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3-2-1 Exit Ticket

3 new learnings from our course work today:

● Goal setting is beneficial when it comes to students feeling in control of their own
● When choosing assessments that other people have developed, you are responsible for
making sure that they are appropriate for intended use.
● Under Personally Identifiable Information (PII) teachers cannot post people's grades.
When you are 18 years old+ is FERPA kicks in parents cannot see your grades if they try
and contact a teacher.

2 items that you feel need clarification or refinement:

● How do you prevent past teachers from talking about your current students?
● How do accommodations reflect in a student’s final grade without giving them an
extreme amount of extra assistance?

1 question for me regarding the topics we discussed today:

How do you make sure that when you are providing accommodations that are not legally binding
how are you doing so without being unfair to the students? (Example: not giving students the
answer or telling them how to spell something)

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