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For this evidence I decided to choose three people who motivate me to give my best every day to be

a better person. They are goal-oriented people. Who are always looking for exciting ways to grow
both professionally and personally.

 Kim Jisoo is a South Korean singer, actress, model, and presenter.

 Bill Gates American businessman, computer scientist, and philanthropist.
 Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American programmer and businessman.

Even though they belong to different profession, and they do different activities, I was able to find
several commonalities in their routines:

The three of them think ommitment is the most important quality you should have if you want to
achieve your goals.

Jisso doesn’t start his day without do exercise she realizes a cardio routine; the singer also loves to
do yoga which is an activity that has great benefits for your body and Mark exercises at least three
times a week. Just go for a run and get some fresh air Bill doesn't either can star his day without

In addition to exercise, they also find it essential to know the primary tasks they must perform. For
this, it is not only necessary to keep a calendar or weekly planning, but Its method is also based on
dividing the tasks into intervals of between five and ten minutes, so that each activity has a very
specific period in which it must be completed. This helps them avoid distractions, be more efficient,
and maintain high levels of productivity.

They think that you don't have to follow a strict diet to be healthy, Jisso's diet consists only of
eating small portions and eating three times a day with a dinner that can be a snack. He likes fruits,
like apples and berries. At the beginning of the day, she usually eats an apple if she doesn't have
dance practice. Finally, drink plenty of water throughout the day because it is very important to stay
hydrated. Mark Eats what he wants when he gets up because he doesn't like "wasting time making
small decisions" Bill does the same.

I think I should organize my goals better and I'm going to create a planner to carry out my tasks
with better organization and efficiency, regarding diet, as Jisoo says, don't limit yourself with food,
just eat it in small portions.

It was good to know that they also think that commitment is fundamental if we want to get ahead in

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