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CHANICS ee Bi e012 PERN : it BARGE-CARRYING SHIP % LAS) When your automobile engine pumping, check cylinder wear, starts pumping oil or smoking, restore engine performance. it will pay you to install Has- Ask your motor specialist. tings piston rings. They stop oil- —aastiNs maNuFACTURING oO. + HASTINGS, MICH, Hastings Lid, Toronto Liston to “RIGHT DOWN HASTINGS seccivene YOUR ALLEY” Anion Bratig PISTON RINGS “eer Ti Cihosacrverste CENT ov miners TAXICAB FLEET TESTS PROVE NEW TIRE OUTWEARS PREWAR TIRES spans OR stv, wincer or sum- mer, our cabs must serve the public ewenty-four hours a day,” says Mr. T. A. Ballantine, Presi- dent, Yellow Cab Co,, Louisville, Ky. “The new B. F. Goodrich tires meet all our tire requirements for such operation! In actual mileage, tests on our own fleet have proved conclusively that the new B, F. Goodkich tires outwear prewar tires.” From caxi fleets and commercial car owners—from police deparc- ments and passenger car drivers— reports like this arecomingin every week. They all tell how much bercer the new B. F. Goodrich Silvertown tires wich the wider tread stand NOVEMBER 1946 up than the ties of prewar days. ‘These tires were duiit co take the punishment of chousands of miles of deiving—designed with a wider, flatter tread that hugs the road and spreads wear over & greater area, ‘This bereer-cype cread is backed up by 2.35% stronger cord body made with more cords and stronger cords. ‘The result is extra miles of trouble- free driving. OF course, supplies of tires are still limited. In spite of greatly in- ‘creased production, demand is even greater. This is especially crue of the B. F. Goodrich tire that out~ wears prewar tres. Please check your needs well in advance. Talle to your B. F. Goodrich dealer about the size and aumber of tices you ll need. He'll do his bese to keep you rolling until he caa get the new tires for you. The B. F. Gindrith Cog Akron, Obio. B.F.Goodrich FIRST IN BUBBEB The Eye \That Never Closes —a speck of metallic oxide im- bedded in a glass bead hardly larger than a pinhead and mounted in a vacuum. The thermistor was developed by Bell Telephone Lab- oratories to keep an eye on the amplification in long-distance tele- phone circuits. When a thermistor is heated, its resistance to electric current changes rapidly. That is its secret. Connected in the output of re- peater amplifiers, it heats up as power increases, cools as power decreases. This change in temper ature alters the resistance, in turn alters the amplification, and so maintains the desired power level, Wartime need brought a new use for this device which can de tect temperature changes of one- millionth of a degree. Bell Laboratories scientists produced a thermistor which could “see” the warmth of a man’s body a quarter of a mile away. ‘Thermistors are made by West- em Electric Company, manufac- turing branch of the Bell System. Fundamental work on this. tiny device still continues as part of the Laboratories program to keep giving America the finest telephone service in the world. BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES Ee aC MS a eal ol ost NG et Co aid 2 POPULAR MECHANICS Popular Mechanics Magazine Registered in V. 8. Patent Omce and canada H. H. WINDSOR, Founder NEW CARS for next year was our standard leadoff article in the November issue in prewar years. Sorry we can’t dazzle you with an array of 1947 models—but we be- lieve we have the next best thing: an authoritative “Forecast From Detroit.” This article gives the real low-down on what you can expect in the way of new cars dur- ing the next 12 months. NEXT MONTH the lineup of fea- tures and story-telling pictures is so outstanding that every one is worth shouting about in this col- umn, “Inside the ‘Atom City’? takes you to Oak Ridge, Tenn., for the hitherto untold story of what goes on behind the walls of the most restricted area in the world. “Narrow Gauge Movies” opens new vistas for the 16-mm. camera fan and reveals the important role these films will play in future tele- vision programs. “Home Town Circus” is going to put a lot of ideas in the heads of community boost- ers. If they can do it in Gainesville, ‘Texas, why not in Earlville, IIL, or Grand Island, Nebr.? Then there's “Special Delivery House,” intro- ducing a new type of prefab that can be erected by one man. “How Good aDriver Are You?” ispacked with some alarming figures and a challenge to every auto owner. HOME CRAFTSMEN planning to furnish a room for a younger mem- ber of the family get the first call next month in the Craftsman sec- tion. Complete details are given for the construction of two chests of subdued modern design and built of choice cabinet woods. ‘There's also a practical feature on servicing your vacuum cleaner. ‘Another story tells how to shape plastics by a simple heat-forming process. Photo fans will be clip- ping out the article telling how to shoot single-column pictures. NEWCOMER “hams” will find a simple and efficient 50-watt 10- meter transmitter in the Radio and Electronics section next month. NOVEMBER 1946 H, H. WINDSOR, Jr., Editor and Publisher Number 5 Roderick M. Grant Wayne Whittaker .--dames R. Ward Frank L Brittin Volume 86 NOVEMBER 1946 Managing Editor... s Assistant Managing Editor Shop Notes and Crafts Editor. Radio and Elecronis Edits Art Director. Frank Beatty Donold R.Brooks Cliford 8 Hicks Matton M.Jacks VirllT. Swanton Assistant Editors, Shop Notes and Crafts W. Clyde Lammey Wayne C. Leckey John F.Shrock A. £. Youngquist In This Issue Forecast From Detroit - - - - 89 Speed Unlimited - - - - - - 96 On the Air—Through 20 Years _- 105 Scientific Fortune Tellers _- _- _- 112 By Willie Hoppe—How to Play Three-Cushion Billiards - - - 122 Assembly Line Gobblers - - - 134 The House Run by Pushbuttons - 148 Making Money by the Ton - - - 153 What’s on the Shelf? _- -_- 164 Build Yourself a Railroad - + - 172 For the Craftsman 15 Christmas Gifts to = s+ = 190 Model_ Gas. Engine + + + 201 ver oe + 2 100 Concrete Blocks Per Hour - 217 Vibration-Dampen Your Shop Tools 224 it lectronics - - - + 229 Table of Contents Continued on Page 8 fairs tend ran Ray AME US The Emeit Bobcocks, Junior ond Senior, medel speed chomps from Morris Plins, N. J. Her home workshop, tinkering with their atvbby Clone C model “Jogheld MEET THE CHAMPS...THE BABCOCK TEAM Yep, med with an Xa!) which in ..eand read what they say about X-acto! ‘When thirteen-year-old Ernest Babcock asked hhis Dad for a model plane kit foar Christmases ‘ago, he got an X-acto Knife Chest, too. But, ‘neither father nor son dreamed, then, that they'd become the nationally famous riodel plane team they are today. Dad designs the planes, Junior fies them, but ‘oth work at building them with their trusty Xactos. Together, the amazing Babcocks have broken more records and run away with more top prizes than most ordinary mortals ever heard of. “Anyone who ever put a knife to wood knows fa brilliant record like this takes more than ex- jPert skill in designing and handling the planes, Hobbyertte's Dream Git. No. £5 (Coert—3 all-metal lives; full z aawi sander; strippers fend holders: steel ‘chests, $1250, x-acto It takes the patience of a saint in building ace ‘curate models. And it takes good, dependable tools, So when the Babcocks say, “We've used X-acto Knives since we first began building models, and find them the handiest tools to have ina model shop” ... there’sa tip for you, brother! 