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Allergens Mild reactions involve skin redness, hives, or

can be introduced into the body via contact,
ingestion(food), inhalation (dust, pollen), or More severe are respiratory reactions,
injection(medication, drugs).
itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, difficulty
Initial sensitization to the allergen is required;
breathing, and wheezing
subsequent contact results in an inflammatory
response such as hayfever, urticarial Life-threatening reactions such as a
(hives),allergic rhinitis, eczema, and bronchial shock is rarely the first sign
is the body pathological reaction to illness,
some proteins in latex can produce mild to trauma or severe pyro
severe all addition, chemicals added during
processing can also cause skin rashes stress. It can be caused by body fluid loss,
cardiac failure, obstruction of blood flow to the
Irritant contact dermatitis vital organs
is the most common reaction to latex products Assessment of level of neurological and
and is characterized by the development of cognitive function (Indicator)
irritated dry, itchy areas on the skin, usually

the hands
Glasgow Coma Scale

Allergic contact dermatitis
Level of Conciousness (LOC)
(delayed hypersensitivity) results from
exposure to the chemicals added to latex LOC assessment
during its manufacture. Ask the patient to state his/her name, date,
Rash usually begins 24-48 hours following address and the reason for coming in the
contact and can lead to oozing skin blisters and department/hospital
/or spread to areas of away from the area of
initial contact. Note the patient's ability to follow directions
during instruction regarding positioning for the
Latex allergy (immediate hypersensitivity)
examination. Note the movement that cause
can be a much more serious reaction to latex. pain or difficulty in movements, alteration in
Reactions usually begin within minutes of behavior or lack of response
exposure to the latex, but can occur hours
later. Assess the patient vital signs at this time if
current readings are not on the chart
Increase intracranial pressure
there's an increase in systolic blood pressure Anaphylactic shock
or widening of the pulse pressure, slowing of
(caused by severe allergic reaction)
pulse may also indicate, increase in respiration,
blood pressure decrease, pulse rate decrease Patient history:
further, rapid rise or fall of body temperature
may also indicate as such Obtain a short but adequate, relevant patient
history or why the exam is being done.
Stages of Shock Continuum
Routes of administration:
Stage I : compensatory or nonprogressive
Contrast media are usually administered orally
Stage Il : decompensatory or progressive or intravenously, there are a number or routes
and methods of drug administration.
Stage Ill: irreversible stage
Drugs and medications
Different Classification of Shock
maybe administered either orally(enteral) or
Hypovolemic shock (caused by too little blood
volume - a blood loss)
Cardiogenic shock (due to heart problem and
heart can't pump blood to vital organ) refers to any route other than via the digestive
tract and includes topical, subcutaneous,
Obstructive shock (results from pathological
intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous, and
condition that interfere with the normal
intrathecal (spinal tap/lumbar puncture).
pumping action of the heart) ex. pulmonary
Distributive or vasogenic shock (decrease Enteral-
blood pooling from peripheral blood vessel
is contrast delivered orally or via the digestive
result in decreased venous return of blood to system
the heart)
3 types of Distributive shock
Neurogenic shock
Contrast is introduced into a particular organ
(loss of sympathetic tone causing for better visualization and
vasodilatation of peripheral vessel, uneven
blood distribution throughout the body. It's it highlights the anatomic structures and /or
often the result of a severe injury to the central used to evaluate physiologic activity
nervous system, a spinal injury, or damage to (voiding cystourethrography, pharyngography,
the brain) oral cholecystography).
Septic Shock
(shock resulting to infection) (Gram negative
bacteria most common causative organism in
septic shock)

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