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Cardiac Cycle

(Heart beat and its different stages)

One time systole (contraction) and one time diastole (expansion) of heart (actually, the contraction

& expansion of atria & ventricles) are collectively called ‘Heart beat’. The heart of an adult healthy man

beats 70–80 times per minute.

The sequential events of systole and diastole of atria and ventricles in a single heart beat, is

known as ‘Cardiac cycle’. One complete Heart beat consists of onetime systole & onetime diastole

which lasts for about 0.8 second. [ Since, average 75 heart beats take 60 sec, therefore 1 heart beat

takes 60÷75 sec = 0.8 sec. ]

Stages of Cardiac cycle :

Cardiac cycle takes place as following 4 stages –

1) Atrial diastole: During this time, both the atria remain relaxed or expanded and tricuspid &

bicuspid valves remain closed. Under low pressure at atria, de-oxygenated blood from different parts of

the body and oxygenated blood from the lungs return to right and left atrium, respectively. De-

oxygenated blood from cardiac muscles also enters into right atrium via coronary sinus. Duration of

atrial diastole is 0.7 sec.

2) Atrial systole: When atrial diastole (i.e. blood filling) ends, both the atria contract (i.e. systole)

almost simultaneously. Though the wave of contraction is initiated from SAN to right atrium, then

spreaded to left atrium. Duration of atrial systole is 0.1 sec. Contraction of first 0.05 sec remains in the

highest range, called ‘Dynamic stage’ whereas last 0.05 sec gradually it becomes slower, called

‘Adynamic stage’.
3) Ventricular systole: Immediately after atrial systole (almost 0.1–0.2 second later), both the

blood filled ventricles contract (i.e. systole) simultaneously. Tricuspid & bicuspid valves remain closed

strongly, produces the first heart sound, described as ‘Lub’. Semilunar valves (pulmonary & aortic)

remain open in this time. Under high pressure at ventricles, de-oxygenated blood from right ventricle

enters into pulmonary artery and oxygenated blood from left ventricle enters into aorta. Duration of

ventricular systole is 0.3 sec.

4) Ventricular diastole: Immediately after ventricular systole, expansion of both the ventricles

is started. Duration of ventricular diastole is 0.5 sec. Whenever ventricles relax, the internal pressure of

ventricles getting reduce. Therefore, blood wants to come back into the ventricles through pulmonary

artery and aorta. But, because of closing of semilunar valves (pulmonary & aortic) strongly, second

heart sound, described as ‘Dub’ is produced. So, the sounds of heart are –

Ventricular systole = Lub and Ventricular diastole = Dub.

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