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Calcium : is a mineral.

What does calcium do for our bodies ? Calcium helps build bones and teeth and keeps them
strong. Calcium is also involved in muscle contraction.

Why is it important to get enough calcium every day? Eating enough calcium every day
throughout life can prevent osteoporosis later in life. If available, display a visual that shows the
difference between healthy and unhealthy bone and how osteoporosis causes bones to become
weak. a. As part of the natural aging process, bones begin to break down faster than new bone
can be formed. b. Osteoporosis takes away the minerals that make up the internal supporting
structures of bone until it becomes so weak and brittle that bending to pick up a newspaper,
lifting a vacuum, or even coughing can cause a fracture. c. Even though it may not seem like you
need to worry about this now, your bones are busy storing calcium they need for later in life.

How else can we keep our bones strong? Weight-bearing activities cause your bones and muscles
to work against the force of gravity and help your bones absorb the calcium that they need. .
Examples of weight bearing activities include walking, jogging, aerobics, dancing, gymnastics,
tennis, push-ups, basketball, volleyball, field hockey, football, soccer, racquetball, weight-lifting.

How much do we need from the Dairy group each day to get enough calcium? Children and
teens 9-18 years old should get at least 3 cups of dairy foods each day to help get the
recommended 1300mg of calcium. Remember that you can find how much calcium (and vitamin
D) is in a food or beverage by checking the nutrition facts label.

How they could include dairy foods with their meals and snacks.? Here’s an example of a menu
that contains calcium-rich foods: a. Breakfast- whole grain cereal with low-fat milk and a glass
of calcium fortified orange juice. b. Lunch- a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce,
tomato and cheese; low-fat yogurt c. Dinner- grilled chicken, broccoli, macaroni and cheese,
low-fat chocolate milk

What is lactose intolerance? Discuss responses. People with lactose intolerance have a hard time
digesting the lactose (sugar) that is in milk and many dairy products. Eating or drinking dairy
foods may upset their stomachs; however, it is still important for people with lactose intolerance
to get enough calcium.

Food that rich of calcium :

Spinach/greens (vegetable) • Cheese (dairy) • Canned salmon (if it contains bones) (protein) • Fat
free milk (dairy) • Chocolate milk (dairy) • Macaroni & cheese (dairy & grains) • Yogurt (dairy)
• Frozen yogurt (dairy) • Broccoli (vegetable) • Hot chocolate (made with milk) (dairy) •
Pudding (made with milk) (dairy) • Pizza (dairy, grains, vegetable) • Baked beans (protein) •
Fortified juice (fruit) • Soymilk (dairy) • Fortified oatmeal/cereal (grains)

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