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Module Fields

1) Gnatt view to show Epic & stories Timeline

2) Create Epics & Stories Button
3) Configure Roadmap
Roadmap 4) Epic & Stories Status Category
5) Search Roadmap
6) Export functionality
7) Filter to view time on behalf of weeks, months, quarters

1) Search fuctionality in Backlog view

2) Create Sprint button & edit/delete sprint
3) Tasks should be grouped according to the sprint in which ther're created
Backlog 4) Task list view - Should be clickable on to show its summary
5) Filter tasks list by assignee, Separate filter to just view to show 'Only my
6) Seperate backlog group which will be static and can't be deleted

1) This option should show a column wise board to group tasks based on their
current status of the current running sprint
2) Complete sprint button
Active Sprint 3) Edit board to rearrange columns and add columns
4) Show Time remaining to complete sprint
5) Ability to click on individual tasks and update its status
6) Filters

1) A CRUD/Form containing various fields:

a) *Project Name - Auto Selected within a project
b) *Issue/Task type - Bugs, Tasks, Stories etc
c) Status dropdown
d) *Summary
e) *Attachments
f) Description field - Text editor
Tasks Creation h) Reporter selection
i) Assignee Selection
j) Priority selection
l) Put Labels
n) Select sprint
o) Estimated time by manager
p) Comments
q) Watchers
1) Comments
2) History
Task Updation 3) Work Log with date & time picker
4) Status manage
5) Time tracking visulaizer
6) Watchers Count

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