13 Blade Shapes Quickly Interchangeable! X-acto is tops, as well, for whittlers, paper sculptors, or any other hobbycrafter, be he ama- teur of expert. With 13 scalpel-sharp blades and 3 safety-grip handles (all-metal, no more sub- ‘stitute plastics!) you'll do a slicker job, and ‘quicker, when you use super-sharp X-ecto. KNIVES &TOOLS At hardware, hobby and gift shops Products Co., Inc, 440 Fourth Ave, New York 16, N. Y. Yn Canada: craft Tools, Ltd, Her- mant Bldg, Toronto ®) ALL METAL scio No. 2 Ps Handi. Rag. U.S. Pal. 08. POPULAR MECHANICS ere Gard herrea tro Creer as Al | foeest| DISCHARGED CHARGING. ‘The pictures tell the story. When a © When recharging (D), the current flow cell (A) is fully charged, the negative plate is and chemical changes are reversed and the lead sponge (Pb), the positive plate is lead plates and electrolyte returned to their original peroxide (PbO,), and the speciic gravity of Fondition. the electrolyte (sulphuric acid, HSO,, and a3 : quiet, HO) sat ies acimam. Because of lower capacities, some batteries er 7 nee discharge more rapidly than others. Exide When discharging (B), the H.SO, is divided Batteries are noted f ir high capacity, into H, and SO,. " long-life, low cost per mile of operation and The H, passes to the positive plate, liberates strong starting power. some of the Pb ant combines with the = eee late’s oxygen to form H,O, thus increasin; ' the water content of the electrolyte. "WHEN IT'S AN EXIDE you start” The SO, combines with the liberated Pb Would you like co know more about bat and forms lead sulpha ries? The complete story PbSO,, on both place de is told ina booklet,“ THE reducing acid content STORAGE BATTERY, and specific gravity ofthe Its Fundamentals, Use electrolyte. When sp. gr. and Maintenance.” Mail a reaches 1.150 the bat- postal card today for a tery is discharged (C). EREE copy. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia 32 Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toroaro NOVEMBER 1946 5 Are You In Tune With The Qufinite? AS your whole being ever pulsated with a mysterious exhilarating rhythm? Have there been days when life suddenly and unexpectedly seemed especially enjoyable—when all of nature and yourself seemed to be swept up in a silent symphony of ecstasy? Have you longed to sustain such occasional experiences because of the self-confidence and peace of mind that they instilled within you? High above the earth lies the cause of such strange phenomena. Within the canopy of space great worlds revolve at constant speed. With preciseness not conceivable by man, stupendous universes retain their relative distances—energies unwaveringly oscillate to and fro, Such is Cos- mic motion—the orchestration of the infinite, If reducible to sound, it would be music Divine! ‘Yer, silent asit is, this music of the spheres, this Cosmic harmony, prevails throughout all nature. ‘The smallest living thing and the largest uni- verse, alike, have their particular note in this scale of rhythm. ‘There are ways to attune yourself with these Cosmic and natural forces! ‘There are ways in which your being may be continuously stimu- lated by this harmony of nature, resulting in an influx of greater personal power. The Rosicru- cians (not a religion) are a world-wide philosoph- ical fraternity. Letthem showyouin simple words how to attune yourself, mentally and physically, with the Infinite for the fiullness of ving. Accept This Fzce Book Write today for a free copy of the book, "The Mastery of Life.” It has been instrumental in helping thousands to find themselves. It has revealed to many a heretofore nnruspected power. Use the coupon below for your copy. Sere E , H., Rovionician Order, AMORC San Joe, Callfrna, TSA am interesed in Knowing how T may atune myself with the harmony of the universe Please wndne the rer Book, “The Mastery Of Late." which explains How I may tcc tach Kuowledge, The ROSICRUCIANS, (AMORC) * SAN JOSE + CALIFORNIA, U.S. A. POPULAR MECHANICS Be honest now— suppose that a better job had opened up in your company—carrying with it promotion and more money—could you qualify? If you were boss, would you select “YOU” for that better job? Consider before you answer. First of all, could you jill the job? Has your experience fitted you for the step forward— have you been preparing for promotion apart from experience gained on the job? Orhave you just been filling a niche, doing daily tasks well but making no real and intelligent effort to leam and qualify for the job ahead so that if an opening should occur you would be ready to fill it? The man who gets real promotion makes his own breaks—the man who slaves in the ordinary job at low pay just wishes and dreams of promotion and more money. Which are you? Business is always willing to pay the Name : acs hee. man who knows—and pay him well. postion This one The man who is ready and willing to Atco take responsibilities—and capable of directing the efforts of other men is a NOVEMBER 1946 City ant State If YOU were Boss would YOU promote “YOU”? aluable assct toany business organization. He never wants fora good job and aboveaver- age earnings. He gets ahead, We have helped thousands of men achieve promotion and more money—success some~ timesbeyond their dreams—a success that was started by a coupon similar to the one below. Get out of that rut—don’t be satisfied with a mediocre job at small pay—be a success in business—this coupon may be your first step. So send it today—right now—tomorrow never comes for the man who consistently puts things off. G. 1 APPROVED ole Salle Extension University A Correspondence Institution 417 S. Dearborn, Chicago 5 ‘hout obligation to me. D Accounting OCP. A. Coaching 1D Bookkeeping G Business Management Traffic Management Gi Effective Speaking, 1 Business English Cl Stenotypy (Machine Shorthand) ~ Mil MIN OBAU-L3U-C5SS- PYROIL ADDS LIFE TO YOUR CAR! ‘When your gaz station attondant adds Pyroll to your gasoline and crenkcase, he is adding life and Inileage to your cer, Pyroll provides a constant pro- tective film which reduces wear of pistons and cylinder walls . . . it removes sludge and carbon formations, One pint of Pyroil in the crankcase and one ounce of Pyroll added with each five gallons of gasoline 1s an easy way to more trouble-fr miles. Next time you drive into your gas station .. . simply say .- “add Pyroll” ... and you add itfe to your eas. PYROIL FOR AIRCRAFT ENGINES ‘Use Aircraft Pyroll B for lubricat- ng ol, Aircraft Pyroll A for geso- Menufactured and Guaranteed by Pyroil Company, W. ¥. Kidder, Founder, 61 Pyroll Bldg, LaCrosse, Wisconsin. 1 ant my car ip last and run propery. Pie ‘bout Pyrail and how ft ean seeoml ime. Names. Address. ity or Town, Jerry, the talking dog, is enter- taining hospitalized veterans, by courtesy of the PYROIL Company, Picture of Jerry, sent on request. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) AvromorrvE Bush button automie heater ha, thermostat contra. Bunnvoyt designed in London {er disabled. nerscns- oa rota” parts" of" 17 aiiterent, Booster” sistem Tor a heater gets water trom’ tad a ie 7 a var Fatabow ki wench cn take ANIATION Sarah ge ton de Sidvalte.... pps Bh ae rnoroonarny ‘Two-ncone metal easels make it possible to enlarge photes of, Adhesive en effargiig coset Toles pritt paper te plase’-—719 fa ak an ai et can a nAnto axp execumest Face en ser alt etvetes 188 STORE AND OFFICE lier for the blind has only six keys lute BAS cB Seteed roous Blesting gyn Yer cleaning plots ap dust and reclaims Wl Slide Puie figures chard inbtes by formule tor musle art yest range ‘MISCELLANEOUS ‘Yest-pocket check, pertorator ‘Yulee Rester cam be submerged Dh he (Continsed to page 10) POPULAR MECHANICS BIOGRAPHY QUIZ DO YOU KNOW THE ONE CORRECT ANSWER COVERING ALL OF THESE QUERIES ABOUT ASSORTED FAMOUS FOLK? WHO s England’s foremost political cartoonist? «+s founded and built up the second larg- est auto manufacturing concern in all the world? is the Negro sea captain celebrated as the first of his race to obtain a Master's license and command an American ship? sestripled the firing power of U. S. in- fantrymen when he invented the semi- automatic rifle used in World War II? famous both as an automotive engi- neer ond as a co-designer of the Lib- erty Aircraft Engine of World War 1? «++ rose from janitor for a sorority house to the presidency of one of the na- tion's largest railroads? +++designed the first outboard motor? ssswon the Gordon Bennett cup os a racing-car driver and went on to head a great corporation