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IKEA erases women from its Saudi Arabia catalog

The incident happened on October 1, 2012 at 4:07 pm and was updated at 4:08 pm. It was said
that the IKEA removed the images of woman from the Saudi Arabia version on its catalog. Muslim
countries are known that women are not allowed to travel or do things like studying without a male
permission and they are expected to hide their hairs and conceal their bodies.

For my own point of view, opposite gender should be treated as equal. Some chose to think
that the other one should have higher social status or has a greater capabilities than the other opposite
gender and to be honest I think its really just so biased and unfair. As a woman itself, it so sad to think
that some are still looking down at us and perhaps don’t recognized the capabilities and knowledge that
we can offer, either in our community or society. Its always the “ yes we heard you” but its never the
“we will consider what you just offered”. In this IKEA incident, it may be really just an incident or just a
misunderstanding but this mistake should never be repeated again. They just dishonored the value, the
status, and the figure of a woman to be showed in the public. It’s a disrespect to all of the woman out
there, this erasure issue is not just a simple issue that should just passed on, it really depends on the the
whole status of all the woman in the world and no one should be disrespected like that.

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