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WRITTEN SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND IT LEAKPROOF FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Stay Fett RAY-O-VAC COMPANY, MADISON 4, WIS. NEW, BROADER TREAD B.F. GOODRICH TIRE OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES Now you can order these new tires for your car! T's EASY to understand why a tire with a thick, tough tread ‘will last 2 long time. But did you know that by making that same tread wider and flarcer—so it hugs the road and spreads the wear over a greater area—it will give you still ‘more miles of trouble-free driving? The new B. F. Goodrich Silver- town has a new type of wider, flat- ter tread, This longer-wearing tread ‘was not practical on prewar tires because prewar tite bodies were not strong enough to withstand the extra strains set up by a wide, fae tread. By combining this type of tread with a tire body made with AUGUST 1946 tougher cords and more of them, Goodrich engineers have produced a tire that outwears prewar tires... a tire that has more than proved itself in 17 million miles of tests. You can forget any misgivings you may have had about today’s tires. If you get B. F. Goodrich tires, you will be getting tires that have passed the toughest tests any- ‘one could give them in the labora tory or on the road. You can be sure they'll stand up beter than the tires you bought in prewar days. Remember, too, the sooner you see your B. F. Goodrich dealer, the sooner you'll have safe, new tires on your car. Supplies are still lim- ited, of course, but we're making and shipping new B. F. Goodrich Silvertown tres every day and will have ever-increasing quantities in the hands of dealers soon. The B. P. Goodrich Company, Akron, Obie. B.F.Goodrich FIRST IN RUBBER TWA\Constellation over Patis, Now on When TWA, “Trans World Airline,” selects spark ee ee Newfoundland and Shannon, Ireland, plugs, you can be certain that it is exercising expert judgment backed by experience. This out- standing air line uses dependable Champion Spark Plugs for the great majority of its domestic ‘and international planes, including the famous TWA Constellations. Here again is conclusive proof _ : that Champions are the choice of experts and Ao, gf% DEMAND CHAMPIONS make every engine—on land, water, or in the air SOW THe ex?® —a better performing, more dependable engine. Champion Spark Plug Company, Toledo 1, Ohio. 2 POPULAR MECHANICS. Popular Mechanics Magazine Registered in U. 6, Patent Omce and Canada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder OOK twice at this picture, It’s an introdue- tion to our new French edition, MECANIQUE POPULAIRE, now being read | in France, Switz- erland and Bel- gium. Director of this first foreign edition is Major Adrien Albarranc, a hero of French resistance and widely known in France as an en- gineer and scien- tist. He thrice escaped the Nazis and was decorat- ed with the Le- gion of Honor and other med- als. The major determined to publish a French edition of the magazine when he noted the enthusiasm of his Amer- ican companions for our overseas edition, Paper is scarce in France, but the major was allotted a run of 50,000 copies to stimulate me- chanical and scientific activities. NEXT MONTHyou'lllock through “Window to the Unknown” at a miniature wonderland—germs as big as sofa pillows and a sheet of paper nine fect thick. The story tells of unknown worlds being dis- closed by the electron microscope. THINK your dog should be in the movies? Then read how “Lassie” and other animals are trained to steal scenes from the stars, how studios acquire everything from a singing ow] to a deodorized skunk. ‘THE CRAFTSMAN section will feature a story that'll bring a tin- gle of taste to your mouth—how to build a smokehouse of any size for meat and fish. For camera fans there's an article