manufacturing aircraft engines? Answer: 00425 souepuodsess0; jousyiovieyu) 84s Jo Mepagt sOWLOY Y BOX 5591-K, SCRANTON 9, PENNA. Ueto orton. lee snd cet aos ed ap al oe sigue Biers ieee ee Seep BisGr eects = Bi tt ane fe cae Ele Cao eee BR iets seemone G Blestrcl Rpainectiog ale Oirernal Enrines Courses” Atte Tedalcaa” (Aviation GAchiectarl Drafting 5 Bridge and Butlding Foreman EB Structral Drafting None. its. Werking Hews eds shout the csure Belo mhich T have marked X: i co lee Bisieua a BYcial Batine Bice ea BS Baetalse™ wd, aac sheds mrpmuece fot Wore Bitte lige uo Pnine Bie Bales Roan, Raltond Counce Prcteocctoeees Gisinen Management Geet Pubs Ascountion Di Comt Accountion 5 Wacor ae 5 Rat one ottns Botermating eeSotanan Easinerng Vira. Present Position. Length of Service In Werld Wer I. pect tuition votes fo membern of the Armed Foreet. Enrollnent under the Gufs BAt of Rights approved for Wor I Peron, NOVEMBER 1946 Canadian, Ltd, Montral, Canad aC) (Continued from page ®) Infant seat tes to ehair back Craftsman and Shop Notes Index AUTOMOTIVE EEC ania nana ving yuntin ta Bo d i funipa of shat pers alde in measuring’ WRE- 2% itn Pecarding the fatent Geveigpents' te wont ta adh foo Se Oe, POPULAR MECHANICS AIRES SN CERAT OU doe i INS. Fol cee & lndigtrialreigeration @ aie conditioning. A ‘pod Bits of suet input fe for ea eer sevens AUDETS CARPENTERS & BUILDERS Vols. . Bak vou AUDELS AUTOMOBILE GUIDE. suck "operate a omnes Diplaing testy, cosetroction Sas peters meee cree ues De gue oe Dee ‘Standard book Tor aiechanics. New Huld drive covered, AUDELS DIESEL ENGINE MANUAL.S2 Dractial tence Reatie with quetion, aid anarra 63 the hese peagn and alnionore ef den Geel goin Ie Betis bind, eats ae pai oie de tS Eoox ia of exits valos to agineers, opartare & ati LGA LCRA GUIDES AUBELS, WIRING DIAGRAMS. ale ‘ele appatuse It shown eeary how to wire apparatus for prase Sealy ail Sets of elecricty, Bach diagram, ifeapkte sc ~AN AUDEL GUIDE IS A GOOD FRIENDS. AupFts a ERS & STEAMFITTERS Use the brains and experience of others in these Guides of the Vols Trades. Save time and money with right methods, short cuts, Reva 338 Icbor ‘saving ideas, CHECK NOWI You can look over any Audel_ ic; Guide in your hone, Start the Eosy Payments if satisfied. wees CUT HERE se eee iMAIL ORDER Tuco. AUDEL& CO,,49 W.23 St,,New York 10,N.Y, Please mail me for 7 days’ free examination the books Barked (X) below. I I agree to mail $1 in 7 days on each book or set ordered,and to further mail $a month cn each book orect ordered anti have paid purchase price, ~ * Ertl ates 180} er wg Lt Tam not satisfied with Guides I will return them. eaten Coret U Paeee ‘ah phases of ie al wre Sas ‘Pattern, Wangs DAudels OIL BURNER GUIDE REFRIGERATION & Air Conditioning Guide: a A BER... EAtdots POWER FLANE ENCINEETS Cole Trene iN TSG & aot aee pate te fh Hi CAudels PUMPS, HYDRAULICS &AIRCOMPRESSORS AUDELS NEW MACHIN TOOLMA\ AKERS RS HANDY, ay GUIDES SS yopacleea an AUDELS RPS Wonkens © alla! ND) ‘i Dertioned Rae Bie Fis adi 2s Bia ute parietal Teas AupELS MATHEMATICS & APEULAHONS FOR MECHANICS $2 Practical matvenatica ftom Geglening: itor ta i ering couplite Ferien. dle fades AinES a Ay. clan dal elit Pa Sep ous arene Y filing. Indored, 4 ey toa practical understanding of electrics eee RADIOMANS GUIDE... ..$4 eal understanding ob aite noting Biss acdation, ‘risen, ste, Airerafe & Sa i ‘ericemmn"amatedra. 713, pases tog Tilutrtions Dienst, Fhuot, Teele Questions & Abswers Referaco Authentic, cles, AURELS ELECTRONIC DEVICES, . , $2 a iAudels GARDEN GUIDES, & vate’ Dass: GNGDEERS a sutemans SUR RAL att jAudels ENGINEERS. PPPDREEEE ppepprabereerpeeernree ee Ve to now, Abt Rctris Bye Eat Senta teat aie Resi ae aaa Sling diesans’ae. ENO ee AUDELS WELDERS GUIDE, 1 Wasaracs Ses Stas eaten as 1 = soatine wide occupation. AUDEL, Publishers, 49 W.23 St,N.Yo10 Hemetoved by NOVEMBER 1946 n Bil Show You = Learn Isend you Solderi Early in my course | show you how to build this N.R.t. you how to di Taster with parts | send. It soon helps you fix neigh= connect Radio parts; give you practical experience. berhood Radios and earn EXTRA money in spare time. You get parts to build this Vacuum Tube Power Pack; make changes which give you experience with packs of many hinds; leern to wer pack troubles 12 POPULAR MECHANICS “Wan Succesd— 1 Will Train You at Home Do you want a good-pay job in the f Radio Intistry “or your own Rado Sho! Mial the Coupon for a Sample Lesson and my page book, “ Rich Rewards in Radio,” both F! Be hee 1 vil wala goa ue oases ay Gin cee preetieal Radio expecience building, testing Radio Shouts with 6 BIG KITS OF PARTS I send! ity Neato Sean Maks Sara eser. ‘You get parts to build Radio Circuits; then test them; see how they work; learn how to design special cir- cuits; how to locate and repair cireuit defects. penny postal Radio. I 4 Washington 9, B. C. OUR 32nd YEAR of TRAINING MEN for SUCCESS in RADIO ‘You build this Superheterodyne Receiver which brings in local and distant stations —and gives you mere ‘experience to help you win success in Radio, SAMPLE | LESSON xX (eS Meee ued TELEVISION + ELECTRONICS aisel dk Meda a kela NOVEMBER 1946 18 BIG Sd a Gor EXAMINATION SEND NO MONEY ‘to draw plans, estimate, be builder, do remod ike contracting Jobs, Ticae ofusely Hivstrat Krchitecta a rsctio ee BSiiagiMaie: Seditiouinge Sonerete fore sad monny otser" sube fects are Include BETTER JOBS — BETTER PAY e Postwar bulding Boom. ts tn full ering MRE Wild ENOW HOW. Teco iP ulek, easly understood training ‘building problems. in ur. EDITION AMERICAN TECHNICAL SOCIETY. ¥ MAXIMUM TRAINING IN MINIMUM TIME ‘CAL-AFROTTECH TRAINING will add dollarsvo your paycheck all Geeeeeet ou lie specalsig in AERONAUTICA ENGINEER ING und MASTER AVIATION MECHANICS since ‘Tesh traning i carefully designed fo jut 00 "MORE MONEY FOR YOU. Aas (ofl graduates proves our caret ts =Write ws about Aviation Training, VETERANS 2 prowast sndceo:1 nut ornogia® « at cw... C845, Droxel at 58th Street, Chic sieseeecctame NOVEMBER 1946 “PIT show YOU how to make yourself COMMANDO - TOUGH Pere Lo quick time ».0R IT WON'T COST YOU A CENT!” - Says Geange F, Jowett WORLD’S GREATEST BODY BUILDER et me prove to YOU that you oan Put inehew of dyanic musies veennds ‘men now in the U. S. and British Armed Forces GIVE ME 10 MINUTES A DAY! Vil Show You My Secrets Of Body Build ES sara epi ae Sra siete ot PROVE 10 ‘YOURSELF NE NIGHTT fea, teestos tot ours, Sandals See ata ae ical SEN Fon THESE FIVE Famou COURSES IN BOOK FORM . 81 0 Molding atlemty Lens 250 See nar senses nel amie cmeneers tts Sreme of Borate a isnt 11 Motaingaatichiy Back 28e 0 MoldingaMienty Chest 25e D fend gi 6.0.2, (61 pine postage.) No orders tee DEAN TECHNICAL BOOK CQ...Doot. MMC MUFFLERS STEELS and ALUMINUMS with.a motorboat tone NTT MUFFLER CO. EAA oh neice “How to Make Money ‘With Simple Cartoons” A book everyone who likes to draw should have. It is free; no obligations. Simply address CARTOONISTS’ EXCHANGE Dept, 911-0 Pleasant Hill, Ohio LEARN PLASTICS PLASTICS TECH Anetics, Ine, 3200 Euelid Avenue Dent M-11, Cleveland, ohio POPULAR MECHANICS YOU CAN BUILD FASCINATING EXPERIMENTS VETERANS! Rig. things are en we See tow oir tecnating SHOP METHOD aslo ral ‘ALL THREE” ich 4 combination of PROVE Training, Ine. includes in- struction in mation Picture sound aul ment. FM Radio and Television DeFOREST’ $ NOVEMBER 1946 25 SO IT NEEDS FIXING By S. T. CHRISTENSEN the “Fix-it Man” w L, I guess I'm the fellow to see, for VV rve repaired thousands of refrigera~ tors (home and commercial both), vacuum cleaners, radios, washing machines. irons, fans, lamps, mangles, motors, etc. In fact, many of my customers call me their “elec trical appliance doctor.” And, “doctoring,” might add, has paid me a good substantial income for quite a few years. Funny, in a way, how I got started. Always liked to tinker and by experimenting around I found that most electrical appliances had many things in common. That, regardless of what the appliance was used