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Name: Godfre M.

Anaud Section: Polaris 1A Date: September 07, 2022

Portfolio/ePortfolio Task #4: Symbol for Self and Essay


1. DRAW a symbol of what may represent yourself. (Note: Do not use a picture from other
sources like the net) Just below your drawing, explain your choice of the symbol/s that may
represent you. Use a separate sheet of short white bond paper and don’t forget to write the
portfolio task number, your name, section and date of completion. Take a picture and upload it
to your eportfolio. Do your work independently to enjoy a perfect score of 20 points (10-
drawing, 10-paragraph).


“It always seems impossible, until it’s done”, by Nelson Mandela is a quote that I
embodied in life. This implies to a meaning of never giving up easily despite of every hindrances
on your way to success. Also, it gives strength to you as a person and as an individual to do
things with a minimal time of rest and to motivate yourself to do more as you finish the task.
Carabao represents in my life being as hardworking, efficient, power, and perseverant
person. As Carabao is distinctively classified as a hardworking animal for it plows the field in
any time of the day and it has always been a known tool of the farmers to cultivate their lands
as far from the ancient ages up to the present times. As for me, I relate myself on being
hardworking as to how I execute this on study and doing chores on our house and farm. I
always study hard for I aim high with regards to my rating in school and it’s because I’m a
grade conscious person. When I’m home and at our farm, I always help my parents in farm
works in order to lessen their workloads especially when watering the plants and crop products
and feeding the chickens, pigs, and other domesticated animals.

Being a perseverant person, I don’t tend to give up easily and as long as I can, I will
always do my will with full power to do and finish things. Just like a Carabao who works
efficiently, I also do possess this attitude for as I do every tasks, it must be done accordingly
and well managed.

In this context, Carabao is not only an animal nor something a tool for cultivating lands
thus, it symbolizes how hardworking and determined I am as a person and student and with
that characteristics, I always bear in mind that, despite of all odds I needed to keep motivated,
and be persistent until I taste success. Survival can be summed up in three words “NEVER GIVE

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