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Project: CONSENT

Course: 4th Year (2020)

● Zoom
● Google Classroom

● Students should enter with their real names and surnames.
● The ID and password will be shared five minutes before the meeting on
Google Classroom. After 5 minutes, the session will be blocked and no one
will be able to enter.
● Each session will have its own ID and password.
● Cameras on.
● The waiting room will be on. Students’ names will be checked carefully before
they enter by comparing them with our list.
● Interaction in the chat room will only be available between the host and
● The option of sharing the screen will only be available for the hosts.
● Students will not be able to write on the screen, only the hosts.
● Sending files will be available only for hosts.

Google Classroom:
● E-mails will be sent to the students with the invitation to enter this virtual
platform. (Instead of sending them the code and avoid the spread of it among
non-desirable people).
● Students will be asked to write in the comment box ‘Ok’ when they see a post.


● Turn on/off your cameras.
● Turn on/off your mics.
● Raise your hand to speak. (Check using reactions)
● Thumb up! (Check using reactions.)

● Write your doubts/questions in the chat.

● Respect your turn.
● Sit down properly.
● Don’t eat (suggestion)

During each class, students will be assessed informally using the following grid
(rubrics): ASSESSMENT
● 3. Very good.
● 2. Good.
● 1. Regular
● 0.Absent

Students will create a campaign to raise awareness about ‘Consent’. They will create
a poster/ leaflet/ brochure using Canva, and then they will share it on Padlet with
their classmates and will make an oral presentation. Finally, this will be shared with
the whole community in the institutional blog of the school.


Se espera que al final del proyecto los alumnos:

● Adquieran herramientas que les permitan obtener competencias

comunicativas en contextos reales.
● Participen de situaciones de intercambio oral orientadas al desenvolvimiento
autónomo del alumno en contextos similares de la vida real.
● Desarrollen habilidades de lectura que favorezca la identificación de
información relevante.
● Utilicen correctamente las herramientas y aplicaciones virtuales propuestas
para esta modalidad de trabajo.
● Comprendan textos simples, narrativos, descriptivos e instructivos, orales y
escritos que respondan a las características textuales discursivas propuestas
para este proyecto y apropiadas para abordar ESI.

● Elaboren posters de concientización sobre los temas trabajados en clase.

● Participen y se comprometan con la interacción grupal y las prácticas
comunicativas que facilitan el aprendizaje.
● Puedan poner en práctica lo adaptado y estudiado en este contexto.
● Realicen una exploración crítica en su entorno y otros para reconocer
distintas situaciones que requieran consentimiento propio o ajeno.

Students will develop their ability and knowledge to:
● Describe people’s ways of expressing consent or not on specific situations.
(written and oral)
● Read and interpret short texts.
● Organize information to be published on a leaflet.


In order to elaborate this project, we consider ‘Lineamientos Curriculares para la
Educación Sexual Integral’ (Ley N°26150). This document proposes formative
purposes and curricular content that support a comprehensive conception of Sexual
● ‘Presentar oportunidades para el conocimiento y el respeto de sí mismo/a y
de su propio cuerpo, con sus cambios y continuidades tanto en su aspecto
físico como en sus necesidades, sus emociones y sentimientos y sus modos
de expresión’
● ‘Desarrollar competencias para la verbalización de sentimientos,
necesidades, emociones, problemas y la resolución de conflictos a través del
Having considered the formative purposes that correspond to the first cycle of the
secondary school, our project tries to develop content that promotes:
● La producción y valoración de diversos textos que expresen sentimientos de
soledad, angustia, alegría y disfrute respecto de los vínculos con otras
personas, en la propia cultura y otras.
● La disposición de las mujeres y los varones para defender sus propios puntos
de vista, considerar ideas y opiniones de otros, debatirlas y elaborar

Thematic aspects: (words, lexical items, lexical sets)
New (Grammatical):
● Must - Mustn’t
Recycled (Grammatical):
● Verb to be
● Simple Present
New (Lexical):
● Vocabulary related to consent:
1. Verbs: spy, hug, kiss, hold a hand, share,
2. Adjectives: safe, comfortable
Recycled (Lexical):
1. verbs: ask- read- answer- write- ask, listen, hear, respect, dance, say, watch
TV, want
2. colours: red, green etc
3. parts of the body: face, eyes, ears etc



(Situaciones Comunicativas) ASPECTO ASPECTO ASPECTO


El inglés y la comunicación - El entorno de los - El uso del must -Modo de

- Participación en conversaciones alumnos/as. para expresar articulación de
sobre temas de interés general - Los recursos obligación y mustn sonidos.
con atención a las normas de tecnológicos (E.g. ´t para expresar -Patrones de
intercambio comunicativo. Internet, mobile prohibición. acentuación y
- Elaboración de diálogos breves phones, websites). - El uso del ritmo.
y acotados a partir de situaciones presente simple -Entonación del
trabajadas en clase que permitan (afirmativo - discurso.
la adecuación para el logro de interrogativo y
una comunicación eficaz. negativo)
El inglés y el uso de los recursos
tecnológicos: - Comprensión y
seguimiento de instrucciones y
procesos simples aplicados a la
realización de trabajos en el aula.
-Elaboración de publicidades
gráficas, atendiendo a la
organización y presentación de
contenidos, a los elementos
formales y al uso de recursos
gráficos y audiovisuales de
- Reflexión crítica sobre
contenidos básicos de textos
leídos en clase a través del
significado de palabras nuevas
del contexto y la interpretación de
elementos gráficos
complementarios (Ej.
ilustraciones, mapas, fotografías).
-Análisis guiado de la información
que proveen los medios masivos
de comunicación (Ej ilustraciones,
mapas, fotografías).