for, or who the man- ufacturer was, the basic principles were much the same, From fixing my own appli- ances to fixing friends’ and then for strang- ers at a fee, seems now to have been but a small step. What to Charge? At first, I let the owner decide the charge and, frankly, I was amazed at what I earned er hour, But then, when one figures what itial costs are involved in buying most electrical appliances, one can Teadily see that spending extra’ dollars for repairs is well worth while. Before long I was making more in my spare time repairing than from my regular job. The result... I went into business for myself. When war came, busl- ness boomed, for new appliances were not available. For a while, repair parts (needed on some jobs) were a little difficult to get. But that Situation quickly adjusted itself and many repair parts were given the high priority rating of AA2. After all, we had to provide for the health and well-being of our civilian population. ‘The Future Offers Friends ask me about my future. And, I think I've got a grand one. Age is no hand: cap in repairing. I have in my files enthusi- astic letters from repairmen ranging in age from 18 to 79 years. Now the war is over we are certain to see hundreds of new prod- ucts on the market .. . products that the average person never dreamt of. These new products and our old appliances are all go- . ing to need at some time or other “fixing.” ‘Well, I'l still be the fellow to do it. The field open for appliance repairmen is unlimited. Idon’t worry at all about too much com. petition. If You Are Ambitious To the contrary, I’ve prepared a complete course, chuck full of simple, easy to under- stand photos and drawings and written in the same non-technical language as this article. I know the course is good, because Thave hundreds of men all over the country writing to me telling me how the course has helped swell their pockets with cash. If you too want to prepare now for your future, I suggest you read the next page and send me the handy coupon.” Advertisement 26 POPULAR MECHANICS BIG MONEY INDEPENDENCE A PROFITABLE LIFETIME BUSINESS OF PREPARE NOW FOR THE FUTURE If now employed, start your home appliance repair business NOW in your spate tine and he set with & burinete of your own no matter, what bappens: ; re equipment. to be s successful repairman. Operate from your garage, basement Work as ny hours az sate ‘plignice repairman ie his own boss. Te is fofitable occupation for on many types of repairs it js not unusual for a Tepairman to eharite on the baxit of $5.00 to $6.00 per hour. Den't gamble with your future—learn a trade that will always support you. Remember, as long fas electrical appliances are used, there will be a need for electrical appliance If you are at all mechanically inclined—ean hold and use tools—then you ba all of the ‘cual Tor becoming a big money earning hot appliance repairman. it does not malter if you bave not had a great deal of Schooling oF had previous experience along these lines—-WE WILL. TEACH YOU. “Age should je no barrier—nor should any minor physical handieap. New Course Tells All” Profusely illustrated, our new course shows you in simple, easy to understand language and drawings how to make each repalr on. refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, wad chines, motors, ete. Explains and gives you a working Knowledge of electricity, welding, nickel plating, ete. Shown you how to build the power tools you need and how to solieit and keep business coming to you. Not'a theory coutae but an honest to goadness couree written by and used by repairmen the countey over. Price of course is so low that the savings on sour own household appliance repairs will quickly pay for it Act now! Mail’ the ‘handy’ coupon below today. Read What Our Students Say About Cours 1, really, believe rour course The Course in Appliance Tam a mechania for the Tne“ best Investment ames Servicing aprved "a ew Western Union eally ‘minded mah ‘Gan Gaye ago. “Nant to take Car, Three da Valuable “time to let you Trigeration I eamed” the know that tl ast coat of the courae twint 1 have deen looming SHenty'S, Lee, Waning: Tor syer since T opened up fy Flacie show hase ‘dint “that “yout fnvelearned fruth when You T would not part with more. information Age "$10.00. to $15.00 rien Schwnrl, Ttaraly Dargnined for. =—'B:’ J. clear ‘every day.—Waiter io Bebein One. Hlanty, Brockton, bias. GET STARTED TODAY — MAIL THIS COUPON po------------------- 4 curisty su 2835 N. Contrs Chicaga 34, Ith mua gay aa well aridh sare. fam T'dia" net” have said Home years ago. na the id that TIE Sole and garages Taver i America’s Fastest Growing Industry — ELECIIi+ » GRL"APPLIANCE REPAIRING. NOVEMBER 1946 27 LN be , hibit LSU $1,756 to $3,021 Year fo Start. Veterans Get Preference! GET READY NOW FOR 1947 EXAMINATIONS Railway Postal Clerks way rhe act $2,400 the frst rear coular Detng pall Ont Het! Gav HE Reh aa nonalase B e pay Bass Occ ays, automaticly. incegzed, venriy bg. Bc tere Ae Taka sear” CSS Ob Gach pay day) "Age 18 to 83. Travel for ; “Uncle 3 Days On -3 Days Of —Full Pay ue Postal Certs onion rung ustally work and aye gays ou aaty ceporton, “Baring this aif ity other were working They travel on ‘Wien they grew old, they are reured thie their ry. contines Sug. ag, nd 2'pass "when of busi swt pene City Mail Carriers, Post Office Clerks Sonth) ana’s3. 400, “age 18 t fae 1 Statistical Clerk fis Stanlsatlon! Many Other Positions sq Mansotner potions are obtainable, Re HAE Tae as Get Free List of Positions Til out the following coapon. ‘eer it off and mail 1 today— FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Det entirely free of eh B79, Rochester 4, N. Y. 2,8 full deseription of SAY YOU SAW IT IN POPULAR MECHANICS Do You Make These Mistakes in English? ‘between you and I" i MiG NE eae Vays goed math thee is eaten of he Automate Jodie, Ham feq"ycek ty ue fier olernaing Gad ba te natal wok like you auallty MOTIVE TRADES INSTITUTE, D end re Electrical (PERIM POPULAR MECHANICS Here is an industry that offers every opportunity you could ask for. Good jobs—security—plenty of chance for advancement— a business of yourown, And here is a school equipped in every way to train you fc Refrigeration and Air Conditioning work—one of the large: and most completely equipped schools of its kind in America— a school that already has trained thousands of men for just such Opportunities. GET READY HOW nical “know how" that makes the Learn Refrigrationand AirCone @3D9;f, Retrigeration and Att ditioning—now, while the time onlditigaing Teckialolan: - is Tipe, You don’t need any ad- FACTS ABOUT THE W vanced schooling or previous __ (NOUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE experience. If you ase at all Founded in 1916. Has trained g mechanically inclined and have more than 400,000 men for prac- 3 gone to high school for at least tical work in industrial fields one year or have an equivalent From 1942 through 1945 trained education, we can teach you Re- specialized technicians, exclu- frigeration and Air Conditioning. sively, for, the Army. Navy and Marine Corps. Now training LEARN AT HOME thousands of veterans under the 3 Of COME TO OUR SCHOOL GL. Bill, both in its Residence : ‘You can take most of your traine Schools and by homo-study. Oc- ingat home, in your spare time— _cupies five buildings of its own. or you can come to Chicago and Has over $500,000 invested in take your entire training in our training facilities, with ‘an in- completely eauipped shops and struction staff of more than 100 : laboratories. Hither way you men. Known everywhere ag : auiekly acquire the fine points, America’s foremost school of News practical skill, and broad, tech- practical training for industry. = Gk all sf the fact about the cpportunitcs i thin interesting feld of work, and about the LT-1. 