on putting fore- grounds to work in salon shots. RADIO control for model aircraft, available to licensed amateurs, will be described in the Radio section. AUGUST 1946 H. H. WINDSOR, Jr., Editor and Publisher Volume 86 AUGUST 1946 Number 2 Roderick M. Grant Wayne Whitiaker Jomes R. Ward cank L. Brittin ‘Aubrey ©. Cookman, Je. john R. Kinsey Bill Reiche Thomas E. Stimson, Jt. Frank Beatty ‘Maneging Editor... Assistant Managing Edit Shop Notes and Crafts Editor... Radio and Electronics Editor. Aviation Editor. Associate Editor Eastern Editor... Western Editor Art Director... Assistant Editors Donold R. Brooks Clifford 8. Hicks Maston M. Jocks Virgil T. Swanson Assistant Editors, Shop Notes and Crafts W.Clydelammey WayneC. Leckey John F.Shrock A. & Youngquist In This Issue Report From Bikini - - - - - 73 SailingintheSky - - -.- - - 82 Don’t Pour Coal Up the Chisney - 89 Clearer View Ahead - - - - - 96 Tree Farms Restore an Empire - - 105 Putting Earth Waves to Work - - 117 The Bridge Born in a Wind Tunnel 122 They Die a Thousand Deaths - - 131 Elephants Are Good Pupils - - - 137 Rabbit Hotel - - - - - 144 The Fishing Fleet Goes Scientific - 148 Drive to the Other Americas» - - 154 Forthe Craftsman Fireplace Circulates Warm Air - - 162 “Choosy” Sprays That Kill Weeds - 170 Give Your Engine a Check-Up - - 180 Cash In on Garden Photography - 190 Lathe Pinch Hits for Circular Saw - 1! Spot Welders for Every Purpose- - 203 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 = ‘ip el a a 3 iniad nine United’ stats of Amer EOE is receiving thousands of requests for the descriptive ‘brochure showing architect’s draw- ings of several houses which can be built by the entirely new Defoe method of building permanent, comfortable and efficient homes. v ¥ When the critical shortage of building materials, which is para- lyzing home building, is over, Defoe will be able to offer you a home to fit your individual needs—at a price which will bring the savings made possible by advanced mass production methods. ¥ ¥ Send for your copy of Defoe's interesting ‘and instructive brochure today sothat you may better understand how the Defoe method works and how you will be able to obtain just the home you have always wanted, custom-built “To Your Measure,” by Defoe's master craftsmen. production at Defoe'sBay City plant. The present housing emergency will restrict De- foe's output to homes of this single design and, for some time, all of them' will go to ex-service men, under prior- ity. But it will pay you to study Defoe’s brochure now so that you can formulate your building plans and pi Pare to be one of the first to own a new Defoe home when unlimited production is ‘once again possible. lrovsine pivision Deron sHiPBUILDING co, | DEpr. pms | BAY CITY, MICHIGAN, Pee and in ts gg | ee icy ! i ! ! 1 I city and state. POPULAR MECHANICS Blue Blades vines, aN x Ss Dg gy'¥4, edges ever hone eo) You look SHARE because you get the ‘best-looking Shaves any man ever had! You feel SHARP because Gillette Blue i Blades give you the quickest,most refreshing | a O-. SY shaves of your life! Ee You are sHABF when you buy Gillette -Aip/, Blue Blades with the SHARPEST edges ever Bi *_honed, because you get more shaves per blade and save money! — GILLETTE'S CAVALCADE OF SPORTS presents the major boxing event of the week every Friday night over American Broadcasting Company stations coast to coast Gillette Safety Razor Company, Boston 6, Mass. eit AUGUST 1946 5 the greac personages of the past victims of a stupendous hoax? Could such eminent men of the ancient world as Socrates, Pericles, and Alex- ander the Great have been deluded and cast under the spell of witchcraft—or did the oracles whom they consulted actually possess a mysterious faculty of foresight? That the human mind can truly exert an influence over things and conditions was not a credulous belief of the