Warm up:

The teacher will share the following picture on the screen and she will ask:
What can you see? What does it mean? What do you think this is about? What do
you think CONSENT means? Where can you find this kind of flyer? Is this only
related with a relationship? Then, students will be asked to find a definition of

Core Task:
An incomplete diagram will be shown on the screen. Students will be told that they
have to place some bubbles into the correct place: CLEAR CONSENT- NO
CONSENT. Students will be divided into two groups, break out rooms will be used to
do so. Each group will be given some bubbles and they will have to discuss where
they are going to place them. After that, the exercise will be checked orally by
sharing the screen and writing the phrases below the correct title according to what
they have done in groups. (The diagram will be created online using Lucidchart.
Below, an example is attached)

Follow up:
The teacher will share the screen and show a Wheel Decide Game.
The following situation will be presented to the students: You want to do something
with someone and you ask them if they want to. The phrase that you get on the
wheel is their answer. Is the person giving consent to you?

To play the game the teacher will spin the wheel and ask individually what they think
about each phrase and she will ask other students if they agree with his/her answer
or not and why. The teacher will pick students at random.

Homework (google classroom):

Students will have to complete a google form about consent. There will be some
pictures and they will have to decide if there is consent or not.
Google form


Warm up:
The teacher will tell the students that they are going to watch a video about consent.
Video: Let's talk about consent.

They will be told that they have to pay attention to the video and answer the following
questions: (they will be written on the chat box to discuss them orally)
What do the people say about consent?
What type of consent is mentioned?
Is this type of consent the only one that can happen?

After watching the video and discussing the questions above, the teacher will share
a word document on the screen with the phrases on the list below. Then, the teacher
will ask the students which of the phrases are mentioned on the video or are related
to CONSENT. She will ask students at random and then she will ask other students
if they agree or not with their classmates. While doing the activity the teacher will
write a tick on the phrases that are related to the video.

● Respect
● Shout at somebody
● Listen to people
● Communicate with the other person
● Touch somebody’s body without permission.

● Feel safe and protected

● Have ownership of your body
● Force somebody to do something
● Say ‘yes’ or ‘no’
● Take advantage of someone who is unconscious

Core Task
Students will be sent a leaflet through the chat box and the same image will be
shared on the screen. This leaflet is about consent using MUST/MUSTN’T. This
leaflet will be uploaded in Google classroom when the activity is over.

1. Pre- reading: Students will be asked the following questions:

What type of text is it? What is the text about? Where can you find this kind of

2. While-reading: Students will be asked which words they know. A sentence

will be elicited: “YOU MUST ASK FIRST”’ and it will be analysed in order to
infer the meaning of the new
structure: MUST.
Signs/symbols such as the

ticks and cross and the pictures as well will help students as support to the
inference process.

3. After-reading: The teacher will share a leaflet on the screen with incomplete
sentences for the students to complete with “must” and “mustn’t”. She will ask
them to copy and complete the sentences on their folders. Then, the activity
will be corrected orally. Once the activity is over, the leaflet will be shared on
Google classroom.

Follow up:
The teacher will share a matching activity on the screen using GENIALLY. The
activity will be carried out orally all together.
After the matching activity is done, the teacher will tell the students that the following
lesson will be delivered on google classroom and that they should respect their
timetable to ask questions. The teacher will also tell them to download on their cell
phones an app: canva. Or if they have a laptop, they can just use it there since it is a
website. Moreover, they will be told that a canva tutorial will be uploaded on google
classroom. They should watch it and pay attention in order to solve the final task:
They will have to create a canva poster related to CONSENT using the vocabulary
and grammar aspects learnt.
Google Classroom:
The teacher will upload the canva tutorial and the following assignment will be
created for the students to do and upload their posters:
“You will have to create a poster about consent including: “must/ mustn’t”, “first, then,
finally” Here you will find a tutorial about how to use canva in case you need it. If you
have any questions, write a message on the comments box.”
Students will have a week to do it. The assignment will be checked and feedback will
be provided before the final task is carried out. Time to correct it will also be

Final Task:
Students will be given a rubric which will be uploaded on google classroom before
the zoom lesson. They will be asked to have it ready for the class. (They will be free
to choose if they want to print it, draw it or edit it on their phones/computers)
Students will act as judges and while they watch and listen to their classmates
productions they will have to mark them taking into account presentation, design and


Core Task:
Each group will explain its productions while the teacher is sharing the poster on the
screen. Then, the teacher will share the poster on padlet and the same sequence will
be repeated with each group. Finally, once padlet is completed with all the posters,
the link will be shared on the institutional blog of the school.
Follow up:
An assignment will be created on google classroom for the students to upload there
their rubrics and marks anonymously once the zoom meeting is over. The teacher
will publish the final results with the winner poster on the stream section.


● Harris, M., (1994). Assessment. Macmillan Publishers Ltd.

● Dirección General de Cultura y Educación. Subsecretaría de Educación,
(2006). Diseño curricular para la Educación Secundaria: 1° año ESB. La
Plata, Buenos Aires.
● Ministerio de Educación. Consejo Federal de Educación, (2008).
Lineamientos Curriculares para la Educación Sexual Integral. Programa
Nacional de Educación Sexual Integral. Ley Nacional N° 26.150. Buenos
Aires, Argentina.
● Lucidchart
● Wheeldecide
● Google Forms
● Video: Let's talk about consent
● Como crear un poster en canva

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