5 jem of training that ins helped so many men into Keey jobs'in this industry. Fill out he information coupon, below and mail it TODAY. You ‘will be ino obligation whatacever. AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT VETERANS FOR G. 1. TRAINING == REGISTRAR P-1L INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUYE ff 2150 Lawrence Aven, + CHeago, 25, Pleaso send me, FREE, your “Camera Visit” — bootie sed atemnatog bau the cpports: Peal an ean RE Conditioning. It's understood that Twill be Mf Salers aig iene ae I Address... 1 City State Are you a veteran? De ee ee ee oe ed NOVEMBER 1945 29 ECE POWER PLANT ENGINEERS GUIDE WITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS NEW FROM COVER TO COVER! Gere ronan Ah Bega eran ar a7toliustnanions:rutt MOE TOOL Fiaeeinos! ear, rage ers, condensers, fora tear and hot pie ting bing Coney cour ‘sta on all types of Steam Engines and ine COMPLETE Hoists, Gasand DicscEngine Operation, Lubrication. PAY S74 Get this information for yoursel tir Lhe, ASK To°sEe i Mall coupon t AUDEL, Publishers; 49 W.23 St., New York 10, N.Y. Mall AUDELS Power, Plant Engineers Gulde (Puce $4) on 7 dagurrite (rai SO wabivmiest Gay days aad Si'monaay oe 'SH's ‘pald. Otherwise, 1 will return fy a Address ‘Occupation OOTY «eto go to College? -- or to enter a Profession? Soha ce ecards Epil Saunt chase Ya tt oo -- Or get an Office Position? ite getanvahere, you practically MUST finish Bish Schoot in SPARE time af home, ae EASE ap our thine and abilities Eoleee frermrolomignnl cmmunetionyfuroae, tury. ridard texts furnished. Diploma. Credit for #8. subjects al- Frndy completed angle sublects if desired Low tution, caa7 ‘hms. American school, Chicago, est. 1807 encorsea by eau ‘ators. Pinish our high school education NOW, Write TODAY High School oi Dept. H-845, Dioxol Ave, at SB St, Chicago 97, tle Send me FREE information covering special tuning in gabe checked below. Bio obligation on my parte Eig r . THE BOOK SUPPLY ‘COMPANY, Dept. 134 STUDY AT HOME With An Educotional Institution Aen with specialized training win higher positions, insure inter carangs, and ae get success fn buines ad sblie lite Opportunities eater than ever before, Bind tor sur Cxtalone ® ARTS and SCIENCES Gourses in Philosophy ; Edveation; Letters; Public Health Medical Jurisprudence: Paychology+ Sociology i. Phyetes Chemistry Phisties Geology ; Political Seience ; Theol Tiusiness, and Commerce: Accounting: Mathematics tatics; Agriculture. ENGINEERING Mechanical, Deaftiog,, Arch Yarme, Chemical, Diesel, Autom Air Conditiontng’ Engineering. LAW Gomplete Professional Law, Course inchiles, 18, Hombosk Series entleg ke, Courses also in Commercial edical Jurisprudence SLUG INDIANA 4 TECHNICAL COLLEGE teetiral, Steam, Aeronautical, Radio, Structural, °M Industrial, Peiroleam, DEGREE IN BC p INT MANAGEMENT f [Comte ts nomstmes aoe, wiih a join in spare tine Enve C THEATRE INSTITUTE, ‘inira new york WHY JOB WORRY? LEARN ELECTROPLATING Highly paid, uncrowded, interesting business. Part or full time, Chromium, Nickel, Gold, Silver, te. Send vosteard for FREE booklet ond proof. PLATER HYDE, Dept. M eae aie Ben wonky ct publishers FREE GG ise et salons.” Reference, Pitan, Javene, ew 1947 catalog, Cte SAVE MONEY BAR BELLS DUMB BELLS 95 at Factory Prices 0 arte rom Feet BOOKLET WITH INDEPENDENT IRON WORKS. POPULAR MECHANICS cove erst Weretiaess, Sexe e aaee Blectst Woe eS ces Point tine war! agit VOL. 2 wiring Sor Lsht Power qviation PeteinaeHongebeld ‘Appiiances Fw Speirs 1, Motors VOL, 3 2.0 Nee Hon, operat Weld Mclveen IL. 5_Armature. & VoL. S dent LT Astorotivts VOL Tad Benes go pace. Led NOVEMBER 1946 ACCEPT THIS AMAZING CUT a Sat GIFT TO YOU! ... Mtere’s one cof thestrent ota ever inde te Bion Eeisieand Wire D apseaiaiy Pee Te oon thing togerit and nothing to keep ft. Ghee ree evga ae py yond efi itcraatins Ailieotbop isis are fallbsowia fulexpanse iigenprettunag Sheet WANT SOU TOHAVE SEIS nOoR _~ohetr RE SVC NnAGME'S ATL ou Sauvn c0DOTO CETTE, Examine My New 7 Volume Set Get This Book of 150 Shop Prints Free! To get your FREE copy of this Shop Ptint book all you have to do is to let me send you my complete new 7 volume set of Sectlen hocks “COYNE PRACTICAL APPLIED ELECT CITY for 7 days FREE examination, Here's a set of books or tho beginner er salstincr im lettical port Whoisanslousto get ahead. Tris Tyolumeset-covers every tin Ticineal dum isowising wadraneed DOS AC maces en equipment, Thousands of “show how” diagrams and photos, 3 pai for daby PREP Sfnatn eran OR NOT OU bre IDE TS tACHICALAPYLIRD ELECTRICITY Keep ALL the books 7 days, If not 10076 pleased with the 7 volume set just retura itand Fotowe nothing If you cop the 7 volumes you can pay for them atthe special Tow rates shown here inthe coupon at right, Coupon Is Not An Order UNLESS You Decide '8.W.Gooke, Di. Come ectical Schon Dept B6- toKeepthe Books — B.¥-Coote. Di Come Hlectrical School Dept. 88-R6 If JOURRNOT BUYING THIS g “°Gmtee eney tree StCOVNE APPLIED EEMREN TOUSEN Tas O pelemleyeNen cartes fosce them BREE forTdaya, 9 Watrite 1 ki Brceousertacacrancrlce gh funeceer tet vaume etn gay ad Repmacnmameyence ientmnecc sumer Tvol.setatter 7days'exami- y frien sii ech Toxine ation. SEND COUPON NOW: Mf tsi vervice snd Technical Ea ie (I fischeri Penile ae il a 31 ODILBUANER PCY E CM eG aa | 4usT ouT! AUDELS OIL BURNER GUIDE =A new practical, concise treatise, 384 pager-31 Chap- ters — 321 Diagrams and Illus trations ~ covering Dome ‘ard Industrial Oil Burners, Gives practical working knowledge of theory, installotion, op: sing, servicing and erati repair of all types of oll berners. Includes electrical hook-ups and wiring diagrams ‘of automatic control systems. PRICE $1 POSTPAID Get this information for youre elf, Nail coupon today, No Obligation uniess sort ASK TO SEE IT jew York10,N.¥. ApocKer Companion. THAT ANSWERS remit Sion ls eatearrnal otherwise | wil retarn ihe book. Mame. -a-nen Aaaress Occupation, Emotoyed by. listen to this Record! SPEAK SPANISH FRENCH, GERMAN, OR ITALIAN ire curemceurriss sid Song esate vets “gY LISTENING” to these NEW CORTINA recordings, Only 15 Minutes a Day ‘The CORTINAPHONE Method FAMOUS FoR 6) YEARS ‘teaches you to speak SPANISH LIKE A NATIVE right in Your own hoine, feiaxed aint at ease. THOUSANDS have Iona’ It the most fascinating, most ‘satistactors method Sige is esueigeste 4 te felep™™ Spanish for PLEAS: Sent on 5 Days. Approval: “THE CORTINA SHORT-CUT” ella JuscCwhat you want to” know. interantine’ Get it © Write Today-WOW! CORTINA ACADEMY (Language Specialists for 60 Years) Bent. 641%, 105 West 40th Street, New York 18, N- Pieage send e—without obligation--sour free Booklet, soins Cortina ShoreCute 1 am intrested io marks OSPANISH CFrench Ciltalian German Neme. Adare 32 Leain PHRTOGRAPHY mee ves are phase of photontaply is care ered, with the latest techniq methods fully explained. There are\thou- sands of opportunities in photography as a career, and hours of pleasure asa hobby, so make the most of them today. 