ancients, but a known and demonstrable fact to them, That there exists a wealth of infinite knowledge just beyond the border of our daily thoughts, which can be aroused and commanded at will, was not a fantasy of these sages of antiquity, but a dependable aid to which they tuned in time of need. It is time you realized that the rites; rituals and practices of the ancients were not superstitions, but subterfuges to conceal the marvelous workings of natural law from those who would have misused them. Telepathy, projection of thought, the materi- alizing of ideas into helpful realities, are no longer thought by intelligent persons to be impossible prac- tices, but instead, demonstrable sciences, by which a greater life of happiness may be had. One of America’s foremost psychologists and university instructors, says of his experiments with thought transference and the powers of mind—“The successes were much too numerous to be merely THE GREATEST POWER ON EARTH / lucky hits and one can see no way for guessing to have accounted for the results.” Have you that open-minded attitude of today which warrants a clear, positive revelation of the facta of mind which suppressed for years? learn the truth about your inherited powers. Let this free book explain ‘The Rosicrucians (NOT a religious organization) have been leaders in introducing the ancient wisdom of mental phenom- ena. Established throughout the world for centuries, they have for ages expounded these truths to those thinking men id women who sought to make the utmost of their natural culties. Use the coupon below—avail yourself of a pleasing book of interesting information which explains how you may acquire this most unusual and helpful knowledge. Ge ROSICRUCIANS (AMORC) Scribe O.W.O. ‘Tie Rosicrucisns, AMORC, mn Jose, California. Tam sincerely interest upscen, vital power whl the fuliness and. heppine without cost, the book, ELPE |! which sellsme how to receive thisinformation- Name a State POPULAR MECHANICS BECOME an ACCOUNTANT TF you are:diing the “chore” work of sccount= ing as a bookkeeper, ledger clerk, cost clerk, billing clerk, or in one of the other many record keeping jobs— You should consider climbing higher—becom- ing an accountant. Why be satisfied all your life with a small salary and an ordinary job when there is such a large fitare! forthe: nun-be worian whe under: stands accountancy in all its forms and phases? One big difference between you and the suc- cessful accountant is that he doesn't do the chores, He bosses those who do the drudgery and he gets the money and prestige. And he does that because he knows the principles behind the rec~ cords you keep—can plan those ‘records and in- terpret them to management. He knows what you know—and a lot more. ‘There are two ways in which you can get this knowledge which will qualify you for an account- ant’s position, First—the old way of day-by-day experience en the job. This is the long route—taking many, many years, sometimes a lifetime. Most people taking this way never get anywhere. Why sacri- fice years of success—lose time and money—when there is a better and easier way? Second, the LaSalle way of learning in your spare time—studying and preparing for the step ahead. You learn by doing—you study account ing principles and solve accounting problems. You cover accountancy from the basic principles right up through Accounting Systems and Income ‘Tax Procedure—C.P.A. training if you s0 desire. AUGUST 1946 Are YOU doing _/ bookkeeping / “chores”? CLIMB HIGHER/ As you go along you absorb the rinciples of auditing, business law, statistical control, cost ac counting, organization, manage- ment and finance, ete. ‘This way is not magic. It is not easy. It requires giving up certain spare time to serious study. How long will it take you to acquire this accountancy training is strictly up to you— Jeu cam go as fast