than oral or written language.


 An integral part of oral communication

 Conveys more meaning than spoken words
 A prominent and important medium of non-verbal communication.
 Body movements – Acts as a symbol and contribute to the meaning of a message.
 Types of body language:
1. Personal Appearance
2. Facial Expression
3. Postures
4. Eye Contact
5. Gestures

SLIDE 5 – Personal Appearance

 Includes –
o person’s way of dressing
o Hairstyle
o Wearing makeup
o Wearing shoes and so on.
 Acts as a significant non-verbal clue of what the speaker intends to communicate
 Personality creates an impression prior to the speech

Slide 6 – Facial Expressions

 Face is the index of the mind.

 Facial Expressions show how we feel.
 Suggestions-
o Facial expressions must be kept quite natural
o Use of positive facial expressions
o Expressions should be consistent with the verbal message
o The speaker should be in his/her natural self and not try to hide his/her feelings
o Learn cultural patterns of facial expressions to avoid misunderstanding
Slide 7 – Postures

 Your postures talk about your personality

 Refers to the different ways of standing, sitting, and lying
 Erect posture reflects confidence
 Bent posture reflects thinking
 Relaxed posture reflects the balanced state of mind
 suggestions
o postures should be examined and corrected
o It should be natural i.e., standing, sitting, and bending in a natural way
o Use appropriate body postures
o Avoid making funny or confusing postures

Slide 8 – Eye-Contact

 “Eye is the extension of the brain and window of the soul”

 Long eye contact reflects interest, confidence, and pride
 Brief eye contact reflects disinterest, nervousness, and embarrassment
 Suggestions-
o Maintaining eye contact while listening to others indicates that you are paying
attention to what the person is speaking
o Use eye contact to show sincerity and confidence.
o Avoid looking at your feet while speaking.
o In the case of more than one listener, the speaker should look at all the listeners
giving each of them equal importance

Slide 9 - GESTURES

 A visible bodily action that may implicit meaning.

 It refers to the use of fingers, hands, and arms for expression.
 Gestures convey thoughts through voluntary or involuntary physical movements
 Suggestions
I. Gestures should be natural
II. Avoid using gestures to express negative feelings
III. Avoid confusing gestures or body movements
IV. Use positive gestures.
V. Do not use fingers too often
VI. Use hands and arms very carefully and effectively

SLIDE 10 – Advantages of body language

 Helps in establishing the relationship of mutual understanding

 Sometimes words fail to convey the exact meaning of the message. It helps to make the
meaning clearer
 Creates interest of the receiver
 Helps to know the mood of the speaker as well as the audience
 Complements and supplements to oral communication.

SLIDE 11 – Disadvantages of body language

 Not very effective in large gatherings.

 Not taken seriously all the times
 Requires attention of the receiver
 Worthless in case of communication to a blind person
 Body signals have different meanings in different cultures.

Slide 12 – Conclusion

 Body language - An important part of communication.

 It not only supports verbal language to be understood more clearly but has itself voice to
show emotion and message as well.
 The meaning of body language varies by culture, gender, or age resulting in becoming more
complex and misunderstood.
 In order to use it successfully, people should interpret and improve their knowledge to avoid
that problem.
 Appling body language into daily communication is a smart and interesting way to contact
with others.

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