12-Month Home Study Course Written and directed by expert photographers with ‘years of teaching expericnce at ont of America’s lead Te edcttonal fouthtaone, “A seally THOROUGH education in photography, taught in easy steps. an Simple forme. Write tainy for complete Information. MOODY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE, Inc. our modern ard original sya ant yateat earn gree pag position or nege i Bur course of inst Baler rel demane and Pot We ico doce AVIAT Po NING Bayle and Advanced Courses in AERONAUTICAL ENGINE: ‘elso Pre-Engineering SHORT cuT CODE SPEE aa Fiat Le SBes RAYE BURNS SCHOOL, Dept. M, CLEVELAND, OHIO Teara theory and fundamentals at home— Jean ry tala st home- pera ime, “Then, ecguee,actnal experiance public ‘and practice. Send for FREE booklet om a MAGIC vour HOBBY POPULAR MECHANICS NOTICES over 125,000 am. bitious men heve been helped to higher paying jobs with the aid of books listed on this page. EEE IT EAMPENTAY,cRATT FR feroue ace ree ‘woaiworker, Complete in every et See gine est a es ee staircases, routs, ets,, correctly. For carsenters SN Sabena sive tains Sorow To wane alanis FUnnifune, bes of rustle furniture for'the tome: eect Bee ees spasm doweeha, pct te fee Seale dracines, faly Must. 84.00 EE sihrittohe atid prin iT paxer 32.00 HRnchete Beg ns cowsree Sse wewdeeciva: {a the fished Job. “328 iv eae ho Yo. Wow 'Té PLAN X HOUSE: “vies a ook for evers persan wi ever intetds to bulld thete own Rote thie book shows howe tod ceety aie art of 4, movin hat fae fou ie ostomy, “rages Hee bioeoriners 00 41, HANDBOOK OF ORNAMENT. iss desires fevers aster che Conte mM Urtamments as, anpilel 10 HET FeWidl WALL oe #3, Th izing dor tion rae FoR ares isl Shella SPECIAL ff your ryirchase to. swe will send yeu sany Bock You “choose “absclutely” FREE. ‘Hats Brgenes Ns fui tua. ee 38,60, BSNUaE:rhinting "wefHopg at Patthae of ane aieftcy Urouehit $30 iar Wibod aia, Wnt tad G7. GRAINING.” A 20 page comprehensive ade‘of inctrection on the" ait of eraising” al oc) NOVEMBER 1946 aa CHECK THIS LIST OF MONEY-MAKING BOOKS cn aires these books can GET A BETTER JOB AND MAKE MORE MONEY ee — 48. CYCLOPEDIA of PAINTING and DEC. GRATING. Covers pretioas, tolsatd mater 2s fr the hn and worth, ag ever ticular Jon's fully explalpet with Tafge ita ators a elacity tet." S90 pugesec es $8.88 13, PAPERWANGING. & prt oot tat ot Tistratlons.” Orer’ 200 paves... 20, FURNITURE, FURNITURE FINISH. PR! BEtoRAt ton’ and PArcHiNa. Peas tat neve book tat carers: Period Purnia, Koraifure ibeoration’ “Patching. ‘Finishing and many spelal fnsbes. 980° pages, ab itu ss.08 Guarantee Crtoney Books ace gunranteed tbe sb0- Iieiy taitectory even espe er Sour money il be theefally retonded Tne GaTeWAY BOON CO. Dept: PM-22 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MANUALS ‘JUST RELEASED! Aust, relenced ae. Ceiba altos” published oie bet eatinfete unt authuritatiee itor i aualise. Ty cover ll phases of 3 bea srr af tortie for all Antere 1h avlomtive wants tay Ue P ook and sete by merits number: SET No. 1 ‘the ereice. Statin, 21. vot. t feat heck sixnenstn, steering and. cite 2. VoL. 2: janter Oil ms Hnilge Nepal and Malntenanee, Fuel si nition, Stes, Antonine Fetes 23: Comtination rice, theavasctw 014 3800 Ser No.2 24. The Engine BE: Eosing ie id il “Sates. Aetomstive Electret ‘The’ Powe Flew Ghastis Units, Eomtinatin ind In pape, app. ees eens 30,, REFRIGERATION SERVICE NAN Sees ener ees seks a 3u, PLOniBiNiG INSTALLATION cod RE Fehak ley fauretn caged ole digi SEWEATING COOLING ane AIR CONDI FrONIWG, ot pasts on heating ofa pes, nares controls, ete, €4 chatia, 331 ius, $4.00, aa 2B, PRACTICAL ELETAICITY and HOUSE Beeause ie debunks al the siteres oF ets ty dthag tot sour own wiring Bc ARWATURE and MAGNET WINDING. rover with filets 82.00 55; WOUSE WiltNa MADE EA CaEe TIS 36, WELDING. “Ave, opt, butt and elttric elaine, ge. igs 52.09 mW ens WANUAL Goinglete tnsteartions "er intorsration “a eer} phase of sest meet maMtng. Lneiudes ‘any fates os hagese dz3 lust 238-00 438. METAL SPINNING “A new art of proven ins ase at the cra sn Baw UeEAR epinwiWe phoseers: “ets Foe to. make bows. lens, er lag alshes bok ey ane stketee"_ Gompaste wari Ine vatteims and ues tions ser5 40. TIN CAN PROJECTS. ‘Tells how to turn cin! af obet of bets that fomnand All the workin pater and deatunt. oS maieriats and equinmient fe in esas ae eters, aa how WTS WHITTLE AND CARVE. Cc fete directions for el es of wuTtbg and ti0nn Biante hs work 275 43, CREATIVE CRATE CHAP from Glotpet crates aa tence 2.00 44, IDEAS FOR THE YARD.” Novel ‘honk fist ster hundreas of suxeestions and plans for things you can wake Yr sour gard 81-50 Uitte, eS a THE GATEWAY Please sea the boots Uve cited. fentgvotace nl hapa, ES eta the 00K CO., 32 N. State St. eon, Ht renal, feait yn (8 fun 12 PA QMUR EM aad ddd d tot 8B WB Mo ern a lk tas. Ay gk 1 8 1 ge now BE OaR oH 1 built. this television cand Boy, what @ {get wonderful pictures ond shows on It. Below, all about how I did it. honey ‘ell You How | Built My Own Television Receiver By Bill Nagel In a few years I'l be able to “write my own ticket.” T always had a yen to get into television, even while I was in the service, But I didn’t know just ‘or so very long ago, television was a com: plete mystery to me. But not only did I build a complete television receiver chassis, but I hhad a lot of fun doing it. And P’ve learned 0 much that I'm well on the road to becoming an expert. how to go about it—until heard about N.Y.T.L. of N.J. I went there with my discharge papers, and they did the rest. They showed me how the Vet- erans Administration would pay up to $500 a year against my total educational expenses, under the G. 1. Bill of Rights. This meant that Thad to pay very litile out of my own pocket. It’s a hig breal for veterans like myself—especially when you get subsistence allowances in addition. And part-time jobs are easy to get so you can earn extra money. Of course, all of the students here aren’t veterans. ‘What bothered me at first, was that my mathe- matics was kind of rusty, I soon found that the school had brush-up courses in math and even had facilities for teaching radio math from the begin« ning to students who had never had a high school education, I convinced them that I was sincere Advertisement POPULAR MECHANICS and enthusiastie and that I was technically in clined, and so I became a student. You ‘a you just can’t build a television set right off. 1 built seven radio sets and had to go through a total of 75 electronic experiments, before “5 would even let me start on a television receiver, Then I began work in earnest. The instructors around here have plenty on the ball, and it was (.. amazing how fast I progressed. Boy, school was never like this. You should see the magnificent equipment. There’s a swell gang here. They come from all over, because practical television schools are hard to find, and N.Y.TI. of N.J. has a ‘wonderful rep when it comes to television, I don’t believe that you can find betier training anywhere. Another thing I like about N.Y.TI. of N (New York Technical Institute of New Jersey) is the convenient location. It’s right in the heart of America’s electronic industry, (Newar only 19 minutes from New York City. television and electronics manufacturers are near- by—like RCA, General Electric and Edison. So are the hig network stations like WJZ, WEAF and WOR. This means that the school is always right in touch with the latest developments. ‘The conditions here are ideal. They have thou- sands and thousands of dollars worth of the latest Those ore my classmates (note that | em second from the left, standing) with the television ‘receiver chassis thay built at thé some tim NOVEMBER 1946 tand my fellow students use for comy Durpotes at NV.T oF Nd. the very atest equipment in television is ours to inspect ond Study "ot the school. transmitters also. Here you mI hope to enroll for @ types of equipment. There is a great deal of in- dividual instruetion and the instructors. know their business. Tam sure there are a lot of fellows, particularly veterans, who want to get into this field. I under- stand there are about 120 openings now for new day students in the classes beginning this Never ber and December. If you want the complete dope about the school, you can have a free bulletin, which illustrates and describes its facilities and equipment, It also tells the classes that may be at- tended, housing conditions, costs, hours, ete. There is no charge for this bulletin. Just ask for Bulletin 211. Send your postcard or letter to the New York Technical Institute of New Jersey, 158 Market Street, Newark, N. J. at ot home later Give yourself the Backing Of @ Kesiasl i epucls atsedof REFRIGERATION AIR CONDITIONING Refrigeration and Air Conditioning have leading place in fast growing fields of our time. Frained men paid well to sri “asta alntain, repair, retaild house: Hold end commercial retrigerstore. Einportant now developmentasuck wozen Foods and many ‘new Gnaustrial uses" Demand for com- mercial installations tn reseauc Tants, butcher shops, taverns, Horisis, bakeries, ete. aif condt Honing in homes, offices, shops. START NOW—Full and Part Time Ea There may never again be such opportu- ities for men. who. want better Jabs or business of thelr own ¢0 Pa oe a btiRltad coving ttneat Voter aaad Inge gh stn aes ton van aBRSUETRETOR NB RE ACES PnuGren h war nae gn OF SEPANG'UE Youn’ OWN BoaNeSS Come Direct porcini france ae ie, abe ours E Arete tale cree FACTS FREE for Men Who Want I COMMERCIAL {400 W. Greenieat, Chieaso 26. [mete MPS ROE, ‘0 Veteran Yours TO-DAY The New Luellen HARMONICA Most wonderful pocket instrument ever made 1s the harmonica, Easy Zo muster, fun for Everyone. ‘The Luelen ‘nas 10 holes, 20 notes. Key of ©. Beautiful 2. 