or #9 slowly as you choose, jut after you have gone part way (you need not waicunell you are clear through the training) you will find yourself stepping up to better positions. And once you have mastered this fascinating profession—once you have become an accountant —then you will have the money and the standing to make your dreams come true. You will be a respected member of the best paying profession and equipped to go out into public accounting or to climb to a top management position. Our free 48-page booklet, “Accountancy, the Profession That Pays,” tells you what you must know to be an accountant and how you ean pre- pare in your leisure time at moderate cost. ‘The coupon ‘below will bring this booklet quickly without cost or obligution, You already have & start in this field; now find out how you can go all the way. Do it today. LASALLE extension university A Correspondence Institution Dept. 864-H, 417 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago 5, II 1 like to know more about your home study program to help nne prepare for an accounting career. Please send me your free 48-page booklet, “‘Accountancy, the Profession That Pays.” i — Name... This One a. Ill Ih IMM il ates“ QBEY=17W-K6ST City St cscs ADD LIFE T0 YOUR CAR, ADD _ Heat-Proof LUBRICATION _ PROCESS ‘Ask your gas station attendant to add Pyroil. Provides constant film of lubrication on eylin- der walls, prevents rust, corrosion, reduces friction wear, frees away sludges and gums and reduces carbon formation. PYROIL FOR AIRCRAFT ENGINES trs0 Aircraft Pyro B for Iubricating oil, Aircraft Pyroll A for gasoline. Manufactured and Guaranteed by Pyroit Company, W. V. Kidder, Founder, 58 Pyroil Bidg., La Crosse, Wisconsin. rxnom. comrany ‘58 Pvroll Bldr., La Crosse, Wisconsin I want my car to last and run properly. Please tell me more about Pyroll and how it can accomplish this for me. sitabaiisnaissvs Jerry, the talking dog, is entertaining hospitalized veter- ans, by courtesy of the PYROIL Com~ pany. Picture of Jer= Ty, sent on request. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) ‘BOATS AND BOATING Sages ae et oF tener for two has kitohen with icebox : Sue ichaeat SeSetei eyecare ia a "for hook protects aneh ies PHOTOGRAPHY ‘MISCELLANEOUS: ‘Gontinued to page 10) POPULAR MECHANICS How's TINT POST-WAR PROGRESS? a *® Remember when you were going to pre- pare for the period of post-war opportuni- ties? This is it! New industries are coming ito being, established industries are ex- panding . .. and there are rewarding open- ings for trained men in all lines. © If you failed to get ready for them, it still isn't too late to do something about it! You don't have to slip back . . . you don’t have to content yourself with merely hanging to the same old job. The famous International Correspondence Schools can help you to catch up with the procession. * But don’t delay ogain...or it may be too late. Mail the coupon today for full in- formation on I. C. S. training in the field of your interests. Thousands of leaders in American business and industry started up the ladder of success in just that way. It can be the beginning of your climb to higher pay and a more responsible position. SCRANTON 9, PENNA. ious cot icuiars about the ‘course before which I have marked X: Readernic Courses Tleerph Eetiosering DAcouning CAdvetiing 6 ‘Aoalyet oy fitettieal Courses Biainees Correspondence istry, Nite. fron & Steel Electrical Engioeeting Reading Shop Blueprint H Besines Management 5 Hite Hoste Liga Fever hee otal ralae Fi Gerued Fotis Ascosnting — G Tulp and 1 Listing Technician Babee Ncea Wee Commercial 1D Practical Electra, O Ship Drefine CO Shio Fitting 2) Gat Aeunine {ower Howe Electric Tool Daienise “C Toolmakinn saan ship tectici B Walne‘Gar and Electie 1 Pint Year College Internal Combustion Railroad Courses Oecmamiig treme Et Engines Coureee ginshis