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The atmosphere is the _protective_ layer that surrounds the Earth.

The most abundant gases in the atmosphere are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). There are also smaller
proportions of other gases, such as water vapour, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane (metano).

Human activity increases the quantity of certain gases in the atmosphere such as the carbon dioxide, methane,
nitrogen oxides etc..
Fill in the gaps with other gases, nitrogen, oxygen as it corresponds.
Other gases



• Importance of the atmospheric gases in life:

. Nitrogen is essential for the construction of _proteins_.
. Oxygen is essential for the _respiration__ of living things. Thanks to this respiration, living things obtain energy to
perform their vital functions.
. Carbon dioxide is used by plants in the _phtosynthesis__to obtain sugars, and many animals take these sugars
when they feed on plants.
. __water_ vapour is essential for the existence of liquid water, without which living things could not exist.


Gases in the atmosphere are arranged according to their density, forming different layers:





. In the troposphere, life exists and __meteorological__ phenomena occur. It contains 90% of the total mass of the
atmospheric gases. Temperature _decreases__ with altitude in this layer.

. In the stratosphere, gases move horizontally, which gives stability for the planes to travel smoothly in this layer.
The stratosphere contains the __ozone__ layer, which protect us from ultraviolet rays. Temperture __increases_
with altitude in this layer.

. In the mesosphere, meteorites__ desintegrate when they reach our atmosphere and become shooting stars
(estrellas fugaces). Temperature _descends_ with altitude in this layer.

. In the thermosphere, the strongest solar radiation is absorbed. The temperatue _reaches_ up to 1000ºC in this

. The exosphere has a very low concentration of gases, almost non-existent. Artificial _satelites_ are located in this


• Greenhouse effect – global warming – climate change
It is the phenomena by which the atmosphere retains some of the heat from the Sun, which increases the
_temperature_ on the surface of the Earth.

It is caused by certain gases, such as the ________ _________, methane, nitrogen oxides (óxidos de nitrógeno) or
water vapour.

It is a natural effect that allows the Earth to have a mild temperature on its surface (15ºC on average, de media),
which allows the existence of _______.

However, the amount of greenhouse effect gases has increased during the last decades due to human action.

The main causes for that increase are as follows:

- Burning of fossil_ fuels (combustibles fósiles) such as coal (carbón) and oil (petróleo) for industry, heating
systems and _vehicles_.
- Destruction of _forests_, which act against the greenhouse effect by absorbing _CO2___ __from the
- Industrial farming. Livestock (ganadería) produces high amount of methane, which has got a powerful
greenhouse effect, greater than that of the carbon dioxide.

The increase in the average temperature of the Earth is called _global___ warming____ (calentamiento global),
which causes changes in the Earth climate. This is known as _climate__ __change_ (cambio climático).’
Consequences of climate change:

- Glaciers melting, which results in a rise in the sea levels, causing _flooding_ in coastal areas.
- Alteration of the water cycle, giving rise to different weather patterns: more torrential_ rains in some parts
of the Earth and _desertification_ in others.
- Appearance of new infectious _plagues_ carried by animals, which move their usual habitats to different
places where they can survive better.
- Dissappearance of _ecosystems_ and the living things that live in them.

• The Ozone Layer

It acts as a filter, protecting the living things of the Earth from some harmful solar radiaton, such as the _X_ rays.

The depletion (desaparición, reducción) of the ozone layer, usually known as ‘the hole in the ozone layer’ (agujero en
la capa de ozono) is caused by the emission of artificial chemical compounds, known as chlorofluorocarbon gases
(CFCs), present in _aerosol_ cans (latas de aerosoles), _refrigerants_ in fridges (líquidos refrigerantes de frigoríficos),
air conditioning systems and solvents (disolventes). These chemicals destroy the molecules of _ozone_:

Consequences of the ozone layer depletion:

- Disorders in the _______ and eyes, such as skin cancer, blindness or premature cataracts (cataratas
prematuras, que suceden a temprana edad).
- Deterioration of our _immune_ system that protects us from diseases.

Thus, we should use CFC-free products.

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