35 tone. Now ready. Postpaid Only... 2 INSTRUCTION BOOK. Simple for youngest child. No notes, scales nor exercises. ‘Ten lesson charts show everything. Tacludes “B popular songs. Price $1.00. Here's our special introductory offer: The Instructor and the Harmaniea, beth postpaid, both for $2.85, Send Check or Money Order Today. ice. Write teday 10 Dept, 80. NATIONAL POULTRY INSTITUTE, Adams Center, N. Y. BUILDING Millions of homes needed. Nation wide cal fr Bullders. Byoruinities. Leqrn, som Bhan ilne. raculent pragma SHEN" blueprints. "86 bootss fore Frias Hetsom and’ blue print plans. CHICAGO TECHNICAL COL What Every Mason Wants . We have important Masonic books for Blue Lodge, Chapter, Commandery, Scottish Rite, and Shrine. tals Are Used the World Over. Send for maf books snd aituale for Masons, ts of Pythias, Knights of Columbus, etc: i (0. Box 706, PN, Chicane FIGURE DRAWING WITHOUT A MODEL Ts took Oring fous art shale ht to yar Frog 0) renife drow i Yo SSL Boys Tm them guts your att Cares Sortoaid."Grdsr Now Art Books iat inelsdedFREC. HOUSEOF LITTLE BOOKS, 80-4 Estt 11m St, New York 9 Ae Sa eS FACTS — FIGURES — FACES TearSee BURRS THOR BOOKS, Z-2, Box 1210, Chicago learn BAKING At Home ‘ig one of Amerien's high Industries in wages. if deprenycroor Toocugh taue hae ares "Baking. BI a 4:3 MEMORY POPULAR MECHANICS pass a iA Tat Cr Get Ready — at Home — in Spare Time For Opportunities of Peacetime Industrial Expansion Sat manual “Modern Ridig Servicing. cite ao it"Intormation. Ro doubt about it! — Radio, Television and Eleciroales ts a dy- Rede at RL ran Tintin evan Siete fa aie he re oie ei ee Bole ead stiede aes acs (ers re in de they need maintenance and repai, Mine many more | gaMOne. Wau may. Mees fiist be bullet satiuy even aormal demand, “Aralaed men ars || Gheemanwa ly ete ‘constantly needed (o Keep this pulsating industry movin thead. | YOURS FREE. Strom are mechanteally. fol #ricoraooithe postion nb fopar! Foe Facts PACKED: witt OPPORTUNITY YOU usr Man. Tile COUPON BELOW. ace tearm By De strurtln, practice and exp ae ite ie ce aac” = he sere of the mney ths Bapertenee ‘wag with Seta ft wd eyntpavent tne ere Fai {eee Pn apnrored method — rata it tate PARTE EE fark at you Kiowa yt : iftoin the start. "No salesman will rail on you Te will only take a taoment to ay from Sattonal. | Tou et tie oa ae ence ste trial lesen, “FOYE i SHEE Wow geem oy THE INREMEST some of the Radio | GAN AECOMPLYSI IN a ne thal is furnisara | SHOW? TIME. ere Bwistnal’s Shon Method 3 BiG. SEVEN une. LONG Theory oun tor GEERAETEC | “Sitio Stone an torn you sete Psa res a Experience fred adio tramsinitior) and | Ekrtronioe tor Nationa has the Training Men for Successt orator where tne earn by Dolug! ‘Kara AL vn: NATIONAL SCHOOES <<. sare lume Rocio works | eae one a oar Pas ‘naif ELC ae ane. 3 appn Saxe El Ghack aia’ ié Veter ot Wierd War i thal at —* Siioe? Leste tecrasasensanaecneeenemenal NOVEMBER 1946 37 Ghirardi Makes it Easy for You to ATHOME . .. IN SPARE TIME iete training FOR ONLY $5 vert none RADIO ‘COURSE ok ean tearh you tare igtrones qucker sd asier than a "uated™ for ay #6 COST WeN"hrore Sori ve flewantiy. surprised Tne oulekii¢ helpe Soy Understand ererg one bjt mere eh fe'nore widely used it jg ew weeks so het a nae 308 ile AUDELS Carpenters | and Builders Guides 4vols.$6 low to,se the ste square—Ilon to Sle and sot Siss“hiow te. bund Turntiore— How uses etulirn census NOW! LEARN HARMONICA New, Quick, Easy Wa: 10 Easy Lessor in 10 Minutes! Macior Harmonica mete m mah. ARE ane STUDY AT HOME fee" tried mee a ine poe ‘and publiclife. Great ono inl rere fore More hbiity: More Prestige: More Money Srcnemener arent ous fy agate aa ae MECHANICS COURSE aEFRIGERATI AND AIR CONDITIONING Learn at home—bow to start your own repair shop on lite tie capital. No previous experience needed, Common school education sufficient. Splendid opportunity for older men. Prepare now for your future. PREE illustrated booklet, MECHANICS TRAINING SCHOO! oadway, Dept. P-11, Los Angeles 3, Calif, OZMENT'S INVENTION. corrects ‘Guaranteed. Weis, "Gement, ia SSSR ee BOOKS Do YoU wave? sect vg thn lower areas praeUNo cherge for Toeatng ‘Print Books. ED ot EW, ‘nailed POS128: REE. BEkacHLIGHT BOOK CLUB, 22 East 1704 Sti, Now York City INT AL DRAFTING , Shapers, re Expert training on Lathes, Milling Machin« Grinders, ete—Mechanical Drafting, Blueprint Read- ing and Designing. equipped and modern. Approved for G. I, Training ‘Allied shops are completely Days, Evenings. ALLIED so li TRADES 1330 South Michigan jeaao 5, POPULAR MECHANICS 1. au Hading a sew joy hat] Rive alas wanted "to piay. but Dai given. up’ bope uml nesta ETON ORG. 8. Lucien, Oxla. ‘he Tetons tree in unertand NOVEMBER 1946 ft Donces tena nave been tay" er “ate pom ‘armed mney i start ‘OU think It’s dimeutt to learn mu- sic? That's what thousands of others nave thought! gust like you, they longed to play some instrument —the piano, violin, guitar, saxophone or other favorites. But they denied themselves the pleasure—because they thought it took months and years of tedious study to learn. Learn in Spare Time at Home And then they made an amazing aiseovery! They learned about, a won= erful way to learn music at home — without a private teacher — without tedious, study —and tn a surprisinel short time. ‘They wrote to the U.S. School of Music for the facts about this Femarkable shortveut methed. Aud ihe facts opened their eyes! ‘They were amazed to And how easy it was to learn. “The result? Over 850, 000 men and women have ‘School of Music, 711 Brunvwi Studied music at home terested 4m tous studs 9 this simple, A-B-C way. et befons Phen ete 3 Now, allover the world, | “itow to"i-ctn ‘Aisle ‘st"'Wome’ aad’ sour ince Pri Setbtectic reine tarre | Pi Sunn es are enjoying the tt nophone ccmbone —Praet Satisfaction of creating Trumpet Cornet Fite fi have found the ‘key to “Ear good times, popularity and prot, ‘COSTS LESS THAN 7c A DAY And that’s what you can do, right now. Ger the root ‘that you. too, can learn to play your favorite instrument—quickly. eas ily, in spare time at home ! | | | thelr own music, ‘They | | | | | | i sve foupleted your course and sour 1000 for Course ‘The lessons are 40 simple that anyone ean Tetstand then” Tshave Tearset te. par sie in ar itle ‘wore ‘aa wate int take a thowend dollars tw my rutses “St eA" ansaa City, Mo Wouldn't Toke $ for less than seven cents a day. Never mind if you have no musical knowledge, {raining or talent. Just read the fas” cinating fustrated ooklet and Print and Picture Sample that fully explain all about the famous U. 8. School of Music method. “Ir interésted tear out . ‘te coupon now, before you turn the page. U.S. School of Music, Ui Brunswick Bldg... New York TONY. Largest gehgsi bi Rend in the world. Please don't coptuse our method with any ‘latiming 10 exch you easly and ‘ilay te ‘play reat Forty-eight cy ‘year (Est, 1898) Tasteuent ‘SAVE 2¢— STICK COUPON ON PENNY POSTCARD help You get and hold an important job, y eerie aa Rag tia inant Rint eae dulce Felerenee method. "Ube ine sree at Roe etal Ae maa’ ee eae eee cee core pa Seem eet Grea of valunble iluatrations. Send the A yeaa contultng oruloges 3] hat Hea Ge in va] rs Profitable IN 90 DAYS AT HOME Money-Making Career Open to Men and oe 18 to 50 ge taatne or, oan nm be. campleted” in"'3 ta white'ties lear. ‘Resin’ your training st sce. Anatomy