Costasaie BGeed Haplsk Cnuehichos F Ciet Eogoeeriae oat Mining © Auto Nehaician C) Avinon 9 Biel Uromette Motor rrame © Highway ogiveeriag i Diseel Kingises Ol Gee Busi Luther Dealer Mechanical Courses (G Asronsuticel Pngineering Gdircralt Dratting Bight Bacieer roca Work, EH Stern esi [Blam Rnginse ‘Tertlle Courses DBiupbing Borie General B Hactise Stor B Reven tenv'e fi Rete ews 6 Refrigeration CiSteam Fitting Racho Operating 8 Machine ‘Shop Inepection -«O Wenlen Manufacturing ity State. Present Poritio Working Howe____a.a. t____pat. Length of Service in World War I ‘pected tuition rotca to members of the Armed Foresm. BarolInent ander the 0.2. Bill of lighs enereend for War It Veterans. Canadian restdente send coupon to Interntlonal Correspondence Seheole Cenadian, Ltd., Montreal, Carads. AUGUST 1946 9 NEW FILING SPEED The increased use of light-but. strong manufacturing materials— such as aluminum, magnesium, plastics and the softer alloys— means correspondingly greater de- mands for “shearing” type files. ‘These files reach their highest per- fection in the newly designed Nich- olson Super-Shear (exclusive with Nicholson) and the improved Nich- ‘olson Superior Curved Tooth. Both combine the qualities of fast cu ting and smooth finishing. Nichlen Superior Curved Tooth (ion Belins Sept cerca ry ht Se ee ees Tab che ain, alg th ont Sealer Sus tees ees See eae dere ele Evade sone hare Sel covers oto. ae Rua suelstapee Nicholon SuperSheor_(Qotion) —Ita Moen at te a a sree ed eevenaraen st i Sele or Ores Sod Season ot tah bias bg cunt oak eee Shen le ste "in be ovearnint Sass ie ee Siar cy files through good mill~ MOL s Specpereram ey US.A> NICHOLSON FILE co. 22 dear St, Providence 1, R.A, > (in 63 Port Hope, Ont.) NICHOLSON UGE G one eee 10 (Gentine trom page 8) Underwater canyon ‘Boasinade’ ou Ghee Sachse wail is Plastic tadiopnone sifts sounds to pick tip voice only Family “furmture factory” grows ‘wood In’ back seed Craftsman and Shop Notes Index AMI AND ARTIST ‘drafiing insiaiicans: Gisasing apcut has Manly twee ia the drafting soo. AUTOMOTIVE, Pipe simptin 1 of a n sims remeron sone gone. Eagar creel ae ee ee ESSER Mieke ind wins mover ncn moat giro npr int a ease led liner printed py roller secure dicoiative sitet, Gelhular” rock’ used as lighter. ae Guard over bide of shoeseraper’ prevents iajrys02002°"1 ‘OUTDOOR RECREATION ionic hamper opens to make a serving table. ibid hottie racky aucea job of antag fobs fiig campire grid packs fat for carryiny Fiahing flee"ued quedy with ar eariped Gonsatving rubber bathing cape. sss Waterproofing: minnow ‘seineses..22220.% PHoroGRarHy Baste backeround can be altered for different effects... Biog Dpleses Ol nowie Hat storec a dental Hat-tape baka Protecting extra cable reledoen ota Pipe cleater will dist negatives withoiit damaging emulsion 194 RADIO AND ELECTRONICS, Hams, resume “ealing CH” on TeenM Festored amateur, low to aiid‘ eiectyoi-coadied'gerocbeat ‘metal Replacement cabinet for table model Fevelvers. ng machino to Jaa rs From sewing macine to Jigsaw: sical Work easly ‘sewed at any angle without titi miter box a anastasia Ne alge ed a prgtracior to scribe ob woud Stop on tab prevents, breakage... Use for broken ‘or short apiié. +. 2 re Guard on, eonreyor-belt roller prevenis injury’ to hands. (Garvotoy” ip un suet seriber prolongs ive of insteuen Knurled handle elds tool bits when grinding. How to use small dyiain large dil pres Sttbefute wrench for disk ‘restaging hammers wselul fo wedeisakei: Notenes in Fale will speed work, oe MISCELLANEOUS Spaces guide, worktenctt drawer and serve as euppert.. aft seins al sy ris" abso aseney drive Wire sna bole orm Hoge lamp for emergéney ui Ree meseri a. artic weil rask has stelves ot bracket fing! feiss me Sere See cnr eee Greece eee Ball-bearing turntable ‘a ‘sssembly and’ repair. sae weer eeirenee i Blueprint record. identifies evs. « Hera ahaa tact ip ss inabh ars fn ei aa oe ee oat yar ea i ier ouciee aah reese RENO oe TBPORTANT ROTIGESTE [nthe Intention of thle macaaine 2 previde ie Eales fetes Shee ees een ee gence POPULAR MECHANICS AIRS LEER meee Pena ae sie toni ‘ Speaks Totd tenet mice of essecsat “engineer, srvicomes, us AUDELS CA SARE PARPENTERS & BUILDERS, Vel Ise sees Erie ty anulst at Sabato as feel ae Bd Sora eareians fn atcha tne ister te Sik tease seta ss AUDELS, & AUTOMOBILE. GUIDE... a Dractial ante ready Feterence boo Séeri0o erin Bole eit, tk a eri “ae Beet ste iy Histiti“ 4 ner, soon Boys ryt Siandard book’ Nuria Give exered AUDELS.D DIESEL ENGINE J MANUAL $2 Pract thetrr, eperaien, a uininne of Rodin slodite te Dien - Henle Sisding, prokel aise Alt dntallsplaaty Dook 1s ef exireie value fo engineers, operators & AU UDELS WIRING DIAC RAMS... fo Peres, ate 02 wis Fae ee tot card tow fo we poe fai tiaas ¢ cece ncaeeas Seuss @'sc © AN AUDEL GUIDE 1S A GOOD eENoE Use the brains and experience of others In these Guides of this Trodes. Save time and money with right methods, short cuts, labor saving ideas, CHECK NOWI You can look over ony Audel Guide in your home, Start the Ecsy Payments if satisfied. mmme CUT HERE sme A! Sera ea an IM Al L 0 R D E R de seformation. Ag Sse drgotast furs, Sgures, Sits neta Waste ae Sa VW rH1E0. AUDEL & 60.49 W.23 Sr.New Fork 103 LY. Please mail me for 7 days’ free examination tho books APATTERN LATOUTS. Wiolor a orere} and farher al fia mont oncaek me fe cate cok er set ordered, and to further a month on: Riss mn ia, A ee Secs Senin Boole Sr sek ordered anti tha ‘purchase price. zSniiht Taepe Spo Lauter t0H0 diuwtaio 004 Ay Ef Tam not satistiod with Guides Twill return then, Sa ces of dt etal ork iolung Patera i a SEE er ae EL StAen SATE parte QU BUMMER GUE ining ia AUDELS ANSWERS, ON sols BOWER PLANT ENGINEERS GUISE <0 B Au HYDRAULICS AAINCOMPRESSORS 2 SEP RINLS READING. Dehua Reape cue crt one fa haa : AUPE ARNG... og and ang paras ‘shapers, drill press retools. 160 iy ihusttatea, os ee Shop Practic chapters. Basy fo vexd aud Under JATHEMAT TIONS FOR. Evert eer te Sesame ‘AUDELS. HANDY. PRACTICAL ELECHRICTTY, 5 :0,84 aaptaeeintisreseeiae sesh ke SRS eee inating Seip Wires hel Seno panes ee a tee cee AUDELS RADIOHANS GUIDE......£4 Sis Klein ce Aiea Si Bek Seog M Utelg ELECTRONIC DEVICES SMES LEE Grads Pathe name cle Audie Rte EES enonary =< Ee ECT Bi Eausers Rapromane Goibe, AUDELS, ELECTRONIC DEVICES: yee a YW vii, Vil Bist Hecate lt pty ny Oka aw AUDELS ELS WELDERS GUIDE ‘onclio, practtetl fest on operat intends Biachnds ‘or ail wechanice. Gvet 400 pares, iste Baots of elesis and aovgiene weldlag iclucng sepia Werk AUDEL, Publishers, 49 W.23 St, N.V.10 Semotoves by BPDPPPPPerPDereePeeRe eet Rae pee Gaseate Bone beta teiertat etic AUGUST 1946 n I’s EASY TO LEARN TO 12 AS YOUR MAIL BOX! $50 to $300 ON your SIGNATURE ALONE OR YOUR OWN SECURITY TO lypayment plan: shown below include cll costs—no hidden charges. Up to 18 months to repay ‘most loons CONVENIENT “Loans byMail” are completed quickly, confidentially ‘ond entirely by ‘Whatever your needs for cath— ie fer our "Loans by Mail” ‘of installment financing ‘wil repay erunpeid SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS “You may MAGAZINE INeTiTur nockefeller Plazey Rethefelier WRITE a Henay Satu ofrn no erie nessa cue ait Stet ane Macarius ciesdeuie Wares BIG MONEY NOW IN SE a THREE wonderful new opportunities for your own Big money+ mating business — regardless of your age, sex, or previous LIQUID MARBLE. Make beautiful artis four from liquid stats, Clased OF unglasede This murine mane oe moitied, ‘veined, ‘multi-colored or left in’ original snowemalts Slate, The color Is actually a part of the marble! Does not fads Sr'wear away. Liquid Maroie {¢ unsteps Foom walls. Basy to make and instal 2. PLASTIC FLOORING. May be made in any