Charts & Booklet FREE tow and welll rehide, at no extra cst, Wy nceted stan, Fit gonraeit to rowing mand tx SlentiRe “in Booties ond canphas detail en Ho SN coon Aven tts. 40 ‘The field of Landscape Gardening FF fers unusual opporeunies fe foes ‘wained men... greatly sugmened a ee the hope home-building and 7 ‘Bodernising program ahead. We 4 Frovidthoongh orerering home = training during your spate tine... pleoton! outdoor” Sapte to your regional conditions “unerowded'Reld, —'APPROVID fr VITIRANS BE YOUR OWN BOSS [A predate sys, I fased che Thereare many enplornenteppet- toate about emo months go and. tunic inthis rota wncowded ferrlaveege chee $200 perbent beklr outa coy sors, efx ay te: Trine, Wee ela Service rom Coast o Coast NATIONAL LANDSCAPE INSTITUTE | GEPARTMTENT_F_756_ SOUTH EROADWAY — Los ANGELES 14 "How To Speak SPANISH tick hes Selif aa a oe oa POPULAR MECHANICS BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE! Featuring this Powerful - SERIES 16 | AM-FM CHASSIS . AT SENSATIONAL i FACTORY-TO-YOU PRICES i948 and tak FREQUENCY, oe MODULATION, PUT THIS WORLD RANGING CHASSIS IN YOUR PRESENT CABINET OR SELECT A NEW: v7 cts LINE OF BRILLIANT NEW CONSOLE RADIOS AND RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS The SYMPHONY GRAND SERIES 16* AM-FM RADIO-PHONOGRAPH CONSOLE with NEW AUTOMATIC RECORD-CHANGER “THE MAGNIFICENT PUT al i8 Dept, 25-A © 909 BROADWAY + emmeneatt 2, OHO * “2 NOVEMBER 1946 41 HOW TO REPAIR eae eS APPLIANCES START YOUR OWN SHOP “Be Independent H. T. ARMSTRONG General Manager You Can Pay for Your Home Training With Just One Good Repair Job! ¥ou can make more money when times are good, and you don't Rave to worry about losing your job when Umes are slow if you have your ova ‘dlectrica appit- wrirea for sleetricity sive 19M aking the opportunity and demand for service me- Ghonlos in thie Held the gremtest in History Interesting Work! Easy to Learn! ining, teaches you, the cost of the ‘with ot Halt reat Hi, Sa SO AA at neuen mw | “HOW TO START YOUR OWN Bi rv TODAY for FREE BOOK jeneral Manoger PACIFIC TRAINING SCHOOL 7217 So. Broadway, Dept. 11-P, Lor Angeles 3, Calif, Dear sirs: Please send me, without obligauion, your free catalog and full details. Name. | | | | | | address. | eI EASY TO LEARN CODE {eam or jncrease speed wih an Instrtogeaph Hai | I Ni V) E N T I N G seltiet ade ye pre-test, the ‘rode neat lonen en oh porn Wadia ce eae Peak tae eat oar nee ARSEIZOTE of ‘AMERICAN | INVENTORS sts NW, Washington 6 BG. ted. ailed free’ on ‘reason. FE UNLIMITED.” Dept. PM-11 HOME STUDY ° SHOP TRAINING Learn Plastics, Refrlgera~ Hon o: Diesel, Study at home, shop wotk lat WATCHES WANTED friten oc tae kinds. Hlaest ries pald for Jewelry, snes, spetaces. aid tialied promper. vn feeb lamonds. eters f ‘This new 128-pace POPULAR MECHANICS Find OPPORTUNITY Where DEMAND is Great! AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRING ES . —— ‘Youmen who are tiredof being rated in your job should look into a field where demand ishuge—and gives ever indication of Dwing a larger! Such a fieldis AUT BODY and FENDER REPAIRING. As long as there are cars on the road, there’ll be dents and bumps to be fixed, body repairs to be made, replacements of worn or damaged parts! The more cars—the more WORK! Millions of old ears are on the road today, with fenders and bodies in great need of repair and refinishing. Thou- sandsarerolling off production linesnow. Within ashort, ian time they'll be coming into shops for maintenance, ‘Here is a Trade that Needs Manpower! ‘The man with ambition recognizes great opportunity here for life- time work, either at 4 dependable job or in his own business. For AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIR is the kind of business which can be started with small capital. And, what’s more, AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRING, as taught by UEL, is easy to learn! No previous experience nor high school education is necessary—what's si needed is a liking for mechanical work. ins Ve 5 oe DIESEKa os | Old Established School Offers Practical Training \ e ‘ sme | Sane aba, tere HOME STUDY AND SHOP PRACTICE repais ‘UET's Course in Aute Body and Fender Repairing is arranged so youcan begi WELDIN hints | yoursvoly napare time without nsrferig withyouspresent{ob Youloara pre and hooters ray ant ‘laboutauto body repairs and refinishing, body alignment, and many other sub- tals oF MANS practice: jects. Then, when you have completed your home study, you continue your st wel ‘Course here in our well-equipped residential sehoul where you receive practi- ERATION cal experience in the repairing and refinishing of damaged bodies, tops,doors REF RIGA Tinton (0 and fenders, the replacing of door panels and turret tops, use of tools, spray he nd ("ona domes painting,acetylene welding, under personsl supervision of capable instructors, ail com ONING GET FULL FACTS FREE! and : tion a, Since 1921, UEI has trained thousands of men for new opportunity nation. *Ef nome 2 . felds, and students are making good. Iryou want to et ahead, tout Auto Body & Fender Repairing, and its op. ‘Don't walt~investigato now. Mall eoupon today. { 1314.W. Belden Ave., Chicago 14, Ilinols ‘Yes! Send me the facts FREE about the field checked below. DAuto BodyandFender ODiesel Engine Refrigeration Welding DAir Conditioning Osmo a RU 3 1314 W. Belden Ave., Dept. MERE Chicago 14, Ill. (DE World War II Veteran give length of sereiee——————— GCoeve here for special Information If yoo are under Ti, NOVEMBER 1946 43, | [PRACTICAL SHOP TRAININ in AIR CONDITIONING Myox are between 35 and £8 Domestic - Commercial - Industrial $ REFRIGERATION J SERVICE-MAINTENANCE INSTALLATION Approved for G. I. Training Write for Details aS OMMERCIAL TRADES. INSTITUTE BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA a month is all you have to pay for Old Line, Legal Reserve LIFE INSURANCE ‘This is half the Permancos Rat, payable wad the ih ese, You ge $1,754 of Protection all your liteif you are ow 20, $1,460 if you are 30, $1,142 if 40, etc. Prov Furegnns tows Hobe apes ges your Isaacs YOUR POLICY WILL BE FULLY PAID-UP JN 30 YEARS ‘wit to par and all benefits continue, Sen Eason ee fa al ad ectun fe fong Poeon 5Books ied ‘BOe- “iOBookstor $1 ‘SENT TO YOU POsTPAID New York) Nel ee Me 1 4 ea meee me comple information shoot yout new “$2.00 Snooth", soPayment Modided 5 Whole Life Policy i my a. Pr AL eee RIFLES pprrarpererrrrrym PISTOLS ORDER BEWJANIN AIR RIFLES & BENJAMIN AIR PISTOLS Des for our FREE FOLDER and | GPrpiitersueetieattong TooAY.” ‘Both Caubre Benamin | 2 BEWAMIN' AiR RIFLE C0., 812 MARION ST, ST. LOUIS 4, MO, | wow’ TRAVEL FOR “UNCLE SAM’ RAILWAY $1,756 to $3,021 First Year Prepare now for many Coming Examinations POSTAL Veer ten aot ini —— CLERKS Fearn westrute pep. ss Rosner 4 WY. i, Bam, tome, ion chara copy, of -m Se Ibook ‘Government Job," list of T dezihgns tna Fl pariouints Yale Row 8 eualify City end Rural Carri I InspectorsAccountants clerks ot Wash 1 “Meany other Government Jobs. H Aadrese.... 44 POPULAR MECHANICS 28%, Animals, Game-heads, Fish, Pets and to Tan Skins. Save your valuable trophies. Kill only a FEW game birds but DOUBLE your : bs interest and pleasure in hunting. Beanexpert taxider- S. MEN, BOYS! trict Team quicely BY MAIL, {rom our simple lessons. A woncer- | ful, profitable hobby for expert hunters andALSO TOR BOYS and YOUTHS on farm or in city. FUN - FASCINATION - PROFIT Have a Home Museum | 300,000 STUDENTS BE Bae ‘inte wey tte anf’mate yeu well known and popular. "Spartswen, Boys Help Save the Game pa rec ars noo ten sac: | ol Sree trad by killing the bag limit. Help at wild- Sea ei Nap ee oe WHAT YOU LEARN Occ semot lesan sch rom guemtten | test Beautifully and ermanetty tame yeabs igh a il also fearn the w ‘wonderful Ki KROME! STAN > eg == == | FREE BOOK! y BS 7 = Yeo, FREE, {pact wih 10 ungue ie Se a ee sebamel Jous Ant fod Hee Sop Bite ou? Send the Coupon! stead Sift NOVEMBER 1946 45

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