color or combina Honor olor aceite de wea. "Duatoroo, Sotndpree, ‘erminproof,” Resilient to the tread. Lay out golid from wall ¢3 Wall or in pattern design of vanous ahapea bloga, 3, FLEXIBLE MOLDS, For plaster casting. Make your owa lda.tor fewreente cach. 21°00 in raw Haters Salt nee $b’ to. 888.00" worth of Raushed goods foseg-making opportunities! Get in on busy season lust state ing. Bond penny posteara or letter. No obligations = COMPO-TEX, Box 786-sG LOUIS 1, MO. SHORTHAND in Weeks at H PN a REFRIGERATION ey Mp rst tt Mote ss eee oe Covering: bate ee eters, so cimercal =e Wg 19-00 4:9:) come bebeeert Coa R ‘Heloreaos ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS 4 = Boas &® compLere_e PAY ONLY $1. A MONTH <— Reema manent POPULAR MECHANICS with 6 Big Kits of Radio Parts | Send You Do you want a good-p in Radio —or 2 Mail job id Radio, Gives you practical Radio experience at home—butiding, testing, repairing Radios with 6 BIG BITS OF PART Yeenat Many Beginners Soon Make Good Extra ‘Money in Spare Time While Learning ‘The day you enroll T start sending EXTRA MONEY JOB SHEETS. You LEARN Radio principles from my easy-to-grasp, illustrated lessons — PRACTICE what you ‘learn with parts 1 send— USE your Knowledge to make EXTRA “money fixing neighbors Radios in spare tlme wile still earning! From here It's ashort step to your own full-time Radio Shop ‘ora good Radio job! Future for Trained Men Is Bright in Radio, Television, Electronics It's probably easier to get started in Radio now than ever before because the Radio He- air business is booming. Trained Radio Tech- Riciaus also. ind prodeanie opportunities 1, Police, Aviation, Marine Radio, Broadcasting, Radio’ Manufacturing, Public ‘Address work. ‘Think of even greater opportunities as Tele- vision and Electronics become available to the Public! ‘Send for free books now! Find Out What N.R.I. Can Do For You Mall Coupon, for Sample Lesson ard my 64-pa Doo Bead the detail about we" Courses Head ices From ment irained tolling what they are dang, earn Siligatisn! 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Not seid in stores” Beware Of imitations, “Write for Free Book on Rupture, no- Tiske trial order plan, and proof of results.” All Core Tespondence Confidential. Brooks Company, 359 State St., Marshall, Mich. POPULAR MECHANICS INVENTORS The patent laws provide that any new and useful art, machine, article of manufacture, composition of matter, or design, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may be patented if the act of invention is involved. Therefore, every inventor with a valuable invention should take advantage of the patent laws and proceed for patent Protection in order to safeguard his rights. A patent gives the inventor the exclusive right to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention claimed in the patent for a period of 17 years. The patent laws were enacted for the benefit of the inventor to give him protection for the features of his invention which are patentable. These features must be properly and concisely set forth and claimed in a formal application for patent in order to comply with the require- ments of the U. S. Patent Office. For that reason, the Patent Office advises the inventor to engage a competent reg- istered patent attorney to prepare his application for patent and represent him before the U. S. Patent Office Examiner. A specially prepared booklet containing detailed infor- mation with respect to patent protection and procedure will be forwarded to you without obligation upon request. a — CLARENCE A. O'BRIEN & HARVEY B, JACOBSON Patents Registered Patont Attorneys 61-H Adams Building, Washington 4, D. Trademarks Sieh pear eae ae aes Copyrights Naas, Address. City. iin: Registered Patent Attorneys (Please write or print plainly.) CLARENCE A. O’BRIEN ..& HARVEY B. JACOBSON 61-H Adams Bui ‘Washington 4, D. C. AUGUST 1946 15 oe ME TRAIN YOU ye RADIO ELECTRONICS & TELEVISION ahd RADIO SET Pee LUG) eet SCO ARC MDC RC UCL |. 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World's Most Pertecuy Dereioped stan. “Dynamic Tension” Does It! ti" yee Pew 6 pres ea anus ‘unde,, ineresse your Eeraarien Bias, Wea a oe Se ME Gee eats ‘You Get Results FAST ‘You reallze lt, you w Kaa up of Jour AUGUST 1946 1 Can Make YOU a New ‘Man, Too in Only 15 Minutes a Day! ead, real spring and aip-in Sour step! ou get sledze-haae Beaty a batcenng ran puach = useless big they eo how ihey looked tefore ard afer Danis 2 me tar book heerhacing Hens ent NOW fortis book RIE: tot hi aout" “Bwana Toney hots ou actal nfs or acen tells how da to he same’ fer" Foe. Don't” put it oft Aa: ‘tress ne ervontl Charter Alls, Deot. 3H, Ge gg hey Re oy ws r CHARLES ATLAS, Dept. 8H 115 East 23rd St., New York 10,N.Y. 1 want ‘of moive me a healthy, husky body and | muscular development. Send me your free book. ram ‘Adaress,.. prgot, that your system of on" wil help make & ew Man “Everlasting Health and Strength.” ‘icaie print or write piainivy 7. State... ‘Gheck hero'it under 18 tor Bookio\ 7 INVENTORS T. Rules of Practice of U.S. Patent Office advises—unless the inventor is quali- fied to handle such matters—that he employ the services of a competent Patent Attorney in the preparation of his Patent Applica- tion. We are Registered Patent Attorneys fully qualified to represent you at the Patent Office. Our long and varied experience in patent practice, we believe, enables us readily to understand inventors’ disclosures, to advise what is probably patentable, alter conducting preliminary patentability inves- tigation of prior U. S. patents, and to draw your specifications and claims in such man- ner as to present clearly the novel features. Patent Laws Favor the Inventor Who Acts Promptly Remember, the details of your invention do not have to be 100% perfect before you can obtain patent. Unwise inventors often devote considerable unnecessary time work- ing on unimportant details of their devices. ‘This is expensive, hazardous and unneces- sary. First step is to have us conduct search for the prior U.S. patents and render a report as to its patentability. Our Search Report is very valuable to you in that it clears up the course you should take in re- gard to your invention. If our Report is favorable, this report of the patentability of your device shows that your chances of patent protection are in your favor. Have Patent Protection First Unless you safeguard your invention by obtaining a patent, thereby securing a monopoly on same, It may become “public property,” free to be made, used and sold by anyone, or it may be patented by some other person. McMORROW, BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered Patent Attorneys 135-V Atlantic Building, Washington 4, D. C. MeMoRReY. BERMAN & DAVIDSON Registered. Patent Attorneys 135-V_ Atlantic Building, Washington 4, D. C. i ' 1 § "Send me further particulars on how to protect my invention end 1 “Invention Record” form at once. I understand that this request 1 ! ' 1 does not obligate me. _—-Sinte. ic ar print name clearly) COPYRIGHTS PATENTS TRADE MARKS e leew meme ewan al POPULAR MECHANICS Conrespon ENCE I. C.S. Courses free to you! They’re avail- able now to honorably discharged World War II Veterans under the G. I. Bill of Rights. The U. S. Government pays for this training .. . and it is NOT to be deducted from any future bonus payments. This is your personal reconversion pro- gram if you want to earn as you learn . to master a trade or profession and qualify for promotions and pay raises on the job! Here, for your choosing, is famous I. C. S. education in any one of more than 400 tech- nical and business yocations. Courses are BOX 5586-K, SCRANTON

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